Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

297: Achieve Great Renaissance Sooner! Retire Earlier

The arrival of Basang Zhuoma gave Ai Xue a very strong sense of crisis, and it also made her realize one thing.

She is too passive, and being passive is not good. If the battalion commander doesn't do this, he will take the initiative.

Look at how happy her battalion commander was taking photos with this Tibetan girl. His mouth was so full of laughter that it almost split into the back of his head. This was the first time she had ever seen her battalion commander smile so happily?

Why, is her figure and beauty not as good as this Tibetan girl or something?

"Battal Commander, this is my first time here. Can you let me join you and take some photos with you?" Ai Xue walked directly to Li Ran and asked.

Although it was a question, my body intuitively joined in.

Ai Xue and Basang Dolma stood to the left and right of Li Ran. They were similar in height and figure. They each had their own appearance characteristics, but without exception, they had good figures and beautiful looks. Plus Li Ran However, the three of them are a beautiful scenery.

Regarding Ai Xue's behavior, Li Ran was a little speechless. You have already joined in, how can I still drive you away? Doesn't it seem a bit unnecessary to ask this question?

At this scene, Li Hu, who was temporarily brought in to act as a coolie for taking pictures, was stunned.

The people in the synthetic camp who were watching were also stunned.

Good guy, Captain Ai can't stand it anymore. He's unconvinced and starts to declare his sovereignty? Is he jealous?

"I didn't expect to see Captain Ai's jealous side. Sure enough, the rumors are true."

"I really envy the battalion commander. There is one on the left and one on the right. We can only watch."

"What are you talking nonsense about? It's just taking pictures, where are you going? The instructor is right next to you, and you still dare to talk nonsense."

"Captain Ai's appearance clearly shows that he is unhappy. I hope the two girls won't start fighting in a while."

"Probably not, but I'm looking forward to it."

"If a fight breaks out, who do you think the battalion commander will help?"

On the side, everyone in the synthetic camp was happily eating melons. Such a scene was very rare in the army.

My battalion commander's charm was so terrifying that he attracted two beauties who were jealous of him. If these two beauties could marry one of them, they would laugh out loud in their dreams. However, the battalion commander came to have sex with both of them at once, which is really enviable. .

Pasang Dolma was also very curious about this strange beauty who took the initiative to take part in the photo.

As a woman, she can clearly feel Ai Xue's "hostility" towards her

This made Basang Zhuoma realize that Ai Xue's feelings for Li Ran were unusual, and she also felt a sense of crisis, because Ai Xue's conditions were no worse than hers. She even served as a field army officer and spent more time with Li Ran. She is long.

Just like that, the three of them took pictures together, and the one who suffered the most was Li Hu.

It doesn't matter that he was brought in as a coolie for taking pictures. When it comes to taking pictures, the two girls have quite a lot of demands. One moment they want to do this, the next they want to do that, and no one will let the other go. Who does he listen to?

A dignified commander of a reconnaissance company has fallen to this level. If word spread, he would be laughed at to death.

Finally before lunch, Li Hu was relieved and the photo shoot was over.

The memory of the digital camera is full.

"I'm going to eat. If you have any activities, just do it by yourself. Don't call me. After Li Hu left these words, he ran away. He didn't want to get involved in the affairs of Li Ran and the others.

In the cafeteria, lunch time.

Basang Dolma and Ai Xue were competing. She picked up a dish for Li Ran from her dinner plate, and the other person picked up a dish for Li Ran from her own plate.

Li Ran couldn't eat the food as fast as the two of them picking up the food for him. In the end, both women didn't eat much, and both of them were full.

If he continues at this pace, Li Ran probably won't survive the afternoon.

He is shouldering the glorious mission of realizing the great rejuvenation. How can he be trapped by such things as the love between his children?

So in the afternoon, Li Ran decisively found a reason to get away and gave the space to the two women. They could do whatever they wanted.

With Li Ran away, the relationship between Ai Xue and Basang Dolma eased a lot for a while.

The two women went for a walk outside the camp and decided to have a good talk.

"you like him?"

"you like him?"

The two women spoke almost at the same time.

"That's right."


Both women admitted it without hesitation.

"Have you confirmed your relationship with him?"


"Where are you and him?"


The two have another thing in common, they both like Li Ran, but they have not established a relationship with Li Ran.

"I gave him the token of our Tibetan girl." Basang Dolma said. To a certain extent, this was her advantage.

Hearing this, Ai Xue was silent for a while. To be honest, Basang Zhuoma and Li Ran knew each other earlier than she did.

If Li Ran had not been transferred to the Northern Military Region and a combined battalion had not been formed, she and Li Ran might never have had the chance to get to know each other in their lifetime.

But who can say for certain about fate?

"Has he ever shown his attitude towards you?" Ai Xue asked.


"What about you?" Basang Dolma also asked.


Hearing this, the two women looked at each other, and they felt a mutual sympathy in each other's eyes.

It seems like both of them are one-sided.

"We will go back in half a month. I don't know if we will come back again. Do you still want to wait for him?" Ai Xue asked, telling the truth.

To a certain extent, Ai Xue felt that Basang Dolma was a pitiful girl.

At least she and Li Ran can see each other all the time, and they are both in the same unit, but Basang Dolma is different. She is a Tibetan girl and lives here.

"I know, he told me, but I don't think I'm worthy of him." Basang Dolma expressed his thoughts: "He is too good, has a good family, is very good personally, and is a very good person. Nice and kind.

"He's really good."

Ai Xue did not refute this point.

If he is not an excellent man, how could he let her be like this? Ai Xue has been pampered since she was a child, and her family conditions are very good. Ordinary people can't get into his eyes at all.

"I can feel that he doesn't think too much about this aspect of things, and pursues a natural course. Moreover, he is also very busy and does not have the time." Basang Dolma said.

She could feel it, she had expressed her feelings very early on, and this was the reason why the relationship between the two had not progressed further.

"You think the same as me." Ai Xue said.

At this point, she felt exactly the same as Basang Dolma.

Li Ran is only nineteen years old, very young, very talented, and really very busy. At such an age and in such a position, he has almost no time to think about other things.

Moreover, Li Ran seems to have a very casual attitude towards personal matters, pursuing a natural approach.

"Then are you still waiting?" Ai Xue asked.

"Wait." Basang Dolma said firmly: "I believe that as long as we are destined, I will be with him."

"Aren't you afraid that you won't be able to wait?"

"Don't be afraid. Once we Tibetan girls identify someone, we will wait until the end."

Hearing this, Ai Xue fell silent. After a moment, her attitude was very firm and she said: "I admire your persistence, but I will not give up."

"Then it depends on which of us is more destined to be with him." Basang Dolma said with a smile.

Inside the temporary camp of Synthetic Battalion.

Li Ran is also thinking about this issue in his office.

He is actually very conflicted now. Whether it is Basang Dolma or Ai Xue, he has a favorable impression, but it is only a favorable impression. He feels that it is too urgent for him to establish a relationship with one of them now.

The main thing is that he is really not anxious about this kind of thing. How old is he, 19 years old, why should he be anxious about this kind of thing? Can't he still find a wife?

After thinking for a moment, Li Ran still couldn't think of an answer.

If you are unsure about something, you can ask the spring breeze!

"Forget it, let nature take its course." Li Ran thought to himself.

Once something like fate arrives, nothing can stop it. Instead of worrying about this kind of thing now, it is better to think more about how to lead the synthesis camp well.

The first choice is to complete your mission as early as possible.

If he realizes this great mission earlier and retires earlier, he may only be in his twenties or thirties at that time, and that is when he can truly enjoy life.

No, the pattern suddenly opened up.

Although he knew that Li Ran could stay for at most half a month before leaving, and he didn't know when he would see him next, Pasang Dolma showed great rationality.

In the last half month, I only visited Li Ran three times and gave Li Ran some food made by myself.

Ai Xue admires Basang Dolma for being rational, sensible and considerate. She originally thought that Basang Dolma would come at least once a day in the next half month?

Now it seems that she was wrong and the pattern was too small.

The one-month temporary training of the synthetic battalion ended. After gathering the troops, the whole battalion began to return.

Before leaving, all the officers and soldiers cleaned the temporary camp prepared for them by the Fifth Regiment. Everything was as it was when they arrived, and as it was when they left.

Five regiments.

"Are you leaving?" Lei Lei Feng asked.

Originally he wanted to send it off, but after thinking about it, it was not necessary.

"Captain, the synthetic battalion has left."

"Have the things been sent out?"

"Sent it, but we found in the warehouse the fruits and vegetables left for us by the Synthetic Battalion, enough to last the whole group for a month, and we also left a message."

"What words?"

"Thank you for your hard work, big brother at the border."


Hearing this, Lei Leifeng couldn't help but laugh and curse.

As a unit valued by the head of the military region, the synthetic battalion is temporarily stationed for training for a month, but the logistics support remains exactly the same as before. For this reason, the Northern Military Region specially sent a transport plane to transport a batch of fruits and vegetables.

He was indeed envious of such treatment.

Unexpectedly, the Synthetic Battalion did not touch any of the supplies sent over, and all were left to them.

It would be a lie to say that I am not impressed.

(Please support me with all kinds of data, please give me everything, please give me all kinds of support! Thank you!).

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