Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

249: Is This The Organization A Battalion Should Have?

Even though he was the commander of a heavy armored division and commanded a division, Qi Long said he had never been as tired as he is now.

Not only physically tired, but also mentally tired.

After finally finishing filming the script written by Li Ran, Qi Long's clothes were almost wet with sweat, especially the scene with the older female staff officer.

It was simply a kind of torture. An older single female staff officer actually despised him for this and that.

Are you kidding me? He is the commander of the heavy armor division. I think he was also a well-known young man in the countryside back then. If he hadn't devoted himself to the military, he wouldn't be single now.

Those who pursued him in Lu Yuan back then were able to form a reinforced company.

"Brother, thank you for your hard work."

Li Ran brought a bottle of water to Qi Long to express his gratitude. His senior brother was already very generous and even sacrificed his life to support his propaganda career of the Hesheng Camp.

"Aren't you afraid of being put in a sack if you do this?" Qi Long said after taking a sip of water to relieve himself.

He now understands Li Ran's intention. Indeed, this is a good publicity method, but it will definitely attract various units to curse behind their backs. Scolding is a trivial matter. Maybe in anger, they will put a sack on Li Ran and directly expose him. Beat him up.

"Brother, don't worry, the person who can put a sack for me hasn't been born yet." Li Ran said confidently: "Besides, if they do a good job in ideological work, what impact can a mere promotional video have?"

Li Ran's words made Qi Long think about it. If the ideological work is done well, there won't really be any big problems.

But Qi Long can be sure that once this promotional video is released, it will definitely be a bloody storm. However, it is just a promotional video. Whether each unit will allow it to be released is another matter. It is estimated that it will not cause too much damage. Splash.

Qi Long's scene is finished, it's Li Ran's turn, and in the second half it's Li Ran727's turn.

Qi Long watched from the side and said to himself that young people have many ideas, are full of energy, and are very innovative in their methods.

But soon, Qi Long lost his composure and saw an extremely beautiful young female captain coming. The famous staff officer Ai Xueyi in the agency was young, beautiful, and had outstanding work ability.

"Commander Ai, I'm sorry for wasting your time."

"It's okay, I just have nothing to do today." The young female captain was very enthusiastic towards Li Ran, and there was something wrong with her eyes.

While watching, Qi Long felt disgusted in his heart. It's too much. It's really too much. Why?

The person he interacted with was an older female staff officer, but the person Li Ran interacted with was a famous and beautiful captain in the agency. Is that intentional?

Qi Long also knew that this Staff Officer Ai was a college graduate with a postgraduate degree. He caused quite a stir when he came to the agency and was the dream lover of many single officers.

The most important thing is that this female captain is very cold and cold, and most people can't stand her. Li Ran can invite her here, which is really embarrassing.

Although Qi Long is the division commander of the heavy armor division and has reached the position of division commander, Qi Long's current age is thirty-eight years old. Among division commanders, he is ranked among the youngest.

He is considered young among the division commanders, but not young according to his age. The head of the army group has always been worried about Qi Long's personal problems, and has been urging him to go to the group army club or field hospital for a blind date to solve his personal problems as soon as possible.

It's just that Qi Long usually doesn't have the time or the thought.

The filming of the promotional video started in the second half.

On the venue, Li Ran and Ai Xue, the male and female protagonists, interacted wildly. It felt like they were lovers. The audience almost drooled all over the place. They were so envious.

"So handsome, a talented man and a beautiful woman."

"No wonder Battalion Commander Li was able to invite Staff Ai here. If I were a woman, I wouldn't be able to resist Battalion Commander Li's charm.

"What does this mean? I have a friend who is studying in the Lu Academy and said that the group of female students in the Lu Academy wanted to eat Camp Commander Li when they saw him."

"If I had such charm, I wouldn't have to worry about personal problems."

"I don't know if there are many female officers in the combined battalion. If there are a few like Staff Officer Ai, I would love to come."

The speaker was unintentional, but the listener was intentional. The lieutenant's words immediately made Qi Long vigilant. After returning home, he would ask the official to do some ideological education work for the grassroots officers and soldiers.

As a dignified heavy-armored officer, no matter what temptations he faces, he must remain calm.

The filming of the second half went very smoothly. As the male and female protagonists, Li Ran and Ai Xue, both talented and beautiful, worked very well together. After spending an entire afternoon, the filming of the promotional video was finally completed.

In the later stage, Li Ran only needed to make simple edits and add some background music in some places.

After the filming was over, Qi Long pulled Li Ran aside.

"You have such a great reputation, you can find famous female staff officers in the agency to film for you." Qi Long couldn't help but say.

"Brother, Staff Ai will be an officer and member of our synthetic battalion from now on. Isn't it normal to help your unit with propaganda?" Li Ran smiled.

"What? Did you dig her into the synthesis camp?" Hearing this, Qi Long was shocked: "The agency people promised to give her to you?"

"She applied for it herself." Li Ran said, "And with her professionalism, she is very suitable for the Synthetic Camp."

"You guys really impress me. Speaking of the combined battalion, are you sure it is a battalion? Not a regiment?"

Qi Long came to Li Ran today. Not only did he assist in the filming work, but he also learned about the synthetic camp that Li Ran wanted to set up.

Before understanding it, Qi Long was disdainful of the combined battalion that Li Ran wanted to form. What tricks could a mere battalion-level unit do?

Heavy equipment is the king, why waste that time and energy.

After understanding the results, Qi Long was shocked. Is this the organization and equipment that a battalion should have?

There are three main battle companies plus more than a dozen auxiliary units. The command model is completely innovative and (aidj) completely different from the traditional company-level command model. Forget it, in terms of scale, the combined battalion Li Ran told him has at least 800 people. !

Can a scale of 800 people be called a camp?

The number of personnel is not large, and the weapons and equipment are even more crazy. There are three armed helicopters and three groups of tactical missile vehicles. Counting main battle tanks, armored vehicles, infantry fighting vehicles, and personnel carriers, the entire battalion has increased. The number of vehicles that got up was as high as more than two hundred.

As for the staffing of the battalion headquarters, it is even more luxurious. There are a large number of officers. In addition to having a dedicated staff group, even logistics are provided.

Does a battalion need logistics?

At least I haven't heard of it before. As a result, a battalion is now equipped as much as a regiment. Although the sparrow is small, it has all the internal organs. It has everything a regiment should have and lacks nothing.

Is this a camp?

Why, rely on names for tactical deception?

"Brother, this is indeed just a battalion." Li Ran confirmed in response to Qi Long's question.

"This size configuration is comparable to that of the Bald Eagle." Qi Long couldn't help but say.

"Senior brother, you have good eyesight." Li Ran flattered him and said, "How can we transcend without comparing?"


Hearing this, Qi Long couldn't help but gasped. Although he was young and scary, his tone was really loud. Everyone wanted to surpass the bald eagle, but the gap was there.

Especially the development of modernization, the development of Bald Eagle's modern information force is indeed very scary.

"Work hard, I'll wait for that day." Qi Long patted Li Ran on the shoulder. If anyone else had said this, he would probably have taken it as a joke, but it was Li Ran who said it, and he had an inexplicable expectation. .

Maybe, the field army's long-standing goal can be achieved in Li Ran's hands.

In the evening, Li Ran worked overtime and successfully edited the filmed promotional video. The promotional video was divided into two parts, with the second lieutenant officer as the dividing line, and was very targeted for different groups of officers.

As for how to popularize promotional videos, Li Ran thought about it.

It would definitely not be possible if all units were simply asked to play the promotional video for the Synthetic Camp.

The chief officers of each unit are not fools. They just cheated the equipment of three army groups, and now they want to use promotional videos to cheat people. One or two will definitely not be the original intention.

Therefore, we must think of a suitable way to spread the promotional video among the three armies and increase the popularity of the promotional video.

So, an hour later,

Northern Military District Headquarters!

After General Ding Zhiguo, commander of the military region, held a meeting, the officer on the side reported that Battalion Commander Li was here.

When he heard this title, the general knew it was Li Ran. After all, there was no other battalion commander who could come to the headquarters casually but Li Ran.

Soon, in the office.

"Tell me, why did you come to me so late at night?" the admiral asked directly.

"Chief, let me show you something good." Li Ran looked mysterious.

"What good thing?" The admiral didn't know why.

"A film."


"It's the kind of movie that makes people's blood boil, their moods get excited, and their whole body becomes hot after watching it."

Hearing this, the admiral was stunned for a moment, and then almost couldn't help but curse.

What a daring thing. His dignified commander of the military region, the general, actually showed him such a thing.

How old is he, and he still thinks about this kind of thing?

After a while, after watching the video edited by Li Ran, the general realized that he was almost impulsive. It turned out to be a promotional video for the Synthetic Camp.

"Well, the shooting is good, very good, it can be used as a recruitment promotional video." The general nodded, affirming the quality of the promotional video.

"Chief, although it is important that the promotional video is well shot, it is most important that more people see it. Therefore, I apply..."

When Li Ran told the general about his method of popularizing and disseminating the propaganda video of Synthetic Camp, even the general was shocked.

He was shocked not only by the way Li Ran promoted it, but also by some of the information Ji Ran had.

He was curious, where did Li Ran collect this information?

(Ask for all kinds of data support, ask for everything, thank you!!!).

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