Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

291: Welcome From The Mother's Family Troops! It’S Really Not About Showing Off Your Wealth.

The independent group completed the group assembly, and the whole group was full of momentum.

After replacing part of the equipment of the combined regiment, the confidence of the entire regiment's officers and soldiers was overwhelming.

Regiment leader Miao Gaoda stood in front of the entire regiment and conducted pre-war morale mobilization.

After the pre-war mobilization, the officers and soldiers of each unit of the independent regiment entered their respective combat positions and prepared for attack.

In this exercise confrontation between the Independent Regiment and the Combined Battalion, there was a special live audience on the Independent Regiment's side, Lei Lei Feng, the leader of the Fifth Border Defense Regiment.

Originally, this exercise confrontation had nothing to do with the Fifth Border Defense Regiment, but at Lei Feng's request, Chief of Staff Wu Deqing agreed to Lei Feng's request and allowed Lei Lei Feng to come to the Independent Regiment to observe the battle.

Just simply watch the game as a spectator.

Li Ran came from the Fifth Border Defense Regiment. When Li Ran was transferred, Lei Feng scolded her a lot.

The officers of his regiment went to the Luyuan Academy for further training and participated in an exercise. However, they were all gone and were transferred away, claiming that they would provide Li Ran with a bigger stage for development.

Does that mean providing a bigger development stage for Li Ran? That clearly values ​​Li Ran's personal ability.

I think at the beginning, Lei Lei Feng had already considered the position Li Ran would take when he came back, but in the end he left. "Lei Ran Feng was so angry that he scolded the "Three Twenty" mother.

The Fifth Border Defense Regiment is now being taken care of by the military region, and its overall strength is also rising sharply. It has become the middle eldest brother level regiment of the Tibetan Military Region's border defense regiment. Although there is some gap between it and the independent regiment, it is limited.

"Lao Miao, your independent group has changed some of its equipment and it looks different. The momentum is much higher than before." Lei Lei Feng said, with a hint of envy in his eyes.

Since many companies in the fifth regiment were stationed around the outpost, their refitting operation was delayed a bit because there were many aspects to consider.

"Lao Lei, I don't like hearing what you say. When did our independent group not gain momentum?" Miao Gaoda said proudly.

"This time the opponent is the combined battalion of the Northern Military Region. How sure are you?"

"I've never heard of the synthetic battalion. It's just a battalion-level unit." Miao Gaoda said confidently: "Old Lei, I know that the commander of this synthetic battalion came from your fifth regiment and is a rising star in the field army. , Don’t worry, I will teach him a lesson.

Li Ran is indeed well-known, and his performance in the last annual exercise was indeed outstanding.

But as the leader of the independent regiment of the Tibetan Military Region, Miao Gaoda, the old leader, also has his own self-confidence.

If the opponent this time was the heavy armored division, the ace unit of the Northern Military Region, he asked himself that he was not an opponent, but the opponent was just a battalion-level unit. How much combat effectiveness could it have?

Even if it comes from a heavily armored company like the Northern Military Region, so what if the tank has multiple points?

In the high-altitude area here, heavy-armed troops have no significant advantage here, but Miao Gundam is still very confident.

"Lao Miao, we are old friends. I kindly advise you not to be careless. Only when you fight against him will you know what your opponent is like." Lei Leifeng said calmly.

Lei Leifeng had a strong premonition that in this confrontation between the Independent Regiment and the Combined Battalion, the Independent Regiment would probably be turned into a pig.

There are still one hundred kilometers left to the destination.

Li Ran issued an order to let all officers and soldiers take a temporary rest for five minutes and open the gate to release water.

Compared with the scene in the last annual exercise where all units of a heavy armored division opened the gates and released water, the scene of the combined battalion opening the gates and releasing water was much smaller.

Due to the existence of a special group, female soldiers still look for a sheltered place nearby when releasing water. They cannot do that like male soldiers, who can stop casually on the roadside and release the water as soon as their pants are loosened.

After finishing draining the water, Li Ran quickly smoked a cigarette, got in the car, and gave the order for the entire battalion to set off again.

In the command car, Li Ran picked up the radio and contacted Chief of Staff Qi Qiang directly.

"The Fifth Border Defense Regiment has prepared a good temporary station for us. After arriving at the temporary station, let the whole battalion immediately carry out supplies and rest, and let all units pay attention to the physical condition of the soldiers and treat them in time if they feel unwell." Li Ran warned.


During exercises and confrontations, especially during maneuvers, it is impossible for several chief officers of a unit to maneuver together in the same vehicle.

If you are unfortunately beheaded, it is equivalent to being taken away from the pot, and the enemy will laugh when they know it.

The exercises and confrontations with the Independent Regiment of the Tibetan Military Region have put the combined battalion to the test for two years. One is the response to unexpected war situations during long-distance maneuvers, and the other is the combat effectiveness that the Jincheng Battalion can exert in high-altitude areas.

After arriving at the destination, the exercise and confrontation will not start immediately.

The synthetic camp has a certain period of rest and recuperation.

The Fifth Border Defense Regiment, Li Ran's old unit, has prepared a temporary base for the synthetic battalion. After arriving here, the synthetic battalion will camp at the temporary station for supplies and rest, giving the soldiers a certain buffer time.

This is due to the thin oxygen in high-altitude areas, which prevents some officers and soldiers in the synthetic battalion from not adapting and suffering from severe altitude sickness, so they need to adapt.

Exercises are actual combat, but the safety of the soldiers themselves must also be considered.

At this point, Li Ran did not show off even though he had extremely strict requirements. He asked everyone in the synthetic camp to start fighting immediately after arriving at the synthetic camp. This was irresponsible for the lives of the officers and soldiers of the synthetic camp.

If he really made such an order, it wouldn't be because he was strict, but there would be something wrong with his humanity.

The Fifth Border Defense Regiment.

Lei Lei Feng prepared a temporary base for the Synthetic Battalion who came from afar. This was originally the base of the Third Battalion of the Fifth Regiment. In order to receive the Synthetic Battalion, a place was specially made.

All facilities are complete and can be said to be very thoughtful.

Li Ran is back. Although he is now an officer in the Northern Military Region, coming here is like returning to his parents' home, right?

If your child doesn’t feel pain, who will?

The regiment leader Lei Lei Feng was looking forward to it. Finally, a captain came to Lei Lei Feng and reported: "Captain, Commander Li and the others will be here soon.

"I know, everything is ready."


five minutes later.

Boom boom boom~

The roar of the armored behemoth rang in everyone's ears, and the first to enter the eyes of Lei Feng and others were three armed helicopters.

Immediately afterwards, the ground seemed to begin to tremble, and the sound was very powerful.

Tanks, armored vehicles, tactical missile vehicles, radar vehicles, etc. appeared in front of Lei Feng and others.

This scene made Lei Feng stunned for a moment.

Damn it! This firepower configuration is a battalion?

Not only Lei Feng, but Li Hu, the commander of the fifth regiment's reconnaissance company, was also here. Looking at the scene in front of him, he also rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

He heard that Li Ran went to the Northern Military Region as a battalion commander. Is this the size of a battalion in the Northern Military Region?

This firepower configuration is probably stronger than their fifth border defense regiment. There are also three armed helicopters. Are you showing off your wealth?

There are very few armed helicopters, and there are only a few in the entire Tibetan Military Region. There are two Snow Leopard Special Forces in the military region, but that is because of the needs of special operations missions, which often carry out highly dangerous actual combat missions.

A battalion-level unit has three aircraft in one shot, which is really heroic.

Li Ran stopped the armored formation of the synthetic battalion, got out of the command vehicle, and came to Lei Feng with several chief officers of the synthetic battalion smiling.

Looking at the colonel in front of him and some familiar faces beside him, Li Ran felt nostalgic, and the memories in his mind were brought back.

The Fifth Border Defense Regiment, the Reconnaissance Company, the old units, these are all his old superiors, I really miss them.

"Captain Lei, on behalf of the Hesheng Battalion, I would like to thank the big brother of the Fifth Regiment for his support of the Hesheng Battalion. The brothers of the Fifth Regiment have worked hard to make room for the Hesheng Battalion. Sorry for bothering you." Li Ran thanked him from the bottom of his heart.

When they learned that Hesheng Battalion would be stationed for a period of time, the Fifth Border Defense Regiment took the initiative to apply for a temporary location for Hesheng Battalion. Their attitude was very positive and their unreserved support moved Li Ran very much.

The "maternal family" has not forgotten his "little daughter-in-law" who is "married"!

"We haven't seen each other for a long time. Why have you become such a formal person? When you go back to the Fifth Regiment, you are going back to your parents' home. You're so generous. You're welcome. As long as I have what the Fifth Regiment has, I'll give you whatever you want." Lei Feng said very grandly.

In front of Li Ran and the officers and soldiers of the Northern Military Region, there is nothing they can do to lose Li Ran's face?

On the side, Qi Qiang and others all smiled after hearing these words.

The leader of the elder unit of his own battalion is so refreshing. He deserves to be the veteran leader of the fifth border defense regiment.

After a brief exchange of greetings, Li Ran asked Qi Qiang to command the troops, drive the vehicles into the station, carry out supply and maintenance, and at the same time let the soldiers rest.

It has to be said that when coming to such a high-altitude area, the oxygen was thin, so many officers and soldiers of the synthetic battalion quickly felt that something was wrong.

The oxygen concentration in the air is low, so many people have to take a big breath of air, otherwise they feel like they are suffocating due to lack of oxygen.

These are all discomforts that occur when you first come to high altitude areas. Once you get used to 2.4, it will be fine. As long as it is not severe altitude sickness, these are minor problems.

Li Ran took Lei Feng to briefly visit some of the equipment of each unit in the synthetic camp. Lei Feng was filled with envy when he saw the powerful and advanced weapons and equipment.

Li Hu, the commander of the reconnaissance company, was following him. When he saw the special forces of the combined battalion, he couldn't walk.

"Is this a scout from your combined battalion?" Li Hu couldn't help but ask as he looked at the members of the special operations team.

"Company commander, they were selected from the reconnaissance unit. Now they are members of the special operations team. Jin Chenglei's reconnaissance unit is called the special operations group." Li Ran smiled and said: "They are all trained according to the standards of J-type troops."

"This equipment is so handsome. It deserves to be a large military region. This family is so wealthy." Li Hu was so drooling at the sight.

Compared with these soldiers, the soldiers in his reconnaissance company were completely useless.

"Company Commander, their equipment is currently only available to our synthetic battalion and the special forces of the military region." Li Ran said: "Don't be envious, there will be bread, beer, and we will have it later."

After the visit, Lei Lei Feng, the group leader, was no longer calm...

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