Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

205: Military District Transfer Order! Apply For Infantry Tactics Master Examination



"He is a general in vain and has no bottom line or principles."

The major general became angrier and angrier as he thought about it, and couldn't help but curse again.

He was really pissed off. For a long time, his own military region really had no advantages compared to the seven military regions. It was located in a remote location and had a smaller establishment. The entire military region's establishment size was estimated to be equivalent to the establishment of a group army in the seven military regions.

But this doesn’t mean that all good things must come first to the seven military regions, right?

He became angry when he thought of what the chiefs of staff of several major military regions said at the meeting.

What's Lao Wu, your military region is not suitable for the development of such outstanding young officers, so don't delay them.

What makes your military region adopt new trends? Is your military region good at it? Do you have the resources to play it?

He also said that from a strategic position, it is not appropriate for the Tibetan Military Region to move first, and any innovation should start with them first.

In a word, I usually didn't think of taking care of the Tibetan Military Region when there was any advanced equipment. But now I found that promising officers appeared in the Tibetan Military Region, and they started to use their brains one by one.

Don't bully people like this!

On the side, as the head of the training department, Wang Yongchang silently listened to the major general's curses, and responded in a timely manner.

"Yes." "Hmm." "That's too much." "That's right"...and other key words.

As a subordinate, knowing how to listen to the vents of superiors is a skill that every qualified subordinate should possess.

The fact that the superior leader vents in front of you without regard for image also shows that the superior leader believes in you, doesn't it?

After venting his anger, the major general breathed a sigh of relief and felt much more comfortable now.

"Comrade Wang Yongchang."

"Our military region's application to build a pilot school for non-commissioned officers has been approved by the General Staff, ordered.

"Wang Yongchang, Director of the Training Department of the Tibetan Military Region, officially resigned from all current positions and served as the first chief officer of the Non-Commissioned Officer School to plan the pilot project of building the Non-commissioned Officer School." the major general said seriously.


The senior colonel saluted, but his face was very ugly, and his eyes looking at the major general were full of resentment.

I didn't expect you to be such a chief. I regarded you as my respected chief and listened to your dissatisfaction, but you handed him such a big problem.

Planning and building a pilot program for the non-commissioned officer's school is a big trouble and a headache for Tianfen.

This is completely starting from scratch. The non-commissioned officer school is still what Li Ran proposed in the report on the diversification of non-commissioned officer functions. No one knows it better than Li Ran. Let him carry out the preparatory work. The senior college feels that the pressure is huge and the difficulty is very high.

Moreover, this order allowed him to relieve himself of all his original duties. If he did it well, he might be able to get a promotion. If he did not do it well, it would be tantamount to causing trouble for himself.

"Chief, I have a problem." The senior colonel said aggrievedly.


"Although our combat training department has studied the pilot work of the non-commissioned officer school, I always feel that the core has not been thoroughly studied." said the senior colonel.

"Oh? What do you think?" the major general asked knowingly.

“I’m applying for help from someone to assist me.

"Li Ran?"

"Yes, Chief."

After speaking, the colonel looked at the major general with a very sincere look, hoping to see the urgency in his heart through his eyes.

He needs Li Ran, very, very much.

As the originator of the concept of a non-commissioned officer school, no one knows better than Li Ran what is needed to build a non-commissioned officer school.

Just like when the new sniper training syllabus was implemented, look at what the snipers brought out by Li Ran look like now?

In various units, they are completely new-type sniper instructor-level figures. It can be said that every combat unit sent to train under Li Ran and persisted to the end of the sniper combat unit has now clearly realized the benefits. It's a real benefit.

"The order for Comrade Li Ran to coordinate and join the preparatory team for the non-commissioned officer school has been issued. It is estimated that he will receive it in the next two days." The major general said calmly.

As soon as the colonel pouts, the major general knows what the colonel is about to fart.

Even if the senior colonel didn't mention it, the major general had already made arrangements.

Recently, officers from our military region have made too much noise in Luyuan, which has aroused the covetousness of many "sexy bitches", so it is very necessary to get Li Ran back.

Let Li Ran calm down for the time being.

Moreover, in the Luyuan area, the Tibetan Military Region is not easy to take care of for a while. They might be poached one day and they will still be covered in their bones.

Hearing this, the school was very happy.

"Chief of Staff, what about Comrade Li Ran's further education?" the colonel asked tentatively.

After all, Li Ran hasn't even been to Luyuan for further studies for three months, and normal freshmen are still in the new training period.

"The Lu Academy and the Military Region will communicate well and suspend his studies for the time being. Moreover, he has already obtained a bachelor's degree in all majors. He is almost there. He is still so young and has a long time to study. There is no need to worry. A bachelor's degree is completely suitable for him now. ." the major general said.

In less than three months, Li Ran obtained undergraduate degrees in all majors from the Lu Academy. Who has done this after so many years?

There is no need to rush your studies at the master’s level.

Li Ran is now a captain. When he is promoted to major, lieutenant colonel, or even colonel, he will have time to complete his master's degree without any delay.

Intermediate officers are basically the ones with the highest military rank, so they should go for further training.

Li Ran doesn't need to worry about this problem at all.

"Chief of Staff Yingming, in this case, I will be confident in the preparations for the establishment of the non-commissioned officer school." The colonel smiled. At this moment, he was full of confidence.

This is an opportunity for the senior colonel, the chief officer who is planning to establish a new pilot unit, and an opportunity for officers of his level.

Whether he can overcome the hurdle of senior colonel and be promoted to major general in his limited military career depends on this time.

"In this preparation work, you are the chief officer. Although Li Ran has outstanding abilities, he is still a newcomer without rich experience, so you have to guide him well, especially in strengthening the officers' sense of belonging to their unit. We need to focus on strengthening training, do you understand what I mean?" the major general said very seriously.

"I understand that I will definitely complete the task and train Li Ran into a unit commander with qualified potential."

"Remember, what I want is not qualification, but perfection. Do you understand?"

"Yes, layer."

The major general's words made the colonel feel chilly in his heart.

Unexpectedly, Li Ran had such a big weight in the chief of staff's heart.

Question, what is a unit leader with perfect potential?

Wang Yongchang, who had been a soldier and then a senior colonel, had to go through decades of military career to fully understand this issue.


A qualified chief officer, a chief officer who has the awareness to bring good things to his own unit.

An excellent commander is one who has the awareness to think that he has suffered a loss if he doesn't get something good when he is away from home.

The perfect commander, a commander who is away from home and would rather cheat and cheat than get good things from others to his own unit.

Regardless of the personal abilities of any unit chief, his ideology as chief is absolutely perfect.

The major general actually asked him to bring Li Ran into a person with perfect commander-in-chief consciousness. It was obvious that on the one hand, he wanted to vigorously cultivate Li Ran, and on the other hand, he wanted to eliminate the risk of Li Ran being poached from the root.

The senior colonel has no doubt that if several major military regions express their intention to poach Li Ran away, the major general may not be determined to let Li Ran stop his studies for a while.


Principal's office.

"You want me to suspend my studies and return to the military area now?"

After receiving the order, Li Ran was a little confused. Why did he stop his studies? He had been in Lu Yuan for less than three months, so there was no need to go back so soon.

"That's the order, please pack your things." The lieutenant general said, with some helplessness in his words.

Although students sent by various military regions to the Luyuan Academy for further training may receive orders from the military regions during their training, these are generally very few.

In layman's terms, as long as it is not a particularly urgent task that must be done by you, generally no transfer order will be issued to send people back.

But Li Ran is an exception. It's no wonder that although Li Ran came to Luyuan for less than three months to study, he has completed tasks that others may not be able to complete in three or four years.

He has a bachelor's degree in all majors and is currently studying for a master's degree in the Department of Infantry Arms Tactics and the Department of Armor Command.

"Principal, is there a new task?" Li Ran couldn't help but ask.

For Li Ran, wouldn't it be over if he could finish his studies in one go?

But now he is asked to go back. He has not yet obtained a master's or bachelor's degree in two majors. It always feels like giving up halfway without finishing something, which is unpleasant.

"I don't know the specific tasks of the order issued by your military region. You just carry out the order.

"Principal, I have an application."


"Can you please let me take the master's degree exam in the Department of Infantry Arms Tactics before I leave?"

Li Ran made an application that the Lieutenant General did not expect at all.

"Huh?" The lieutenant general was stunned and didn't react for a long time.

"I have completed all the master's degree studies in the Infantry Arms Tactics Department by myself. I originally planned to apply for the master's degree in the Armor Command Department by myself, but now it seems I have no chance." Li Ran was a little depressed.

Good guy, Lieutenant General was shocked by Li Ran's ordinary tone.

Is this something a captain of yours can say?

But what should I do? The captain has applied like this, and there seems to be no reason to refuse.

"You go back and pack your things first. I will discuss it with Dean Zhao and get back to you later," the lieutenant general said.

"Yes! Thank you, Dean."

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