Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

289: Eight Hundred Tricks! Motorized Deployment And Departure

Training, training, training.

The training passion of the officers and soldiers of the synthetic battalion was completely out of control after Li Ran used dual methods to stimulate them.

The entire battalion of officers and soldiers were caught up in the madness of training, and everyone's eyes showed their determination for training.

I lay down tiredly, then got up directly, muttering, I want to find a partner, I want to find a partner.

I felt a little unable to bear it anymore, so I kept saying, I want third-class gong, I want third-class gong.

The spirit and spirit of the officers and soldiers of the synthetic battalion condensed into a raging fire that could not be extinguished by Water City 2.

In addition, the current training style of the combined camp has become somewhat different after being integrated into the tactics by Li Ran.

Do you think it’s just high-intensity training?

It’s smaller, the layout is smaller.

Simple high-intensity training can no longer meet the abnormal needs of the officers and soldiers of the synthetic battalion. The three main battle companies and more than a dozen auxiliary detachments of the synthetic battalion have all become cunning due to the addition of Li Ran's tactical requirements.

Among them, the special operations unit has been the most busy.

Chen Fuqiang, the captain of the special operations team, likes to lead the team when he has nothing to do. After a day's training, when each unit has a rest at night, he goes to sneak attack others.

Either they deliberately went to the tank company and caused an explosion in the depot, or they went to behead the officers of the machine-gun company.

Completely taking the special cunning tactical style of the special operations unit to its extreme.

Today's special operations units are joined by veterans of the military region's special forces. Under training, the combat literacy of each member of the special operations unit is no less than that of the special forces of the military region's special forces.

Even worse.

Just imagine, it was hard enough after a day of high-intensity training, but in the middle of the night, the special operations team came to sneak attack on them.

Who can endure this?

Battalion Headquarters, Battalion Commander's Office.

"Battal Commander, the Special Operations Team has gone too far. This is a collective complaint made by our three main battle company commanders against the Special Operations Team. I hope you, Battalion Commander, can make the decision for us." Gu Quan, the first company commander, found Li Ran and said to the Special Operations Team 833 means condemnation and accusation.

"I acquiesce in the behavior of the special operations team." Hearing this, Li Ran said calmly: "At this stage of tactical integration training, I have already vaccinated you. Anything can happen. The purpose of our Blue Army It is to become a sharpening stone for the whole army and benchmark against foreign armies. Don’t expect foreign armies to fight you openly and aboveboard. They will use all possible means. This also allows you to be mentally prepared and remain highly vigilant at all times.”

Hearing this, Gu Quan understood clearly. Before coming, he and the other two company commanders calculated it together and felt that there was definitely the shadow of his battalion commander behind this incident.

Otherwise, the special operations team would never be so unscrupulous, and it was indeed as they guessed.

But should that be the end of it? Gu Quan was unconvinced.

"Not convinced? I didn't say that only special operations units are allowed to sneak attack on you, and you are not allowed to sneak attack on them." Seeing Gu Quan's expression, Li Ran said directly: "There is no rule that tanks can only fight head-on and not sneak attack, as long as they don't cause Accident, you can play whatever you want."

"I know, thank you, battalion commander." Gu Quan looked overjoyed.

The time for revenge has come.

"By the way, let me tell you one more thing. The one who strikes first will gain the upper hand, and the one who strikes later will suffer disaster. At this stage, outside of training time, all units are in a hostile relationship. It's up to you what to do." Li Ran added.

As the tank company commander of the combined battalion, during this period, under the influence of his battalion commander, Gu Quan was no longer the simple captain he was before.

The words of his own company commander revealed a lot of information, and he knew what to do.

So, one day at noon.

The special operations team that had just finished training in the morning was resting in the camp. Suddenly, there was a roaring sound outside.

The huge noise directly woke up everyone in the lunch break team.

"Who is it? He didn't sleep at noon and was making noise outside."

"This is disturbing the people, messing with him."

"What are you doing if you don't sleep at noon?"

The noise made the already exhausted special operations team curse and dissatisfied.

The sound also disturbed Chen Fuqiang, the captain of the special operations team, who was in the dormitory.

At this time, there was a sudden knock on the door of Chen Fuqiang's dormitory.

The door opens.

"Captain, it's bad, the first company commander brought people to destroy the place.

"Huh?" Hearing this, Chen Fuqiang was a little surprised: "Go out and have a look."

Outside, under the leadership of Gu Quan, all the tanks of the tank company were dispatched and came to the dormitory building of the special operations unit. After seeing Chen Fuqiang coming out, Gu Quan got off the tank with a smile.

"First company commander, what do you mean by this? Why did you drive the tank to our special operations unit's base without sleeping at noon?" Chen Fuqiang asked directly.

"Captain Chen, I'm sorry. During the raid, your dormitory was reduced to ashes just now under the charge of my tank company. You are dead now. Please go to the dead area we prepared for you and spend your time in the special operations team. This is noon." Gu Quan said directly.

Hearing this, Chen Fuqiang was about to refute, but he saw a captain and staff officer from the battalion staff standing next to Gu Shen.

He instantly understood that the actions of the tank company were also approved by the battalion commander.

Just like how they sneak attacked other units during this period.

"You're cruel, everyone must gather immediately." Chen Fuqiang shouted.

The members of the special operations team immediately gathered urgently.

"Captain Chen, you have to pay back sooner or later when you come out to hang out. It's not that you don't report, the time has not come yet. During this period, our tank company has been tortured by your special operations team." Gu Quan said proudly.

So, under the "escort" of the tank company, everyone in the special operations team went to the "dead zone" specially prepared for them by the tank company to spend the afternoon.

The "death zone" divided by the tank company for the special operations detachment is also very particular. It is a place specially designed to torment the special operations detachment. There is no way to sleep and rest at noon.

He even had to accept the scorn from other company officers and soldiers passing by from time to time.

"Haha, you are a despicable special operations unit with no moral integrity."

"Haha, you deserve it. The first company commander is doing justice for heaven."

"Finally, I saw that the special operations unit was exhausted. There was no lower limit, and even a battalion could be killed."

The members of the special operations team were very aggrieved and angry when they suffered such "humiliation", but one or two of them were helpless.

What the First Company Commander said is correct. Sooner or later, they will have to pay back what they did to others before. Now others will do to them what they did to them.

"Captain, when has our special operations team been insulted like this? We can't just let it go." The deputy captain said angrily.

"Don't worry, we have a chance to avenge this."

So, that night, the captain of the special operations team led his people to the tank company at night with the intention of beheading him. Unexpectedly, he had expected that the special operations team would come looking for the rights to the site that night, and prepared an ambush, a counter-ambush.

Although the individual members of the special operations team were of high quality, the tank company was outnumbered and was completely wiped out.

"Lao Gu, how did you know I would come tonight?" After being caught, Chen Fuqiang couldn't help but ask.

He kept an eye on it, predicting that the first company commander was sure that he would not carry out revenge so soon, and wanted to take the tank company by surprise.

But unexpectedly, the tank company had already prepared for an ambush.

"Oh, Captain Chen, are you playing psychological warfare with me? I've predicted your prediction." Gu Quan said very proudly.

He also kept an eye on Chen Fuqiang's prediction. He was sure that the special operations team would not take revenge tonight, and successfully predicted Chen Fuqiang's prediction.

This time the special operations team capsized directly in the gutter. They were embarrassed again and suffered another whole night.

So, from then on, the style of painting in Hesheng camp changed.

Gu Quan, who understood his battalion commander's intentions, decisively attacked other units first. He would gain advantage by attacking first and suffer disaster by attacking later.

Anyway, according to the battalion commander's intention, the relationship between the units is hostile outside of training time, and no one can attack anyone too much.

The tank company that was previously a "victim" immediately felt the benefits after attacking its brother unit, the machine-rifle company. No wonder the special operations team enjoyed the sneak attack on them and was really happy.

Other units were also dumbfounded. Originally there was only one special operations unit, but the tank company also changed.

Now that things have changed, let’s all change. Let’s see who outperforms whom and who gives in first.

Finally, in addition to receiving high-intensity training every day, each unit in the synthetic camp also engages in various sneak attack confrontations with each other during their breaks.

It can be said that the various units combined have at least 800 tricks.

The effect of this is also very significant. The combat awareness of each unit in the combined battalion has reached an unprecedented height, and the combat effectiveness has also improved a lot, making a small qualitative leap.

Half past five in the morning.

The emergency assembly whistle sounded.

In an instant, powerful footsteps, bang, bang, bang, could be heard in the corridors of each unit.

"Quick, move quickly, gather urgently."

"Quick, quick."

Soldiers from each squad and platoon gathered in front of the dormitory building as quickly as possible.

"Report the count."


After the powerful and fast counting was completed, and everyone was confirmed to be present, the platoon leader of each squad gave the order.

"Everyone has it, target parking lot, running and walking."

Swish swish swish~

Soldiers from each squad lined up neatly, and under the leadership of the squad leader, they ran quickly towards the vehicle yard.

On the main road, officers and soldiers from all units moved together in a stream of people. Everyone's goals and functions were very clear, and their movements were capable. Because they had done this kind of training countless times, it had already become a memory in their bodies.

Synthetic camp, three large parking lots.

After the soldiers from each unit arrived at the vehicle yard, they immediately began to conduct basic vehicle and armor inspection projects under the command of each platoon leader.

After everything is checked, start the ignition.

Boom boom boom~

The roars of the armored behemoths also sounded one after another, and the diesel oil in the air became thicker.

Under the command of each platoon leader, the armored behemoths came out of their cages in an orderly manner and moved forward in an orderly manner towards the assembly area.

(Please ask for all kinds of data support, please ask for everything, please ask for all kinds of data, thank you!!!).

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