Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

301: Battle For Fame! The Essence Of The Blues Is Shamelessness

Filling the cup, Li Ran is indeed filling the cup.

Li Ran slowly reached for his pocket with his right hand. Just when everyone thought Li Ran was going to take out something terrible, they saw Li Ran take out a pack of cigarettes.

He took out a cigarette, lit it for himself, and blew out a smoke ring in front of the camera.

At this time, Chief of Staff Qi Qiang walked into the office with a serious face.

"Battal Commander, there is an urgent war situation. The six combined battalions have rebelled. The General Staff has asked us to eliminate them immediately."

"Damn it, as a field army, you actually did such a treasonous and unethical thing. Our Blue Army Combined Battalion will do justice to God this time and eliminate these six traitors.

Li Ran put out the cigarette and said angrily: "The whole battalion gathered urgently immediately."


The conversation between the two left the staff sent by the director on the side dumbfounded.

What is this young commander of the Blue Army's synthetic battalion doing?

What are the two of them talking about? The six combined battalions have rebelled? Are they trying to do something for heaven? Don’t you know this is an exercise?

Not only were the staff from the director's department dumbfounded, but all the observers were also dumbfounded.

General Staff, conference room.

The head of the General Staff had no idea that Li Ran would come out like this.

On the side, the other officers and staff were all dumbfounded, saying "803" in their hearts, "Good guy."

After so many years as soldiers, their eyes were opened today. The commander of the Blue Army's synthetic battalion and the youngest major in the field army is really good at playing.

This is too much to add drama to yourself and to this exercise. It is obviously an exercise and confrontation. Unless the combined battalions of the other six military regions have rebelled, how can you say that you are doing justice for heaven? Do you think you are making a movie? The King Return?

The senior officials of the other six military regions all glared at the Lieutenant General of the Northern Military Region.

Is this the virtue of your officers in the Northern Military Region? Is this the virtue of your officers in the Northern Military Region? In a drill, people from the fraternal military regions were actually said to have rebelled, so as to establish a positive image for themselves and treat them as villains, right?

The Lieutenant General of the Northern Military Region knew that he was in the wrong and pretended not to see the eyes that came his way.

This was not ordered by him at all, but Li Ran did it himself. He was helpless and it was completely unexpected.

The Lu Academy, the Military Academy, and the school auditorium were all in an uproar.

"The great master is really awesome. He dares to do this at this time. It's really awesome."

"That's what the great master is like. He not only likes to fill the cup, but also likes to mess with people's mentality."

"Don't do six basic things. This is a routine operation for a great master."

"By the way, if this behavior of the great master were performed by other officers, he would probably be beaten to death.

"Don't look at great gods as arrogant, but great gods have the capital to be arrogant."

At Li Ran's order, the entire Blue Army synthetic battalion gathered urgently, and all units immediately prepared for mobile deployment.

At this moment, all the officers and soldiers of the Blue Army's synthetic battalion showed all the observers what absolute professionalism and tacit cooperation mean.

The daily training intensity of the Blue Army's synthetic battalion is more than twice the intensity of the Army's training syllabus. In the last month of the exercise, the training intensity increased a bit [it can be regarded as a sprint training.

Under such high-intensity training, the potential of the officers and soldiers of the combined battalion was exceeded again and again.

I don’t know how many times I have trained in maneuvering, fielding, and other coordination, but I have already formed muscle memory.

In short, K ​​is not in vain.

Bang, bang, bang, neat and powerful steps sounded, and officers and soldiers from all units ran towards the parking lot in an orderly manner.

Tanks, armored vehicles, infantry fighting vehicles, radar vehicles and other special vehicles slowly drove out of the yard under the command of personnel.

"Fire control check is normal."

"The engine is running normally."

"The air pressure and temperature are normal.


Each basic inspection is completed quickly and recorded in the operation log manual.

Boom boom boom~

The roars of the armored behemoths continued to sound, and each unit marched towards the assembly area. On the wide main road, the fleets of each unit merged into the mobile queue in an orderly manner.

In 17 minutes, the entire Blue Army synthetic battalion completed preparations for mobile deployment.

In 17 minutes, the whole battalion completed the mobile equipment installation. When this time came out, the Lieutenant General of the General Staff and the senior officials of the major military regions were shocked.

This speed is too fast. At present, all seven synthetic battalions have completed mobile preparations, but the Blue Army synthetic battalion is the fastest, taking only 17 minutes.

The rapid deployment of mobile equipment is enough to show that the units of the Blue Army's combined battalion cooperate very closely and have a very high degree of tacit understanding. The combat effectiveness of such a unit is definitely not much different.

"There's something about the Blue Army Synthetic Battalion."

Many people were amazed.

However, the speed of mobile deployment cannot completely explain anything. How good the combat effectiveness is depends on how well it is fought?

There is no camp confrontation among the seven combined battalions. Obviously, this will be a melee. Whoever takes the lead will be beaten first. Whoever makes the first move depends entirely on the commander's decision.

Blue Army synthetic battalion assembly area.

All units have been assembled.

Li Ran stood on a tank and looked at the crowd. Every time this time, Li Ran would feel a sense of pride and pride in his heart, because he created this army with his own hands.

Today's battle is the moment when the Blue Army Combined Battalion completely shows its power.

"Comrades, what is our code name?"

"The Blues."

"What is our goal?"

"Become the grindstone for the whole army and teach the whole army how to fight."

"Very good. We have been informed by orders from our superiors that the combined battalions of the six major military regions have rebelled. What should we do with the traitors?"

What? A collective mutiny in the combined battalions of the six major military regions?

Hey, traitors must be dealt with severely, until they don't even recognize their mothers.

"Kill." Everyone roared in unison, and their emotions were suddenly aroused.

Li Ran's pre-war morale mobilization once again opened the eyes of those watching, especially the goals and slogans of the Blue Army's synthetic battalion, which shocked everyone.

To be the sharpening stone for the whole army and to teach the whole army how to fight is such a big tone, and even with such a big tone, I am not afraid of getting smoked.

If the exercise rules didn't allow it, the other six military regions should really take a look at the virtues of the Blue Army Combined Battalion.

It is estimated that after the other six military regions know about the Blue Army Combined Battalion, they will definitely join forces to destroy the Blue Army Combined Battalion first.

The target of the attack was clear in an instant, and the Blue Army's synthetic battalion was to be captured first.

"This boy, why don't you pretend to be capable of death at this time? You are so loud in front of the head of the General Staff." The Lieutenant General Chief of Staff of the Northern Military Region looked a little ugly and secretly glanced at the Lieutenant General of the General Staff.

He knew the goals and slogans of the Blue Army's synthetic battalion.

But these words are usually said in one's own military zone. What time is it now?

The drill is being watched by the top brass of the seven military regions, as well as by the chiefs of the General Staff. If you keep a low profile at this time, you will die. You must be the one who stands out. 0

Regarding the goals and slogans mentioned by everyone in the Blue Army's synthetic battalion, the Lieutenant General of the General Staff did not say anything, but looked thoughtful.

In this confrontation between the combined battalions of the seven major military regions, the Air Force did not participate in the battle. After all, although the exercise venue is not small, it is only that big for the Air Force.

If there are seven combined battalions, each of which has the authority to call for air force support, then once a fight breaks out, it will be chaotic for the six combined battalions to call for air force support at the same time.

Therefore, the only air power that the six combined battalions can command is the support of the armed helicopters in their own battalions.

According to the distance, the Blue Army synthetic battalion will officially set off on the move in twenty minutes.

At this time, the Blue Army combined battalion assembly area.

Each unit had already set off on the move after 20 minutes of preparation. As the battalion commander, Li Ran called the chief officers of each unit together for the first combat meeting discussion.

"This battle between the combined battalions of the seven major military regions is destined to be a melee. Who will fight first? How to fight? If you have any ideas, please speak freely." Li Ran got straight to the point.

"Battal Commander, judging from the distance, I think we should attack the Tiger Synthesis Battalion first. When we arrive at the exercise venue, we should be closest to the Tiger Synthesis Battalion." Chief of Staff

Guo said.

"I don't think so." Instructor Xu Xiaoguang said: "This is a melee. It is unwise to initiate an attack from the beginning. We should wait for the right time to take action and conserve our strength first."

"I agree with the instructor on this point, but..."

The chief officers and staff of the synthetic battalion spoke enthusiastically to express their views on the style of this exercise.

During every combat exercise, Li Ran would summon the chief officers of each unit and ask them to speak enthusiastically and express their opinions. Don't be afraid of saying something wrong, just be afraid of not saying it.

In addition, Li Ran also promoted this habit to grassroots class schedules.

He wants the grassroots officers and soldiers of the combined battalion to have the awareness of planning a battle plan, and everyone must discuss it collectively, so that their ideas can be opened up.

"You all have your own reasons for your ideas, but in my opinion, you have ignored a very critical point of 3.3." Li Ran said to everyone.

After hearing this, everyone immediately listened carefully.

Despite his young age, his battalion commander has a variety of ideas, and he can always hit the nail on the head and find shortcomings.

"For our Blue Army, no matter in any exercise or confrontation, the most important thing is to be shameless.


Everyone was stunned, and some didn't react.

"Shameless." Li Ran emphasized again.


Hearing this, everyone present took a deep breath. His battalion commander's head was broken. The key point was that he was shameless?

It's okay to say this in front of them, after all, they know it, but the director's staff on the side has the camera pointed at them.

Every word and action they say will be presented in front of the military region chiefs and the general staff chiefs.

Even if it’s shameless, it’s not so shameless, right?

"Ahem." Chief of Staff Qi Qiang couldn't help coughing twice to remind Li Ran, his eyes indicating that there were people from the director's department around.

Li Ran doesn't care, but it's a bit indecent to blatantly say shameless, so let's use another word to describe it.

"play hard!"

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