Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

290: Special War Test! Fight Against The Independence Regiment

At this time, if you look at it from a high-altitude perspective, you can clearly see the full picture of the synthetic battalion's mobile equipment.

The three depots, including armored vehicles, tanks, personnel carriers, special vehicles, etc., all drove out of the garage in an orderly manner, drove to the main road, and merged in an orderly manner in a fixed maneuvering sequence.

The mechanized infantry, medical team and other related personnel stepped on the personnel carrier with great skill to ensure that the team's maneuvering speed would not be slowed down because of them.

Soon, the three main battle companies plus a dozen auxiliary detachments were successfully assembled together, like a puzzle. Everyone was at their own posts, fully performing their respective functions, and transformed into an armored behemoth.

Temporary assembly area of ​​the synthetic battalion.

"Comrade Commander, all the officers and soldiers of the combined battalion have been assembled. There should be 800 people, but the actual number is 80-0. Please give your instructions.

The deputy battalion commander, a major from an armored battalion of Division Z, trotted up to Li Ran and said loudly.

"Tell me about it."

Li Ran stood on a tank, looking across the crowd with deep eyes and a serious face.

"It has been more than half a year since the formation and training of the combined battalion. Today is a challenge for our combined battalion because we are about to move kilometers away to fight in high-altitude areas. The opponent is an old main force of the border defense force," told Do you have confidence in me?"

"Yes!" The crowd roared with full momentum.

"Great, who are we?"

"The Blues."

“What is our purpose?”

"Become the grindstone for the whole army and teach the whole army how to fight."

"Set off!"


Li Ran gave the order, and all units immediately started to take action.

This time, we went to the Tibetan Military Region to conduct an exercise confrontation with the Independent Regiment. The exercise location was in a high-altitude area, and the harsh environment and climate was a challenge.

As for the way to go, the Synthetic Battalion chose to maneuver on the entire road, with a distance of up to 500 kilometers, which was a challenge for the Synthetic Battalion, a new type of force.

Although Li Ran is the battalion commander of a combined battalion and has experience in commanding armored group operations, he is completely blank in commanding maneuvers.

It is a test for everyone in the combined camp, and it is also a test for commander Li Ran.

Although this was Li Ran's first time commanding troops to maneuver remotely, he had seen it before. During the annual exercise, Qi Long, commander of the heavy armored division, took Li Ran with him and showed Li Ran what an armored force was. Remote maneuverability.

At that time, the organization was as large as a heavy armored division, and the maneuvering scenes were very spectacular.

Li Ran has watched it from beginning to end and is confident.

During the exercise, the armored units maneuvered remotely, and the issue that the chief officers of each unit were most afraid of was safety.

At this point, Li Ran is afraid, the chief of staff is afraid, and the instructor is also afraid. Li Ran can perfectly command the overall situation, but he cannot be 100% sure that it will be implemented for everyone in the combined camp.

Before the start of the exercise, regarding safety issues, Chief of Staff Qi Qiang and the chief officers of each unit repeatedly urged people to pay attention to safety on the road and be sure to pay attention to safety.

During the annual drill, the heavy equipment division maneuvered remotely, and a rollover accident occurred in one regiment. Fortunately, the driver was lucky. After the car rolled several times, the people came out of it, and nothing happened.

But putting safety on luck is the only way to do this kind of thing.

On the road.

Inside the troop carrier.

The car swayed along the way, and sometimes the car bumped violently when encountering uneven roads.

"Pi Gu is going to be paralyzed."

"What I don't like the most is this kind of long-distance maneuvering. It's so painful."

"I don't know when we can take a brief rest."

The female soldiers in the medical unit were talking to each other in the personnel carrier, and some were still nibbling dry compressed biscuits.

It is impossible to maneuver over long distances and make a fire to cook. It would be nice to have compressed biscuits.

"Don't complain, take the time to rest, eat small meals often, drink less water, be careful of suffocating you to death." Captain Yao Lan, who was following along, said.

At this time, a female soldier looked a little ugly, her brows were knitted together, as if she was sick, and she was holding her stomach.

"Xiao Fei, what's wrong with you?" Yao Lan immediately asked with concern after finding out.

"Captain, today is Xiao Fei's period." Someone said from the side.

Hearing this, other people on the side cast envious looks. They missed their period so much.

In the past, when they were in the logistics department, their monthly menstrual periods were still very accurate. However, since they came to the synthetic camp, the high-intensity abnormal training directly caused their menstrual periods to become inaccurate at first, and then stopped in the end.

The menstruation period stopped, which also solved one of their worries.

After all, the training intensity of female soldiers in the combined battalion is not lower than that of female soldiers in the team.

"Xiao Fei, can you hold on? How about taking a painkiller." Yao Lan said.

This is what female soldiers are most worried about, especially when their period comes.

"Captain, it's okay, I can hold on."

Although the female soldiers in the combined camp like to complain and complain when they have nothing to do, it is not easy to persist in the combined camp until now. They have endured the torture from the very beginning.


"Attention all units. Enemy fighter jets are incoming. Immediately carry out anti-aircraft camouflage operations."

The radio stations in the command vehicles of each unit immediately sounded the war situation report.

The armored behemoths driving on the road immediately dispersed, and the special vehicles directly accelerated and spread out. To a certain extent, these things were more valuable than tanks.

The tank crews and armored crews all dispersed and ran away.

The infantrymen immediately carried out anti-aircraft camouflage operations and took out inflatable tanks and other camouflage items to tactically deceive enemy bombers.

This thing is low cost and easy to carry. When you need to use it, you only need to fill it up quickly, and it can still move when you push it. Although it looks fake at a close distance, you can't find it at high altitude. It is a missile used to deceive enemy fighter jets. Very cost effective.

This kind of anti-aircraft camouflage operation is practiced countless times every day by all units in the synthetic battalion. The anti-aircraft camouflage operation is completed quickly, and the movements are crisp and neat.

"Didn't you say that there is no air force participating in this exercise? Why will we be bombed?"

"Didn't you say that the enemy was bombing? Where are the fighter jets? I didn't see them either."

"What's going on? After so much effort, two fighter jets are worthy of our hard work.

What puzzles everyone in the combined camp is that in this exercise confrontation, no air force of the two sides participated in the battle. However, they have now received a war situation report about the bombing by enemy fighter planes. They have been busy with the air camouflage work. After waiting for a long time, they have not seen it. The arrival of enemy fighters.

What? How about playing with them?

That's right, in fact, this is the war situation test randomly issued by the director during the maneuver of the combined battalion.

0......Please give me flowers 0

During the maneuver, the synthetic battalion accepted some battle situation briefing tests issued by the director, which was also the main means to test the training results of the synthetic battalion during this period.

Originally, the director's department had no intention of being so harsh on the synthesis camp, and it was Li Ran who took the initiative to apply.

What's the point of just maneuvering? A test can show the training results of the combined camp.

Capital, General Staff!

In the conference room, the Lieutenant General of the General Staff looked at the images of the exercise site transmitted in real time on the big screen, nodded secretly, and was very satisfied.

"The Synthetic Battalion is performing well." The chief of the General Staff said, expressing his approval.

The officers and soldiers of the Combined Battalion are well-trained. When faced with bombing by enemy aircraft, their response methods are orderly, not chaotic, and very fast, which fully reflects the training effect of the Combined Battalion.

This exercise is considered a small-scale exercise. Although the director's department is located in the General Staff, there are relevant directors and staff in both the synthetic battalion and the independent regiment of the Tibetan Military Region.

Although the scale is not comparable to annual exercises, the Lieutenant General of the General Staff attaches great importance to this small-scale exercise.

The head of the General Staff has great expectations for the synthetic battalion. Naturally, he wants to see how effective the synthetic battalion built by Li Ran is. Can it achieve the combat effectiveness of the new system and achieve impressive results?

The chiefs of staff of the Northern Military Region and the Tibetan Military Region were connected via remote video conference with the General Staff to observe the entire exercise and confrontation.

Hearing the positive comments from the chief of the general staff, the chief of staff of the Northern Military Region smiled broadly. The chief of the general staff's affirmation of the combined battalion was also an affirmation of their northern military region.

Wu Deqing, chief of staff of the Tibetan Military Region, was furious.

It's too much, it's really too much. Li Ran was originally an officer of their Tibetan military region. As a result, the officer who walked out of the Tibetan military region now came back with his troops to fight them.

This feeling is as uncomfortable as eating daddy.

Tibetan Military Region!

Independent regiment.

Following the order from the regiment leader Miao Gaoda, the entire regiment immediately gathered urgently.

The Tibetan Military Region is different now from before. Although the younger brother's identity has not changed in front of the seven military regions, the General Staff has also strengthened some care.

This has something to do with Li Ran, a rising star from the Tibetan Military Region who no one expected.

The obvious care is that the logistics are a little tilted.

Take the Independent Regiment as an example. Although most of the soldiers in the entire regiment still use 81-bar rifles, many soldiers already use 95-bar rifles. Main battle tanks, old tanks and new tanks are mixed together.

The clothes have been changed, but not completely.

In terms of overall strength, the Independent Regiment is still the strongest main battle group in the military region.

Before the exercise began, Miao Gaoda received instructions from the chief of staff of the military region to use the greatest combat effectiveness to teach the combined battalion of the Northern Military Region a lesson.

If you spend all your wealth, raise troops for a thousand days, use them for a while, and perform well, you will gain face for the entire military region. If you can defeat the combined battalion and Li Ran, you will be able to show your face in front of the chief of the General Staff.

To this end, the Independent Regiment has been training hard to prepare for this exercise for more than a month...

(Ask for all kinds of data support, please ask for everything, please ask for all kinds of data, thank you! 10).

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