Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

227: Shocked Army Group H Headquarters! The A-Force Bombing Is Really Coming

Inside the command car, silence fell again.

Everyone was shocked by Li Ran's data analysis. Using data to analyze the war situation and speculate on the enemy's intentions was really amazing.

However, the enemy's intentions finally deduced seemed a bit outrageous to them.

They even doubted that Army A was really so smart?

The continuous bombing of bridges is just a foreshadowing. It is even possible to calculate the maneuvering speed of their Z Division by delaying the bombing of bridges, and analyze and determine the escort change time of the Kong Eighth Division.

Finally seize a short escort window to ambush them?

Outrageous, somewhat outrageous.

"What do you think?" After listening to Li Ran's analysis, Qi Long did not take the lead to express his position, but asked the combat staff he led aside.

"Consultant Li's data analysis makes sense, but I think it's a little unrealistic."

"I think so too. I take it too much for granted. It is impossible for Army A to make such a risky move."

"Did Staff Officer Li analyze the situation a little deeper? Perhaps Army A simply blew up the bridge?"

"Z Division is not only the first heavy armor division of Group H, but also the first heavy armor division of the entire field army. There is no doubt that it is powerful. If I were the commander of Army A, I would definitely find ways to maneuver as much as possible during Army A. Look for opportunities to attack the Z Division. Even if there is no chance, we must find ways to create opportunities. From the beginning of the exercise to the present, our radar screen has detected a total of four attempts by the Air Force 6th Division. The A Army has always focused on the Z Division. Go up." Li Ran said slowly: 08 "Of course, this is just my personal suggestion. If you think there is a problem, you can choose to ignore it."

Although so far, the two sides have not broken out in an air battle or fought against each other.

However, during this exercise, the fighter formations of the Sixth Air Division mobilized under the command of Army A have appeared in radar reconnaissance four times.

Every time it was detected by radar, it quickly retreated not long after.

In Li Ran's opinion, this kind of behavior is completely testing and constant testing.

"Apart from anything else, Staff Officer Li's analysis has shown that there are loopholes in our current air defense system." Qi Long said in a deep voice: "Inform the Eighth Air Division that the fighter reserve team is ready, so that all units can be more vigilant and do their best. A good enemy is always ready for air strikes.”

As the commander of a heavy armored division, such a deployment has already shown his attitude.

He agrees with Li Ran’s analysis!


Field Army Staff Headquarters.

The auditorium of Nuo University has already become the performance hall, and many staff officers are busy at this time.

In the middle of the auditorium, there was a large LCD screen, with information constantly scrolling on the screen. On one side was the command order of Army Group A, and on the other side was the command order of Army Group H.

A staff group composed of a large number of officers will make calculations and judgments based on various battle orders issued by the two armies combined with relevant factor data.

This exercise on the scale of the two army groups is of great significance and tests the effect of the equipment replacement.

The entire process of the exercise will be broadcast live, and all officers, military academies, and even the non-commissioned officer academies that are already on the right track are observing the entire process.

In this exercise, the general staff bosses, a general and a lieutenant general all came forward and sat in the director's department to observe the whole process.

At the request of the chief of the General Staff, the seven military regions each sent an observation group composed of senior military officers to the director's department for on-site observation.

"A Army has a very clear mind and knows that the biggest problem this time is the Z Division. If none of the three bridges is left intact, it can delay the Z Division for at least six hours." The general said with great interest.

"According to the exercise rules, troops who do not arrive at the exercise site beyond the specified time will be counted as eliminated. Six hours is not enough for Army A." The lieutenant general said with a smile.

"The Air Force of Army A has gone to test it four times. It seems that this guy Chang Wenshan has something in mind." The general said with a smile.

The only one who can call the dignified commander of Army A a boy is this general staff boss.

"H Army has given a lot of strength to Z Division's air defense. Z Division's air defense system, even a fighter formation, could not take advantage of it in the past. Unless it ignores the battle damage and breaks through Z Division's defense line at all costs to strike, otherwise It can't shake the Z Division's air defense system at all," the lieutenant general said.

From the beginning of the exercise to now, the director's office has received information feedback on the respective deployment plans of the two armies.

They all knew about Group H's decision to allocate an anti-aircraft artillery battalion and a tactical missile battalion to Division Z, plus a fighter formation to build an air defense system, in order to ensure the smooth maneuver of Division Z.

Everyone could see that Army Group H pinned all its hopes on Division Z, a heavy armored division, and used it as its trump card to ensure its smooth maneuvering into the exercise venue.

The exercise venue is a plain, and the Z Division will enter the battlefield smoothly. With its powerful armored assault capabilities, the Z Division will be able to dominate.

Army Group H points forward.

Army Commander Tan Fei led a group of combat staff to form the first command echelon and moved to the exercise venue by rail.

In one section, an ordinary carriage was temporarily transformed into a command room.

"Five minutes ago, Division B was bombed, and an armored battalion suffered battle damage, losing ten tanks and five infantry fighting vehicles."

"While performing a mission to escort Division C, our Air Force 8th Division discovered an enemy fighter squadron. Both sides launched an attack. The Air Force 8th Division successfully shot down an enemy fighter jet.

The combat staff quickly reported the latest situation reported by each unit.

"How's it going over there with Master Z?" Tan Fei looked at the map and asked.

The bombings encountered by other units were all minor incidents. The lieutenant general was not actually worried. He was worried about the Z Division.

Even though the Z Division was given a huge tilt in terms of anti-aircraft firepower, he knew the importance of the Z Division, and Army A also knew it.

"The Z Division is currently trapped at the Wuqi Bridge. The Engineer Battalion is currently constructing a pontoon bridge. It is expected that it will be able to continue its departure in thirty minutes. The Z Division concluded that the enemy may bomb it in the 535 area and applied to give way to the 8th Division. The reserve formation is ready.


After hearing this, Tian Jiang was a little surprised.

"Area 535?"

Tan Fei found Area 535 on the map, which is less than 10 kilometers away from the next bridge. This is not a very good place for bombing. Where did Division Z get its intelligence inference?

Applying to mobilize the reserve formation of the 8th Air Division, nonsense, how can the reserve formation of the 8th Air Division be mobilized at will?

What should you do if an emergency occurs?

"Chief, this is the latest telegram sent by the division. The communications staff handed the war situation analysis and reasoning telegram from the Z Division to the lieutenant general.

Tan Fei took the telegram and read it quickly. After a while, the lieutenant general fell silent because of the contents of the telegram.

"Order to prepare the reserve formation of the Eighth Air Division and take off in twenty minutes." Tan Fei said.

On the side, the combat staff were stunned when they heard this.

Did the Army Commander really agree to Z Division’s application to let the reserve formation of Kong 8th Division take off to support?

The mobility of Division Z is indeed very important, but we should not focus too much on one and lose the other. What should Division C do? All air power should be used now. Once an accident occurs, the imbalance of air superiority will be troublesome.


There is still a long way for each unit to reach the exercise venue. Even if they arrive at the exercise venue, there is no air superiority, and the armored forces of both sides will be in a huge passive position.

"Commander, it is too early to use the reserve fighter formation now."

"Yes, the escort force of Division C is already weak. If the air force is completely transferred to Division Z, Army A will launch a key attack on Division C and it will be too late to provide support.

"Commander, why is this happening?"

All the combat staff immediately raised questions, but Tian Fen was puzzled.

Everyone knows the status of Division Z in Army Group H, but even if Division Z is very strong, it cannot put all the treasure on Division Z.

"Look at this." After hearing this, Tan Fei handed the telegram in his hand to the combat staff on the side.

Everyone received the telegram out of curiosity. After reading it, everyone's eyes widened in disbelief.

"No way, a captain and staff officer can analyze this?"

"Using data to analyze and reason about Army A's intentions? Is there a window period for Division Z's air escort?"

"Really or not? He's just a captain. He probably doesn't even understand army campaign science. How can he understand this?"

"Mr. Qi trusts his junior brother too much."

The combat staff around the lieutenant general have the lowest rank of lieutenant colonel, and there are many colonels and senior colonels. Although they know the capabilities of the captain.

But the captain was still too young, and it was his first time to participate in an exercise of this scale. It was a bit too random to make such a bold deployment and deployment of the Eighth Air Division based on the analysis and reasoning of the captain alone.

Using data formulas to analyze and deduce the intention of Army A is indeed very impressive, but it is only analysis and reasoning, and all this is just reasoning.

"Regardless of whether Army A will bomb the Z Division here, it is a fact that there is a gap in the air escort of the Z Division." Tan Fei said: "Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the contingency. We have given the Z Division an absolute air escort." The strength is tilted, and we don't care about this little deployment and mobilization, we can't fall short."

After the lieutenant general finished speaking, all the combat staff around him fell silent.

The commander of his own army has said this, which means that his mind has been made up, and it is useless for them to continue talking nonsense.

Three hours later.

Division Z came to area 535, which was the marked position Li Ran had marked on the map before.

At this time, a news report came.

140 kilometers to the northwest, it was discovered that the fighter formation of the Sixth Air Division of the enemy was launching an attack on the fighter formation of the Eighth Air Division, which had finished its escort and returned to rest after changing shifts.

The formation that was performing escort missions immediately sent half of its fighter jets to support.

As soon as this news came out, everyone was shocked.

Here we go, Army A's action is really here...

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