Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

226: Captain’S Analysis: There Is Fraud In This

As the commander of a heavy armored division, Qi Long's commanding ability is undoubted. At the same time, as the chief officer of a division-level combat unit, his combat awareness is also very keen.

Army A used the method of blowing up bridges to delay the maneuver efficiency of Division Z. This is understandable and is within the scope of the exercise.

But Qi Long always felt that something was wrong.

Currently, both sides are in the process of maneuvering and have not yet arrived at the exercise venue, so the only means of attack that Army A can have on Division Z is air strikes.

This is also the most feared method during armored group maneuvers, no one else.

The Wannian ship was sailing carefully. After feeling something was wrong, Qi Long immediately asked the Eighth Air Division to increase the escort patrol force in the air to ensure that when the A Army Air Force attacked,

Be strong enough to cope.

"You can pass, let's go."

More than an hour later, the pontoon bridge was set up, and it was also judged and affirmed by the director's staff.

The huge Z Division mobile team then continued to set off.

Just like that, after continuing to drive for an hour, another notice came from the director's department.

It was determined that the bridge in front was once again blown up by the A Army Air Force. This was the second bridge that the Z Division must pass through on its maneuver route.

Sure enough, as expected, the second "647" bridge was also bombed.

"Damn it, Army A doesn't care about personnel. It blows up bridges one after another. Do you dare to let us arrive at the exercise venue smoothly and have a head-on fight?"

"Okay, this is the second one, and there is another one. If we bomb it three times in a row, we will be delayed for at least six hours.

"The strategic quick reaction force is just like a sixth-form soldier. This is completely a sixth-form strategy."

"What can we do? They are faster than us. It is impossible to let the fighter jets escape from the escort. Let's protect the bridge first. We can't protect it anymore."

All the combat staff were helpless, very helpless.

The old-fashioned way of constantly blowing up bridges succeeded in making them sick.

"Don't talk nonsense, let the engineering battalion continue to build the bridge. Even if he delays us for six hours, we can still arrive at the exercise venue within the scheduled time." Qi Long said solemnly.

Although I was indeed disgusted, I have to say that Army A's play style was correct.

If they do nothing and allow their Z division to arrive at the exercise site smoothly, and the heavy-armed cluster formation is fully deployed, room A cannot stop them without taking out two divisions.

But just sitting there and waiting for death really makes people feel aggrieved.

Division Z is now like a tiger that keeps moving forward, but on the road, it keeps being harassed by mosquitoes, no matter what.

Li Ran, on his side, looked at the map in front of him and fell into thinking and analysis.

Li Ran's sensitivity to data made him realize that something was wrong. The behavior of Army A was definitely more than just bombing a bridge as it seemed on the surface.

The Engineer Arkbridge Battalion of the Z Division silently came around the bridge and began to build the pontoon bridge.

The soldiers in the engineering battalion have long been accustomed to this. It's normal, very normal. As long as they need to cross the bridge during the exercise, they basically have work to do. They are absolutely indispensable.

Every military officer likes to have trouble crossing a bridge all day long, and will blow up the bridge if they disagree.

The captain of the reconnaissance company of the 112th regiment of the vanguard took advantage of this time to get out of the car and started cursing again.

"Can the stubborn A Army be better? The bridge is so good that it's annoying you. It blows up the bridge at every turn. Can we have a head-on fight?" This was the second time the captain cursed.

"Family disharmony has a great impact on the company commander."

"I feel like the company commander now wishes he could grow wings and fly to the headquarters of Army A and kill everyone.

"Actually, what the company commander said is right. It's boring to blow up the bridge again and again, and the method is not new at all.

Soon, the colonel commander of the 112th Regiment sent a major over to give the captain a severe reprimand.

What kind of thing, what kind of mentality, where are you following this? I'm so anxious, talking nonsense about something.

Don’t you know that the staff sent by the director’s department is watching?

Do you want to be recorded for saying bad things about your brother's unit behind your back? Are you waiting to be criticized afterwards?

Although he also wants to scold him, if you want to scold him, why can't he hide in the car and scold him behind his back?

With the scale of this second bridge, it would take more than an hour to build a pontoon bridge.

The repeated obstruction of maneuvers has only one benefit for the officers and soldiers of Division Z. They can take a short break from their busy work and secretly smoke a cigarette in the car to relax.

Above them, a formation of J-8 fighter jets has been continuously escorting them, and the radar has been turned on. If there is an air attack, it can be detected immediately.

Within the headquarters.

"The situation is not right, there is fraud here."

Just when Qi Long and a group of combat staff had no good way to deal with the successive bridge bombing operations, Li Ran suddenly said.

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was stunned.

"Is there a fraud? What kind of fraud?" a lieutenant colonel asked in confusion.

"This is a tired tactic." Li Ran said: "Not only a tired tactic, but also a tactic of moving the tiger away from the mountain."

"Tired soldiers? Move the tiger away from the mountain?"

Everyone was confused by what he said and didn't understand what Li Ran was talking about for a while.

"Here." Li Ran stepped forward, picked up a pencil and marked a circle on the ground: "Army A will definitely let their air force ambush here and take the opportunity to bomb us."

"It's impossible. This is not the best place for bombing. And even if they come to bomb, with our air defense system, even if they dispatch a bomber formation, they won't pose much of a threat to us."

As soon as Li Ran said this, the former lieutenant colonel immediately objected.

"Under normal circumstances, with our air defense system, Army A's fighter bombings do not pose any threat to us, but what if our fighter formation is not here at this time?" Li Ran asked rhetorically.

"That's even more impossible. The combat formations will perform escort missions in shifts." said the lieutenant colonel.

"As I said, there is a situation here. If our replacement fighter formation is ambushed while returning to rest, will we send a fighter formation to support it?" Li Ran asked again.

"Of course it will, but what you said is just your personal speculation. What is the basis?"

The lieutenant colonel was speechless by Li Ran's analysis, but he still didn't agree with it.

Because this is all Li Ran's personal speculation and has no basis at all.

"If you analyze it this way, Army A will dispatch their fighter reserve team. This behavior is very risky." Qi Long also said.

He understood Li Ran's analysis.

Thinking from the perspective of Li Ran's analysis, it does make sense, and such a situation does exist...

But all this requires a basis to be established.

The fighter formation means that each unit's control of the air this time is very important. It is also said that the fighter reserve is used as a means of insurance in case of unexpected events.

Therefore, in the early stage, Army A will at most send fighter jet formations to harass and bomb their maneuvers, but it is absolutely impossible to use its air force to make a desperate move.

Because it’s too risky!

"According to what I have, data can reflect the problem most intuitively." Li Ran said, took out a piece of paper and began to write in front of everyone: "From here to the next bridge, we still have 200 kilometers to go. At present, The escort of the fighter formations above us has been strengthened, and the patrol time is long, which means the fuel consumption will be large. Calculated based on the fuel consumption rate of the J-8

Then the next shift change time will be..."

Li Ran didn't talk nonsense, but directly showed the data one by one to everyone.

The next maneuvers of Division Z, some actions, including the trajectory of the J-8 fighter formation in the air, were all shown by Li Ran with accurate figures one by one.

"Putting in the speed and distance, in the end, our Z Division will have a window for fighter escort here, and this time will be about ten minutes." Finally, Li Ran made the final decision.

Inside the command car.

The silence was terrifying, and the Japanese combat staff stared at the data in front of them in stunned silence.

Shocking, extremely shocking.

They had no idea that intelligence reasoning could be reflected through numbers and formulas.

The key is, Li Ran's analysis is quite reasonable.

Just like Li Ran's punctuation point on the map, during this journey, with the current escort strength of the Eighth Air Division, there will be a window period for a period of time.

Overhead, a squadron of J-8 fighters sent by the Eighth Air Division performed escort missions and needed to return to the air force base for supplies at a certain time.

According to the previous escort patrol intensity of the J-8 Squadron, through calculation of fuel consumption and distance analysis, although there is a certain window period, the time is very short and completely controllable.

But now, with the increased intensity of escort patrols, things are different.

"If this is the case, then simply resume the J-8's original patrol intensity, so that there will be no so-called window period." said the lieutenant colonel.

"It's too late." Li Ran said: "The two bombings of the bridge were superficially used to delay the time, but in fact they were used to delay the escort rhythm of the Air Force 8th Division, so as to determine the maneuvering speed of the Z Division and the shift change of the Air Force 8th Division. Even if time recovers now, their ambush location will be moved from the punctuation point on the map to the third bridge at most."

Li Ran said, and wrote down a string of data and calculation formulas in front of everyone.

All the combat officers around looked at each other in confusion. You looked at me, I looked at you. They all saw shock in each other's eyes, but most of them still couldn't believe it.

In fact, the captain's first-hand data calculation and analysis gave them a bit of a shock, and they even wondered whether the captain was thinking too much?

Is Army A that smart?

Don't let the time come when they complicate a simple issue, that would be bad.

(Please ask for all kinds of data support, please ask for everything, please ask for all kinds of data, thank you!!!).

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