Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

235: Captain Acting Commander! Um! So Fragrant

Hearing the doubts from the officers, Tan Fei, the army commander, said in a deep voice: "It seems that the commander of our heavy equipment division thinks highly of his junior brother."

When he said this, the lieutenant general had no expression on his face.

This look made the surrounding officers' hearts sink.

Sure enough, the army commander was also angry with Commander Qi's bold and casual decision.

Think about it, in such a big exercise, even if all three officers of the 113th regiment are beheaded, it doesn't mean that there will be no one available.

Where is the deputy commander? Where is the deputy chief of staff? Why is it not the turn of a captain to take command, or is it a captain seconded from other military regions? Can the officers and soldiers of the 113th Regiment be convinced by his command?

Just when everyone thought that the lieutenant general also asked the communications staff to send a message severely reprimanding Qi Long for this arrangement, the next second.

"But you can give it a try." Tan Fei said slowly.

After saying these words, everyone around was dumbfounded.

What? Commander, are you crazy?

They originally thought that Commander Qi was crazy, but they didn't expect that the Army Commander also went crazy.

Can you agree to such a bold and casual arrangement? Can we try it? Is it possible to try it? If something goes wrong, who will take responsibility? Who can take this responsibility?

"Commander, this..."

Everyone was about to open their mouths to dissuade them, but Tan Fei stretched out his hand to stop them and said: "Don't always look at things with the old eyes, give young people a chance."

After saying that, he stopped talking nonsense to everyone and said directly: "Reply to Division Z and say that I agree. The other 113 regiment will remain unchanged according to the original battle plan."


Seeing their commander making such a decision, the surrounding officers were shocked beyond measure.

It has changed, it has really changed. My own army commander has completely changed. He was not like this before, and neither was the former commander of the heavy armored division.

Commanders of heavy-duty troops all have a very common characteristic, that is, they are calm, and they are very steady in doing things and issuing combat plans.

But now, if a captain is allowed to command a heavy tank regiment, can this be called calm? Calm is nothing.

It can be said that no one in any other group army would dare to do such a thing. Let a captain from the Tibetan Military Region serve as a combat staff to prepare for such a large-scale exercise.

It is already a precedent-setting thing.

As a result, this precedent has become bigger and bigger, and it's not even possible to shock people.

The military commander has already made a decision, what else can they say?

Their current identity is equivalent to a combat staff officer, and the chief of staff is not here. As the saying goes, a staff officer without a commander will not make a sound. No matter how much they say, they can't change the decision of the military commander.

Director's Department!

"Hiss, Army A's tactics are really dirty this time. They let the scouts surround the toilet and ambush them. This is really a lesson.

"Isn't it true? The dignified Long Live Army is actually acting this way, and you don't need any shame at all?"

"The 113th Regiment suffered heavy losses this time. All three chief officers were beheaded, leaving the group without a leader."

"If a suitable commander is not appointed to take over the command behind the 113th Regiment, a heavy tank regiment will be wasted.

"If nothing else, the chain of command of the 113th Regiment has been greatly affected by this wave of beheadings."

"Chief, is it against the rules of the exercise to ambush Army A around the battlefield toilet?" A senior colonel came to the lieutenant general and asked in a low voice.

"The exercise regulations do not stipulate that the toilet belongs to the ceasefire zone, so it is not a violation." The lieutenant general said directly.

Just after the lieutenant general finished speaking, there was an uproar in the director's department, which was already having some lively discussions.

"I'll go, what is Army H going to do?"

"Am I right? Am I not dazzled? Are you letting a captain serve as the temporary commander of the 113th Regiment?"

"Crazy, must be crazy. Even if Commander Qi doesn't know the seriousness of the matter, doesn't Commander Tan also know?"

"My dear, this exercise is really getting more and more interesting. Neither one of them plays according to the usual routine."

At this time, the officers in the director's department were completely stunned by the information scrolling on the screen.

Not long ago, according to the staff report from the director's department of Division Z, the commander of Division Z actually arranged for Li Ran to be the temporary commander of the 113th Regiment and take over the subsequent combat tasks.

If it weren't for the words Captain Li Ran clearly written on it, everyone would have thought they were dazzled.

A captain serves as the temporary commander of a tank regiment?

Are all the middle and senior officers of the 113th Regiment "dead"? Were they all beheaded?

Or is it Colonel Qi Long, the commander of Division Z, who is confused, feels like he is sure of victory, and wants some excitement?

Yes, that must be the case. The division commander of the 1st Heavy Armored Division is now in a different position. He is definitely in a different position. Not only is the division commander in a different position, but also the commander of the H Army. Otherwise, how could such an arrangement be issued?

"It's interesting. Let this little guy seconded from the Tibetan Military Region take over the follow-up command of the 113th Regiment. It seems that our heavy armored division commander is very confident." The general said with great interest.

This arrangement also surprised him.

Even if he has been in the military for so many years and has been sitting in this position, this is the first time he has seen such an appointment and deployment.

Although in the field army, officers take over the command in a sequential order, they are all from top to bottom, taking over the command level by level.

At this point, a captain was directly asked to take over the command of the 113th Regiment. Is a captain with less than a year of service capable of controlling this steel behemoth?

"This is a bit messy. It must be stopped immediately. It's okay to let this guy act as a combat staff to give out ideas and gain experience. Let him command a tank regiment in such an exercise and fool around." The lieutenant general said seriously.

He was completely unexpected by the arrangement made by the Commander of Division Z.

When Li Ran graduated from the Lu Academy, Li Ran was seconded from the Tibetan Military Region to prepare for the war exercise. Although it was his idea to temper Li Ran, he never thought of letting Li Ran personally command H Army in this exercise. Any troop.

An exercise of this scale is no child's play. Besides, Li Ran is not from the H Army at all and has never held any position. He suddenly takes over the command of a tank regiment. Can the officers and soldiers of the 113th Regiment be convinced?

Even officers of Army H will not be able to command the troops well once they are transferred to a new unit without taking some measures to raise their prestige.

"Isn't this quite interesting?" the general said with great interest: "Our commander of the Zhantu Division is not confused and will not make arrangements casually just because of a relationship. When he does this, it is obvious that he has a deep understanding of the situation. The boy is very optimistic about it, let’s take a look first and then talk about it.”

The general's analysis was not unreasonable. After hearing this, the lieutenant general had no choice but to give up and take a look at it for the time being.

He only hoped that Li Ran would not have any accidents during his command during this exercise, but at the same time, he had a little expectation in his heart.

This captain, who has been in the army for less than a year, has done a lot of miraculous things, and maybe he can still create a miracle this time.

0…Please give me flowers…

The temporary residence of the 113th Regiment.

"Let me temporarily serve as the commander of the 113th Regiment and take over the subsequent command tasks of the 113th Regiment?" Li Ran was very surprised and did not react for a long time.

Is today his lucky day?

First, he had a random idea in his mind, and it turned out that the three chief officers of the 113th Regiment were really defeated. Now, his senior brother has defied all opinions and arranged for him to be the temporary commander of the 113th Regiment and take over the subsequent command. It turns out that there is really a pie in the sky. !

"Commander Li, no, acting commander Li, I hope you will not disappoint the division commander's expectations of you." The deputy commander of the lieutenant colonel said with a very complicated expression.

To be honest, when he received the telegram, he was completely confused.

After so many years, the great contributions he made to the Z Division were finally paid in error. The division commander changed, and love disappeared. He was a dignified deputy commander, but he was not as good as a captain seconded from another military region in the heart of the division commander.

Sure enough, the relationship between brothers in the same sect is unusual.

"I will definitely fulfill my mission." Li Ran said seriously, feeling very excited. This is an opportunity, a very precious opportunity. Such a good opportunity must be firmly grasped.


Soon, Li Ran, a captain seconded from the Tibetan Military Region, temporarily served as the commander of the 113th Regiment, and the notice to take over the subsequent command was conveyed to the chief officers of each battalion and company of the 113th Regiment.

Suddenly, there was a sound of doubt.

"Crazy, crazy, the teacher must be crazy."

"Let a captain command our 113th Regiment? Do we have no one in our 113th Regiment?"

"Although this junior fellow teacher is indeed extraordinary, he is still too young and cannot bear such a heavy responsibility.

"It's over. Our 113th Regiment will definitely be doomed this time. The chance to make meritorious deeds is gone."

For a time, the mood of the commanders of each battalion and company was a little depressed. No one had confidence in Li Ran. They even believed that a captain might not be able to command a heavy tank regiment.

Elimination area.

"What? Let Li Ran accept the command of the 113th Regiment? Are you crazy? The division commander must be crazy." After receiving the news, Yang Xiong, the colonel commander of the 113th Regiment who was unfortunately beheaded, was very excited.

"Lao Yang, calm down, you are already a "dead person."" The chief of staff said expressionlessly on the side.

"Can I be calm? It's not Li Ran's turn to take command. I admit that this kid has great potential. I believe he can become a division commander in the future, but he is still too young now.

"Yang Xiong said dissatisfied.

"The division commander's arrangement this time is indeed abnormal, but the division commander is not the kind of impulsive person. He should have his own plan." The official said silently.

The three chief officers of the dignified 113th Regiment all became "dead people" at this time. They were all beheaded while going to the toilet, and they felt very aggrieved.

"Let's see, thank God if there is no accident in the 113th Regiment this time." Yang Xiong said helplessly. He was already a "dead man" and there was nothing he could do to stop it at this time.

after an hour.

After receiving the combat order, the 113th Regiment ended its rest and recuperation and the entire regiment was dispatched.

At the same time, the chief officers of each battalion and company of the 113th Regiment suddenly couldn't help but have an idea in their minds.

"Hmm! It smells so good."

(Please support me with all kinds of data, please ask for everything, please ask for all kinds of data, the exercise plot will be over today and tomorrow, and then I will be promoted to major and form a synthetic battalion! Next).

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