Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

218: An Exercise Confrontation Between Two Strategic-Level Forces!

With Li Ran's commanding ability, it would not be impossible if he actually commanded a heavy-armed regiment, but it would definitely not be perfect.

In Fang Xingwu's view, Li Ran's talent and strength are beyond words, and he can be called a monster.

But one thing is missing, and that is experience!

Why do officers need a resume, especially the commander of a heavy armored group?

His first closed disciple, Qi Long, the current commander of the 1st Heavy Armored Division, although his promotion speed is definitely the fastest among field army officers.

But Qi Long took the position step by step from the platoon leader of the tank regiment to the commander of the heavy armor division from the beginning.

Very knowledgeable about reinstalling clusters.

And Li Ran comes from the Tibetan Military Region, and his military experience is very short. He also comes from a remote area of ​​the Tibetan Military Region. Can the heavy-armed troops of the Tibetan Military Region be called a heavy-armed cluster?

Therefore, it is very necessary to take the opportunity of this war preparation exercise for Li Ran to go to the H Group Army of the Northern Military Region as a combat staff officer to learn and experience.

"This is a very rare opportunity for you, you must seize it." Fang Xingwu warned earnestly.

"I know, teacher." Ji Ran said.

"In addition, I also said hello to your senior brother. When you go to Group H, you should also visit him. He will take care of you."

Fang Xingwu was really worried about Li Ran, the second closed disciple.

Because in Fang Xingwu's view, as long as Li Ran is well trained, he will definitely be able to go further than his first closed disciple Qi Long.

He had been the commander of a heavy armor division in his life, and he was very content to have Qi Long and Li Ran as his two close disciples for the rest of his life.

"Thank you, teacher."

Li Ran thanked him from the bottom of his heart. This dean of the Armored Command Department, who was known to have a bad temper, had never been serious towards him. He was always smiling and greeted him in every possible way.

Li Ran is not an ungrateful person, and he also knows that the best reward for the major general is to live up to his expectations, work hard to become better, go further, and make the field army stronger.

Northern Military District!

Group H has five combat divisions, which belong to the strategic level of the field army. The strongest of the five combat divisions belongs to the Z Division of the 1st Heavy Armored Division.

Division Z of the 1st Heavy Armored Division has the largest number of armored clusters among the fifty divisions, and Division Z also has a pure tank regiment composed entirely of hundreds of tanks.

Its strategic deterrent power can be imagined!

Headquarters building.

Although it was already late at night, the lights were brightly lit.

In the corridor, various sounds can be heard constantly, including the sound of pictures, quarrels, scoldings, and footsteps.

Even the sentry standing guard at the door could hear it clearly.

"There's another big move."

"This situation is estimated to last for at least a month."

The two sentries standing guard couldn't help but whisper.

Whenever the headquarters building looks like this, it means that the group army is about to take a big action. There is basically an 80% chance that it is a big exercise.

Before a large exercise begins, preparations are indispensable, and combat staff will turn into tool men and become emotionless work machines.

The headquarters is so busy, and so are the main battle divisions in Army Group H.

Everyone is in a state of approaching war.

In the conference room!

Major General Zhou Ruding, Chief of Staff of Group H, Lieutenant General Tan Fei, Commander of Group H, and a group of mid-level and senior military officers were all present.

The staff department first reported to everyone the relevant progress of the preliminary preparations.

This large-scale exercise and confrontation between the two group armies is the largest exercise and confrontation between the field armies in recent years. It consumes an astronomical number of manpower, material resources, and financial resources.

Moreover, this exercise also has a very important significance for the field army.

The General Staff attaches great importance to it, and the two opposing armies also attach greater importance to it!

Make sure that once this exercise starts, you must produce results, produce data, and produce what you want.

When the two armies start fighting, there is a lot of preparation work that needs to be done in the early stage.

How the troops from both sides arrived at the exercise venue. A group army-sized unit traveling a long distance to the exercise venue is nothing more than railway and road maneuvers. During the maneuver, it is also necessary to coordinate with relevant units to ensure stability.

During the exercise, the headquarters will arrange for the materials needed by the group army to be distributed to each main battle division.

For heavy-duty troops, the most important thing to consider is the issue of fuel. Take tanks, for example, which are absolute fuel tigers. The amount of fuel that a heavy-duty unit of this size needs to consume during maneuvers is absolutely terrifying.

In addition to these, all the main forces of Army Group H went to the exercise battlefield to participate in the exercise. In addition to some personnel staying at the station, brother units were also needed to help station and defend.

These are all preparations before the exercise begins.

After the preparatory matters are read out, there are still issues related to discipline and safety.

Once such a large-scale exercise begins, if problems such as chaos and discipline errors occur during the exercise, the consequences will be very serious.

Regarding the operation of weapons and equipment, it is necessary to ensure that soldiers are reasonably regulated and ensure that no major safety accidents occur due to violation of operations.

Once it happens, all the leaders of the units involved will suffer. The demotion is only a minor one. If a human life occurs, they are likely to face imprisonment.

Although it is assumed that there is a certain casualty index in an exercise of this scale, this index is based on unpreventable accidents that occur under the premise that everything is standardized.

Combat style has always been very important in the field army.

Especially for an exercise of this scale, great attention must be paid.

This meeting focused on three themes. The staff announced the current progress of the preparation work, and the military department represented by the official committee emphasized the combat style and discipline during the exercise.

Finally, it was Army Commander Lieutenant General Tan Fei’s turn to speak!

The question that the military commander needs to consider is naturally how to fight this battle?

The opponent is Army Group A of the Beijing Military Region, a well-known old group army, known as the "Long Live Army!"

"Everyone in Group A knows that the Long Live Army is a unit with a glorious history and its combat effectiveness cannot be underestimated. It is the ace army of the Beijing Military Region.

"Its combat style emphasizes speed and fierceness. Group A has five divisions, of which Division T is a famous strategic quick-reaction division."

"The battlefield for this exercise is a plain, which is an advantage for our heavily armed troops, but how to make good use of this advantage is a problem.

"Frontal assault, our heavily-armed Z Division, they need at least two divisions to block it, but they will never choose to fight us head-on..."

After the lieutenant general finished speaking, he asked the mid-level and senior officers on the side to start speaking at will, how to fight this battle, and express their own thoughts and opinions.

If you carefully understand the combat styles of these two group armies, you will find that the General Staff's arrangement for the confrontation between Group H and Army A is actually very meaningful.

H Group Army, the Northern Military Region Heavy Equipment Group, is an absolute strategic-level heavy equipment unit with a brave fighting style.

Group A, the Beijing Military Region's Quick Reaction Group Army, is definitely a strategic-level quick reaction force with a swift combat style.

Metaphorically speaking, Army Group H is as fierce as a tiger, while Army Group A is as nimble as a cheetah.

Both group armies have also completed a comprehensive change of equipment. This exercise is of extraordinary significance in terms of scale and participating troops. It is a very eye-catching battle.

The end of the meeting.

"This time the General Staff seconded a captain to us from the Tibetan Military Region to join our H Group Army and prepare for this annual exercise together as a combat staff officer. Tan Fei said.


After hearing the news, many middle- and senior-level officers present did not react for a while.

A captain from the Tibetan Military Region? What is his origin? Can the General Staff issue orders personally?

Although the commotion Li Ran made in the Luyuan was big, it was not so big that it would be familiar to the officers of each military region group army.

Therefore, many middle and senior officers of Army Group H are not clear about the title of captain.

"If the General Staff can second a captain to prepare for war exercises, is it possible that this captain has a lot of background?" someone present joked.

What is the concept of captain to everyone present? It is a concept of nothing.

Everyone present here starts out as a lieutenant colonel, a mere captain, and is at most a regimental staff level. What use can they get if they come to their army group for war preparation exercises?

Is there some connection behind it, and is it here for gold plating?

"Don't underestimate this little guy." Tan Fei already knew about Li Ran: "This little guy is only 18 years old, with less than a year of military service. He was promoted to lieutenant all the way, and he just graduated from the Lu Academy with a double master's degree. The second disciple of the dean of the Armored Command Department."

After Tan Fei's brief introduction, everyone present was shocked.

A captain with less than one year of service? An 18-year-old captain? Isn’t he the youngest captain in the field army?

The second disciple of the dean of the Armored Command Department? The disciple of Major General Fang Xingwu?

They were no strangers to Major General Fang Xingwu. Qi Long, the current commander of Army Group H's strongest heavy armor division, was a disciple of Major General Fang Xingwu when he was studying in the Lu Academy.

Speaking of which, the captain here is still Commander Qi’s junior brother!

"What the General Staff means is to take this opportunity to let this little guy learn more and understand more." Chief of Staff Zhou Ruding said: "When this little guy comes tomorrow, we will first arrange for him to go to the Logistics Department to let him understand the relationship between the various departments of the group army. After learning about the material operation and dispatch situation, he was almost transferred to Division Z and asked the division commander to take care of his junior brother.

The major general's words determined the relevant arrangements for Li Ran after he came to Group H.

(Please ask for all kinds of data support, ask for everything, ask for everything!!!).

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