Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

328: Official Expansion! Synthetic Battalion Becomes Synthetic Group

The recruit company of the combined battalion made a sensation.

Li Ran gave an order, and the recruit company commander Man Dazhi immediately gathered the entire company. Under the gaze of all the recruits, Li Ran slowly appeared in front of everyone.

For Li Ran, many recruits have very complicated emotions at this time.

I remember when they first came to the Henghe camp, they were conquered by Li Ran's high-spiritedness and amiability, and they admired such an outstanding company commander in their hearts.

Later, during the training of new recruits, they encountered "inequality". For this reason, they specially found a representative to report to the battalion commander, protested, and hoped that the battalion commander would come forward to bring justice to them.

According to the representative they sent out, the battalion commander agreed very simply and without any hesitation. He expressed sympathy for the "unfair" treatment they had suffered and at the same time promised to uphold justice for them.

In this way, they held great expectations, waiting for the battalion commander to come forward and deliver justice to them.

This can wait, two months have passed quickly.

They did not wait for the battalion commander to come forward to uphold justice for them, but waited until the veterans conducted "inhumane" training on them as always.

Now, they have no hope for this young battalion commander.

They have become numb, so be it. They have persisted in this kind of training for two months and have adapted. Do they still care about this last month?

"Comrades, it has been nearly two months since you entered the camp. In the past two months, comrades have worked hard, but this is a step you must take to become a qualified soldier. I feel a little ashamed that I have worked hard during this period. I'm too busy and don't have time to see you, but I believe that as young people of the new era, each of you is good."

In front of all the recruits in the recruit company, Li Ran started the PUA method again.

Regarding these words, the veterans on the side all treated them as farts and did not hear them.

As veterans, they have made progress and are no longer the rookies who can be casually PUA'd by their battalion commander.

As for the new recruits, they didn't have much reaction to Li Ran's words at this time. As Li Ran said, as young people in the new era, they are not so easy to PUA.

They had already been PUAd once when they first came here, and now, they no longer believe it.

Seeing that the recruits didn't have much reaction to his speech, Li Ran didn't panic at all, everything was according to plan.

After a brief speech, Li Ran came up with his trump card and presented a complete set of tactical equipment to everyone.

As soon as this set of handsome tactical equipment appeared, it immediately attracted the attention of the recruits present. It was so handsome that everyone focused on it and couldn't take their eyes away.

"This is a set of modern tactical equipment, complete from head to toe. The quality standard fully meets the military industry standards. It is not the junk sold in military stores outside.

In front of everyone, Li Ran briefly introduced the Wolf Warrior tactical equipment set.

All the recruits were attracted, with desire in their eyes. He was too handsome to refuse.

"To add, this set of tactical equipment is not issued by the army, but is designed and produced by my family's tactical equipment brand company...

Hearing this, all the recruits were shocked.

Such a handsome set of tactical equipment was actually designed and produced by the company of the battalion commander’s family?

The key point is that his battalion commander still has a company at home? His battalion commander is actually a rich second generation, or a rich second generation who became a lieutenant colonel and battalion commander at such a young age. This is simply awesome.

"Daxun, you are also a second-generation rich man. Why are you so different from our battalion commander?" said a recruit next to Xu Daxun.

"Go, go, don't compare me with the battalion commander, I'm not worthy." Xu Daxun's face was bitter.

He has started to change since he almost became a deserter last time, causing the squad leader to be punished and put in solitary confinement with him.

Today, he is the top performer in each platoon and class of the recruit company, and his performance is among the top three in the entire recruit company.

Speaking of which, among the rich second generations, Xu Daxun is definitely outstanding. Other rich second generations at this age are still living and drinking and spending their father's money, but he has already entered the army, became a soldier, and performed well in the army. , the future is promising.

I just didn't expect that their battalion commander was also a rich second generation. This was a textbook level figure among the rich second generation.

"Tell me, is this outfit cool?" Li Ran asked loudly.


"Cool or not?"


"Do you want it?"

"want to."

The recruits roared heart-breakingly, no one could resist the temptation of such a set of tactical equipment.

After seeing that the emotions of the recruits were aroused by him, Li Ran was very satisfied and dropped a bombshell: "There is only one set of tactical equipment. I am here to announce who has the best results after the recruit training is over. I will give this set of tactical equipment to anyone, because only the strong are worthy of wearing this set of tactical equipment.

Yes, Li Ran wants to maximize the use of tactical equipment.

Add another fire to the training of recruits Danzi, allowing them to actively roll in to obtain this set of tactical equipment.

Sure enough, after hearing Li Ran's words, the recruits were moved. They were really moved.

To be honest, some of them have adapted to the current training intensity and pace, but if they really want to push themselves hard, they can still continue to improve.

But not everyone wants to be first in training, and being first in a company of recruits is of no use. After finishing the company, you can go wherever you want. It's the same as being a soldier.

Li Ran took out this set of tactical equipment as a reward, which solved this problem very well.

If you want equipment, roll it all up. There is only one set of tactical equipment, and you can get it only by becoming the first in the recruit company.

At this moment, a blazing flame was burning in the eyes of the new recruits.

This scene made the company commander Man Dazhi, who was a recruit, admire and admire him. Compared with his own battalion commander, he was still far behind, incomparable, really incomparable.

Military District Headquarters.

Li Ran came to the commander's office, naturally reporting on his company's tactical equipment and checking to see if any personnel from the military industry department in the army had retired, and then hired them with high salaries.

Li Ran is a soldier and the commander of the combined battalion. He is a lieutenant colonel officer with a somewhat special status.

Although there is no rule that stipulates that family members of military officers cannot engage in business, this is not an ordinary business industry after all, so reporting it is the most appropriate and correct way.

After understanding clearly from Li Ran, the general said slowly: "The starting point is good, but this kind of matter still needs to be reported to the General Staff. If the General Staff has no objection, we, the Northern Military Region, will naturally give you our full support."

"Thank you, chief."

"You don't need to thank me. Also, you said that you would send tactical equipment to other units for them to help with inspection. Which departments do you plan to send it to?"

"The special forces and armed PL of our military region, and if possible, the special forces of the Tibetan military region and the reconnaissance company of my old unit will also be given several sets of equipment. After all, you can't forget your roots." Li Ran smiled.

"Understood, I will say hello to you and you can send it yourself."

"Chief, is it appropriate for me to send him off?"

"What's inappropriate about this? I'm giving away free stuff, how can they not want it?"

Li Ran smiled and had no objection to this.

Such a good thing is still free. Unless you have a bad brain, you will never want it.

So, Li Ran personally sent 20 sets to the special forces of the Northern Military Region.

Regarding Li Ran's arrival, the captain of the Tiger Special Forces, a special force of the Northern Military Region, was surprised at first, and then full of vigilance.

The Combined Battalion is notorious, especially the commander of the Combined Battalion, Li Ran. The entire military region knows that this young lieutenant colonel has ulterior motives and that nothing good will happen to him when he comes.

Tie Xuan was very wary of Li Ran's arrival. After learning Li Ran's intention, Tie Xuan was even more shocked.

"`"Are you sure these 20 sets of tactical equipment are given away for free?" Tie Xuan asked.


"You really don't need money?"

"It really doesn't cost any money."

"I don't have anything to equip me with."

"You don't need anything, just don't worry."

Seeing Li Ran's harmless smile, Tie Xuan still felt a little uneasy. Is the sun coming out in the west?

The dignified commander of the synthetic battalion actually comes to deliver equipment to his door for free? Is he out of his mind? Or is his conscience discovering it?

Until Li Ran left, the whole process felt like a dream to Tie Xuan.

"Captain, did Battalion Commander Li really give these equipment to us for free?" the chief of staff walked over and couldn't help but ask.

"Yeah." Tie Xuan nodded.

"You really don't want anything?"

"I don't want anything."


(Li Dezhao) Hearing this, the Chief of Staff of the Tigers Special Forces also took a breath of air. What kind of medicine is sold in this gourd? It is completely inconsistent with Li Ran's style of doing things. It is so scary.

"Old Tang, maybe we had too much misunderstanding of Battalion Commander Li before. In fact, Battalion Commander Li is also a person who values ​​friendship and loyalty, don't you think so?" Tie Xuan couldn't help but ask.

"Well, maybe, should, right." Tang Junshi was extremely uncertain.

Except for the Tiger Special Forces in the military region, the armed PL units and the Tibetan Military Region, Li Ran was sent there by someone. It was too far and he didn't have time to go there in person.

Of course, not long after the equipment was delivered, I received letters of thanks from Armed Forces L and the old unit of the Zangcheng Military Region.

After reading these thank-you letters, the corners of Li Ran's mouth raised. There is no such thing as a free lunch. Sooner or later, this love must be returned to him.

Another month later!

The training for the new recruits of the Combined Battalion has officially ended, and the stage of dividing the troops into companies has begun. In order to win good soldiers, the chief officers of each unit of the Combined Battalion have used all kinds of methods, some showing talents, some showing the unit's characteristics, and some winning people's hearts.

Of course, this is just a small episode, and it is not the most important thing.

For Li Ran and the entire Hesheng Battalion, the most important thing is that the notification from the General Staff approving the expansion of Hesheng Battalion into a regiment has officially come down.

(Ask for all kinds of data support, please ask for everything, please ask for all kinds of data, thank you! Please ask for everything!).

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