Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

269: Looking For Trouble! Go Teach The Special Forces A Lesson.

Bang bang bang.

The officers and soldiers of the synthetic battalion heard the sound of neat and powerful footsteps.

All members of the special operations brigade trotted over under the leadership of captain Chen Fuqiang.

Hearing the sound, everyone heard the sound and ran away.

This sight immediately shocked everyone. Good guy, if they hadn't known that the place they were in was the combined camp of the Northern Military Region, and if they hadn't seen the armbands on the shoulders of the special operations brigade, they would have thought that the Bald Eagle Special Forces had arrived.

So handsome, so disgusting.

The special operations team was completely transformed at this time. The latest equipment on their bodies was so irritating that everyone could hardly open their eyes. The ugly duckling turned into a big white goose.

A man depends on his clothes, and a horse depends on its saddle. This is really not just talk.

"Report to the battalion commander that all members of the special operations team have changed their uniforms. Please give your instructions."

Captain Chen Fuqiang trotted up to Li Ran, saluted and said loudly, his tone full of confidence and pride.

"Take a break."


"take a break"

The special forces team, with a total of twenty members, now all put on the latest individual combat suits that can compete with the bald eagle. They are handsome and attractive.

From head to toe, it can be said that he is armed to the teeth.

"I'll go, the special forces team is so handsome."

"This is so handsome, I thought it was the Bald Eagle Special Forces.

"The moment I saw them, I wanted to get a gun."

"The scene, the real scene, the special operations brigade will definitely blow up the special forces of the military region."

"I have seen the special forces of the military region. They are not as handsome as the special forces even though they are fully armed."

The grassroots officers and soldiers of the synthetic battalion couldn't help but whisper. The three main battle company commanders and the remaining captains of other detachments were so excited that they almost drooled.

This is so cool. The special forces team that was originally ordinary in the combined camp suddenly became the focus of attention.

No matter where you wear this outfit, it's a worthy presence.

"Currently, every 143 people in the special forces are wearing the latest generation of individual combat suits developed by the 413 Military Factory. I can tell you clearly that in terms of appearance and performance, they are no worse than the individual suits of the Bald Eagle Special Forces." Li Ran said, very confident.

It's handsome and performs well, all of which are paid for.

The individual combat suits worn by each member of the special operations team are expensive to make. If they were to be worn by grassroots soldiers in any unit of the field army, the field military regulations would probably go bankrupt.

Only the combined battalion has this kind of treatment. After all, it was formed to compete with the Bald Eagle and became the grindstone for the entire army.

Even so, there is no need for every soldier in the combined battalion to have such a comprehensive individual combat suit, only a few key important equipment are needed.

The special forces are an exception, performing local special operations, and the individual combat equipment of the special forces does seem to be much more advanced and handsome than that of grassroots soldiers.

But now, the equipment of the special forces will kill any special forces in an instant.

"Batalion Commander, when will the second batch of equipment arrive?" At this time, the commander of the machine-borne company couldn't help but ask.

If we want to say that the main battle company has the largest number of infantry, it must belong to their machine infantry company. Just imagine what it would be like if all the soldiers in the machine infantry company were put on this luxurious equipment.

Regardless of combat effectiveness, no matter where you stand, your handsomeness can kill the enemy.

Lian Lianchang felt an itch in his heart when he saw it.

"Battal Commander, our tank company also wants the second batch of new equipment." Seeing the commander of the machine-propelled company speaking out, the tank company commander couldn't sit still.

Good things have to be snatched. Although the soldiers of their tank company are all in the tank, who stipulates that tank soldiers cannot wear handsome single combat suits?

Seeing the commander of the tank company arguing with him, the commander of the machine company was dissatisfied.

Your tank company is just making fun of it. This is individual combat equipment, not a new type of tank. Your tank soldiers are in the tank the whole time. When the tank is gone, the man along with it is gone too. Wearing this kind of individual combat equipment Isn’t the suit a waste?

"The military factory is already manufacturing it and will contact me after production is completed." Li Ran said.

As for when the next batch of equipment will arrive, it depends on the manufacturing speed of the military factory.

After hearing this, the two gave up.

The team disbanded, but everyone did not leave. Everyone gathered around the special operations team members to look at the new equipment at close range.

Twenty special forces members were surrounded by people at this time.

"Don't touch it randomly, it will be damaged."

"Have you washed your hands? Don't let them get dirty."

"Then, stop your saliva, you're making such a big fuss."

The special operations team members who ran after the shotgun ring were also looking at a group of female soldiers who were obsessed with each other. They were all so handsome, and the eyes of these female soldiers also lit up.

"It's really cool. Every design of this new equipment is designed with my aesthetic in mind."

"The battalion commander is really awesome for designing such cool equipment."

"The battalion commander has that figure and that face. What would he look like if he put on this equipment?"

"Absolutely stunningly handsome."

Li Ran returned to the battalion headquarters to plan some things. The special team's equipment change was completed, and the new equipment naturally needed to be tested.

Battalion headquarters, in the office.

Special team captain Chen Fuqiang and chief of staff Qi Qiang were called over by Li Ran.

"The new equipment has been distributed to your special forces first. You must adapt as soon as possible and master various functions proficiently." Li Ran warned Chen Fuqiang.

"Yes, I promise to complete the task." Chen Fuqiang said immediately.

It is absolutely unprecedented for a special operations team to receive such care from their own battalion commander, and the battalion commander must not be disappointed.

"Lao Qi, I have an idea that I want to discuss with you." Li Ran said to Qi Qiang.

Hearing this, Qi Qiang's heart skipped a beat. It's over. What else is his battalion commander going to do?

Discuss it? Every time you say something nice, when did you actually discuss it with him? Does what he said work?

"Batalion Commander, you say it." In front of Chen Fuqiang, as the chief of staff, he naturally could not refute Li Ran's face.

"The special operations team has replaced the new equipment with new equipment and needs (aifb) to test the specific performance of the new equipment through a battle." Li Ran said directly.

"Then you mean to apply for actual combat action?" Qi Qiang immediately said seriously after hearing this.

This is not a trivial matter. Actual combat operations are risky, and although the team led by Chen Fuqiang is called a special operations team, there is still a certain gap compared with real special forces.

Basically, current actual combat tasks are solved by the special forces of the military region, with at most the assistance of armed PL.

For internal actual combat missions, armed PLs are dispatched, and sometimes special forces will conduct joint operations with them.

As for external affairs, field troops will be dispatched.

So if Li Ran wants to apply for actual combat missions for the special operations team, there are many aspects involved.

"You misunderstood me." Li Ran said: "Internal combat missions are not our concern.

"Battal Commander, just tell me what you think."

"What is the purpose of our synthetic camp?"

“Become a professional fault-finding unit across the military.

"To correct you, it's the grindstone unit of the entire army, teaching the entire army how to fight."

"Yes, the Whetstone Troop teaches the whole army how to fight."

"The special forces are also part of the field army."


"That's right, it is necessary for the special forces to have contact with the special forces of the military region and teach them a lesson.

Li Ran said something Qi Qiang didn't expect at all.

Let's meet with the special forces of the military region. Let's learn a lesson. To put it bluntly, we just go to the special forces of the military region to find trouble. How to find it? Just the special forces are not enough to give others a hard time.

The people in the special forces have all experienced actual combat, and their combat awareness and qualities are completely different.

"Batalion Commander, are you kidding me?" Jianqiang couldn't help but ask.

"I am serious."

"Then it's wrong to find fault. How can I teach you a lesson?"

"My thoughts are like this..." Li Ran arrived slowly.

On the side, Chen Fuqiang, the captain of the special operations team, felt a little panicked when he first heard that his battalion commander told his special forces team to go and have a encounter with the special forces of the military region.

The battalion commander is in a state of disbelief, he is really in a state of disbelief. Just because they have put on new equipment, we cannot think that the special operations team is invincible and can rival the special forces in strength.

These people in their special forces are all scouts.

Those who can join the special forces are all soldiers. Although many of them are also scouts, only the soldiers who are among the scouts can go.

I think he wanted to join the special forces back then, but he failed to do so. Later, because of his meritorious service and promotion, he went to the Army Special Forces Academy for further studies. He was originally the commander of a reconnaissance company, but he saw that the combined battalion was a new type of force. There was an opportunity, so I came over to be the captain of the special forces team.

He had confidence in the special forces, but he was a little panicked by the special forces of the Hard Steel Military Region.

After all, Shi Sentai only has twenty people.

But gradually, after he heard the strategic plan of his battalion commander, his mentality became a little different.

If this is the case, the special teams still have a chance, and the chance is great.

The special forces have just been issued with new equipment. After getting familiar with it, their combat effectiveness will definitely improve a lot. If they can teach the special forces of the military region a lesson, then the special forces will show up.

In this way, the status in the heart of the battalion commander and the status of the special operations team can be further improved.

"Battal Commander, tell me the truth, do you just want to teach the special forces of the military region a lesson, not just for the sake of going?"

After hearing the end, Qi Qiang couldn't help but say something.

"Am I that kind of person?" In response, Li Ran retorted directly and righteously: "Helping brother units progress and grow is the purpose of our combined battalion. Everything is to find out the shortcomings of brother units and improve the field army. combat effectiveness."

After finishing speaking, seeing Qi Qiang's look on his face, Li Ran added: "It has helped them make progress, so it's not too much for me to show off, right?"

"Can the heads of key military regions agree?"

"Don't worry, leave it to me."

(Please support me with various data, please give me everything, thank you!!!).

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