Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

299: Li Ran Is Very Busy! Synthetic Camp Confrontation Arrives

After several hours, the synthetic battalion finally returned to the station safely.

After returning to the station, it was getting late, so Li Ran asked all units to take a break.

Looking at everything familiar around them, the officers and soldiers of the combined battalion couldn't help but sigh, it feels so comfortable to go home.

The next day!

The synthetic battalion resumed its previous training rhythm, and the entire battalion conducted daily training under the leadership of Chief of Staff Qi Qiang.

There is only the last month left before the combined battalion exercises and confrontations of the seven military regions. In this last time, the combined battalion must seize every minute and every second.

On the training ground, rest time.

"Where is the battalion commander? I haven't seen anyone since early in the morning."

"I seem to have heard that he went out, otherwise the chief of staff wouldn't be leading us for training.

"No, I just came back from the Tibetan Military Region. The battalion commander is out on business? So busy?"

"Don't make a fuss. This is very unusual for the battalion commander. If the battalion commander is not busy, it would be abnormal."

The officers and soldiers of the combined battalion now have a very deep understanding of their battalion commander, that is, his battalion commander is handsome and talented, and he is a great figure in many fields.

It is very common for talents to have many things to do and heavy tasks.

Just as the officers and soldiers of the combined battalion said, Li Ran was really busy and had something to go out the next day after he came back.

Two things. The first thing is about the development of large-scale domestic military games. This matter is led by Ai Xue, the captain of the electronic countermeasures team. For this reason, the Northern Military Region has also established a military game office to specifically support the research and development progress of this project. .

However, during this period, the synthetic battalion has been busy training, and there is only one month left for the seven military regions' synthetic battalion exercises and confrontations. Ai Xue is also very busy, and the game development progress has been delayed for a while.

Li Ran is the battalion commander. Although he has a lot of work, his ability to work is so strong that Li Ran can finish the work in one day that 997 people can do in a month.

This led to the result that the battalion commander's work was not enough for Li Ran to do alone.

Therefore, Li Ran temporarily took over the game research and development, and as the leader, continued the game research and development work.

Military Game Office.

There are more than twenty technicians here, all recruited from military region agencies. These days, the computer field has just begun to emerge, and there is a considerable shortage of talents in this field.

It is not easy to recruit more than 20 people and set up a game development team.

"I have emphasized more than once that the data must be realistic and real. Not only the data must be real, but the character models and tactical action designs must also be real. Look what you have done?" Li Ran said to everyone. rebuke.

The modeling of the character models and tactical movements is a complete mess, and it is impossible to read at all.

If you model according to such standards, the game developed will be garbage.

"Battle Commander Li, we also want to collect the most standard and real tactical actions, but we have absolutely no way." A female technician felt very aggrieved after being scolded by Li Ran.

They were in the agency all day long and could not collect standard tactical actions.

"Of course you can't just stay in the office all day and just rely on your own imagination. You have to go to grassroots units for field research and collect data." Li Ran said angrily.

"Captain Li, where should we go for investigation?"

"The module currently being developed is a special operations module. Which unit do you want to go to?"

"Military Region Special Forces?"

"Why go to such an unorthodox unit? Is it true that apart from the special forces, there are no special operations units in the military region?"

Hearing this, a slightly smarter female staff officer immediately said: "Batalion Commander Li, how about going to the special warfare division investigation of the combined camp?"

"Well, this is a good idea, but the synthetic camp has been busy with training recently, so I'm afraid we don't have time."

After hearing this, everyone present was dumbfounded. The special forces of the military region could not go, saying that they were not serious. As a result, the special operations team of the combined battalion could not go as well, saying that they were too busy, so where should they go?

"Captain Li, what should we do now? Are we going to delay the progress?"

"Let me give you a hint. I was a scout king back then, mastering all kinds of tactical moves. You know the reconnaissance company, known as the little special forces. I just have time today, so I will be a model for you. You can follow my tactics. Collect according to action standards." Li Ran said.

His decision was purely based on his desire to contribute to the development of military games, and he had absolutely no intention of expressing himself, absolutely not.

"That's okay."

Although everyone present did not expect Li Ran to take the initiative to be the model, they all said, let's give it a try.

Usually, they often hear Ai Xue talk about how excellent their battalion commander is and how he can do everything. They also want to see how good Li Ran, the commander of the synthetic battalion, is?

Therefore, the collection of tactical actions began immediately, with Li Ran acting as a model and performing various tactical action demonstrations for the R&D team to collect data.

At first, everyone in the R&D team was a little reluctant to Li Ran's behavior of self-recommendation, but they were soon impressed by Li Ran's military qualities.

With a perfect figure and standard tactical movements, it can be called a template in a textbook.

Standard, professional, perfect!

The few young male staff officers who watched looked envious and worshipful. They were all men, so there was a huge gap.

While recording the data, the female staff officer was so surprised by Li Ran's charm that she couldn't help but swallow her saliva.

Now they understood why Ai Xue liked to talk about Li Ran from time to time. This young major battalion commander was really outstanding.

An hour later, Li Ran finished his demonstration, and the remaining tactical actions needed to be performed on the training ground.

"There are only so many displays of tactical actions. The remaining practical data collection of tactical actions needs to be done on the training ground. So, come to the synthesis camp to see me in the afternoon." Li Ran said.

"No problem." Everyone agreed happily (aiah).

"I have solved some technical problems for you. If there are any subsequent problems, please record them first and I will help you solve them together." Li Ran said.


Synthetic camp, on the training ground.

The members of the special operations team were dumbfounded as they watched their battalion commander perform various tactical maneuvers, claiming to be a free model for the military region game office, allowing them to collect data.

This scene made the members of the special operations team greedy.

"Battal Commander, you are so busy, let me be the model." Chen Fuqiang, captain of the special operations team, licked his face and came to Li Ran and said.

"Next time, I'll have a chance next time." Li Ran patted Chen Fuqiang's shoulder and said calmly.

Hearing this, Chen Fuqiang was helpless. Sure enough, his battalion commander would not give up this opportunity to others. After all, in a game, the design of tactical actions is based on himself as a model reference. How good it is.

"Brothers, train hard and strive to become models next time." Chen Fuqiang encouraged morale.


The captain of the special operations team responded loudly and continued training.

In the last month left, the entire Hehe camp was busy, including Li Ran.

It's just that the officers and soldiers of the combined battalion are busy training and preparing for confrontation exercises, while Li Ran is busy with other things, which is "not doing his job properly"

After the work in the Military Game Office was almost done, Li Ran went to the 413 Military Factory.

The research and development of military games requires him, and the research and development of the current information-based main tanks of the 413 Military Factory also requires him.

The information-based main tank that adapts to the information-based combat system is already in the development process. The information-based main tank was originally a report produced by Li Ran when he was at the Lu Academy.

Currently, designers at the 413 Military Factory are conducting research and development.

Originally, it was planned to let Li Ran be the chief designer of this information-based main tank, but Li Ran rejected it. Professional people do professional things. He put forward demand suggestions. 413 Military Factory has professional designers. .

Although he is not the chief designer of the information-based main tank, Li Ran is the technical consultant.

For some problems encountered in R&D and design, the technical staff of the 13th Military Factory will consult Li Ran.

Arriving at the 413 Military Factory, in the conference room, all the technicians of the information technology main tank were present, and the problems encountered in the research and development design during this period were also sorted out.

"We can start from this aspect for the current problems we are encountering. In terms of fire control, we need..."

Li Ran just took a look and gave him a solution.

That relaxed look impressed all the technical staff. You obviously know everything, why don't you become the chief designer? This way, their research and development progress can be accelerated.

As everyone knows, Li Ran's idea is very simple. If he takes care of everything, how can others develop and progress?

He is alone and cannot be distracted. Again, professional people do professional things. If there is a problem, Li Ran can come forward to solve the problem, but he must learn and make progress.

After finishing the work at the military factory, he had a video conference with the Dragon Academy of Sciences.

The discussion was naturally about the programming of the field army's land, sea and air integrated combat system. Although Li Ran came up with the overall framework, the programming team would still encounter some difficulties in the subsequent module supplement stage.

Li Ran once again answered everyone's questions as a technical consultant.

Finally, the time came to June.

On this day, a telegram was sent directly to the combined camp, a telegram from the General Staff, and the exercise confrontation notice was officially issued.

At the same time that the notice was sent to the synthetic battalion, all the other six military region synthetic battalions also received telegram notifications.

This exercise has only one purpose, which is to test the combat effectiveness of the information systems established by the combined battalions of the seven military regions and determine the final direction of the information combat system.

In an exercise confrontation between seven combined battalions, there is only one winner. The victorious combined battalion is the correct template for the information combat system.

As soon as they received the notice, all the combined battalions of the major military regions began to move...

(Seeking support from various data, I feel unwell, as if I have been hollowed out, I really can’t bear it any more, I feel so uncomfortable!!).

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