Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

219: Shocked! Major General Wants To Ask For Credit From Li Ran

The next day!

Li Ran left the Lu Academy on time and came to the H Group Army of the Northern Military Region to report.

After taking the secondment order and showing relevant documents to register, Li Ran arrived at the H Group Army Headquarters smoothly.

In order to show the importance to Li Ran, Colonel Bi Jianye, Director of the Logistics Department, personally welcomed him.

"Hello, Chief!" Li Ran said hello immediately when they met.

After all, he came from the Tibetan Military Region and was an outsider. When he came to someone else's territory, of course he had to be polite and sweet.

"Comrade Li Ran, the order has been received. The chief of staff has arranged for you to study in our logistics department during this period to understand the transfer of materials between units. Once you have learned enough, I will send you to Division Z." Bi Jianye said with a smile. Very polite.

Although Li Ran is only a captain, strictly speaking, this captain has a lot of background.

The 18-year-old captain is a close disciple of the dean of the Armored Command Department of the Army Academy. He is also the younger brother of the commander of the Heavy Armor Division Z of Group H. He will definitely be a great person in the future. He may be the next Commander of the Heavy Armor Division. Now be polite. There are only advantages and no disadvantages.

Study in the logistics department first?

Li Ran was stunned for a moment, but he didn't have any objections. Never underestimate the logistics department of a group army [Jin Li arranged the material dispatch between various combat units is a college degree.

I can learn a lot from the material dispatch situation of each unit.

"Comrade Li Ran, do you have any opinions?" Seeing Li Ran in a daze, the colonel asked with great concern.

"No objection, I am just a brick. I can move it wherever it is needed. I will do whatever the superiors arrange for me." Li Ran said with a smile.

Hearing this, the colonel also laughed.

The captain from this Tibetan Military Region is not bad, really good, he is well-known, he has good connections, he is not too busy at all, he is not proud at all, he is very humble.

As the head of the Logistics Department, Bi Jianye knows very well which department in the entire Logistics Department is the most critical, and the Chief of Staff’s meaning is also very clear. The Captain is here to learn and exercise.

So the senior colonel took Li Ran directly to the Statistics Department, the core department of the Logistics Department.

"Director Lu, I'll leave Comrade Li Ran to you. Comrade Li Ran is seconded by the General Staff to study and prepare for war exercises. You guys in the Statistics Department should not hide their secrets." Bi Jianye said half-jokingly.

In fact, this is also a reminder to the people in my department.

It shows that the captain has a background and is here to learn and exercise. The captain must learn something.

"Yes, Minister, I will definitely take good care of Comrade Li Ran." Colonel Lu Guangming promised.

After Bi Jianye left, the colonel personally introduced some information about the logistics department to Li Ran. The logistics department of a group army must be an important part of the group army system.

Especially the Statistics Department. As the name suggests, the Statistics Department counts the materials needed by each unit and then schedules and distributes them.

A department that deals with data all day long!

But actual data can often reflect the true situation of a military unit.

"You can follow me for the next time. I will first find out some material dispatch data for you this year. You can take a look first and circle anything you don't understand. If you don't understand at all, just tell me. ." said the colonel.

Normally speaking, as long as you are not too stupid, you can basically understand the statistics office's data schedule. Isn't it just the allocation of material allocation amounts and allocation routes for each unit each month?

Although it seems that this is just some data, in fact, there is a lot of knowledge in it.

If you don't think clearly about the huge data, you will easily get confused. This can be seen from the few hairs on the head of the staff officer in the Statistics Department.

This is a department that not only requires working overtime and staying up late, but also requires a lot of mental energy.

Coincidentally, the last thing Li Ran lacks is brainpower!

During this time, the entire group army was preparing for war exercises. The Logistics Department was busy, and the Statistics Department was naturally even busier. Lu Guangming, the director of the Statistics Department, was also busy. While processing the data form in his hand, the colonel glanced at Li Ran.

After realizing that Li Ran completely understood the data, he nodded secretly.

Being able to enter the state so quickly means that you can understand it and use your brain easily, which makes it easy to teach.

After an unknown amount of time, the figure next to the colonel who was looking at the computer screen was startled.

He never noticed when Li Ran stood next to him and stared at the computer.

"Have you finished reading it?" the colonel asked after recovering.

"I've finished reading." Li Ran said and returned the data form to Lu Guangming.

"Is there something you don't understand?"

"There is nothing I don't understand, but I found a few mistakes."

"Oh, it's okay if you don't understand, what? Wrong place?"

Lu Guangming didn't react at first, but when he did, he looked at Li Ran in shock. He even wondered if his ears had heard wrongly.

What's wrong? Li Ran actually said that there were errors in the data in this form? Is this questioning the work ability of his staff in the Census Bureau?

"What do you think is wrong?" the colonel asked.

Since Li Ran said it, he must clarify this matter.

There are only two possibilities for this matter. One is that Li Ran is wrong. From the colonel's point of view, this possibility is very high. What can a captain know when he comes to the statistics office on his first day? It's good to understand the data. What's more? Find the mistake? Why is he so unconvinced?

The second is that they are indeed wrong. The staff of their Statistics Department made a mistake in their work. Once this happens, it will be very serious, because the statistics on this class form are from last month. Once a mistake is made, it cannot be undone.

"I have circled all the mistakes." Li Ran said: "In addition, Director, the data in the form you are looking at now actually made the same mistake."


(aibg) The colonel couldn't help but gasp.

It really opened my eyes.

He has been the director of the Statistics Department for so many years, but he was actually found out by a newcomer who came to the Statistics Department for the first time.

If this spreads out and he fails to certify his name, then he, the director of the Statistics Department, will lose face.

"What's wrong? You tell me and I'll listen." Lu Guangming tried his best to keep his tone as calm as possible.

"Actually, it's very simple. I made a mistake of repeating the route planning, such as the 1st and 3rd of this month. . . . . . . . To sum up, it is a waste of resources, and the adjustment and allocation system is a bit bloated."

After hearing Li Ran's explanation and analysis, Lu Guangming was dumbfounded, completely dumbfounded.

If it weren't for Li Ran's analysis, he really wouldn't have noticed it, but after such an analysis, the existing problems were clearly visible.

There is indeed a problem. There are indeed problems with the allocation of materials last month and this month. Resources were wasted and extra work was done. Not only in these two months, but also in the first half of the year, last year, and this year, how much manpower and material resources were wasted?

This is indeed an excessive waste of resources, and there is nothing else to say.

"How did you see this?" Lu Guangming couldn't help but ask.

"I have read professional books on logistics management and material allocation systems. At present, our field army's logistics material dispatching and distribution system is a bit bloated. In this regard, we can learn from foreign military logistics material dispatching methods and analyze a material dispatching system suitable for our field army. "

"Look, we can actually do this..."

Li Ran has read thousands of professional military books, and he has read everything as long as they are military books.

He has also read military books on army logistics management, and some military academies also have special courses for further study.

If he hadn't come to the Statistics Department of the Logistics Department of Army Group H today, Li Ran would not have known how bloated the material dispatching and distribution system of the ten armies was.

As Li Ran talked for a long time, Lu Guangming was shocked beyond measure.

After a while.

"You follow me to see the minister. Take the captain to see Colonel Bi Jianye. This is the colonel's last stubbornness.

Because I am afraid that only Colonel Bi Jianye, who is the head of the Logistics Department, can better understand the importance of this new material dispatching and distribution system mentioned by the captain.

So, because of the school office C.

The dignified head of the Logistics Department took out a notebook and pen in front of Li Ran, like a student, recording the key points of the new material dispatching and distribution system mentioned by Li Ran.

That night, I went to the staff headquarters to find the chief of staff of the group army to report the matter.

"Chief of Staff, your decision to assign Comrade Li Ran to the Logistics Department was so wise. If it hadn't been for Comrade Li Ran, we still wouldn't have discovered the huge shortcomings." The colonel looked distressed.

As the head of the Logistics Department, it is almost equivalent to the identity of the housekeeper of the group army.

Looking at the huge amount of materials consumed every day, the senior colonel felt heartbroken. But now that he knew that a lot of resources were wasted due to the bloated dispatching and distribution system, he almost carried it in pain.

"Let Comrade Li Ran submit a detailed report on the new material dispatch and distribution system." After understanding what happened, the major general said very seriously.

Because this matter is of great significance to Group H and even the entire field army.

Such a logistics dispatching and distribution material system wastes an astronomical number of resources every year. An excellent logistics dispatching and distribution material system wastes an astronomical number of resources every year. If there is such a contrast, the difference will be even greater.

"By the way, tell him that as long as the writing is good and the new logistics material dispatching and distribution system is effective, I will personally give him credit." The major general said directly.

Li Ran is not an officer of the Northern Military Region, so the H Group Army Headquarters cannot directly reward Li Ran, but can give Li Ran credit based on his performance.

If the major general came forward to ask for merit in person, it would definitely be a first-class merit!

"Yes!" Bi Jianye was shocked.

Li Ran is also the first person who can make the Major General Chief of Staff take credit.

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