Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

300: Blue Army Synthetic Battalion! Li Ran Is Filling The Cup, He Is Filling The Cup

Although the scale of this combined battalion exercise and confrontation of the seven military regions is not comparable to the previous annual exercises in terms of troop strength.

But the emphasis on it is no less than that of the last annual exercise.

The staff group composed of hundreds of officers will calculate the relevant data in this exercise and feed it back to the director, who will make a judgment based on the calculated data.

In addition, during this exercise, the seven military regions, the Military Academy, the Army Academy and other military academies will conduct live observation and learning throughout the exercise.

The combined battalion, as a representative of the mechanization of the field army into an information-based combat system, is of great significance.

Beijing Military Region.

The sword synthesis camp.

Following the order, the entire battalion immediately began to urgently gather and prepare for mobile deployment.

Bang bang bang

Neat and powerful footsteps sounded continuously in each corridor.

"Report the count."


"Everyone has it, target parking lot, running and walking."

Any combined battalion is inseparable from mobile deployment before the battle begins.

Nineteen minutes later, the entire Lijian Combined Battalion completed maneuver preparations. The lieutenant colonel and battalion commander's eyes swept over everyone present, and a sense of pride arose in his heart.

This was an army he had formed with his own hands. Every person and tank in it was his request, begging his grandpa and grandma for help.

Recalling that when the camp was first established, his superiors only gave him a notice and a coordination letter, and nothing else. He was so poor that he shamelessly went to each unit to negotiate. He received so many looks and cynicism. He kept his tail between his legs and finally finally It was the synthetic camp that was established.

After suffering so much, aren’t we just waiting for this day to come?

Show their combat effectiveness and their prestige, let the units in the military region see what a modern force is, and let the military region chiefs see that the combined battalion is your treasure.

The lieutenant colonel had already begun to fantasize in his mind. During this exercise, he led the sharp sword synthetic battalion, one against six, and rubbed the other six synthetic battalions on the ground, demonstrating unrivaled combat effectiveness.

The battalion commanders of the other six military regions' combined battalions were in front of him. They held their thighs in groups of three and begged and worshiped him.

As for the most popular combined battalion of the Northern Military Region, that major named Li Ran, the youngest major in the field army and a rising star in the field army, was just a younger brother in front of him.

When the time came, he would pick up the Blue Army's combined battalion from the Northern Military Region and beat him so hard that the young major doubted his life.

Afterwards, the commanders of various units in the military region were shocked by the combat effectiveness of his sword-synthetic battalion. They all came to treat him to dinner, said good things to him, apologized for being blind to the mountains before, and admitted that they had been deceived by Baba before. , I beg you to be an adult and not to remember the faults of a villain.

The commander of the military region even came over in person to award him a medal, patted himself on the shoulder and said, "Do a good job, and the position of commander will be his from now on."

As he thought about it, the corner of the lieutenant colonel's mouth rose, a little impatient.

"Ahem, battalion commander, everyone has assembled, let's say something." The deputy battalion commander couldn't stand it anymore and reminded him in a low voice in front of the lieutenant colonel.

What's going on? Didn't the battalion commander sleep well yesterday? Is he dreaming in broad daylight? His mouth is almost drooling.

"Almost lost my temper."

Upon being reminded, the lieutenant colonel welcomed him over, quickly put his saliva away, and said seriously: "Comrades, the day has finally come, with your sword out of its sheath. Tell me loudly, who is the strongest?"

"We are the strongest."

"Who is the cruelest?"

"We are the most ruthless."

"Very good, this battle is crucial. This will be the first battle that will establish the reputation of our sharp sword synthesis battalion. Kill!"


Everyone roared in unison, and then the sound resounded throughout the world.

As an outstanding officer of the Beijing Military Region, the lieutenant colonel has his own pride. What is the reputation of the Beijing Military Region? It is the Big Brother Military Region.

In the past, if there were any new activities, the Beijing Military Region would come first. If there were any new activities, they would be initiated by the Beijing Military Region.

But this time, an officer from a mere Tibetan military region dared to make such trouble. The limelight was so great that even the young officers in the Beijing military region could not hold their heads high.

This is not good. As the representative of the young officers of the Beijing Military Region, he must show the style of the young officers of the Beijing Military Region.

Let the other six military regions understand, let the chief of the General Staff understand [the Beijing Military Region, especially YYDS!

Southern Military District.

The Tigers combined battalion. At this time, the entire battalion had completed mobile preparations, which took 20 minutes.

This mobile installation time is a bit slow in the synthetic battalion, but this has something to do with the characteristics of the Tiger synthetic battalion. Looking at it, the number of tanks in the Tiger synthetic battalion has reached hundreds.

The amount of armor is shocking.

There is currently no specific system template for establishing a combined battalion. The establishment, personnel, and armor are all determined by each combined battalion commander.

It is precisely because everyone has a different understanding of the combined battalion that this exercise of confrontation among the seven combined battalions was organized.

Whose understanding is correct will be understood after a fight. The one with the strongest combat effectiveness must be the most correct.

The lieutenant colonel commander of the Tiger Combined Battalion was not worried because the maneuver time was a little slow. On the contrary, he was full of great confidence in the Tiger Combined Battalion.

These new main battle tanks are the source of his confidence.

The speed of mobile installation is a bit slow, but it doesn't matter, the speed of mobile installation means nothing.

"Comrades, the battle for fame is coming. The hard training every day is just for this moment. Use all your fighting power to win this battle. Are you confident?"


"What's our slogan?"

"Vigorously miracle!"

Yes, the lieutenant colonel battalion commander is one of the die-hard fans of the heavy armored forces. His inspiration for building the battalion has something to do with watching the previous annual exercises.

In the previous annual exercises, the terrifying dominance displayed by the First Heavy Armor Division of the Field Army convinced him that heavy armor was the way to go.

He doesn't believe in speed, he only believes in miracles with great strength.

The number of heavily armed troops is the source of confidence and the foundation of dominance.

As the notice of the start of the exercise was sent to all the combined battalions, all the combined battalions began to take action.

The battlefield for this exercise is the Zhuhe exercise ground. Due to the different geographical locations of the six military regions' combined battalions, in order to ensure as much balance as possible, the six combined battalions arrived at the exercise site at about the same time. Regarding the departure time of both parties, the director's department Certain regulations were made.

In layman's terms, some people go first, and some people wait for a while before leaving, and the balance is calculated based on the distance.

0...Please give me flowers...0

After observing this remotely, many people in the director's department, the seven military regions, and various military academies all nodded secretly.

Yes, indeed, it is a new type of combined battalion force. Each combined battalion is very powerful and has its own characteristics.

The combined battalions of each major military region are under the direct jurisdiction of each military region. In order to provide sufficient support, although the combined battalions of the seven major military regions each have their own system characteristics, they all have one thing in common, and that is Hao.

It was so grand that many unit officers could not help drooling after seeing it.

Take the Sharp Sword Combined Battalion as an example. As the representative of the big brother of the Beijing Military Region, the Combined Battalion has five armed helicopters. A battalion-level unit has five armed helicopters. What is the concept?

How many aircraft did the entire field army have in total?

Sure enough, it is worthy of being a Big Brother-level military region, and its background is sufficient.

As for the Tigers Combined Battalion, many people were stunned to see hundreds of tanks.

Good guy, if they hadn't known that the Tigers Combined Battalion was affiliated to the Southern Military Region, they would have even thought it was a combined battalion of the Northern Military Region.

After all, the representative of the heavy armored force has always been the first heavy armored division of the Northern Military Region. The number of armors is terrifying. However, your Southern Military Region's combined battalion did this. One battalion produced hundreds of new main battle tanks. You Excuse me?

There are also synthetic battalions. In order to pursue the ultimate speed, there are very few new main battle tanks equipped. They are replaced by some derivative light tanks, armored vehicles, etc.

As we all know, once there are too many reinstalls, the speed will definitely be affected.

But what everyone is most concerned about is the Blue Army Combined Battalion in the Northern Military Region.

Blue Army Synthetic Battalion, this synthetic battalion, from its name to its unit commander, is very interesting.

There are various code names for the combined battalion, from Tiger to Sword, but this is the first one to use Blue Army as its code name. There is also the commander of the combined battalion, the 19-year-old Major Li Ran.

He can almost be said to be a celebrity in the field army. He is so popular that no one can rival him.

With his own efforts, young officers from all major military regions cannot hold their heads up. Anyone who knows the resume of this young major Li Ran will be silent because the resume of the major is simply not something that can be created by humans. .

After joining the army for more than a year, I was promoted from private to major at the age of 19. This promotion speed is really like a rocket.

Anyway, officers with and without background all fell silent after learning about this resume.

Whenever Li Ran appears, it is definitely the focus of everyone's attention.

When the director's camera landed on the Blue Army synthesis camp, the scene in front of them surprised everyone.

Different from the tense atmosphere shown by the other six military regions' combined battalions, the Blue Army's combined battalion seemed to have not received any notice of the exercise. It was very calm and made no moves at all.

Soon, the camera came to Li Ran, the chief officer of the Blue Army's synthetic battalion.

I saw Li Ran standing by the window of the office, looking out, looking like a master. Especially after he noticed that the camera was on him, it was hard not to suspect that Ji Ran was pretending to be drunk.

Immediately afterwards, a scene that shocked everyone even more happened.

I saw Li Ran slowly reaching for his pocket with his right hand...

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