Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

234: Captain Commanding A Heavy Tank Regiment

The 113th Regiment was shaken.

After the situation was reported to the division headquarters, the Z Division headquarters was also shocked.

Within an hour, many officers of the 113th Regiment were beheaded, including the regiment commander, chief of staff, and committee members. Yes, even the committee members were not spared. They were discovered by lurking enemy scouts and beheaded.

Even down to the second lieutenants and platoon leaders, no one could escape.

Within an hour, 113 lost as many as ten officers. The regiment headquarters was leaderless for a while, and all three chief officers were beheaded. This was the first time in the history of the 113 regiment that this happened.

"Company Commander Chen, are you sure you don't need my help?"

Looking at the captain who seemed to have aged ten years in front of him, Li Ran felt a surge of sympathy in his heart, and even he couldn't stand it anymore.

The captain is so pitiful, and so is the reconnaissance company of the 113th Regiment. The enemy's scouts were unscrupulous in the temporary garrison of the 113th Regiment, and have caused battle losses to as many as ten officers, including the regiment commander, chief of staff and committee members.

Such a record was brilliant for the enemy scouts, but it was a shame for the captain and the reconnaissance company he commanded.

They were also scouts, and their faces were stepped on and rubbed hard on the ground.

"Commander Li, do you have any good ideas?" the captain asked, very lonely. The previous pride was gone at this moment. The blow and pressure he suffered in this hour

Only the captain knew that the reputation of the 13th Regiment Reconnaissance Company was about to be destroyed in his hands.

You can't blame the captain of the reconnaissance company. It's so easy to hide a few people in the 113th Regiment in Nuo Da. It's hard to find them. Moreover, this group of scouts is very cunning. Every time they succeed, they will save one to kill another one. Back carbine.

Everyone has to deal with eating, drinking, and diarrhea. Among other things, the regiment leader, chief of staff, and committee members are all very young. As for this person, once he gets a little older, it is always easier for him to go to the toilet.

You can't hold back and solve the problem in the tent.

After learning from past mistakes and discovering that the other side's scouts were specifically targeting officers, the main officer also disguised himself to go to the toilet, but unexpectedly they were all discovered.

"Stupid method." Li Ran said directly: "Coordinate with other companies, advance bit by bit, and search everywhere. Although it is a bit slower and more energy-consuming, there is no other way."

The temporary base is so large that it would be impossible to search it carefully with just one reconnaissance company, not to mention the long time it takes.

Hearing this, the captain of the reconnaissance company sighed helplessly. This is the only way things have come to this point. In the past, for the sake of so-called face, we had to find the place. There was only one reconnaissance company searching, but now it seems that if we don’t find others, It is no longer possible for brothers at work to coordinate and help.

If this continues, all officers will be "dead"!

After asking for approval from their superiors, the entire 113th Regiment immediately started moving and coordinating, and truly dug into the ground and searched bit by bit without giving up anywhere.

Finally, after spending two hours, they defeated all the scouts sent by the enemy and even captured two alive.

"Be honest, do you hear me?"

"We are all scouts. You are playing tricks. You are sniping people around the toilet. What unscrupulous idea came up with this?"

"Bah, as a scout, I'm really ashamed to be associated with you."

"How about the Long Live Army? Is this the virtue of the Long Live Army? Is this the quality?"


During the exercise, there are special arrangements for elimination areas for the fallen personnel, but the situation is different for the captives, who are completely left to the free disposal of the captured troops.

As a result, these two (aibj) scouts, a second lieutenant and a lieutenant, became the targets of everyone in the 113th Regiment.

Especially the scouts of the 113th Regiment, their eyes were filled with "murderous intent" when they saw the two men. If the exercise rules hadn't allowed it, they would have really wanted to give him two big tricks.

As a scout, I didn't expect that his methods were so dirty. It simply refreshed the lower limit of the scout's outlook.

Z Division Headquarters.

"Ten officers of the 113th Regiment were beheaded, and the regiment commander, chief of staff, and committee members all died. Preliminary statistics show that the efficiency of the command chain has been reduced by 10%..."

After hearing the report from the staff on the side, Qi Long's face turned pale. He never expected that a main tank regiment would suffer such a big loss.

All three chief officers were beheaded by scouts sent by the enemy. This was the first time this happened in Z Division.

"Division Commander, setting up an ambush around the battlefield toilet is too dirty and violates the rules of the exercise."

"That's right, we should complain to the director's department, why do you still play like this?"

"It's too much. The dignified Long Live Army actually used such despicable methods."

The combat staff on the side said one after another, expressing their dissatisfaction. Setting up an ambush around the toilet was too immoral. How could such an attack have been done in previous exercises?

"Although the tactics are a bit dirty, is there any rule in the exercise rules that prohibits this?" Qi Long said coldly: "When you fight with the enemy in the future, will you still make a rule with the enemy that you can't shoot around the toilet?"

The director department has not said anything so far, which means that the tactical director department of Army A has acquiesced.

What's more, although ambush around the toilet is a bit dirty, there is no provision in the exercise rules that prohibits it. It can only be said that the officers and soldiers of the 113th Regiment have poor wartime awareness and have no sense of vigilance at all.

"This is not a time to discuss whether there are violations or not." Qi Long said again: "What do you think about the subsequent candidates for the command of the 113th Regiment?"

Although the three chief officers of the 113th Regiment, including the commander, chief of staff, and chief committee officer, were beheaded, there were still others including the deputy commander, deputy chief of staff, and others.

The battle has just begun, and a suitable commander must be assigned to the 113th Regiment.

"Let Deputy Commander Song take command."

"I think it would be better to let Deputy Chief of Staff Zhang take command."

"I think..."

For a time, everyone had a dispute about the candidate to command the 113th Regiment.

"Teacher, it's up to you to decide."

After a long dispute, everyone's eyes were on Qi Long. In the end, it was Qi Long, the division commander, who would take command.

"I plan to let Li Ran take over the subsequent command of the 113th Regiment." Qi Long said in a deep voice.

After saying these words, everyone present was shocked, even more shocked than when they heard the news that the three leaders of the 113th Regiment had been beheaded.

Are you kidding me?

Li Ran will be responsible for the follow-up command of the 113th Regiment? A staff captain will be responsible for commanding the regiment's operations?

Although an officer of the 113th Regiment was beheaded, it was not reduced to a captain commanding a regiment, right?

Is my teacher crazy? Even if Li Ran is his junior brother, he can't treat him so unabashedly special.

"Division Commander, this is completely inconsistent with the regulations." A colonel on the side couldn't help but said.

"Yes, division commander, although Staff Officer Li is excellent, he is only a captain after all, and he is not an officer of the 113th Regiment, so it is not suitable."

"It's already taboo to change generals on the spot, and if you're changing to someone you're not familiar with, it's definitely not going to work."

A group of people quickly tried to dissuade him, thinking that Qi Long's decision was too childish and lacked the composure of a heavy-armored division commander.

The previous division commander was not like this. He was very prudent in making any decision. But since the captain came, his division commander has become a little different.

"I know what you are worried about, but in terms of command quality, who among the remaining members of the 113th Regiment can match him?" Qi Long said directly: "Although he is only a captain now, don't forget, he is a captain. In terms of tactical thinking and analysis ability, none of you mid- to senior-level officers can compare to him.

All the middle and senior officers beside him turned red when he said this.

They were telling the truth, and they had absolutely no reason to refute it.

"Give the power to the forward headquarters and tell me that I have arranged for Li Ran to serve as the follow-up commander of the 113th Regiment to command the battle." Qi Long said, his mind made up.

H Army Advance Headquarters.

"Ten officers of the 113th Regiment, including the commander, chief of staff, and committee members, were beheaded. The division commander, Colonel Qi Long, arranged for Comrade Li Ran to serve as the follow-up commander of the 113th Regiment and temporarily assume the position of commander.

On the side, the communications staff member immediately shocked everyone at the former headquarters after reading the battle report from Division Z.


Everyone couldn't help but gasp.

They were already shocked by the beheading of the officers of the 113th Regiment, but the arrangement of the commander of the heavy armored division shocked them even more.

The 113th Regiment, which was the heavy tank regiment of the Z Division, the main regiment, ended up with three chief officers being beheaded, and the commander of the dignified heavy armor division actually arranged for a captain to serve as follow-up command.

A captain's staff commanded a heavy tank regiment. Isn't he mentally dizzy?

As for the fact that Li Ran is Qi Long's junior brother, they also know that the arrangements and appointments at this time cannot be made without raising suspicion.

"Comrade Commander, Comrade Li Ran is certainly excellent, but I think he definitely lacks experience in commanding a heavy tank regiment. Commander Qi's arrangement is a bit too casual."

"There is no precedent for a captain commanding a tank regiment. This is simply chaos."

"Commander Qi's decision this time is too haphazard. The exercise is of great importance and we cannot just randomly appoint the commander of a tank regiment like this."

All the officers around him objected. Li Ran was excellent. They had no doubt about this. They all agreed. The captain's excellence was indeed outstanding.

But now it is a large-scale exercise involving a confrontation between two armies. Isn't it a joke to let a captain, Li Ran, serve as the commander of a heavy tank regiment?

This is a heavy tank regiment, not a tank company. Moreover, it is illegal to appoint Li Ran, an officer seconded from the Tibetan Military Region, to take command of a regiment.

If the captain makes a mistake during the command and causes an accident, who will bear the responsibility? Who can bear it?

(Please ask for all kinds of data support, ask for everything, ask for all kinds of data, thank you!).

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