The battlefield situation is changing rapidly, and the final situation of the war may be determined in one minute.

Even if it is a war game confrontation, the same is true.

The observation group composed of six officers will make calculations based on actual data reference and give a judgment.

Five minutes later, the war game confrontation ended.

The red side's armored force commanded by Major General suffered 75% battle losses, and the blue side's armored force commanded by Li Ran suffered 50% battle losses. There is no doubt that the blue side won the victory.

Such losses occurred in the last five minutes, causing a gap in the originally stalemate situation.

The main reason is that the major general was careless five minutes ago.

He didn't realize that in the process of letting part of the main armor maneuver, the captain actually left part of the armor to camouflage and evade his detection.

As a result, after the two sides fought in a stalemate, this small force of armor penetrated the major general's heart from the side like a sharp blade, tearing a hole directly.

In an armored cluster confrontation, once a hole is ripped open in the formation, what follows is like a dam bursting, which cannot be stopped at all.

In just five minutes, the result of this war game confrontation emerged.

Li Ran used this move to successfully secure the victory in this weapons deduction!

"Good boy, it's fun, it's fun." Although he lost to Li Ran, Fang Xingwu was not unhappy, on the contrary, he was very happy.

Usually in Luyuan, it is not easy to find a comparable opponent.

Unexpectedly, he lost to his close disciple today. The major general was very pleased. The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead. It is a good sign to be able to kill the waves in front of him on the beach.

"Teacher, were we excited before?"

What Li Ran was thinking about was the special offer. Having said that, fighting against major generals did feel different. It was much more interesting than fighting against those weaklings, and he could also learn something.

"Go to my office to get it later, can I still default on the bill?" Fang Xingwu scolded 557 with a smile.

"Thank you, teacher."

All the leaders of the Lu Academy around them also left after watching the whole process of the captain and the major general's deduction and confrontation.

With great shock in his heart, the captain defeated the major general. This was the first time in the history of the mainland academy, especially since this major general was the dean of the armor command department and one of the ten veteran major generals.

The current commander of the First Heavy Equipment Division and the major general's first disciple did not have this ability when he was studying in Luyuan.

For a moment, everyone was extremely envious.

Why is the major general so lucky?

The first closed disciple was trained to become the current commander of the heavy armor division. Based on the current performance of the second closed disciple in Lu Yuan, I am afraid that his future achievements will be even greater than those of the first.

Why can't they meet such outstanding students as their disciples?

This result made a group of mid-level officers who had firmly become the masters excited.

"The great gods are better than cows, and the great gods are invincible."

"I knew, I knew that anything was possible with the Great God."

"A captain defeated a major general. If this was spread, no one would believe it."

"It's really fierce. Hugging the master's thigh is the most correct choice."

"That's right, following the great god is the right choice. The great god is better than anyone else."

Amidst the exclamations of the mid-level officers, a voice caught everyone's attention.

I saw Lieutenant Colonel Wang Hu, who had always vowed to regain face from Li Ran and vowed to maintain the pride of a mid-level officer, shouting more fiercely than anyone else at this time.

"Why are you looking at me? From now on I will be a great guy, can't I?" The lieutenant colonel said very confidently in response to the strange looks around him.

Just kidding, he (aibd) is tough-talking, but he's not more than that.

Even the dean was defeated at the hands of Li Ran, how could he still be so weak?

Since you can't beat it, why not join?

If it weren't for the concern about face, he would have long wanted to become a great master. At this point, how much is face worth? Can face be eaten?

As a mid-level officer, the first necessary quality is to learn when to save face and when to lose face.

For example, right now, face is not as real as having a flower.

At this point, all the mid-level officers in Lu Yuan have collectively transformed into Li Ran's great master.

Li Ran showed great generosity towards the mid-level officer's overtures and accepted all comers. No one would refuse such a rich network of contacts.

Lu Yuan once again caused a sensation.

After learning that Li Ran actually defeated the veteran major general, the dean of the armor command department, in a war game, the junior students were so excited, as if they had defeated the major general.

"Defeat the major general, the Great God Bull Competition, and be promoted to the general's pinnacle."

"Oh my God, the captain defeated the major general, and the whole field army can't find anyone else."

"The great master is either breaking school history, or he is on the way to breaking school history."

"It's no exaggeration to say that this wave of great masters can also be recorded in the history of the school."

Wu Sanpao, once the famous reconnaissance tiger of the fifth regiment's reconnaissance company, was a very proud veteran who didn't know what to feel after hearing the news.

What else can you sigh with emotion?

Since the first day Li Ran came to Lu Yuan, Li Ran has made a big noise. Until now, after calculation, three months have not passed. He has not even finished the new training period of Lu Yuan's new students. As a result, Li Ran's opponents have become generals.

The most terrifying thing is that he actually defeated this veteran major general and the dean of the armored command department.

What is this concept?

"Sanpao, are you and Dashen really in the same unit?"

"Why is there such a big gap between you and the Great God?"

"The master is really a new recruit of your reconnaissance company? Are you sure he's not a second-time recruit?"

During these days, Wu Sanpao was frequently questioned and disturbed by these issues.

I can also understand, you said they are all from the Tibetan Military Region and the reconnaissance company of the Fifth Border Defense Regiment. How come Li Ran is so outstanding that he is like a monster, but he is so mediocre?

You can't blame him for this. Although people carry one head on two shoulders, isn't it normal for there to be a gap?

Compared with the commotion among the junior students, the senior officers who have always had a very steady style of doing things and never expressed their opinions casually [who followed the organization with ten intentions] were also very frightened at this time.


A captain actually defeated a major general in a war game and was the dean of the armored command department.

If the major general hadn't gotten older and taken a back seat, it would be no problem for him to command an army with his strength.

As a result, such a veteran major general was defeated by a captain.

This kind of achievement is even better than Qi Long, who was studying in the Lu Academy and is now the commander of the heavy equipment division.

"The arrival of the star."

For a time, this idea emerged in the hearts of all senior officers.

If the trend continues, it is a certainty that the captain will become a general, it is only a matter of time.

Moreover, the promotion speed of major generals is "catchy", very "catchy". In terms of resume, the captain's resume can be said to be almost the same, and his military service life is extremely short.

But the promotion speed is not slow at all. It can even be said to be the fastest promotion speed among current field army officers.

This is related to the fact that the captain has made a lot of merits, but according to the promotion regulations of field army officers, even if the meritorious service reaches the standard, it still takes a certain amount of time. For officers who perform particularly well, this time can be shortened, but Doesn't mean you can skip it.

But something like this happened to the captain.

Being promoted again and again is actually an attitude of the superiors towards the captain.

As human beings, the senior officers knew very well that there might be bigger moves for the captain in the future.

Can't compare, really can't compare, the gap is just a gap!

Tibetan Military Region.


"It pisses me off. It's so irritating. They don't think about cultivating young officers in their own military regions all day long. When they see talents appearing in other military regions, they just want to poach them. Why, the seven military regions are so amazing? Big Brother Isn’t the military region amazing?”

Wu Deqing, chief of staff of the military region, was furious, and Tian Fen was indignant.

"Chief of Staff, what's going on?"

Wang Yongchang, the senior director of the training department, asked tremblingly from the side. This was the first time he had seen a major general get so angry.

He knew that the chief of staff had just finished a meeting held by the general staff. As soon as the meeting ended, he, the head of the training department, was called here. He didn't even tell him what he was here for. As a result, the major general said it in front of him. The cursing started.

"It's not like that group of bastards, who are targeting our military officers one by one in front of the head of the General Staff, they are still lieutenant generals at any rate, and they don't want to lose face just to steal someone else's face." Wu Deqing said angrily.

Just an hour ago, the General Staff held a remote video conference,

The chief of the General Staff presided over the meeting, and he, the chief of staff of the seven military regions plus the Tibetan military region, attended the meeting.

The meeting was originally held well, but when he was reporting on the work of his military region, a topic brought up Li Ran.

This was good news. The originally serious meeting suddenly turned into a meeting to grab people.

The chiefs of staff of several major military regions have expressed their intention to second Li Ran, but there is no way. The captain's performance in the Luyuan is really outstanding, and the Tibetan Military Region has always been able to come up with some new tricks during this period, and has repeatedly won the favor of the General Staff. They all knew that the chief's compliment was related to this young captain named Li Ran.

If a young officer has such strength, how can he be dug out?

"Chief of Staff, are you trying to get Li Ran's idea?" the colonel asked tentatively.

"Who else could he be?" Wu Deqing said depressedly: "This kid doesn't know how to keep a low profile in Lu Yuan, and the noise he makes becomes bigger and bigger every time. Last time, the General Staff directly issued an order for promotion and decoration for him. It felt like something was going to go wrong, and sure enough, the news spread, and now a group of people have their eyes on this kid."

It doesn't matter how talented people appear in their own military region, no matter how great they are in their own military region, they are all their own children.

But since Li Ran went to Lu Yuan, everything has been out of control...

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