Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

224: Exercise Codenamed Process! Gain Experience Across Military Ranks

The exercise is coming soon, and Division Z, under the leadership of division commander Qi Long, has been seizing the last moment to conduct training. It is necessary to achieve higher cooperation and coordination among the various combat units after changing their equipment in this exercise.

For the army's number one heavy armored division, fighting is not a matter of one unit, but the collaboration between various combat units.

It is a very stupid behavior for armored group troops to only act alone.

Compared with the military units in history, the heavy cavalry is completely equivalent to a heavy cavalry unit. When fighting in a dispersed manner, they will never be able to defeat light cavalry one-on-one. However, when fighting in groups, 100 heavy cavalry can easily crush 1,000 light cavalry. The cavalry itself suffered less than half casualties.

Although the heavily armed troops are a bit bulky, once they form a momentum, their power is terrifying and they have the power to crush everything.

The biggest benefit that Li Ran has been recognized for his personal strength and his identity as a fellow junior is that in this final preparation time, Weilong will take him with him whenever he leads the team in training.

Take Li Ran with you and let Li Ran learn and comprehend the mechanized wisdom from the training between the combat units of Z Division.

What's even more rare is that Qi Long would share some of his experiences with Li Ran from time to time and give Li Ran guidance, which benefited Li Ran a lot.

A heavy-armored division commander shared some of his command experiences. This opportunity is very rare.

Li Ran also used this time to learn about and visit the three main combat groups of Division Z. Apart from anything else, the three main combat regiments of Division Z are really wealthy.

Especially the three groups after the change of clothes, the feeling is really different, they completely feel like a big dog.

In layman's terms, you no longer have to worry about the so-called fear caused by insufficient firepower.

Finally, amidst everyone's expectations, the annual exercise codenamed "Mileage" came.

The General Staff's order has been issued. Since Army Group H is far away from the exercise venue, Army Group H set off four hours ahead of schedule.

Division Z, after receiving the notice of the start of the exercise from the Group Army 000 Headquarters, immediately notified all combat units as soon as possible. ,

112th Tank Regiment.

The emergency assembly whistle sounded, which was the sound of the entire group gathering.

In the corridor.

"Hurry up, move faster."

"Emergency gathering, move quickly."

Bang bang bang, in the corridors of each battalion and company unit, the footsteps of soldiers clanged, and the corridors were shaking. After hearing the emergency assembly whistle, everyone immediately went downstairs to join together.

"Report the number.



"Everyone has it, target the parking lot, run forward."

Each combat unit was organized into a company and platoon, and under the leadership of the company and platoon leader, they immediately assembled towards the depot.

On the wide road, if you look down from the sky, you can clearly see the queues gathering together in an orderly manner. The soldiers shouted loud and clear slogans, full of momentum.

After arriving at the depot, the company commanders of each armored company immediately issued maneuver preparation orders.

The soldiers in the company each perform their duties and conduct basic inspections on armored vehicles according to their own functional divisions.

Boom boom boom~

The roar of the high-power diesel engine continued, and the smell of diesel in the air became rich.

"Communication detection."

"Power test.

"Fire control device inspection."


There are a total of fifteen subjects in the routine comprehensive project inspection before maneuver preparation. Each subject inspection is fully implemented and clearly recorded.

"Report! Tank 1 has been tested and everything is normal."

"Report! Tank 2 test completed, everything is normal.

"All members of the tank crew, board the vehicle immediately." Company Commander Lu Company ordered.

Compared with the Type 59, the changed 96A changed from a group of four to a group of three. Following the order from the company commander, all the tank crews quickly entered the tank.

The platoon leaders of each tank platoon, holding flags in their hands, used semaphores to let these armored behemoths come out of the cage in an orderly manner.

Forty-three minutes later.

Assembly area.

The reinforced tank regiments of the 112th Regiment and Z Division, which are definitely the main combat regiments, have all been equipped, including tank crews, armored crews, infantry fighting vehicles, and rocket crews...

The entire regiment, from combat to logistics and maintenance, all units have been assembled, and there is also a dedicated armed helicopter brigade.

An armored regiment is equipped with an armed helicopter brigade. This kind of treatment can only be provided by the seven major military regions with deep pockets for their main armored regiments.

In the Tibetan Military Region, even if the entire fifth border defense regiment was turned upside down, they could not find a single armed helicopter.

The troops are temporarily assembled at the assembly area, and after a short preparation, they will set off for the exercise venue.

This time, the 112th Regiment's method of maneuver was highway maneuvering. In other words, such a huge torrent of steel had to pass through the national highway, then get on the highway, and run all by itself to the exercise venue.

A journey of more than a thousand kilometers will be a big test for such a huge torrent of steel.

The commander of the 112th Regiment, Colonel Hong Wei, appeared in the field of vision of all officers and soldiers, looking down at everyone.

The reason for looking down was entirely because the colonel was standing high on a tank and his eyes were sweeping over it.

"stand at attention."

"Tell me about it."

"This exercise is also of vital significance. This time our opponent is the famous Long Live Army Group A of the Beijing Military Region. This battle is related to the honor of our 112th Tank Regiment. Although the opponent is powerful, our 112th Regiment Who have you always been afraid of?"

"Tell me loudly, are you afraid?"

"Don't be afraid." Thousands of people roared in unison, the momentum reaching the sky.

"Who is the strongest?"

"We are the strongest.

The morale of all the officers and soldiers of the 112th Regiment was high. The colonel looked at the scene in front of him and was very satisfied. He waved his hand and said: "Let's go!"

Boom boom boom~

Immediately, the armored behemoths started to move, and the ground seemed to be shaking.

the other side.

Li Ran, who joined the Z Division Staff Group as a combat staff officer, joined the exercise team.

One main battle division, three chief officers, the division commander, the chief committee member, and the chief of staff!

But now, the division commander has not yet set off, but there is a dispute between the division commander and the chief of staff, and the dispute was caused by Li Ran.

"The command from the headquarters is for Li Ran to join this exercise as a combat staff officer. He must be in the same echelon as me, the chief of staff. What do you, a division commander, mean by asking someone to leave?" Wang Keqin said dissatisfied.

Originally, according to Wang Keqin's plan, Li Ran would follow him as the chief of staff in the first command echelon of this exercise.

Unexpectedly, the division commander Qi Long wanted to ask Li Ran to go to his echelon.

"He is my junior brother." Qi Long said lightly.

"Did we agree before he came?" Wang Keqin asked again.

"He is my junior brother."

"Can you give me another reason?"

"We were taught by the same teacher."

"If you are ruthless, then let him follow you." Wang Keqin had no choice. Li Ran and Qi Long were brothers in the same school and were taught by the same teacher. With this relationship, whatever he said was in vain.

In a large-scale battle, the three chief officers of the division will not be together, whether it is the maneuvering stage or the stage of commanding the battle at the exercise site.

The three people will divide the staff group, and each person will lead a group of staff members to form a command echelon.

The purpose of this is to prevent being beheaded by the enemy and causing a mess.

For example, if Qi Long, the commander of Division Z, is accidentally beheaded by the enemy during the maneuver, don't panic, the division commander is gone, and the chief of staff and the main committee member can continue to command the troops.

But if during the maneuver, the three chief officers gathered together and were taken away by a group of people, then the trouble would be a bit big.

Although the entire chain of command of the army will not collapse at once, the impact will be huge.

Even after the incident, the three chief officers will definitely be criticized and punished. In wartime conditions, the three chief officers gathered together without any awareness of wartime preparedness. How can they be chief officers?

Such behavior is already a serious violation of combat discipline.

Wang Keqin wants Li Ran to follow him in the same echelon, which is because he discovered that Li Ran is extremely talented. Although he is only a captain, he has many ideas and a quick mind.

Before Li Ran came, Wang Keqin and Qi Long had discussed it, and Wang Keqin came to take care of the newcomer Li Ran. At that time, Qi Long still disliked his junior fellow captain.

But now, he actually went back on his word, obviously he valued Li Ran's ability.

The most important point is that Qi Long, the senior fellow, wanted Li Ran, the junior fellow apprentice, to watch and see how he, the commander of the heavy armor division, fought in the war?

Z Division Headquarters.

The three chief officers and relevant staff members were all present.

"This exercise is of great significance. It has been prepared for so long. I hope that everyone here will not make any stupid mistakes. We are commanders. Once we make a mistake, it will be a heavy blow to the troops below. Do you hear me clearly?" Qi Long said, his voice was very serious.

"Listen clearly."

"Set off.

After the colonel gave the order, the relevant personnel immediately started taking action according to the original distribution plan.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Li Ran felt very excited. It turned out that this was what happened before a large-scale exercise began, and it was something non-officials in the unit should do.

These things cannot be seen or learned only in books. Only personal experience can better understand them.

Generally speaking, as an officer of Captain Li Ran, he can serve as a full company in the army at most, and even if he is a combat staff officer, he will act with the regiment.

But now the specifications have been directly upgraded to the division level, and it is still the number one heavy armored division in the field army. Such an opportunity is rare.

At this time, Qi Long took Li Ran with him, and naturally he had the idea to let Li Ran see and learn as much as possible, and "gain experience" across military ranks.

(I beg for all kinds of data support, for everything. It’s difficult to write exercises. I also want to update ten times a day. My hands are disabled and it’s extremely uncomfortable. I’m begging for support!)

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