Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

027: Establish Li Ran As A Role Model For Recruits

On the playground, each class is training.

Company commander Li Hu came here with Basang Dolma.

"Third squad leader." Li Hu shouted.

"Arrived." Wang Qiang ran over immediately, and at the same time found Basang Dolma, who was beside his company commander, a little surprised.

Who is this Tibetan girl? Could it be a family member of some new soldier?

Although it is generally stipulated that family members are not allowed to take care of new recruits during the company period, for plateau soldiers, this rule is relatively loose.

The main reason is that plateau soldiers are too hard-working. If new recruits are too homesick, family members sometimes come to do some ideological work and provide encouragement. Of course, this also depends on the specific situation.

"Call Li Ran over."


After receiving the order, Wang Qiang ran in front of everyone in the third class.

"Everyone, stop training and rest for five minutes, Li Ran."


"Come with me."


Li Ran, who was leading the team to train well, didn't know what happened. When he saw Basang Dolma, he was very surprised.

Isn't this the beautiful Tibetan girl he helped yesterday? How did you find it?

Basang Dolma saw Li Ran and immediately recognized him as the handsome PLA soldier who helped him yesterday, with a happy smile on his face.

"Comrade Zhuoma, is it him?" Li Hu asked.

"Yes, it's him, he helped me yesterday." Basang Dolma said quickly.

When Li Hu heard this, he found out that he was right as he guessed.

After all, apart from Li Ran, there was no one else in the group who could lift a 400-jin yak with both hands.

"Company commander, what happened?" Wang Qiang couldn't help but ask.

"This guy does good deeds without leaving his name. Yesterday he helped other herdsmen. In order to express his gratitude, he approached the regiment headquarters." Li Hu explained.

Hearing this, Wang Qiang breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he did something good, not something bad.

If Li Ran makes any principled mistakes with other girls, no matter how good he is, no one can protect him.

In the army, soldiers with questionable moral character will not be wanted, no matter how good they are.

"Comrade Li Ran, in order to thank you for your help, I specially brought beef and mutton to thank you. I made these by myself." Basang Dolma happily handed the lunch box containing beef and mutton to Li Ran.

When Li Ran saw this, he looked at Li Hu. There were regulations in the army and he couldn't ask for anything from the common people.

This was something he knew even before he became a soldier.

It is also a tradition of the field army since ancient times!

"Take it, my girl went all the way to thank you. This is my sincerity." Li Hu said.


Li Ran accepted what Basang Dolma brought to him and expressed his gratitude.

"Comrade Basang Dolma, thank you."

"Just call me Dolma." Basang Dolma smiled.

"This boy is really pretty." Li Hu sighed inwardly, then looked at Wang Qiang and asked.

"Third squad leader, how is Comrade Li Ran's training?"

"Report to the company commander, very good."

"Then I give him half a day off and let him take our Tibetan friends to visit the military camp. Is there any problem?"


"Li Ran, I'll give you half a day off and take Comrade Zhuoma to visit. You must take good care of him." Li Hu said to Li Ran.


"Thank you, comrade leaders of the People's Liberation Army, and thank you, comrade squad leader." Basang Dolma happily thanked Li Hu and Wang Qiang.

Not far away, everyone in the third class started to cheer loudly, calling the class deputy Niu Bi.

People in other classes also looked over, with envious expressions on their faces, and sighed deeply in their hearts. We are all new recruits, so how come they have always been so successful and so popular?

You can also do good deeds by taking time off on your days off, and have people come to thank you.

Such a beautiful Tibetan girl came to thank her, but the key point was that something seemed wrong in Li Ran's eyes.

It's so enviable...

Chen Hai, the platoon leader who came to inquire, was relieved after learning what happened from Li Hu.

He thought that Li Ran got into trouble yesterday when he agreed to take leave from Li Ran, but he didn't expect that he had done a good thing.

"First platoon leader, Comrade Li Ran's protection of the property of local Tibetan herdsmen needs to be publicized in the recruit company and Li Ran be established as a model recruit. Do you understand?" Li Hu said to Chen Hai.

"Yes! Company commander, I understand."

"This boy is not only very handsome, but also very lucky. Even the regimental commander knows about this girl's visit. Maybe the regimental commander will come to the recruit company for a surprise inspection one day. You must be mentally prepared."


Chen Hai was shocked. He didn't expect that even the group leader knew about this.

Now it was difficult for Li Ran to become famous, but he still showed his face in front of the group leader.

"Company Commander, the title of outstanding recruit that was applied to Li Ran before should be guaranteed, right?" Chen Hai asked.

"As long as this kid doesn't challenge the group leader, things should be fine." Li Hu made a joke.

But Chen Hai kept these words in mind. He thought it was necessary to warn Li Ran. Maybe one day the group leader would really come. Li Ran got excited and shouted in front of everyone that he wanted to compete with the group leader. , that is Dafa.

Li Ran took advantage of his half-day vacation to take Basang Dolma to visit the recruit training base.

Basang Dolma was so happy that he stayed in the canteen for lunch at noon.

During lunch, he even performed a local folk dance for everyone, causing many recruits to howl loudly.

Before leaving, Basang Dolma asked shyly: "Can I come again when I have time?"

"Of course, you're always welcome."

During lunch break.

Everyone in Class Three started gossiping.

"Deputy deputy, that Tibetan girl seems to be interested in you."

"I can see it too, the way he looks at the shift deputy is completely different."

"Brother Ran is really very handsome. He is handsome and nice. If I were a girl, I would also like Brother Ran."

"It is said that Tibetan girls are good at singing and dancing. Brother Ran, you are just in luck."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, take the time to rest." Li Ran ignored everyone's teasing.

Li Ran only wants to serve as a soldier and perform meritorious service now. He is not interested in the relationship between his children and so on, so he can just let everything take its course.

Just like that, a month passed in the blink of an eye...

(This is the first update. Please send me flowers, evaluation votes, monthly votes, book reviews, etc. for your support. It would also be great if a capable brother can give you a reward to urge me to update. I beg you on your knees! Thank you on your knees!)

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