Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

309: I Only Need Two Hours! The Decisive Battle Is Coming


A city built for war, located in the center of the Zhuhe exercise grounds.

The entire Condor Combined Battalion marched into the city in a mighty manner. The Zhucheng battlefield was so large that it was impossible for just one Condor Combined Battalion to fully defend the inner and outer perimeters.

Under the order of the lieutenant colonel, the entire Shenying Combined Battalion occupied the core area of ​​​​the city, prepared a good defense, and built a position to build a steel defense and engage in defensive warfare.

While the Shenying Combined Battalion completed its occupation of the city, a fierce blocking battle was starting here.

Boom boom boom~


The shells and missiles continued to explode like fireworks, and as the sky got darker, they burst into bright light.

Da da da~

The reconnaissance team of the Blue Army's synthetic battalion and the five tanks left by the tank company are conducting a blocking battle relying on favorable terrain.

"Batalion Commander, we can't hold on any longer."

The captain of the investigation team contacted the battalion commander to report the situation.

"I don't want casualties, I only want two hours. The mission of your reconnaissance team is to hold off the enemy for two hours at all costs. Remember, it's two hours. Do you understand me?"

"Listen clearly."

"Repeat that."

"No casualties, only two hours.

Contact was interrupted, and determination appeared on the dark face of the reconnaissance team leader.

"Pass my order, no matter what the cost, everyone must support me, we must stop them here. The order given by the battalion commander is two hours, and the order I give you is three hours.

On the battlefield, a look of determination appeared on the face of the captain of the reconnaissance team.

With just one of their reconnaissance troops and five tanks, it would be extremely difficult to block the main armored 577 force of two battalions for two hours.

But the battalion commander issued a death order, and the entire battalion's subsequent combat deployment was entirely on their reconnaissance team, so this task must be accomplished no matter what.

"Has the minefield been laid out?"

"Report, the arrangements are ready."

"Lengthen the front line and lure them toward the minefield, and the anti-tank missile team will cooperate to destroy the armor.


The captain of the reconnaissance team is a very experienced scout. It seems that the reconnaissance team he originally came from was also a heroic reconnaissance company with an old name.

But later, due to the military change, company reorganization, and the recruitment of the synthetic battalion, he came to the synthetic battalion. Some members of the reconnaissance team came with him from the old company.

Today, it is not only time to show the strength of the combined battalion reconnaissance unit, but also to restore the glory of the old company.

After the two combined battalions, the Warriors Combined Battalion and the Wolf Head Combined Battalion, reached a joint cooperation, the two battalion commanders reached a consensus. After the large forces completed the supply maneuver and hit the road, they each dispersed all their reconnaissance troops to fully investigate the movements of the Blue Army Combined Battalion. .

Sure enough, the movements of the Blue Army's synthetic battalion led them to find it.

The two synthetic battalions mobilized the main force to encircle and attack the blue army synthetic battalion that was moving towards the 539 area.

In order to ensure a smooth arrival at Area 535, Li Ran left the reconnaissance team behind and provided five tanks to support the reconnaissance team to block the main armored forces of the two battalions.

One-on-one, Li Ran doesn't take anyone seriously, but now it's two-on-one. To be precise, Li Ran wants to fight one against three. Therefore, facing the main armored force of two battalions, he needs to temporarily avoid the edge.

Time passed by minute by minute.

The blocking battle of the Blue Army's synthetic battalion reconnaissance unit was fierce.

Although casualties continued to increase, the armor strength of the two battalions was blocked.

After receiving this battle situation, the two battalion commanders of the warrior and wolf head combined battalions were moved.

What kind of army is this? This small amount of firepower can actually block the main armored forces of their two battalions, making them lose face at all. It is really embarrassing.

"All units are attacking with all their strength. The Blue Army Battalion has just enough manpower to keep an eye on you. What do you do for food?" the lieutenant colonel issued an order to increase pressure on all units.

Time, two and a half hours later, the battle just ended.

All personnel of the Blue Army Battalion responsible for the blocking mission were wiped out. However, due to their tenacious fighting, they not only completed the blocking time task assigned by Li Ran, but also gained half an hour.

The performance of such a powerful combat power moved everyone for a while.

Exercise audience:

"It's awesome. This small number of people and this small amount of firepower can actually hold off the main force of two battalions for two and a half hours. It's a miracle.

"The Blue Army Camp is awesome. I've said it before. The combat effectiveness of the troops trained by the master is definitely extraordinary."

"It really cannot be said that the two combined battalions of Warriors and Wolf Head are weak in combat effectiveness. The Blue Army battalion is too strong.

"Two and a half hours, my God, a reconnaissance team plus those tanks can have such strength.

"I don't know if you have noticed, but the Blue Army battalion cooperates very well and the battle sequence is orderly."

Senior officials of the seven military regions.

"Have you seen what it means to have strong combat effectiveness? Have you seen what it means to be an army made of steel?" The Lieutenant General of the Northern Military Region was very excited, spitting like stars.

He was moved by the overall performance of the special warfare unit of the Blue Army's synthetic battalion.

He didn't expect that in today's peaceful times, he could see such an unusual side from the officers and soldiers of the Blue Army Battalion, which really shocked him.

The lieutenant general's heart was filled with unparalleled pride.

Because this is a unit affiliated to his Northern Military Region. The field army has such a unit, so why worry about not being strong?

Even the lieutenant generals from the military regions of the three synthetic battalions that had been eliminated by the Blue Army's synthetic battalion couldn't help but nod their heads in appreciation after seeing the performance of the special operations team.

At the same time, the three military region lieutenant generals felt a lot of balance in their minds.

A detachment of the Blue Army Battalion has such combat effectiveness. It is not shameful to lose to such an opponent. It is really not shameful (aiba).

If the Blue Army Battalion was just a force that only relied on conspiracy to win, then they would feel shameful and unbalanced, but now, this feeling has become very weak.

The Lieutenant General of the Western Military Region and the Lieutenant General of the Jinling Military Region were also dumbfounded at this moment, and for a moment they didn't know whether to be happy or angry.

The main force of the two battalions was blocked by this little force for two and a half hours. It was extremely embarrassing.

Fortunately, the field army has such a unit and there is hope!

The Lieutenant General of the Eastern Military Region was silently calculating in his mind. Does his own Military Region Combined Battalion and the Shenying Combined Battalion have a chance of winning against the Blue Army Battalion? Fortunately, the Shenying Combined Battalion has now occupied Zhucheng.

Occupying an absolutely strategic city, the advantages are still very obvious.

General Staff, Director's Department,

"The Blue Army Battalion is amazing. This battle is enough to overturn any bad speculation before."

"How on earth did the Blue Army camp train them? Their combat effectiveness is too strong."

"No wonder the chief wants to let other synthetic battalions join forces. If this is one-on-one, it is really not the opponent of the Blue Army Battalion.

"The Blue Army Camp is really awesome. Have you seen the chief's expression? His eyes are filled with relief."

The Lieutenant General of the General Staff was also shocked by the battle of the Combined Battalion Special Operations Detachment. He had confidence in the Blue Army Battalion trained by Li Ran, but the combat effectiveness displayed by the Blue Army Battalion still far exceeded his expectations.

It is truly extraordinary that a new information-based combat system unit formed by the youngest major of the field army could achieve such combat effectiveness in a short period of time.

"This boy is giving me more and more surprises." The Lieutenant General of the General Staff exclaimed inwardly.

535 area.

The reconnaissance team secured two and a half hours for the main armored force of the Blue Army Battalion, which was half an hour longer than Li Ran expected.

In fact, Li Ran only needs one hour.

The reason why Li Ran gave the death order to the investigation team was to stimulate the potential of everyone in the investigation team.

This is just an exercise, and the deaths in battle are just fake, and no one will really die. At this time, increase the pressure and squeeze out the potential. When the day of war really comes, everyone's

History is the guarantee.

"Two and a half hours, but I didn't expect it to be more than half an hour. Sure enough, people's potential is endless. After the exercise, the training intensity can be appropriately increased to stimulate their potential. Now there is enough reason." Li Ran He thought to himself, very satisfied with the performance of everyone in the investigation team.

If everyone in the reconnaissance team knew that because of their performance, their battalion commander had the idea of ​​​​increasing the intensity of training, they would definitely spit in Li Ran's face.

Beasts, indifferent, they try their best to complete the task, just to give you a reason to increase the intensity of training?

Li Ran has completed the main deployment of the entire battalion and will have a decisive battle with the Warriors and the Wolf Head Combined Battalion in Area 535.

The Blue Army Battalion must win this battle. By ending this battle, the end of the exercise will not be far away.

As for the Shenying Combined Battalion that occupied Zhucheng and wanted to use urban bunkers to conduct operations, Li Ran didn't take it seriously at all.

Is it difficult for mechanized troops to fight urban warfare?

Back then, when he was studying in Luyuan, these were all leftovers from his play.

"Brothers, although all the brothers in the reconnaissance team were killed in battle, they completed their mission honorably and successfully blocked the enemy for two and a half hours, buying us enough time. Tell me, can our brothers die in vain?"


"What is our attitude towards the enemy?"

“Blood debts must be repaid with blood, without mercy.

"Be ready for battle."

The chief officers of each unit of the Blue Army's synthetic battalion conducted pre-war morale mobilization. The next battle with the Warriors and the Wolf Head Synthetic Battalion will be a decisive battle.

This battle can only be won but not defeated.

Of course, they don't believe they will fail.

thirty minutes.

The main melee of the three synthetic battalions officially started.

The battle scene was extremely intense for a while. In the air, the respective armed helicopters kept circling and fighting, and at the same time, they had to guard against the sneak attack of the avant-garde missile team on the ground.

The main armored force of the three battalions engaged in a tank battle.

Although it was a battle between three battalions, the fighting scene was so fierce that it was comparable to the battle scene of three regiments. It was extremely spectacular for a while...

(Please ask for all kinds of data support, please ask for everything, please ask for all kinds of data, thank you!).

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