Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

028: Grenade Throwing Training! Humanoid Self-Propelled Artillery

In one month, the basic training of each class of recruits has been completed. They no longer need to stand in military postures, practice step by step, and turn in formation. These basic movements are no longer necessary.

Of course, physical training needs to continue every day. Being a soldier, especially altitude sickness, how can you do without good physical fitness?

"Hurry up, hurry up, don't wait any longer."

"It's good for you to run faster now. On the battlefield, your speed will kill people."

"Hurry up, even if you vomit, you have to keep running."

Everyone in the third class was running a five-kilometer cross-country run, and they were still carrying weights.

In this kind of physical training, squad leader Wang Qiang is very strict and does not give any discounts.

Because, as a plateau border guard, only he, a veteran, knew the dangers involved.

If you can't run fast and have poor physical fitness, you will really die if you encounter an enemy. Bullets have no eyes. The faster you run, the higher your chance of survival.

Unlike everyone else in class three, one person's load was an exception.

Others were carrying a few kilograms, but Li Ran was several times heavier than them, reaching twenty kilograms.

This was specially requested by Wang Qiang. He knew that Li Ran was in good physical condition and that even he could not run cross-country.

Therefore, he asked Li Ran to increase the weight for cross-country running. Only in this way can Li Ran's training be effective.

Even so, Li Ran still ran at the front. Sometimes when he saw a comrade who was about to fall behind, he still had the strength to take the initiative to help him.

"The class deputy is really abnormal. He can run faster than us even with a 20 kilogram weight."

"Not only did he run fast, didn't you see that the class deputy also looked at ease?"

"It's really an exaggeration. The squad vice president doesn't look much stronger than us, so why is he so much better than us?"

Li Ran's performance shocked Wang Qiang again. He found that Li Ran's physical fitness was like a bottomless pit, as if there was no limit.

After everyone completed the five-kilometer cross-country run, Wang Qiang took them to the throwing venue.

"The subject we are going to learn today is throwing grenades." In front of everyone, Wang Qiang picked up an old wooden grenade from the table and explained: "The Type 67 grenade is 20.4 centimeters long, weighs 600 grams, and has a killing radius of 7 meters, 3-3.7 seconds.”

"Have you seen this original shell? Before throwing, open the bomb cover at the tail, then pierce the layer of moisture-proof paper, hook the base of the little finger on the fire ring, then hold the grenade tightly and throw it out."

Wang Qiang used the standard bomb throwing posture to throw the Type 67 grenade and demonstrated the skills of throwing the Type 67 grenade.

When the grenade flew out of Wang Qiang's hand, everyone except Li Ran subconsciously dodged for fear of hurting themselves in the explosion.

This is the first time for everyone to come into contact with this thing. Who is not afraid?

"Don't be nervous. The grenade model just now is just a model without explosives and will not explode." Wang Qiang said: "I ask you, when practicing throwing, stand at a distance of two meters behind the bunker and throw it. Immediately after throwing Crouch behind the bunker to take cover, and once the grenade slips out and lands next to you, jump into the trench and lie down."

On the throwing field, there are bunkers piled with sandbags. At the same time, there are trenches specially dug for shelter next to the bunkers.

Even if the grenade is successfully thrown, if the distance is short, the fragments may still hurt someone.

"Let's start with the model grenade. Take turns, follow my tactical movements, and use all your strength. Do you hear me clearly?" Wang Qiang shouted.

"Listen clearly."

Everyone in the third class began training to throw grenades, starting with model grenades. Every step must be done according to the standard throwing movements taught by Wang Qiang.

Let the recruits practice throwing grenades. It is impossible to use real grenades directly at the beginning.

Recruits have poor psychological quality and are easily nervous. Before they get used to it, once real grenades are used, accidents are likely to occur. Once this happens, it is very likely to cost a life.

While everyone was practicing throwing model grenades, Wang Qiang watched and looked at the distance.

"Seinfeld, fifteen meters. Didn't you fucking eat? You can't throw it as far as the old ladies."

"Ma Xiaotiao, twenty-three meters, no, keep pushing."

"Jiang Xingguo, thirty-five meters, not bad, keep working hard."


"Li Ran, one hundred and thirty meters, damn."

For grenade throwing, the passing standard is 30 meters. If it exceeds 50 meters, it is considered excellent. Some are better and can even throw to a distance of 70 or 80 meters.

Even at this distance, in a military competition, one would be either first or second.

As a result, Li Ran directly threw 130 meters, which definitely broke the military district record. Wang Qiang couldn't help but curse.

This is not throwing a grenade, it's almost catching up with a humanoid self-propelled small artillery.

If Li Ran can get a bunch of grenades tied together and can throw them so far, it's not just a human-shaped self-propelled artillery.

When I think of Li Ran's terrifying power, I seem to be able to accept it.

Compared with being able to lift a 400-pound yak with both hands, throwing a grenade over a hundred meters seems to be okay.

The other members of class three looked at him in admiration. The class deputy was so awesome. He was so awesome.

Li Ran's face was expressionless. In fact, he didn't use his full strength at all. The distance of more than a hundred meters seemed to be about the same.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for achieving the achievement of throwing a grenade the farthest distance, the achievement value is +500!"

Li Ran's performance shocked everyone, and Wang Qiang was hit again. Ever since the idea of ​​competing with Li Ran emerged in his mind, he was out of control.

Looking at it now, there is absolutely no comparison in terms of strength. To compare is to hurt people.

For Li Ran, all that was left in the training of the new recruit company was shooting. When the time comes, he must use his own marksmanship to win back a spot with Li Ran.

Time passed by, and everyone in the third squad had been practicing throwing model grenades.

Gradually, everyone gradually mastered the tactical movement skills, and started to throw a little further than the first time, but what followed was sore arms.

At this time, Wang Erniu was in pain due to soreness in his arm, and the model grenade in his hand slipped directly from his hand without holding it.

"Get out of the way."

Wang Qiang yelled. Even though he knew that the model grenade would not explode, he still instinctively pulled Wang Erniu into the ditch. He jumped forward and pressed down on the grenade with his own body.

As for why Wang Qiang didn't hide in the trench but rushed up and pressed on the grenade, that's because there were other people around.

Once the grenade is real and explodes, the people hiding in the trench will escape luck, but everyone around them will die.

(Second update, please give me a wave of free data, flowers, evaluation votes, and monthly tickets. Brothers, please give me some points. I beg you on your knees!!)

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