Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

250: Welcome To Synthetic Camp!

As the commander of a military region, an absolute high-level person, commanding three armies. People in this position are at the helm of the general direction.

But anyone in a high position has a common problem, that is, they are not able to grasp the situation at the grassroots level in such a timely manner.

For example, every time the headquarters releases some policies to the subordinates, the headquarters only issues orders, and the three group armies need to implement them, but what is the final implementation at the grassroots level? They only listen to work reports.

A commander of a military region is busy with work every day and has so many things to do. It is very unrealistic to want to keep an eye on one thing.

The general did not expect that Li Ran came to him this time not only to show him the promotional video of the combined camp, but also a due diligence report on the grassroots officers and soldiers of the three armies.

He was very curious, how did a major get this due diligence report?

This due diligence report does reflect some serious problems and delays at the grassroots level.

"Where did you get this report?" Ding Zhiguo asked directly.

"Chief, I spent a week collecting it." Li Ran said.

"You can complete the grassroots research of three armies in one week?" The general was very surprised and couldn't believe it.

There are three armies, not three companies, and Li Ran is just one person. How did you do a basic survey?

"I published a column on the military website to listen to grassroots officers and soldiers and learn about their needs for the ideal combat unit." Li Ran said.

The propaganda video of the combined camp cannot be perfunctory. It is not just a cheesy video clip that can arouse the interest of grassroots officers and soldiers.

You must take the right medicine and understand their needs for an ideal combat unit. If you can provide them with what they want, you will naturally attract them to join the combined camp.

Moreover, the captain level is a watershed. Officers at captain and below have different needs for ideal combat units than officers above captain.

This is why the promotional video shot by Li Ran is divided into upper and lower parts.

As a new type of force, the synthetic battalion has very good welfare benefits from its superiors. It is truly a big deal. As long as you come and become a member of the synthetic battalion, you will be able to enjoy the benefits.

Not to mention anything else, it can solve the accommodation and household registration problems of family members accompanying the army, which is enough to drive officers above the second lieutenant crazy.

For this item, although junior officers can enjoy this treatment as long as they reach a certain level, it is still unknown when the application will be approved. Some officers have even applied for two years and the problem cannot be solved.

"Very good, this is a very good idea."

The general expressed high appreciation and affirmation for Li Ran's behavior, and was very pleased.

He was indeed right about Li Ran. Although he was young, he had many ideas, was innovative, and was pragmatic. No matter what the problem was, he could solve it in three steps, five steps, and two divisions.

"Chief, I also want to promote the promotional video through the military website. What do you think?" Li Ran asked tentatively, as an application.

"I approved it." The admiral said directly: "Go ahead and do it boldly."

"Chief, I'm afraid of being beaten." Li Ran said weakly.

"I guess who dares? Go ahead and do it boldly. If anyone troubles you, let them come to me directly." Admiral Hu Duzi was full of momentum.

"Thank you, chief."

Army, an armored battalion.

A tank platoon leader was in the computer room, logging into the military region intranet, preparing to look up some information.

At this moment, a pop-up window popped up on the military website.

"Master, please come to your favorite slave's house, click to enter, and start a harem journey with your concubines!"

On the pop-up window, a charming ancient-style beauty stunned the second lieutenant.

What's the situation? What's the situation? Why does the military network have this thing? Is this an advertisement? Or is it a virus?

Impossible. This is a local area network. Where did the advertisements come from? Where did the viruses come from? If there is a virus invasion, are the technicians in the security department just doing nothing?

Could it be...

When the second lieutenant thought of this, his heart suddenly started pounding. As the Internet gradually became popular in the country, he had long heard that you could watch some low-cost action movies and some games on the Internet, which were said to be very exciting.

Could it be that this was a relaxing game specially prepared for them to see how stressed their junior officers were?

No, absolutely not. As an officer of the field army, how could he lose his mind because of this kind of game? He must not have such unhealthy thoughts.

But I just clicked it to take a look. If I am sure it is that kind of game, report it immediately. Yes, I clicked it just to confirm.

After the second lieutenant struggled with his thoughts, he finally clicked on the pop-up page with his hands trembling a little as his heart was pounding.

Just when the second lieutenant thought that some scenes not suitable for children would appear next, who knows, the style of painting suddenly changed.

Welcome to Synthetic Camp!

For those with the rank of captain or above, please click 1 to enter and watch the promotional video of the synthetic camp!

For those with the rank of captain or below, please click 2 to enter and watch the promotional video of the synthetic battalion!

"Tch, what are you doing? It turns out it's a promotional video. It's such a big stunt and it makes me excited for nothing." The second lieutenant felt huge disappointment and dissatisfaction for a moment.

I almost took off my pants, why are you showing me this?

The second lieutenant knows about the combined battalion. The officer transferred from the General Tibetan Military Region did it. The youngest major has also won the honorary title of God of War. Not long ago, he had stolen the equipment of three armies and was ranked among the three armies. Blacklisted.

You used such a big stunt to lure people in. I want to see what your promotional video will look like.

After reading, the second lieutenant clicked on clip two, specially prepared for those with the rank of captain and below.

The moment you click to open it, a majestic momentum emanates from the screen, with tanks, armed helicopters, armored vehicles, and infantry fighting vehicles speeding there.

Missiles, artillery shells, bombings all over the sky, saturation fire strikes, every battle scene is extremely shocking, comparable to blockbusters, and makes the second lieutenant feel excited for a while.

Even though he was the platoon leader of a tank battalion, he still couldn't control his heart boiling when he saw this scene.

At the end of the picture, Li Ran and Ai Xue appear, a talented and beautiful combination, a young male major and a young female captain. Together, they directly sublimate such a spectacular battle scene.

"I, Li Ran, the commander of the synthetic battalion, an 18-year-old major, and the god of war in the army, want to build the strongest battalion. You are welcome to join."

"A new command model, a new promotion system, and the creation of a modern information synthesis force. What are you waiting for? Come join us now.


Watching this promotional clip, the second lieutenant's heart was filled with excitement. The synthetic battalion was so handsome. He originally thought that the tank battalion was very handsome, but in front of the synthetic battalion, he felt a little inferior.

0......Please give me flowers......

Unexpectedly, even the agency’s famous female staff officer has joined the synthesis camp. “What reason does he have for not joining the synthesis camp?

The new command model and the new promotion system are simply an opportunity for young officers like him.

Registration is required.

K Army, company commander of a certain mechanized infantry regiment.

"It's simply against the morals. How do the technical departments do things? The military region's intranet system actually has such a thing. Report it. You must report it.

The captain first made some righteous criticism, and then unconsciously opened the pop-up window with his right hand.

"Damn, cheating, this is cheating." At this point, the huge gap made the captain immediately angry. This is cheating, using gimmicks to trick him into clicking. The synthetic camp is really disgusting.

But when the captain clicked on the promotional clip, he was shocked by the content not long after.

"Let me go, the commander of Division Z has kindly contributed to the promotional video of Hesheng Camp? Is Hesheng Camp so prestigious?"

"Holy shit, is it true or not? Teacher Tangtang actually has the same concerns as them and doesn't have time to spend with his wife and children?"

"Can we guarantee that the household registration and residence issues of family members accompanying the military will be solved in three months? Is it true or false?"

Talking about this captain makes me feel miserable. It has been two years since he submitted his application and he has yet to receive approval. He can only see his wife and children once a year at most. If this continues, his children will almost not recognize him and call him Dad next door. .

If the synthesis camp can really solve this problem, he will die in the synthesis camp.

Sign up, must sign up!

As the propaganda clips of the combined camp spread among the three armies, it soon caused a huge sensation among the grassroots of the three armies.

The minds of the grassroots officers and soldiers were directly shaken, and one or two of them wanted to sign up for the combined camp.

After learning about this incident, the chief officers of each unit were immediately furious.

Damn Major, he just cheated on their equipment before, but now he wants to cheat on their officers, drain their salary from under the cauldron, and kill people. This is the root cause of their attack.

For grassroots units, officers are very valuable. As a result, each and every one of them is now unstable in morale and wants to change jobs. Who can bear this?

Therefore, at the request of superiors, each unit immediately convened a meeting to strengthen and consolidate the thinking of grassroots officers and soldiers and their sense of belonging and responsibility to their units.

Don't be fooled by a mere promotional clip. It's just a piece of cake and cannot be believed.

Although the meeting was held, it was of no use. That night, the computer room was full of people. From second lieutenants to majors, everyone signed up because it was mentioned in the promotional video that the number of places was limited.

In just three days, the number of officers who registered online for the three armies reached hundreds, and the foundation of the three armies was directly shaken.

First, the chief officers of each unit could not sit still. In the end, even the officers of the three armies could not sit still.

The three of them originally thought of going directly to Li Ran, the culprit, to settle the score, but they couldn't find anyone. Finally, the three of them discussed it and went directly to the military district headquarters. The commander reported the situation.

At such a young age, the major actually used such gimmicks to maliciously deceive junior officers. If we ignore this, what will happen in the future?

(Please ask for all kinds of data support, please ask for everything, please ask for all kinds of data! Please thank me!).

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