Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

026: Aroused The Interest Of The Colonel Leader

At this time, the captain had some doubts about whether the young Tibetan girl in front of him had secretly promised his heart to the soldier.

That's why when describing the characteristics of that soldier, there is some blind exaggeration.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and everything about a sweetheart is in the eyes of a little girl.

The key point is that lifting a yak calf weighing about 400 kilograms with both hands is too exaggerated!

How can he find someone in a huge crowd with your exaggerated description of characteristics?

"Comrade Zhuoma, I need you to describe it realistically, without exaggerated rhetoric, so that I can help you find someone." The captain said, feeling a little helpless.

"Comrade, leader of the People's Liberation Army, I am really not exaggerating. What I said is true. The yak he raised was raised by me. I weighed it not long ago, and it was about 400 kilograms." Basang Zhuoma said with a serious face.

At this moment, the captain was helpless.

How can he find someone?

You can't call each company one by one and ask them if they have any soldiers who can lift a yak weighing about 400 kilograms with both hands, right?

Some companies are stationed in remote areas and cannot be contacted by phone, so people have to be sent to deliver messages.

The key is that it must be consistent with asking for leave yesterday, and it must be consistent with the so-called lifting of a 400-pound yak with both hands. This is simply impossible.

"Comrade Zhuoma, you think this is a good idea. You go back first, and I will have people contact each company to see if there are any soldiers who meet the characteristics you mentioned. Because some companies cannot be contacted by phone, they need to send people to inquire directly. , it takes a lot of time to go back and forth, how about you leave an address and we will contact you immediately once we find it?" said the captain.

"Well, thanks to the leadership of the People's Liberation Army." Basang Zhuolma thought for a moment and nodded. Although he was disappointed, this was the only way.

Basang Dolma walked out of the station with a disappointed look on his face. Looking at the beef and mutton prepared by himself, he felt very aggrieved for a moment and couldn't help lowering his head and crying.

If I had known earlier, I should have taken the initiative to ask her name yesterday. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been unable to find him for a while now.

At this time, a Warrior SUV drove past Basang Dolma, and the colonel sitting in the back discovered Basang Dolma who was crying.


The car stopped, and the colonel got out of the car and came to Basang Dolma.

"Little girl, why are you crying? Is someone bullying you?" the colonel asked very kindly.

Hearing the voice, Basang Dolma looked up and immediately stood up and said: "Leader of the People's Liberation Army, no one bullied me. It's just that I couldn't find anyone when I looked for him. I'm a little sad."

Upon hearing this, the colonel was happy.

"Who are you looking for here? I can help you find it. I guarantee that I can help you find it." The colonel said confidently.

As the leader of the fifth border defense regiment, there is nothing he cannot do in this regiment.

"Really?" Basang Dolma asked with tears in his eyes.

"of course it's true."

After the colonel learned what happened from Basang Dolma, he was immediately happy.

"Little girl, the man you are looking for is really interesting. He can lift a 400-pound yak with both hands. Isn't he a strong man?" the colonel joked.

If the Fifth Border Guard Regiment had such powerful soldiers, how could he not know?

"Leader of the People's Liberation Army, I didn't lie to you. It's true. I weighed Jim's weight." Basang Dolma said.

On the side, Li Hu, who got out of the car with the colonel, seemed to have thought of something after hearing these words.

strong? A soldier who can lift about 400 kilograms of yak with both hands? Could it be that boy from the recruit company?

"Then what's his rank? What does this place look like?" the colonel asked, pointing to his rank.

After being reminded, Basang Dolma realized that he had missed a key piece of information. The military ranks on the shoulders of the People's Liberation Army represent levels.

"He doesn't have this on his shoulders." Basang Dolma thought for a moment and made sure he remembered correctly.

"No military rank? Either he is not a soldier, or he is a new recruit." The colonel analyzed.

"Captain, I may know who the person this lesbian is talking about is." Li Hu interrupted.

It's unbelievably strong! No military rank! When these two characteristics are combined, yes, it is the recruit from the recruit company, Li Ran!

"Do you know who it is?" Shang Xia asked curiously.

"Yes." Li Hu nodded: "This batch of recruits from the recruit company are currently training at the recruit training base. Yesterday was also their rest day. The time and characteristics are all right. I just don't know how he could ask for leave alone. "

The colonel was not interested in how a recruit could ask for leave alone. What interested him was that a recruit could lift a yak weighing about 400 kilograms with both hands!

"What's that recruit's name?"

"Li Ran."

"Can he lift a 400-pound yak with both hands?"

"I think it's almost okay. I competed with him once, and his strength was really scary. The monitor of his class competed with him and was kicked by him and his left arm was fractured," Li Hu said.

"Hey, the recruit company has such an unusual recruit, why didn't I know about it?" The colonel was very interested.

"I haven't had time to tell you yet." Li Hu laughed.

"I still don't know what your kid is thinking? Okay, now that you have found the person, you should take this female comrade to the recruit company to confirm it. If it is true, I will go there and have a look in person when I have time." The colonel said.


Anyway, in the car, Li Hu had already reported to the colonel and had nothing to do now, so he simply took Basang Dolma to the recruit company in person.

Since Basang Dolma came here on horseback, Li Hu asked someone to take care of him. After confirming the situation, he sent Basang Dolma back.

Li Hu took Basang Dolma in a Warrior off-road vehicle to the recruit training base!

the other side!

Recruit training base, playground.

Everyone in each class continued their daily training, and Wang Qiang, the squad leader of class three, finally returned to the team after a few days of recuperation.

Wang Qiang was a little depressed, because just when he came back from recuperation today and reported to Chen Pai, Chen Pai's eyes changed when he looked at him.

From the look in Chen Pai's eyes, he seemed to realize that he was no longer the outstanding recruit squad leader in Chen Pai's heart.

Instead, I saw a hint of disgust in Chen Pai's eyes!

That’s right, it’s just disgusting!

After learning about what Li Ran had done during his absence, Wang Qiang finally understood where his dislike came from.

Class 3 was in chaos without him, the veteran squad leader, but became better under the leadership of Li Ran.

The limelight was completely stolen, and Wang Qiang suddenly had the idea of ​​​​competing with Li Ran, a new recruit...

(This is the fifth update. I keep my word. Please give me flowers, review votes, monthly passes, or some tips from those who are capable. Thank you very much. Please give me more review votes by the way. I beg you!)

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