Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

259: Integrating E-Sports Into Military Training

The synthesis camp has a day off.

One day off is definitely a rare day for the officers and soldiers of the combined battalion.

Since joining the company, I have had two days off a week, but here in the Synthetic Camp, I have one day off a week, and the other day is also a training day. Yes, the days in the Synthetic Camp are so hard and unpretentious.

So much so that many people secretly said that it felt like they were back to their career as a recruit.

"Why is this bad guy looking for me so early in the morning?"

As the captain of the electronic countermeasures team, Ai Xue whispered to the enemy on the way to the battalion headquarters.

Since the last time the female soldiers had a quarrel with Ah Piao in the dormitory, the battalion commander finally made them stand in the graveyard as punishment, and finally used mortars to bomb them. Although she was no longer so afraid of Ah Piao afterwards, Ai Xue felt something was wrong.

So, she conducted a special investigation afterwards and found something fishy.

It turns out that all of this was planned, directed and performed by the battalion commander. The purpose was to scare the female soldiers and exercise their courage. How could it be such a frightening thing?

However, out of Ai Xue's understanding of Li Ran's good intentions, Ai Xue treated this matter as unaware and did not tell the other female soldiers. It was definitely not because she was worried that the other female soldiers would angrily kill the battalion commander after knowing the truth. Give him a beating.

But privately, Ai Xue gave Li Ran a nickname, bad guy.

He is really bad, he has a bad mind, and he likes to use various means to torment others when he has nothing to do.

After arriving at the battalion headquarters, Ai Xue walked straight towards the battalion commander's office. The office door was closed, but there was a sound coming from inside.

"Point A, point A will be disabled."

"Snipe him, snipe him."

"If you get killed two-on-one, do you know how to play?

"Put it down, hurry up, damn it."

Li Ran's cursing voice came from 010, and Ai Xue's face changed. If she guessed correctly, this voice should be the sound of playing a game.

As a top student who graduated from the National University of Defense Technology, Ai Xue originally majored in computer science at the National University of Science and Technology. Now, with the development of the Internet, computers have become mainstream.

The efficient computing power of computers plays a very important role in office work.

Everyone knows that electronic information will become a major trend in future development, and the military will naturally have to keep up.

In addition to using computers for office work, most people use them to play games. Compared with traditional electronic games, computer games are more fun and attractive.

Unexpectedly, the battalion commander would openly play games in the office in broad daylight, which was a bad example.

Dong Dong Dong~

Ai Xue knocked on the door.


Ai Xue pushed the door open and walked in. The scene in front of her shocked her. Good guy, the office was filled with smoke, and all the big smokers were smoking.

As the battalion commander, Li Ran held a cigarette in his mouth and stared straight at the screen. Behind him, the chief of staff and the instructor stood there with a cigarette each, watching intently.

From time to time, he would point and point, as if he was pointing out the country.

The three chief officers of the combined camp gathered together to play games in broad daylight?

It's too much, it's really too much.

"Batalion Commander, why did you come to see me?" Ai Xue said directly.

"Captain Ai is here. Please wait a moment. I'll finish this fight and I'm about to win." Hearing the voice, Li Ran said without raising his head.

After hearing this, Ai Xue became even more dissatisfied.

Now she really wants other people in the synthetic camp to come and see what the battalion commander is like who has nothing to do with them all day long, but he actually takes the lead in playing games and creates such a bad atmosphere.

If word spreads about this, what will other people do?

What do the people in the combat units outside think? Doesn’t it mean that the commander of the combined battalion has fallen into disgrace? What future can the combined battalion have with such a chief officer?

"Battal Commander, are you violating the regulations by playing games in the office in broad daylight?" Ai Xue couldn't help but ask.

She could not see Li Ran, a dignified 18-year-old major, a shining star among the young officers of the field army, her idol, sinking like this. She could never indulge in computer games.

"Regulations? In the Hehe camp, my rules are the rules." Li Ran said this directly.

Hearing this, Ai Xue's face instantly turned red with anger. Her face was rosy and she looked very cute.

Seeing that Ai Xue was angry, the instructor Xu Xiaoguang on the side said quickly: "Battal Commander, you have something to do with Captain Ai, let's talk about business first, and we will play the game later."

"That's right, let me help you sort it out." Chief of Staff Qi Qiang also said.

Ai Xue was shocked when she heard this. What happened? She heard it right.

Not only the battalion commander has fallen, but the chief of staff and instructor have also fallen?

Faced with such a situation, not only did he not stop it, but he also continued to play games. Are computer games so fun? How old are you, and you still think you are 18 years old?

The battalion commander is indeed young, but are you two old guys young?

"Okay, Lao Qi, you come and help me tidy up. Forget it, Lao Xu, he is good and loves to play." Li Ran stood up and gave up his seat to Qi Qiang.

"Okay, let me kill them all." Qi Qiang said excitedly.

Instructor Xu Xiaoguang's face fell instantly. What do you mean by being good at being fun-loving? It's because he likes to be the sixth one. The sixth one is such a good underhanded tactic and a sure move.

"Captain Ai, I came here to discuss something with you." Li Ran said.

"What's up?"

"The officers and soldiers of the Combined Battalion have high-intensity training and high pressure. I know this. As a battalion commander, I sympathize very much. In order to give them a good rest, I plan to launch an e-sports project in the Combined Battalion. Let them play computer games," Li Ran said.

"Batalion Commander, are you kidding?"

Li Ran's words made Ai Xue instantly dumbfounded. The battalion commander was crazy, really crazy. He was addicted to computer games, and now he was promoting it to the whole camp?

Is this a rhythm that will make all the officers and soldiers in the battalion addicted to computer games?

Are you still practicing? Have you become the strongest (aief) yet? Do you still need to teach other combat units to fight?

If this idea is known to the head of the military region, are you not afraid that the head of the military region will chop you with a knife?

"I'm not joking, I'm serious." Li Ran said: "E-sports competition is also a very effective way to cultivate war ideology. I also plan to go to the Military Region Logistics Department to apply for a few more computers for the synthetic battalion. Configuration It’s even better, it doesn’t freeze when playing, it’s almost like 100 units.”

Ai Xue was so shocked by Li Ran that she didn't know what to say.

In her opinion, the battalion commander was absolutely crazy. Could it be that he was possessed by Ah Piao? How could he say such nonsense if he was not possessed?

Go to the Military Region Logistics Department to apply for 100 computers? What? Could it be that you want to open an Internet cafe in the synthetic camp?

Ai Xue knows that Internet cafes are the favorite of young people. Some people even stay up all night in Internet cafes to play games and stay away from home for days and nights. This is a sign of depravity.

As a result, my battalion commander also fell into despair and wanted to open an Internet cafe in the army. This idea was very outrageous.

"Battal Commander, computer games can make people addicted. Once soldiers are addicted to computer games, have you considered the consequences? They have no intention of exercising and only think about playing games all day long. At that time, what will happen to the combined regiment? Battalion Commander , you are leading the synthetic camp to a path of no return." Ai Xue said very seriously.

"It's not that exaggerated." Li Ran smiled, with a very relaxed expression: "Last night, I organized the battalion officers to have a local network confrontation, and I have been fighting until now. The effect is not bad, but the game is a bit bad, so I plan to let you electronically The countermeasures department took the lead in setting up a game office, and also cooperated with computer technicians in the military region to conduct research and development to create a game suitable for us."

Integrating war games into training has actually become a trend among foreign military units.

Although anything linked to games may sound like a degenerate thing, in fact, as long as it is used properly, it will still be effective.

Li Ran has thought about it all and created a super-large realistic war-themed game that integrates special warfare and armored battles, including local confrontation, tank confrontation, air force confrontation, and naval confrontation.

It is purely domestically produced, and the data parameters of the relevant weapons and equipment in the game are all restored one to one according to the real data parameters.

The game can not only cultivate the wartime awareness of officers and soldiers, but also cultivate their tactics, which is very feasible.

It's just that all Ai Xue can think about is how Li Ran organized the battalion officers to stay up all night playing games, and she ignored what he said for a long time without reacting.

The battalion commander has fallen, the officers and staff of the battalion have also fallen. A group of people stay up all night playing games, but they are not ashamed but proud of it. How terrible!

Look at how old the current chief of staff is, and yet he is so addicted to computer games.

"Captain Ai, are you listening to me?" Seeing Ai Xue in a daze, Li Ran said again: "How do you feel about independently developing games?"

"Battal Commander, this matter is of great importance. I can't make the decision. If you can get the support of the military region chief, I have no objection." Ai Xue said.

I think highly of her when I discuss this matter with her. The development of domestic military games consumes manpower and material resources and is not a simple project.

Moreover, it remains to be discussed whether the nature of the matter itself is right or wrong. How did she take the initiative?

"That's no problem. This matter must be reported to the chief of the military region. I will ask you to come over and say hello to you in advance. You should be prepared. Once the chief's application is obtained, the research and development matter will be put on the agenda as soon as possible." Li Ran said.

In response, Ai Xue nodded perfunctorily.

In his heart, he said that unless the military commander was crazy, it would be impossible for him to agree to such an outrageous application.

"Battal Commander, I advise you not to apply." Thinking of this, Ai Xue couldn't help but remind her.


"Why are you scolding me when you have nothing to do?"

"Captain Ai, you don't believe me?"

"um, yes."

Ai Xue nodded directly, she really didn't believe it.

"What if the chief agrees?" Li Ran asked with a smile.

"If the chief agrees, I will eat a computer alive."

"Be practical."

"What do you want?"

"Wash my socks for a month. If you don't agree, I can do whatever you want me to do."

"make a deal."

(Please ask for all kinds of data support, ask for everything, thank you!).

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