Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

221: This Is The Real Reinstallation Cluster! Man's Romance

A Warrior jeep sent Li Ran to the Z Division headquarters of the 1st Heavy Armored Division of Group H.

When he was studying in the Lu Academy, Li Ran's teacher, Major General Fang Xingwu, often told Li Ran about the achievements of his heavy equipment division commander and brother.

I think back then, he was definitely a man of the hour in the Lu Academy. The dragon of the armor command system was very talented in armor command.

After completing his training and returning to Army Group H, within a few years he assumed the position of commander of Division Z, commanding the number one heavy-armed division in the army.

"Commander Li, Commander Qi of our group army is a strong man. Let me tell you an inside story. If nothing else happens, the commander of our H group army in the future will be your senior brother." The driver said enthusiastically.

During his time at the headquarters, Li Ran not only learned a lot about the opinions of various departments, but also handled interpersonal relationships well.

He was despised just because he was too capable at work and would always steal other people's work. In other respects, Li Ran was highly praised by everyone at the H Group Army Headquarters.

No, if it were anyone else, the driver wouldn't say this.

After all, this driver is the full-time driver of the Chief of Staff of Army Group H. He drives for the chief, so he naturally knows a lot of information.

"Brother, you are not afraid of breaking the rules if you say this to me, the "193", who is from another military region." Hearing this, Li Ran joked with a smile.

"Harm, what does this mean? Every soldier of Army Group H must first be the commander of Division Z. Everyone knows this." The driver said carelessly and indifferently.

Trivia: Every commander of Army Group H must first serve as the commander of Division Z.

In other words, it is certain that Li Ran's senior Colonel Qi Long, the current commander of Division Z, will become the commander of Army Group H in the future, as long as no accidents occur along the way.

For example, the commander of Division Z had a major violation of regulations, which was basically the same.

"My senior brother is really awesome. No wonder the teacher kept praising him in front of me when I was in Luyuan." Li Ran said.

"Commander Li, you're not bad either. If you were from our H Group Army, I think you might also have a chance to become the division commander." The driver said directly.

During this period, Li Ran, a captain seconded from the Tibetan Military Region, made a lot of noise in the headquarters, and everyone in the headquarters was aware of it.

Naturally, they also understood that the captain was the younger brother of their heavy armored division commander.

No wonder he can become Commander Qi's junior brother. This ability is really not an exaggeration, but it is a pity that he is not from their H Group Army.

The Warrior Jeep took Li Ran all the way to the Z Division Headquarters.

After making relevant registration notifications, a school official came out in person.

"Hello, Chief!"

After seeing the senior colonel, Li Ran immediately saluted and said hello.

"Comrade Li Ran, right?" The visitor was Colonel Wang Keqin, Chief of Staff of Z Division. When he saw Li Ran, he smiled and informed him that he had received the order from the headquarters.


"I have received the notification from the headquarters. I am Wang Keqin, Chief of Staff of Z Division. Commander Qi is currently leading the training at the training ground. Please wait here for more than ten minutes at the division headquarters." Wang Ke


The driver responsible for transporting Li Ran was shocked. Unexpectedly, the chief of staff of the Z Division came out to greet Li Ran in person. The captain was so proud.

"Chief, if nothing happens, I'll go back first." The driver saluted.

"Let's go back."

The driver saluted Li Ran and Wang Keqin and then left. His mission was completed.

"Chief, can you take me to the training ground?" Li Ran made a small request.

What's the point of staying at the division headquarters? What's the point of going to the training ground to watch his senior brother lead the team in training?

What is the training of a heavy armored division that ranks first in the entire field army like?

"No problem." Wang Gongling readily agreed to Li's request.

As expected of the commander of Division Z, they were both students taught by the same teacher, and both had an inextricable love for armored clusters.

Soon, Wang Keqin brought Li Ran to the Z Division training ground. At this time, the division commander Wei Long was leading the training.

Boom boom boom~

On the training ground of Novo University, the roar of the King of Land has been roaring. Looking around, hundreds of tanks are constantly changing their formations on the training ground like beasts coming out of their cages.

The strong smell of diesel seemed to be overflowing in the air.

The second lieutenants of the tank platoon waved the flags in their hands in an orderly manner and used semaphores to direct the tanks into formation.

In addition to tanks, there are also infantry fighting vehicles, howitzer crews, and armored vehicles.

Li Ran stood in the distance, watching this scene, feeling very excited in his heart.

This is a real armored cluster. This is the first time he has seen so many tanks with his own eyes. Recalling the large-scale confrontation of tank companies he commanded in the Army Academy before, compared with the scene in front of him, it is just a small fight and a big witch. Meet Xiao Wu.

"The total number of officers and soldiers in Division Z is about 20,000. At present, this is just a tank reinforcement regiment with only a few thousand people." Wang Keqin glanced at Li Ran, who was very excited and said.

As expected of the First Heavy Armored Division, a tank reinforcement regiment has such an armored cluster size. In the Tibetan Military Region where he was previously, there were several border defense regiments plus an independent regiment that had tanks put together. It was estimated that there were only so many tanks that could survive.

And those roaring land kings are not Type 59s at all, but the currently refitted 96A main tanks.

What a spectacular scene it would be if the entire division gathered together.

As the second disciple of the dean of the Armored Command Department, Li Ran could tell at a glance that such a tank regiment with an enhanced regiment size was undergoing fielding training.

Armored cluster equipment training is exactly the equipment training Li Ran learned in the Third Company before going to the Lu Academy for further studies.

At that time, it was just a tank company, but now it is a strengthened tank regiment. The formation is completely incomparable.

Such a heavily-armed Z Division, except for the five elders, is fully capable of overpowering any country if the commander directs it properly.

What is strength? This is called strength!

Not far ahead, a tall and tall middle-aged colonel with a resolute face and a firm and decisive look in his eyes was the commander of this armored behemoth. Qi Long, commander of Z Division, was also Li Ran's senior brother.

Soon, a reinforced tank regiment was installed!

"Take a break."1

"stand at attention."

Bang bang bang, all the officers and soldiers of the 112th Regiment of Z Division marched in unison, with everyone holding their heads up and chest high, full of momentum.

A glimpse of a corner is enough to see the whole leopard, and the quality of the officers and soldiers of the 1st Heavy Armor Division can be seen...

A colonel trotted up to Qi Long, stood at attention and saluted.

"Comrade Division Commander, the entire 112th Regiment has been equipped. Please give your instructions.

"Take a break.


"Take a break.

"Tell me about it." Qi Long said angrily: "Your 112th Regiment is the only reinforced tank regiment in the entire division. The change of equipment is the biggest test for you. As the commander of Z Division

I have confidence in you, but today, this is the result you gave me?"

In front of thousands of people, the colonel spoke without courtesy and in an extremely stern voice.

Regarding the stage training of the 112th Regiment, the problems exposed by each company were called out in public, and the words were very precise.

A well-founded rebuke left no one with any reason to refute.

If the 112th Regiment is compared to a tiger, Qi Long is now a tiger trainer. In front of him, no matter how ferocious the beast is, they all keep their tails between their legs and dare not make any mistakes.

One soldier is raging, and the general is raging in a nest.

What is control and what is prestige? This commander of the heavy armor division showed Li Ran very well.

"There is only the last month left before the exercise. Let me remind you again that the battle is not a matter of one of your units, but a matter of coordination among all combat units.

With good coordination and tacit understanding, only in this way can we maximize our combat effectiveness. Do you understand me clearly?"

"Listen clearly."

All the officers and soldiers of the 112th Regiment roared angrily.

"Rest on the spot for fifteen minutes, and continue practicing after fifteen minutes."


The exercise is coming soon, and all the participating troops are using the last time to practice more. This exercise is very important, and no one wants to be delayed in this exercise.

From the time of equipment change to the present, Z Division has gone through four months, mastering new equipment and leaving some old personnel. This is a huge test for the heavy equipment division.

In the early stage of the equipment change, it is normal for coordination problems among combat units to occur, and it is also normal for combat effectiveness to decrease.

But this has already passed three redundancies. In 4.2, he doesn't care how the reloaded units are running in, but the heavy equipment division under his command cannot cause problems.

"Lao Qi, junior brother."

Seeing that Qi Long's training was temporarily over, Wang Keqin led Li Ran to Qi Long and said with a smile.

"Didn't the chief of staff ask him to join the staff group as a combat staff officer? Why did you bring him here?" After hearing this, Qi Long glanced at Li Ran up and down and said without any scruples.

"This is the order from the chief of staff, but he also asked you, my senior brother, to lead him. He heard me say that you are leading the team to train here, and he asked to come. What a spirited and handsome young man." After Wang Keqin finished speaking, he came to Qi Qi. Long whispered in his ear: "The chief of staff has greeted me privately. He is an absolute talent. I ask you to take good care of him and try to keep him in our army after the exercise."

Although he was seconded by the General Staff, Li Ran's performance made the Chief of Staff of Army Group H not intend to return him after the exercise.

It is simply a waste for such talents to return to the Tibetan Military Region [It would be great to stay in Group H.

The commander of Division Z is Li Ran's senior brother. It's great to have brothers together. Maybe the candidate for the next commander of Division Z will be determined.

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