Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

225: Steel Torrent Maneuver! Fighter Escort

Li Ran, who followed Division Z Commander Qi Long in the same command echelon, now truly saw with his own eyes what a real steel cluster is.

The torrent of steel stretching for tens of kilometers, tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, armored vehicles, personnel carriers, tactical missile vehicles...

The distance from the vanguard to the rear stretches for tens of kilometers. What is this concept?

This is the maneuver of mechanized heavy troops. If it were the light infantry era, it would be a flow of people stretching for tens of kilometers. However, compared with the torrent of steel, the impact on the field of vision is very different.

This time we went to the exercise venue, which was thousands of kilometers away. What were we most afraid of during the maneuver of the armored group?

Afraid of bombing by enemy air power!

On the ground, the armored cluster is the king, but nowadays, as fighter jets and bombers become more and more advanced, the armored cluster is just a moving target in the eyes of these things.

Ground-attack missiles carried on fighter jets can cause huge casualties to ground armored forces.

This annual exercise, codenamed "Process", involved a large-scale confrontation between two armies. During this period, both sides had air forces to assist in the war.

Two armies, one each and one air force division assisted in the battle.

The only thing that can defeat magic is magic. Even if the maneuver training of armored clusters includes special training and deployment of anti-air camouflage defense and anti-air fire defense, in the true sense, the mobility of a large-scale armored cluster must have the strength of the air force. convoy.

As the first heavy division of Group H, Division Z has a very important strategic significance. No, the Group Army Headquarters has equipped Division Z with absolute security forces for its maneuvers.

In the air, a J-8 squadron patrolled in the air and escorted the Z Division on the ground.

Do you think this is the end?

There was no play at all. An anti-aircraft artillery division and directly affiliated tactical missile battalion of Army Group H were deployed to Division Z.

The anti-aircraft artillery division was completely disbanded and dispersed among the various combat units of the Z Division. The tactical missile battalions were all deployed, forming an air-ground coordinated air defense system.

In terms of the distribution of anti-air power, the headquarters of Group H has completely tilted a lot of power towards Division Z. This is the position of Division Z in the heart of the head of Army Group H.

"How heroic. Every time you move, you are escorted by a fighter jet formation. With such an air defense system, even if Army A sends a fighter jet formation to bomb, it will probably fail.

Li Ran said with envy from the bottom of his heart.

"Stop your saliva and don't make a fuss." Seeing Li Ran like this, Qi Long reminded him.

In fact, he could also understand Li Ran's shock. Except for the Z Division, no one else in the entire field army could find such air defense treatment.

"The venue for this exercise is a plain, which is an excellent battlefield for heavy equipment. Our Z Division can be said to be responsible for the heavy equipment assault of the entire army. The more the head of the group army gives air power, it means that we The heavier the responsibility," Weilong said again.

Li Ran undeniably agrees with this.

The generous power tilt is based on its own strong strength and strategic position capital.

At this time, suddenly, the speed of the huge torrent of steel began to slowly slow down, and Li Ran, who was sitting in the car, could clearly feel it.

"The speed of the car has dropped?" Li Ran said involuntarily: "What happened?"

It can't be said that Li Ran was fussy, but it was his first experience of this kind of thing, and he was full of unknowns and curiosity about everything.

Even though Li Ran has read a lot of books, learned a lot of knowledge, and has strong commanding abilities, it is the first time for him to sit in the same command vehicle with the division commander in a large-scale exercise like this, and he has no experience at all.

There is a saying that really makes sense. Even if you read it on paper, you will only realize that it needs to be done in detail.

Let’s talk about things learned in books, and real-life experience is a completely different concept.

Just like now, Li Ran can feel that the team's speed has slowed down, but he cannot immediately analyze what is causing the team's speed to slow down.

There must be a reason why the convoy is slowing down, but due to traffic control, the road ahead is smooth, so it cannot be because of the traffic jam.

"Don't be nervous, it's probably the tanks that appeared in the vanguard." Hearing Li Ran's words, Qi Long said calmly: "It has been more than four hours since we set off, and we have been driving at high speed. The tanks appeared. It is normal for the engine to lie down."

The sound fell, and a voice came from the radio station.

"The division commander pointed out that our 112th Regiment had tanks lying on the ground."

"Stop maneuvering, 112th Regiment, 113th Regiment, 114th Regiment, replenish fuel and rest in place."

"Regiment 112 received it!

"Regiment 113 received it!"

"Regiment 114 received it!"

"This experience is indeed rich." Li Ran exclaimed inwardly. As a division-level officer, he can infer problems through his own analysis before the troops below have a chance to report them. This is real experience.

"Get out of the car and let the water go." After Qi Long said this, he took the lead and got out of the command vehicle. In the car, a group of combat staff also got out of the car.

Li Ran got off the command vehicle and took a look. There was a long queue in front and behind, with no end at all.

But at this time everyone had the same action, which was to silently walk to the side of the road and start releasing water!

If you can take a helicopter and look down from the air at this time, you can see the spectacular scene of tens of thousands of people releasing water together.

Don't say anything about having no moral integrity. This is a drill, which is equivalent to wartime. If there is a real war, it doesn't matter what your morality or immorality is.

Is it possible that tens of thousands of people would have to leave the armored vehicle to find a hidden place to release water while maneuvering?

"Commander Li, the division commander seems to like you very much." Li Ran took out a cigarette and lit it while draining the water. At the same time, he also passed a cigarette to the lieutenant colonel and staff officer beside him.

"Counsel Su, why do you say that suddenly?" Li Ran said with a smile while drinking water and smoking.

"The division commander has never said so many off-topic remarks during command." The lieutenant colonel laughed.

The lieutenant colonel was very shocked. He knew his division commander's character and combat characteristics very well, especially in such a large-scale command. Apart from issuing orders and discussing tactics, he would not say anything irrelevant.

But now, any question the captain had was answered by his own teacher himself, just like an elder or a teacher, teaching him step by step.

From this, it is enough to see that Li Ran is unusual in the hearts of his teachers.

More than twenty minutes later, the long torrent of steel moved again. The tank engine of the vanguard had been repaired. Using this time, all three regiments carried out basic inspections, maintenance and oil supplies.

If nothing else happens, we can at least successfully walk for about two hundred kilometers before stopping.

Because, basically, the tank will be maintained once it travels about two hundred kilometers.

Of course, we can walk another two hundred kilometers smoothly without any emergencies.

It had only been less than an hour since the last time the entire division took a rest, and the convoy stopped again.

"Have you ever thought about the reason this time?" Qi Long's voice sounded in Li Ran's ears.

"If I guessed correctly, the bridge that must be passed ahead should have been bombed." Li Ran said.

As a commander, he must memorize the map of the route that the troops will travel. As early as when the Z Division began to maneuver, he had seen the map of the maneuver route.

Some special traffic arteries, such as bridges, are marked on the map!

Hearing Li Ran's words, Qi Long nodded in affirmation and gave the order at the same time.

"The Zhouqiao Battalion immediately built a temporary pontoon bridge." Qi Long gave the order.

Because, here we have received a notice from the director's department that the bridge in front was blown up by the air force of Army Group A an hour ago.

Of course, the bridge was not really blown up, it was just a judgment based on the bombing operation of the A Army Air Force.

The bridge was blown up. Qi Long was not particularly surprised by this. On the contrary, it was completely within his expectation. It would be really strange if Army A did not blow up the bridge and allowed them to pass smoothly. .

As the leading regiment of this mobile unit, the captain of the reconnaissance company of the 112th Regiment got out of the car cursing.

, we always blow up bridges, can we use some new methods? It’s easy for people to work so hard to build a bridge, but it’s just a waste of our time. "The captain cursed and vented his dissatisfaction.

Of course, it's just to vent.

If it were him, the bridge would definitely explode.

"What's wrong with the company commander? Why are you so angry? Isn't it normal for the bridge to be blown up?" On the side, several soldiers from the reconnaissance company gathered around and whispered.

"I heard that the company commander seemed to have had a quarrel with his wife."

"Hiss, no wonder the company commander has been looking sad these days. It turns out it's because of family disharmony."

Taking advantage of their free time, several soldiers gossiped quietly.

At the same time, the special vehicles of the Engineer Arkbridge Battalion also came quickly. The engineers got off the vehicles and began to direct and use the special vehicles to set up the pontoon bridge to ensure that the heavily armed troops could resume maneuvering as quickly as possible.

Use this time to build the bridge and command the car.

"There are still two bridges left, and Army A will probably have to blow them up, which will delay our originally planned maneuver."

"Can the people of Army A come up with some new methods and reduce the mobility efficiency of our Z Division by blowing up bridges? What key role can it play?

"With the air defense system of our Z Division, if they want to delay our maneuver speed, what can they do without blowing up the bridge?"

"The Sixth Air Division has frequently appeared in our radar detection range. Army A is probably making some big moves."

"Don't be careless and let the fighter formations increase their patrols." Qi Long said. Although in his opinion, Army A's behavior of bombing the bridge was also to reduce the mobility efficiency of Division Z, he always felt that something was wrong.

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