Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

308: The Deterrent Power Of The Blue Army Battalion! I Have The Final Say On The Rhythm Of The Battl

As soon as the chief of the General Staff gave the order, the director's department immediately informed him.

As a result, the remaining three synthetic battalions, the Condor synthetic battalion, the Warrior synthetic battalion, and the Wolf Head synthetic battalion, received notice from the director's department at the same time.

The Blue Army's combined battalion successfully eliminated the three combined battalions of Tiger, Dragon, and Sharp Sword, and suffered 10% battle losses.

As soon as the news came out, the chief officers of the remaining three combined battalions were shocked.

Damn it, is the Blue Army's combined battalion a god? How long has it been since the exercise began, and three combined battalions have been eliminated?

How strong is this fighting? It's too fierce.

Or are the three eliminated combined battalions too weak? They were easily defeated by the Blue Army Combined Battalion, whose battle losses were only 10%.

For a moment, the only three remaining synthetic battalions were a little flustered, shocked by the combat effectiveness of the blue army's synthetic battalions.

The battalion commanders of the three combined battalions contacted the chief officers at all levels for discussions at almost the same time.

Condor Synthetic Camp.

"You have also seen the notice from the director's department. The Blue Army synthetic battalion is unexpectedly strong. Three synthetic battalions have been eliminated. The combat effectiveness cannot be underestimated. What are your thoughts on the next combat direction of our Shenying synthetic battalion? "The lieutenant colonel said.

"Battal Commander, according to the notice from the director's department, the two synthetic battalions of Tigers and Dragons were eliminated by the Blue Army synthetic battalion during the maneuver. Obviously, the Blue Army synthetic battalion must have used some trick.

The Sharp Sword Synthetic Battalion was eliminated because the location entering the exercise site was closest to the Blue Army Synthetic Battalion. Our Eagle Synthetic Battalion was the farthest from them and the closest to Zhucheng. I think we should maneuver at full speed according to the original plan. Occupy the core area of ​​Zhucheng and build fortifications. "The chief of staff analyzed.

"What the chief of staff said makes sense, and I agree with the chief of staff's ideas."

"I also agree that no matter how strong the Blue Army's combined battalion is, our Shenying combined battalion is not weak either. We must first occupy Zhucheng and get the key strategic cities.

Others immediately expressed their opinions.

"Well, spread out the reconnaissance troops, turn on the radar department at full power, and maneuver the entire battalion at full speed. We must capture Zhucheng as quickly as possible.


Warriors combined camp!

Originally, the entire battalion, which had just finished supplies and was planning to maneuver at full speed to attack the Wolf Head Synthetic Battalion closest to them, now slowed down.

After receiving the notice from the director's department, the battalion commander urgently contacted the chief officers at all levels to discuss the meeting.

"Everyone, the combat effectiveness of the Blue Army Combined Battalion is unexpectedly strong. I think the assault on the Wolf Head Combined Battalion must be terminated. If the Blue Army Combined Battalion launches a sneak attack while we are fighting with the Wolf Head Combined Battalion, we will suffer a big loss. "

If the director's department had not reported this news before, the lieutenant colonel also planned to fight with the nearest wolf head synthetic camp.

But now, there are only four of the seven combined battalions left. Among them, one of the Blue Army's combined battalions has eliminated three. Such a record is too heartbreaking.

Therefore, the original combat deployment needs to be considered in the long term.

"Battal Commander, the combat effectiveness of the Blue Army Combined Battalion is a bit exaggerated. I think at this time, we should join forces with the Wolf Head Combined Battalion."

"I agree that we should join forces at this time to eliminate the Blue Army's combined battalion first, otherwise we will definitely be defeated one by one.

"Three combined battalions were eliminated, and the battle loss was no more than 10%. Such a record is too exaggerated."

Everyone said that they thought they should join forces with the Wolf Head Synthetic Battalion now. If nothing else, they should at least eliminate the Blue Army Synthetic Battalion first.

"Contact the Wolf Head Combined Battalion and join forces to eliminate the Blue Army Combined Battalion first." The lieutenant colonel was not a pedantic person and knew very well that joining forces was the best option in the current situation.

In this exercise, each combined battalion is a rival and joining forces to beat others cannot be said to be illegal, because there are no regulations in the exercise and they cannot join forces midway.

Wolf Head Synthetic Camp.

"Batalion Commander, the warriors will contact the battalion."

The two battalion commanders, the Wolf Head Synthetic Battalion and the Warriors Synthetic Battalion, contacted each other. The Warriors Synthetic Battalion commander went straight to the point and invited them to join forces.

"The Blue Army's combined battalion's combat capabilities are too exaggerated. Considering the positions of our two combined battalions, joining forces is the best option."

"Just the two of us joining forces? What about the Shenying Combined Battalion?"

"The Shenying Combined Battalion is the closest to Zhucheng. As long as he is not a fool, he will definitely occupy the city in a short time. Do you think he will join forces with us?"

"Then let's join forces and fight the Blue Army first, then kill the Condor, and finally we will have a fair fight, how about that?"


The two battalion commanders of the Wolf Head Combined Battalion and the Warrior Combined Battalion only had a brief communication and reached preliminary cooperation.

The two synthetic battalions of Wolf Head and Warrior joined forces to fight at this moment, first eliminating the Blue Army synthetic battalion, and then defeating the Condor synthetic battalion. In the end, the two teams competed fairly to determine the winner of the exercise.

The idea is good, but I don't know if it can be realized.

The commander of the Wolf Head Synthetic Battalion knew very well that the director's notice to them at this time was to some extent unfair to the Blue Army Synthetic Battalion, and was suspected of helping them cheat.

Even the director couldn't stand it and couldn't help but help them cheat. One can imagine the combat effectiveness of the Blue Army's synthetic battalion.

If you act like a hero at this time and fight alone, you are a fool.

For a time, during this exercise, the camp suddenly became clear, forming a situation that seemed to be a tripartite confrontation.

The Shenying Synthetic Battalion relied on its geographical advantage to take the lead and occupy Zhucheng.

The Blue Army's synthetic battalion single-handedly eliminated three synthetic battalions and became a major problem for the remaining three synthetic battalions.

The Warriors and the Wolf Head Synthetic Battalion joined forces to attack the Blue Army first and then the Condor, intending to attack them one by one.

Instantly it smelled like the Three Kingdoms period.

Exercise audience:

"It's getting more and more exciting. The Warriors and Wolf Head join forces, there will be a good show."

"The performance of the Blue Army's synthetic battalion made them feel great pressure. This is the dominance of the great god."

"Isn't it against the rules of the exercise for two synthetic battalions to join forces? This notice from the director's department is too unfair to the Blue Army synthetic battalion.

"Haven't you seen it yet? This is a deliberate move by the director. They want to balance it out. Otherwise, who can resist the Blue Army synthetic camp?"

"It turns out that being too strong is also a burden."

Senior officials of the seven military regions.

The three lieutenant generals of the Central Military Region, the Southern Military Region, and the Capital Military Region had expressionless faces. Their combined battalion was eliminated. Whoever wins or loses next has nothing to do with them. They simply sit and watch the show silently.

The Lieutenant General of the Western Military Region and the Lieutenant General of the Jinling Military Region looked at each other with tears in their eyes, speechless and choked, and they seemed to share the joys and sorrows.


"Second brother.

"You and I join forces today to show the shameless Blue Army how powerful we are."

"You're right, the Justice League is invincible."

The two lieutenant generals cherished each other and were deeply moved. The Warriors and the Wolf Head Synthetic Battalion joined forces, and the two of them are now partners.

The Lieutenant General of the Eastern Military Region glanced at the two men and then at the Lieutenant General of the Northern Military Region, sneering inwardly.

Oh, let's join forces and fight. The more intense the fight, the better. Whoever laughs last will laugh best. He, the Condor Synthetic Battalion, will definitely be the ultimate winner.

Lieutenant General of the Northern Military Region: "Oh, join forces, two against one, shameless, and you have the nerve to call them shameless. You are the representatives of shamelessness and hypocrisy. What kind of Justice League? Bah, you are obviously scared. You can't beat them one by one." Come to a two-on-one game and put on a high-sounding hat for yourself. "

General Staff, Director’s Department!

All the directors and staff looked at each other, some of them did not expect that things would develop like this.

The two combined battalions were intimidated by the combat power of the Blue Army Combined Battalion and directly joined forces without any hesitation. It must be said that the Blue Army Combined Battalion's combat power was indeed terrifying.

But this should be what the chief of the General Staff wants to see.

At this moment, the Blue Army Combined Battalion had actually become the unit with the most outstanding performance in the exercise. However, they found that the performance of the Blue Army Combined Battalion made the head of the General Staff nod repeatedly, and the joy in his eyes could not be stopped.

For a moment, a feeling emerged in everyone's mind.

This exercise has completely become a stage for the performance of the Blue Army's synthetic battalion, while other synthetic battalions are more like a foil for the Blue Army's synthetic battalion, setting off the strong combat effectiveness of the Blue Army's synthetic battalion.

From the quality of commanders to grassroots officers and soldiers, the Blue Army synthetic battalion has shown strong dominance.

Blue Army combined battalion.

After completing the formation assault on the Sharp Sword Synthetic Battalion and successfully wiping out the entire Sharp Sword Synthetic Battalion, the Blue Army Synthetic Battalion carried out supplies on the spot.

As for supplies, of course, they are sourced from the same place. This was originally the supply point for the Sharp Sword Synthetic Battalion.

During the supply time, the Blue Army's synthetic battalion also gathered its troops to prepare for the next operation.

Inside the command vehicle.

Li Ran received the news reported by the electronic countermeasures team.

"Join forces? Two against one, beat the Blue Army first, and then kill the Condor?"

After watching the electronic countermeasures team intercept the encrypted radio communications of the two synthetic battalions of Warriors and Wolf Head, Li Ran couldn't help but smile, and the corners of his mouth turned up.

He saw the notice issued by the director's department. Obviously, this was a test for them by the director, deliberately making it more difficult for the Blue Army synthetic camp.

Li Ran was very happy about this. It would be too boring if it were not more difficult.

The combat effectiveness of the combined battalions of the six military regions was weaker than he expected. In general, the combat effectiveness of the blue army's combined battalions was too strong.

"Order, the whole battalion extends to the southwest and maneuvers in the 535 coordinate area..."

Li Ran conducted a new round of combat deployment. The electronic countermeasures team successfully intercepted and eavesdropped on all the conversations between the two synthetic battalions, the Warriors and the Wolf Head. Li Ran had full control of the two synthetic battalions' joint efforts, as well as the general deployment.

Two against one? Beat the Blues first, then kill the Condor?

Li Ran wanted to teach the two combined battalions of Warriors and Wolf Heads, including the Shenying Combined Battalion, which maneuvered towards Zhucheng at full speed and wanted to occupy it as soon as possible.

Only he has the final say on the rhythm of the battlefield!

(Please ask for all kinds of data support, please ask for everything, please ask for all kinds of support, thank you! Ren).

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