Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

298: Return To The Station! Third-Class Collective Merit In Running

The one-month temporary training ended and all officers and soldiers of the combined battalion returned to their base.

"Attention all units, remember to pay attention to safety on the way back, and don't be careless about any detail.

As the chief of staff, Qi Qiang gave each unit his sincere instructions.

Although the training is over, returning the same way, a journey of hundreds of kilometers, is still a test. They are still at a plateau altitude, and any unexpected situation may happen.

Boom boom boom~

The armored beast roared.

There are 800 officers and soldiers in the combined battalion, and each unit forms a mobile formation, like a long dragon, driving on the road.

As they came down from the plateau and the altitude became lower and lower, Qi Qiang gradually relaxed, but he did not dare to take it lightly. The altitude they were currently at was still high altitude.

When he reaches the inland plains, will he be able to completely let go.

Finally, the Hepingying camp came to a county road under the plateau. If they walked along this road, they would almost leave the plateau area.

"Every unit, take a five-minute water break."


The vehicle stopped on the roadside, and officers and soldiers from each unit got out of the vehicle to release water on the roadside.

Li Ran had just finished draining the water and used his free time to light a cigarette. At this time, a dilapidated small truck drove past Li Ran. The speed of the small truck was not slow. There were two men in the car, one driver and one passenger. behind.

"Helicopter team, stop the Tibetan truck in front." Li Ran immediately gave the order over the radio.


Boom boom boom~

Three armed helicopters immediately flew over everyone's heads and chased the passing pickup truck.

"Batalion Commander, what happened?" Chief of Staff Qi Qiang came over and asked.

"All units set off immediately, Second Company, to stop the small truck in front." Li Ran said.

"Batalion Commander? Is there anything wrong with that little truck? We can't just stop fellow villagers' vehicles." Qi Qiang said with an ugly face.

They cannot intercept fellow traffickers on the road without necessary reasons.

Li Ran also asked an armed helicopter to intercept. What if there was a misunderstanding? The impact would be huge.

"There's something wrong with that minivan." Li Ran expressed his judgment.

After receiving Li Ran's order, the second company and four platoons broke away from the team and drove directly towards the small truck in front of them.

The soldiers of the second company were very excited at this time. In their eyes, the small truck in front was equivalent to a moving third-class force.

Due to its geographical location, sparse population and inconvenient jurisdiction, some lawless elements often appear in this place.

Ahead, the small truck was driving at its fastest speed.

"Boss, there are a lot of field troops and tanks. We should not be discovered." The man sitting in the back seat couldn't help but said, very scared.

At the man's feet, a child about one year old was gagged, his hands and feet were tied, and he could not move.

"It should not have been discovered." The man driving the car said fearfully: "I really didn't look at the almanac when I went out today. I just got an order and ran into the field army." "

"Boss, luckily you were driving fast enough just now and they didn't stop them. If they had stopped us and checked our car, it would be over."

"Nonsense, they are a field army, there are regulations, they cannot intercept vehicles at will, and they have no right to inspect vehicles privately."

"Boss, you are so powerful, you all understand."

"Of course. Even though I haven't gone to school, it doesn't mean I'm uneducated. Knowing more about things will be helpful to our industry."

"Boss Niubi."

The two traffickers were complimenting each other at this time. The pleasure of "escaping from death" and dancing on the tip of a knife, plus the joy of making a fortune from the deal they just made, made them feel very good about themselves.


Boom boom boom~

There was a roaring sound.

"Boss, are you jealous?"

"Is it windy?"

While the two were wondering, three armed helicopters drove directly in front of the vehicle. The nose of the armed helicopters was facing the vehicle, and the horns on the planes sounded.

"We are a field army, stop immediately, stop immediately."

"Big, big brother, it's the field army, they're here to catch us."

"Shut up, don't yell, they don't know who we are."

"Then why do you want us to stop? Boss, do you want to stop?"

"Bullshit, stop the car and wait to die."

In response to this, the man who was driving directly stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, wishing he could put his foot into the gas tank. However, the power of the minivan was only so high, and even if he stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, it would not go very fast.

"We are a field army, stop immediately, stop immediately."

Outside, the horn sounded again.

"Boss, look at the muzzle of the gun on the armed helicopter. They shouldn't attack us directly." The trafficker sitting in the back was scared.

He clearly saw the cannon on the armed helicopter and the missiles mounted underneath. If this thing was fired at them, they would be gone.

"You've watched too many fucking movies and your brain is so smart. Do you think we are terrorists? They don't dare to shoot at us casually," Dazhai yelled angrily.

He couldn't park at all now. Once he stopped, he would have no chance at all and could only run.

But not long after, several Jeep off-road vehicles appeared in the rearview mirror.

The loudspeaker was still shouting, and the dilapidated small truck could not outrun the military camouflage jeep. After a feeble struggle, the small truck was stopped.

The two traffickers got out of the car and wanted to make a last-ditch effort.

"Comrade Field Army, why did you intercept us so well?"

"Good interception? What's in the car?"

A second lieutenant sneered. They found the controlled child in the pickup truck. The identity of the two people in front of them was ready to be revealed. They were damned human traffickers.

"Damn human traffickers."

A soldier hated human traffickers the most. He went up and gave them a kick, knocking them to the ground.

This move directly triggered a chain reaction. The soldiers from the second company and the fourth platoon rushed up and blasted the two traffickers. The second lieutenant officer leading the team pretended not to see them.

Human traffickers are the most hated existence, even more hateful than scammers. The children they worked so hard to raise are kidnapped by you, and a beautiful family is destroyed like this.

"It's almost done. We can't beat people to death."

After blasting the hammer, the second lieutenant saw that the fire was almost done and said.

Human traffickers are hateful, and there are laws to punish them. If they catch them, they still have to hand them over to the local PL.

At this time, the follow-up troops also arrived.

After some understanding, he and Li Ran's guess was correct. There was something wrong with these two people. Unexpectedly, they were human traffickers. He originally thought they were drug dealers.

Fortunately, the person was stopped, otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous.

"Did you inflict the injuries on both of them?"

Li Ran asked lightly after seeing their noses and eyes were swollen.

"Report, yes." The second lieutenant said directly: "I took the lead in the fight."

"I took the lead in reporting, not the platoon leader."

"We all have a share in the report.

I thought Li Ran was going to scold them for violating discipline, but the soldiers in the fourth platoon immediately stopped him.

"`" Why are you arguing? Be careful next time and don't leave your footprints on it. It's not clean at all. "After Li Ran finished speaking, he went up and gave each of them a kick.

Li Ran's hand strength is strong, otherwise with the current state of these two people, Li Ran could kick one to death.

This scene left the second lieutenant and others dumbfounded, but they were secretly happy. The battalion commander was so handsome!

Quan pretended not to see the staff officers and Xu Xiaoguang and others on the side, and even made up his mind to give him a kick when he found an opportunity later.

Damn human traffickers, they all deserve to be beaten to death.

"Chief of Staff, contact the PL in the nearby county. This little girl should have been abducted by the two of them from the ambush. We will leave after the PL arrives." Li Ran said.


Qi Qiang sent someone to contact the local PL, while the female soldiers from the combined battalion tried to calm the little girl's emotions.

The little girl was obviously frightened and did not dare to move.

"Batalion Commander, how did you tell there was something wrong with this pickup truck?" Qi Qiang couldn't help but ask.

Just by looking at it, you can tell that there is something wrong with the minivan and ask them to intercept the vehicle. If the interception is wrong, it will be a big trouble and it will have a very bad impact.

"It's very simple. Are they two men?"


"who are we?"

"Field Army."

"Are tanks cool? Are armored vehicles cool?"

"Of course he's handsome."

"That's alright. We are a powerful combined camp with the most advanced weapons and equipment. We are so handsome. Any man who sees a lot of money should slow down and take a closer look. If you encounter that kind of military fan, you must not stop. They got out of the car and took a photo with us. When the two of them saw us, they not only did not slow down, but also accelerated without even looking at us, which made it clear that they had something up their sleeves." Li Ran explained.

Qi Qiang was stunned by Li Ran's explanation.

What he said made sense, and he was speechless.

After hearing this, the two traffickers on the side almost vomited blood in depression. How the hell is this okay?

Half an hour later, the local PL came. After some understanding, Li Ran handed over the trafficker and the little girl to the PL. He learned from the PL that an hour ago, local people did find them and said that their children were missing. .

Even PL lamented that this little girl was really lucky and lucky to have met the field army here, otherwise she would never have been able to get her back.

This is a place where once a child is abducted, he cannot be found.

The surprised little girl kept looking at Li Ran and everyone before she got on the PL car and left. Although she was still young and didn't know what the field army meant, the words "field army"

It was deeply engraved in her mind.

The short interlude ended, two human traffickers were caught, and a little girl was rescued. The officers and soldiers of the combined battalion were in a good mood.

Everyone once again embarked on the journey back to the station...

(Please ask for all kinds of data support, please ask for everything, please ask for all kinds of information, for some reasons, it’s a little late, sorry!).

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