Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

258: All Fear Comes From Lack Of Firepower

For three days in a row, all the female soldiers in the combined camp were shrouded in A Piao's fear.

In the end, almost 80% of the female soldiers in the combined camp had seen it with their own eyes. Of course, it was just passing by. At night, the strange sound never stopped.

Even one night, at Yao Lan's call, a group of people guarded together. Although A Piao didn't see it, the sound was always there.

In the end, the female soldiers were on the verge of collapse.

Training is hard during the day and being tortured by Ah Piao at night, making it difficult to sleep well. Who can bear this?

Finally, the two captains Yao Lan and Ai Xue found Li Ran, and the team reported truthfully.

At first, Yao Lan, a staunch materialist, always thought it was fake, but until she accidentally saw it while going to the toilet one night, she was almost scared to death.

"Nonsense, why is it that your female soldiers' dormitory is haunted, but your male soldiers' dormitory is not? You are soldiers, do you believe this?" After hearing the report, Li Ran scolded him mercilessly.

"Battal Commander, the male soldiers have strong yang energy, and Ah Piao dare not come near us. We girls are born with cold bodies and strong yin energy. Ah Piao likes to come here the most." Yao Lan said: "And I have seen it with my own eyes. We have been here for the past three days. If you don't get enough rest after being tortured, if this continues, everyone's body will collapse.

"What about you?" Li Ran focused on Ai Xue.

"I saw it too." Ai Xue said.

"Since you two said you have seen Ah Piao, have you seen what she looks like? Is her face covered in blood or is she missing arms and eyes?" Li Ran asked.

"The hair is too long, and it is hidden from view. It just floats by." The two people said with ugly faces, and they were frightened when they mentioned this.

"I didn't expect that the dignified field army officers would still believe this. Well, since you said there is A Piao, then I want to see it." Li Ran said: "All the female soldiers gathered immediately."


Yao Lan and Ai Xue didn't know why Li Ran wanted to gather all their female soldiers so late at night.

Are you going to take them to capture Ah Piao?

Soon, all the female soldiers in the combined battalion gathered.

"Everyone is here, three kilometers to the southwest, run and walk." Li Ran gave the order.

For a moment, all the female soldiers were confused. What were they doing if they didn't sleep at night? Cross-country running? Not really.

But it didn't take long for them to know what the disease was.

Under the leadership of Li Ran, the female soldiers came to a graveyard. Looking around, they saw at least a dozen bulging hillsides. There were tombstones in front of each hillside, and paper money was scattered on the ground.

Thinking of Ah Piao, all the female soldiers turned pale instantly, even Yao Lan and Ai Xue looked very ugly.

The battalion commander is adding fuel to the fire. Don't you think they were scared enough? He took them directly to A Piao's base camp?

"Everyone is here. Standing here, isn't there a Piao? I want to see if there is one. It's scary. There are so many of you here. Is it scaring you or you scaring it?

"Li Ran said directly.

As a result, all the female soldiers in the combined battalion were taken to the grave circle by Ji Ran for punishment.

After Li Ran finished speaking, he left.

After Li Ran left, the female soldiers who were originally shrouded in fear could no longer bear it and burst into tears.

"Mom, it's so scary, so scary."

"I want to go home, I want to go home."

"Uuuuuuuuah, this is too much, Ah Piao will really come out.

"It's so late at night that he even brought us to A Piao's house. Do you want us to meet his family?"

In the distance, Li Ran was hiding and secretly observed this scene. In addition to Li Ran, there was also Xu Xiaoguang, the instructor of the synthetic camp.

"Battal Commander, is this going too far? They are still girls after all, so don't scare them into mental illness." Xu Xiaoguang said worriedly.

In the past few days, he was very aware of the hauntings in the female soldiers' dormitory of the Combined Battalion. It was all planned by Li Ran, the battalion commander.

The purpose is to train the courage and psychological endurance of these female soldiers.

As for the grave circle, Li Ran asked the engineers to build it in the past few days. They are all fake and the purpose is to scare these female soldiers.

"Excessive? Where is it too much? Look at how poor their wartime consciousness is. They just cry. If you know how to observe, can't you see that these tombstones are all new? The paper money on the ground are all fake? Why don't you pay a piao? Why, as a soldier, are you afraid of this?" Li Ran said dissatisfied.

Xu Xiaoguang was silent. Indeed, if nothing else, it was a joke that the field army was afraid of this.

Although there are rumors about supernatural events in the military camp, in fact they are just rumors to scare the new recruits. Why should the veterans be afraid of this?

After a few rounds of artillery shells, everyone will surrender.

"Let the artillery platoon come over in an hour." Li Ran said.


Here, the female soldiers in the combined battalion have been crying, even Yao Lan and Ai Xue cried. In any case, from a physiological structure, they are still female soldiers, so they are really afraid of this.

They are not from the women's special forces team. They are either from the agency or logistics, so how can they withstand this scene.

Time passed little by little, hours later.

The female soldiers were also tired of crying, but except for the weather getting a little cooler at night, there seemed to be no supernatural events happening, and A Piao and A Piao's family did not come out.

Gradually, the female soldiers gained some psychological endurance.

At this time, Li Ran and the instructor came over with the artillery platoon.

"Why aren't you crying? Where's Ah Piao? Is she out?" Li Ran's voice sounded.

Immediately afterwards, with a big wave of his hand, the platoon immediately came over and prepared to bombard the grave circle in front of them.

Li Ran held a 95 assault rifle with a loaded magazine in his hand, and in front of all the female soldiers, he carried out a sudden attack on the graveyard.

Da da da~

Fully automatic, gunshots continued to sound.

After the magazine was empty, Li Ran raised the gun and said domineeringly: "Are you still scared now?"

Female soldiers, look at me and I look at you. I don’t know why, but when I saw my battalion commander’s bullets coming down, I suddenly felt much better and seemed not so scared anymore.

"Batalion Commander, I'm still a little scared." A female soldier said weakly.

"Still afraid? It's simple."

Li Ran waved his hand and the artillery prepared.

At the same time, he led the female soldiers back to a safe distance.

"Fire volley, let labor and management flatten it.




Boom boom boom~

Boom boom boom~

The rounds of volleys of shelling were very shocking at night.

The graveyard that Li Ran asked the engineers to build was under heavy artillery bombardment. The sky was filled with rubble for a while, and the small soil slopes were directly flattened by the artillery shells, leaving holes one after another.

Finally, under the cover of such powerful firepower, there is no graveyard ahead. No matter how ruthless Ah Piao is, he will have to kneel in front of such firepower.

"Are you still scared?" Li Ran asked again.

"Not afraid."


"Don't be afraid." The female soldiers roared in unison. Now they felt confident. They were confident. They had never been so confident.

Indeed, what are you afraid of? Who are they? They are field army soldiers with guns and cannons.

What does a mere Ah Piao mean in the face of such firepower?

"Very good, remember, all fear comes from insufficient firepower. Nowadays, the field army lacks everything but sufficient firepower. If anyone finds Ah Piao again, they will directly fight it."

You have to be more ruthless than that, do you understand?"


"Everyone, target camp, go back to sleep.

Yes, all fear comes from insufficient firepower.

The female soldiers, who were still fearful in their hearts, have never been so confident as they are now.

"I really hope that Ah Piao will show up again tonight, and I will have a fight with him."

"If it dares to appear again, it depends on whether I prick it or not."

"No, it has to appear. I want revenge. It makes me unable to sleep well these days."

On the way back, a group of female soldiers were talking in low voices, completely turning their fear of Ah Piao into the motivation to do it for Ah Piao. They were all gearing up, hoping that Ah Piao would come out tonight.

Hearing the discussion of the female soldiers, Li Ran almost felt weak in his calves.

Sure enough, the speed of these face changes is really fast. I am afraid that if I am really afraid, if I am not afraid, I will really die.

Northern Military District.


The synthetic battalion is a new type of synthetic force under the direct jurisdiction of the military region, so the general commander of the Northern Military Region is naturally very concerned about it.

The main reason is that the synthetic battalion has made too much noise. In order to support the formation of the synthetic battalion, people and equipment are needed for equipment. Even the synthetic battalion commander Li Ran's method of poaching people without martial ethics was chosen by the general. Turn a blind eye.

In order to poach officers, Li Ran reached out to the Lu (Nuo Zhao) Academy. For this reason, many other military regions expressed dissatisfaction with him, but he blocked them all.

The good intentions are entirely due to the fact that the admiral values ​​Li Ran.

The general also knows that Li Ran and the combined battalion are also valued by the chief of the General Staff. Therefore, the formed combined battalion must be successful, have strong combat effectiveness, and develop a modern combat style system.

"This is a training subject for the synthetic battalion. It's crazy, it's really crazy." The lieutenant general and chief of staff of the military region walked in at this time, and at the same time he had in his hand the training content he asked the synthetic battalion for.

The military district headquarters pays great attention to the combined battalion. Naturally, the headquarters also needs to know some of the training items every day.

You don’t know this by looking at it, and you’ll be shocked when you see it.

"What kind of training did this kid do to make you look like this?" The general was very curious. After picking up the report and reading it for a long time, he fell silent.

You can't do it without being silent. This training subject makes him, the commander, a little bit intolerable.

These training subjects are not the slightest test for the officers and soldiers of the combined battalion. They are really training with their lives.

After a while, the admiral breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Let Hesheng pay attention to safety!"

If the officers and soldiers of the combined battalion could persist in such training subjects, and if it was said that the combined battalion had no combat effectiveness, he, the commander, would be the first to stand up and object.

(Please ask for all kinds of data support, ask for everything, ask for everything, thank you!!).

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