Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

220: Disdained By All Departments! Go To The 1St Heavy Division

A pond near the headquarters.

The surrounding grass and trees are growing vigorously, and the environment is very good.

There are a lot of fish in Nuoda's pond. These fish are not for eating, but for people to play. There are even specially built fishing platforms beside the pond. Such a place is very suitable for anglers. , it is completely a fishing holy place.

"Director, everyone else is working, is it appropriate for us to fish here?"

"Yes, this is too showy. If the head of the headquarters sees it, he will probably criticize us."

"It's not certain that you will be criticized, but you will most likely be beaten."

"People in other departments are jealous at work these days. Our behavior is completely provocative."

The staff members of the Statistics Department each held a fishing rod in their hands and were fishing leisurely and contentedly, but they were still very panicked inside.

This is not a normal day or a rest day. What time period is this now?

In preparation for military exercises, all departments are extremely busy. They stay up late and work overtime all day long. They have to eat and work at the same time. They work 24 hours a day, almost two-thirds of the time. Many people even face the risk of sudden death at any time.

It turned out that the Statistics Department of their Logistics Department was also a very busy department, but now, the Director of the Statistics Department openly took the lead and brought them here to fish together.

In the past, when the military region was not busy, many officers and staff of the headquarters would come here to fish when they had nothing to do.

But is now the time to kick back and relax?

"Why not go fishing? Go back to the office and watch that workaholic get rid of our work?" the colonel said very depressed.

"The director is right, it is better to fish here than to go back and be attacked."

"Forget it, forget it, I accept the beating, let's just go fishing here."

"That's right, it's rare to take a break from your busy schedule. Isn't life meant to be enjoyed?"

As the director of the Statistics Department, Lu Guangming is now lying down, and so are the staff of the Statistics Department.

There's no way we can do anything but lie down, there's a pervert in the department, a captain seconded by the General Staff from the Tibetan Military Region, he's not a human being at all.

On the first day he arrived, he pointed out that the logistics material dispatching and distribution system was bloated, and then he produced a report on the new material dispatching and distribution system and submitted it to the headquarters.

The training department held a meeting overnight to discuss, and finally unanimously agreed that the new system of material dispatch and distribution proposed by the captain is a huge innovation that can effectively save resources and must be promoted as soon as possible.

The result of the captain's behavior was that the head of the logistics department was scolded by the chief of staff. The minister also scolded their statistics department and reprimanded them, asking them why such major loopholes and mistakes were not discovered after so many years. What a waste. How many resources are needed?

As the director of the Statistics Department, the colonel has no choice but to accept the criticism. What can I do? What can I do?

This is not over yet. The captain came to the Statistics Department for three days. In just three days, he became a main staff member of the Statistics Department from a spectator learner. With his strong work ability and learning ability, he single-handedly took over the Statistics Department. There is work on the premises, including theirs.

The terrifying work efficiency makes them doubt their life, and even makes them feel that they are a waste. They have worked in the Statistics Office for so many years in vain, which is not only a waste of resources, but also a waste of time.

So now, everyone, including the colonel, has absolutely no work to do, and Ji Ran has taken them all by himself.

You said, why don't you come fishing?

Is it possible that Li Ran is silently autistic in the office, like a Shabi, watching one person solve all their work?

As the chief of staff of Group H, Major General Zhou Ruding has been in a good mood these past two days, very good. Although he is a bit busy at work, all work is being carried out in an orderly manner.

To his surprise, the General Staff seconded a treasure to their H Group Army from the Tibetan Military Region.

As expected of a man of the hour in the Lu Academy, the captain is indeed outstanding, so outstanding that even the major general admires him very much.

After only three days in the logistics department, we discovered the problem and came up with a new material dispatching and distribution system. What is talent? This is talent, and it is innovative talent.

The resources that the new material dispatching and distribution system can save for the H Group Army every year is a terrifying number, especially since the H Group Army is a heavily armored group army. This is a huge improvement for the H Group Army.

"It's a very smart decision to arrange Li Ran to go to the logistics department first." The major general said secretly proudly.

For such an unexpected harvest, the major general planned to reward himself by taking a break from his busy schedule to fish for a while. He hadn't fished for a long time, and the fish in the pond were probably starved and thin.

When the major general came to the pond, the scene in front of him immediately turned cold and made him very angry, and his original good mood disappeared instantly.

"Which department do you belong to? Who asked you to fish here? Do you know what time it is now?" the major general immediately reprimanded severely.

When the Statistics Department and others saw the chief of staff of the group army coming, they immediately stood up in fright.

The colonel immediately ran over and saluted.

"Report, Chief of Staff, we are from the Statistics Department." Lu Guangming said.

"Director of the Statistics Department, Lu Guangming, right? I know you." Zhou Ruding said in a stern voice: "Other departments are working overtime, and the people in the Statistics Department still have time to go fishing. The work is all done?"

The major general had not seen the colonel before, but after seeing the colonel, he recognized him and knew that these people in front of him were staff officers of the Statistics Department.

"Chief of Staff, it's not that we want to come here to fish. We really can't stay in the Statistics Department any longer." The colonel began to complain.

"Huh?" Zhou Ruding was confused and didn't understand what this meant.

"All the current work in our Statistics Department has been taken over by one person, Comrade Li Ran. Even our work has been taken away by him. We want to work, but there is no work to do.

Lu Guangming begged: "Chief of Staff, can you transfer Comrade Li Ran to other departments?"

Hearing this, I will buy the black line.

It's really a slap in the face, it opens people's eyes, is there such a thing?

"Is there such a thing?"

"Chief of Staff, if you don't believe me, you can go to the Statistics Office and have a look now. I really can't stay here."

"Let's go and have a look."

The major general doesn't believe it. Is there such a wicked way?

Although Li Ran is indeed excellent, how can a captain seconded from another military region master the work of the Statistics Department so thoroughly in just a few days?

How many people can one person do? Is he forced to do the work of others?

Soon, a group of people came to the statistics office.

"Director Lu, as of now, I have finished all the work. Is there anything else I haven't done yet?"


After seeing Lu Guangming come back, Li Ran immediately stepped forward and asked.

He had finished the work at the Census and Statistics Department an hour ago. He wanted to continue with some work, but found that no one was there.

"It's really gone." The colonel was about to cry without tears.

In a few days, Li Ran finished all the work that had been accumulated by the Statistics Department. The work originally took them several months to complete, but when it came to Li Ran, it was all gone.

This work efficiency is too scary.

"Hello, Chief!"

Li Ran suddenly noticed the presence of the major general and immediately saluted and said hello.

"I heard from Director Lu that you did all their work. Let me take a look." Zhou Ruding said directly, indicating his intention.

"Chief, it's Director Lu who takes care of me and is willing to give me more opportunities to study. In fact, I don't have much work." Li Ran is very modest.

If it weren't for the presence of the major general, the colonel would definitely have protested.

Chief of Staff, it’s really not that we gave him those jobs, it’s just that he is a workaholic, dissatisfied with his desires, and took those jobs himself.

After receiving the confirmation, the major general was also very shocked.

Li Ran's work efficiency alone has surpassed that of a staff member from the Statistics Department. The gap is really huge.

"Those who are capable will work hard. During this period, all departments will go around and learn more." The major general said, making a new arrangement plan for Li Ran.

Originally assigned to the Logistics Department, I thought it would take at least a month to learn and understand some of the operations of the Logistics Department. However, I didn't expect that the captain's learning ability was really abnormal.

The people in the Statistics Department have been "tortured" by the captain to this point, so there is no point in keeping the Captain in the Statistics Department.

If there is still time, simply let the captain go to other units to learn from it.

"Yes, Chief!"

This does not make any sense to Li Ran, and there is no point in keeping statistics on these easy tasks.

In this way, Li Ran studied in various departments in the following time.

Various departments were surprised at first when such a workaholic suddenly came to help them reduce work stress, but soon the surprise turned into despair.

As a result, every time Li Ran leaves a department, such a voice will appear.

"Thank God, he's finally gone."

"If he doesn't leave, I feel like we'll be fine.

"His presence makes me feel like a waste, and my efforts are totally worth the loss of my hair.

"Made, there is too much work, we are too useless."

In this way, within one month, Li Ran completed his rotational study in various departments of the H Group Army, and at the same time gained a deep understanding of the system operation of a group army.

Li Ran never had such an opportunity before.

So, a month later, Li Ran left the headquarters and went to the 1st Heavy Armored Division of the Field Army, the strongest main combat division of Group H.

Next, Li Ran's task is to stay in Division Z, join the staff group of Division Z as a combat staff, and wait for the arrival of this annual exercise.

"The first heavy armored division, my senior brother, is finally able to see me with my own eyes. I'm a little excited." Li Ran thought to himself.

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