Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

270: The Admiral Is Shocked! Li Ran Doesn't Want Bilian So Much

Two days later.

Northern Military District Headquarters.

Inside the commander's office.

"You guys are here, sit down, the tea is over there, you have to drink it and make it yourself.

The admiral said, casually throwing a special gift to Li Ran - very casually.

Li Ran also accepted the special offer casually, walked to the water dispenser on the side, and made himself a cup of tea. I have to say that the tea the admiral drank was good and tasted very good.

Even though Li Ran doesn't know much about tea, he can still taste the aroma of tea.

If this scene were seen by outsiders, their jaws would probably drop.

Is the relationship between the major and the admiral already so close? The major is so casual in front of the admiral, and the admiral loves the major so much. It is simply too much.

The posture of the two of them looked like they were superiors and subordinates. It was clear that the gap between the son and me was the same.

The admiral took one look at the informal Li Ran and felt very satisfied. He liked Li Ran's character and was very to his liking. He was carefree in front of him and didn't say anything.

Not formal at all.

On the one hand, the reason is because Li Ran is very ambitious.

I was worried before that Li Ran would go to the military factory to develop and design equipment, which would cause him to be "not doing his job" and neglecting his real work, but now it seems that it has no impact at all.

Not only did it have no impact, but it also made him discover the extraordinary qualities of Li Ran.

Li Ran actually relied on his professional strength to keep the technical experts in the military factory in check. In less than a week, new equipment was successfully developed and manufactured.

This is not all the key. The key is that the research and development of the integrated command operating system for the field army, land, sea and air that Li Ran applied for alarmed the General Staff.

The head of the General Staff attaches great importance to it, and has officially approved the project of an integrated command operating system. Li Ran personally took out the main framework code of the system, and then the Military Region Joint Dragon Academy set up a special scientific research team, which was written by Li Ran. The teaching materials will be compiled and improved in the future.

According to the feedback from the scientific research team, there are no technical problems, at most it is just a matter of time.

Those technical experts were subdued by Li Ran's strength.

Liu Gong, the technical master of the 413 Military Factory, even publicly announced that Li Ran would be his teacher in the future.

Once the integrated sea, land and air command operating system is successfully developed, it will be a transformative milestone for the field army.

All of this seems to have been done by Li Ran, and Li Ran is now from the Northern Military Region. How can he, the commander, be unhappy? Doesn’t his face look bright?

Look at how long it took Li Ran to be transferred to the Northern Military Region and he has done so many great things.

The general was very lucky in his heart. Fortunately, the major's senior brother was the commander of the heavy armor division. Fortunately, the major's goal was to command the heavy armor division. Otherwise, the major would not have been able to come to the Northern Military Region.

Once you get lucky, you can't resist it.

The Northern Military Region is very lucky to get such a group of people.

"Chief, this is the first batch of new equipment for our synthetic battalion special forces team. Do you have a look?" Li Ran said, taking out the video.

The general didn't go to the synthesis camp to see it in person, so he had to take a video and bring it over for the general to see.

"Very good, very good. Even the special forces of our military region have not reached this standard. This standard is no worse than that of the bald eagle." The general said with great interest.

"It's not worse than them, but it will take some time to surpass them." Li Ran said.

The goal of the field army is never to compete, but to overtake.

At present, the field army has been lagging behind due to limitations in technology and other related factors. It needs to catch up first and then overtake. Li Ran is confident that it will be able to achieve this goal in just a few years. It will be fast.

"Very good." The admiral praised without hesitation and affirmed.

After finishing speaking, he looked at Li Ran and said directly: "You probably didn't come here simply because you wanted me to see these things. If you have any questions, just tell me directly."

After this period of time, the general has a full understanding of Li Ran's character, that is, he is a master who does not go to the Three Treasures Palace for anything.

It won't come if nothing happens, and it will definitely be heavy if it comes.

Anyway, the head of the logistics department now takes a detour when he sees Li Ran. The terrifying material consumption rate of the synthetic camp makes the head of the logistics department frown. The key is that there is nothing that can be done.

Last time I followed him to the Synthetic Camp and saw the training methods and intensity of the Synthetic Camp.

It was really every moment, either in training or on the way to training.

After training so hard, the officers and soldiers of the combined battalion didn't have any objections. Could it be that the head of the logistics department was embarrassed to have any objections when it came to the allocation of materials?

"Chief, the performance of new equipment needs to be tested, and the combat effectiveness of brother units also needs to be tested." Li Ran said directly.

Hearing this, the admiral understood what Li Ran meant and asked, "Tell me, who do you want to have a drill with?"

The general was still a little surprised by Li Ran's idea. The synthetic construction camp has not arrived for two months. It is too early to conduct exercises now.

Is the command and coordination among the units of the combined battalion perfect? ​​Is the combat effectiveness coming out? Are you so anxious to conduct exercises?

"The special forces of our military region." Li Ran said directly.


The admiral was very surprised when he heard this.

Li Ran wants to have an exercise with the special forces of the military region? Is this really crazy?

Although in a large-scale armored battle, the effect of special forces is indeed limited, an armor collision on the frontal battlefield can directly crush any special forces.

But don't forget, there is a premise, that is, in a large-scale armored battle.

This large-scale concept starts with at least a division-level combat unit.

Although the combined battalion is a battalion-level combat unit, its actual firepower is not as large as that of a mechanized infantry regiment, but it is not so arrogant. The special forces of the military region are not just for a living.

There are many examples of special forces and regiment-level units engaging in exercises and confrontations.

Although the special forces do not have armor, they are not fools. They will not confront you head-on. They rely on various decapitation tactics to make a regiment drink a pot of wine. They will fight specifically for the logistics and command of a regiment.

The general is confident and looking forward to the combined battalion formed by Li Ran, but he does not believe that in such a short period of time, the combined battalion will be able to compete with the special forces of the military region.

Moreover, the special forces of the military region are under the direct jurisdiction of the military region, and their combat effectiveness cannot be boasted.

It has been tested in countless actual combat missions and its combat effectiveness is very strong.

"In less than two months, you are going to let the combined battalion and the special forces of the military region fight?" the general asked again.

"Chief, instead of asking the entire synthetic battalion to fight the special forces, we are just asking a special force team from the synthetic battalion to dispatch." Li Ran said.

"How many people are there in your combined battalion special forces team?"

0…………Please give me flowers--

"Twenty-one including the company captain."

As soon as these words came out, the admiral's expression froze and he was stunned.

This is not crazy, this is crazy. A 21-member special forces team, including the captain, wants to fight against the special forces of the military region? Are you sure they are not delivering food?

Just because you are equipped with the latest equipment, do you have such courage?

Advanced equipment is important, but it does not explain everything. There is definitely a gap in the individual combat quality between members of the field team and the special forces in the special forces. "That is an indisputable fact.

The general didn't believe it, so he just changed the equipment and the special forces team of the combined battalion became invincible?

The saying that equipment represents combat effectiveness does not apply to field armies.

"It's a good thing to be confident, but you still have to consider reality. You haven't been in the Northern Military Region for a long time, so you don't know much about the combat effectiveness of our military region's special forces. I understand this." The general said sincerely, and he said it very carefully. It's euphemistic, but it doesn't say clearly, don't do such a self-defeating thing.

Hearing this, Li Ran smiled, he understood what the admiral meant.

If it were a head-on confrontation, of course he wouldn't let the special forces do it.

In a head-on confrontation, a twenty-one special forces team went to the special forces of the Hard Steel Military Region to deliver food.

But it is not a head-on confrontation. It is a confrontation rather than a sneak attack.

Send a special team to conduct a sneak attack on the special forces base of the military region to see if they can succeed and test the true quality of the special forces of the military region.

Once war really comes one day, will the military's special forces be able to enter combat status as soon as possible?

What is the purpose of having the entire army grindstone troops to teach the entire army how to fight?

Isn't the purpose of allowing any combat unit in the entire army to enter combat status quickly and orderly when war comes, so that it can always maintain its own combat effectiveness?

After Li Ran truthfully told the admiral his thoughts, the admiral's face turned dark.

He just said that the major should not be so stupid and do something that is just asking for trouble.

The feelings are like this, this is called a bullshit exercise, this is called a sneak attack.

As a major officer of the field army and the commander of the combined battalion, you can actually come up with such a way. What about your face? I just want to ask about your face?

"Let me ask you, what's the point of your sneak attack like this?" the admiral couldn't help but ask.

"Commander, become the grindstone of the entire army, help brother units find their shortcomings, and improve their combat effectiveness is the foundation of the combined battalion. The special forces are also affiliated with the field army. The significance of this is very significant. And I would like to add that this is not called a sneak attack. , This is called surprise, and the same is true for our enemies. They will never greet us in advance before taking action." Li Ran said clearly.

"Why do I feel like you just want to show off?" the admiral said.

Although what Li Ran said is reasonable, you can't believe all Li Ran's nonsense. There is a reason for this, but the admiral also believes that "Li Ran also wants to use this opportunity to show off.

"Chief, please tell me whether you agree or not."

"Special Forces is my pet peeve."

"Chief, it's now this time, do you still care about this?"

"You misunderstood me. You have to compensate them afterwards."

(Ask for all kinds of data support, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!! 3).

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