Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

260: Military Game Revival Mission! The Two Of Them Are Getting Along

Li Ran is a practical person who does what he says. After making the bet with Ai Xue, he went straight to the military region headquarters.

Sure enough, it was similar to what Ai Xue had guessed. After the military commander learned of Li Ran's intentions, he expressed his attitude directly without any hesitation.

"No, absolutely not, it's nonsense, it's just nonsense."

"Can computer games help troops train? If you want to play games, just play games, don't look for such high-sounding reasons.

"I can understand that young people have many ideas, but they must also be realistic. Is this realistic? Don't you think I'm confused because of my age?"

"Don't be arrogant because of your favor. The military region fully supports you in setting up a combined battalion, but that doesn't mean you can do whatever you want."

"Do you want to open an Internet cafe in Hehe camp? I heard that this thing is very popular outside recently. Don't think that you young people don't understand anything.

From beginning to end, the admiral kept talking and didn't give Li Ran a chance to explain.

Seeing that the admiral's saliva was almost drowning him, Li Ran had no choice but to take out his trump card.

"Chief, please take a look." Li Ran took out the report he had prepared.

"What report did you write again?" The general took the report from Li Ran with a suspicious look on his face, but he made up his mind.

No matter how shocking the report Li Ran came out this time, he would definitely not support the idea of ​​opening an Internet cafe in Hesheng camp and playing games together unless there were enough reasons to convince him, but the general did not believe that anyone would be able to convince him to support it. Reasons for army soldiers to play games.

"The Role of Game Simulation Training in Modern Warfare"

When he saw the title, the admiral's heart sank. He didn't expect that Li Ran would write a special report in order to convince him.

But do you really think that a mere report can convince him?

Impossible, absolutely impossible.

After a while.

After reading the report, the admiral breathed a sigh of relief and said: "One hundred computers is too many. I will give you fifty at most. In addition, when will the game be successfully developed? You must give me a specific time and issue a military order." .

"Eighty units, two years."

"Sixty units, one year."

"Seventy units, three and a half years.

"One step back, seventy steps per year."

"make a deal."

The number of computers and the time to develop the game are within Li Ran's plan.

"Okay, I've approved the order. You can go directly to the Logistics Department to get your things. Remember, the training of the combined battalion cannot be left behind. If the combined battalion cannot achieve the expected combat effectiveness, no matter how many reports you write, it will be nonsense."

"Yes! Guaranteed to complete the task."

Li Ran is the only one who can bargain with the dignified commander of the military region at the military region headquarters.

In the past, Li Ran believed that independent research and development of domestically produced large-scale military games at this point in time was absolutely empty talk, as there were great limitations in technology and computer hardware.

But now, he has extracted a lot of good things from the system, and those good things are enough to make up for the technical shortcomings.

After getting the approval of the general, Li Ran went to the logistics department and found the director of the logistics department, the major general who had accompanied Li Ran to trick three armies.

"Seventy computers? No, you can just kill me with one knife. Even if you kill me, there won't be that many.

After seeing the list of supplies Li Ran applied for, the head of the logistics department was stunned.

What? Think of him as a rich man here? What do you want? Seventy computers? What do you want to do?

Because of Li Ran's reputation and the special nature of the combined battalion, the Military Region Logistics Department has given preferential treatment to the combined battalion in terms of materials.

Although it is called a combined battalion, a battalion-level unit, the supplies it consumes are definitely comparable to those of a regiment.

As a result, Li Ran is still pushing the envelope, and there are seventy computers in front of him when he opens his mouth. He really treats the logistics department as a wealthy landlord, having everything and more of everything?

"Minister Sun, the chief approved it." Li Ran moved out of the admiral directly.

It has to be said that one level of official rank is overwhelming. Although the military rank is only two levels higher, the actual position is that of a general, which is much greater than that of a major general.

"You are so cruel, you used the commander to oppress me. You don't care about old friendship at all. I should not have accompanied you to the three armies to dig equipment in the first place." The major general said angrily.

When he accompanied Li Ran to the three armies to mine equipment, the people in each unit didn't say anything because of the gap in military ranks.

There was probably a lot of scolding behind her back, including him, the head of the logistics department.

Now that Li Ran's synthetic battalion has been established, he has burned bridges. Sure enough, becoming the unit commander is different. He has changed so quickly. He is no longer the young talent who was polite in front of him.

"Minister Sun, you can't say that." Hearing this, Li Ran was dissatisfied and retorted: "In preparation for the war exercise, the new logistics dispatch system I developed in the H Group Army Logistics Department saved the logistics department so much manpower and material resources. Just because there are only seventy computers, you are like this, weak and emotional, I will never come to the logistics department in the future.

Li Ran looked extremely disappointed.

Seeing this, the major general quickly said in a roundabout way: "Captain Li, this is not a joke. Why do you take it seriously? It's just seventy computers. Here, you won't be short of even one."

After hearing this, Li Ran left the logistics department with satisfaction and returned to the synthetic camp.

Battalion Headquarters.

Ai Xue couldn't believe that the head of the military region actually agreed to the application of his battalion commander, and the logistics department also approved 70 computers. This is the pace of opening an Internet cafe in the Hetong Battalion.

Is the commander crazy? Or is the battalion commander too proud?

The key point is that the face is simply too big.

"Captain Ai, what else can you say?" Li Ran asked with a smile on his face. He looked harmless, but only those who are familiar with Li Ran know that this young major has a dark and dirty heart.

"I'm willing to admit defeat." Ai Xue was also a person who could afford to lose, so she said directly: "I will wash a month's worth of socks for you."

"Just washing socks is not enough. In addition, regarding the research and development of military games, the director gave us one year, and we must come up with an excellent game within one year." Li Ran got to the point.

"I have never been involved in the research and development of military games. The game content modules need to be re-constructed and conceived, and it also requires organizing manpower, which is a bit difficult." Ai Xue said directly.

She is confident in her professional abilities, but game development is not her specialty.

"That's no problem. I'll give you the game content, I'll give you the game framework, and I'll help you call in the technical staff. You just need to lead the team to complete the formation of some modules."

Ji Ran said directly.

"Batalion Commander, can you still do this?" After hearing this, Ai Xue couldn't help but ask.

There is no precedent for game development in the military region. If Li Ran dares to say this, there is only one possibility. Li Ran can do it himself. He has long heard that his battalion commander is versatile, so there is no one he can't do. In the Lu Academy, he can master multiple professional disciplines at the same time. , breaking the history of Lu colleges and universities.

0......Please give me flowers......

But in a new major like critical computer, does your battalion commander also know it?

"Is programming difficult?" Li Ran asked confidently.

There is no way, Li Ran, who has already acquired god-level programming skills from the system, has such confidence.

His current programming ability is the best in the world, and no one is better than him.

Regarding the new domestic large-scale military game, Li Ran has already conceived it. Special operations combat, sea, land and air are all integrated to support large-scale military campaigns. In addition, there are also character templates for each position, which are completely designed for military training. Tailored.

In fact, Li Ran is capable of independent research and development by himself, but it takes a long time, and the power of many people is great. For example, in terms of related data collection, if he does it himself, it will be overkill.

Ai Xue was impressed by Li Ran's confident and arrogant tone.

He was really handsome. The confident temperament of his battalion commander could not be faked by others. Yao Xue was immediately immersed in Li Ran's personal charm.

The synthesis camp was a sensation.

"Have you heard? The battalion commander requested seventy computers from the logistics department to play games for us.

"What are you talking about, playing games? Use training."

"Battalion Commander Niu, I know that last night the battalion commander led a group of staff from the battalion headquarters to play games all night long.

"The battalion commander is really very humane. He knows that we are training hard, but he still finds us such relaxation and fun."

The officers and soldiers of the synthetic battalion naively thought that Li Ran applied for 70 computers specifically for them to play games. Before new games were developed, playing games did not exist.

At present, the role of computers is only to enhance the computer operation capabilities of grassroots officers and soldiers and to learn some new things.

In the evening, Li Ran handed Ai Xue the content information of the militarized game he had conceived in his mind. It was a thick stack and all aspects were explained very clearly. Li Ran had been preparing for a long time.

Ai Xue took a cursory look at the content and was shocked by the content inside.

He didn't expect that Li Ran had already prepared such detailed information. This definitely couldn't be completed in one day. It should have been prepared for a long time.

"Battal Commander, what's the name of the game we developed?" Ai Xue asked, and she began to look forward to this game.

"Revival mission." Li Ran said.

"Revival mission." After Ai Xue recited it once, her eyes showed a different look, because her admiration for Li Ran reached the extreme.

My battalion commander is so handsome! What a great guy.

"By the way, these are the socks I have been saving for a week, Captain Ai, thank you for your hard work." One yard will be the next, and if you lose, you must fulfill the bet.

In this way, Ai Xue returned to the dormitory with the report in one hand and the dirty socks that Li Ran had saved for a month in the other.

Soon, someone spread the news about Ai Xue washing Li Ran's socks.

Some words change their flavor as they are passed around.

"Captain Ai washed the battalion commander's socks."

"What? The battalion commander actually asked Captain Ai to wash his socks?"

"Captain Ai takes the initiative to wash the battalion commander's socks?"

"I'll go, Captain Ai likes the battalion commander."

"Damn, Captain Ai and the battalion commander are getting along."

(Please support me with various data, please give me everything, thank you!)

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