Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

329: Promoted To Team Leader! Synthetic Groups Don’T Want Weak People

In the battalion meeting room.

All the chief officers of each unit were present, and the atmosphere was very lively.

"Captain Gu, the tank company is fine. In order to win a few recruits, he actually led them to drive tanks. It's a big deal."

"Where, where, compared with your second company, it is still far behind. You, the second company commander, contacted the recruits in advance, called them brothers, admired them, admired them.

"I would say that the special operations team is the real show. In order to recruit people, the whole team is dispatched and performs various tactical actions. Those recruits have never seen this."

Before Li Ran came, the chief officers of each unit were complimenting each other in a weird way.

This time, in order to find the best recruits in the new company of the combined battalion, the chief officers of each unit used all their methods, and each one of them had eight hundred tricks.

Even the medical detachment joined in the fun and even asked the female soldiers of the detachment to build relationships.

A group of female soldiers shouted one after another, how could those new recruits be able to bear it?

Which new recruit can withstand such a test?

At this time, Li Ran strode into the conference room.

"stand up."

The chief officers of each unit immediately stopped being weird and stood up immediately, with uniform movements, which is enough to show their quality.

Li Ran came to the main seat and glanced at everyone present.

"sit down."

"Tell me about it." Li Ran sat down and said, "We have called everyone here for two things. The first thing is that the General Staff has officially approved the expansion of the Hetong Battalion into a regiment, and the notice has been officially issued.

After speaking, Li Ran glanced at Qi Qiang, and Qi Qiang met immediately.

"The Zi Staff Headquarters issued an order approving the expansion of the Hessian Battalion into a regiment, and Comrade Li Ran was promoted to the commander of the Hessian Regiment.

Hearing this, the chief officers of all the units present looked overjoyed.

Come, come, finally come 593, the formal approval of the General Staff has finally come down, the combined battalion has been expanded into a regiment, and the battalion commander will naturally become the regiment leader. Then I am sure that in addition to the regiment leader, the rest of them will also be promoted. of.

As everyone's guess was correct, Chief of Staff Qi Qiang continued to announce.

The positions of everyone present have all been promoted. The company commanders of the three main battle companies were promoted to battalion commanders, and the captains of the auxiliary detachments have also made progress.

Everyone present has made progress, whether in military rank or position.

This is absolutely good news for everyone.

"Batalion Commander Niu Bi, I knew it was the right choice to join the synthetic camp.

“The best thing I did in my life was to join the Synthetic Camp.

"Congratulations to the leader, and also congratulations to ourselves."

"The success of the Synthetic Battalion depends entirely on the wise leadership of the regiment leader."

The chief officers of all the units present immediately began to flatter him, and they finally made progress. Who was unhappy here? You know, some people's military ranks have been stuck for a long time.

If you are still in your old employer, you may not be able to make progress until the Year of the Monkey, or you may stop making progress.

Such progress today is all due to Li Ran and the Hehe camp.

The advantage of joining a unit built from scratch is that there are many positions. As long as the unit improves, they can also progress naturally without any obstacles.

It's just that when they first joined the Hesheng camp, although they came for the pie drawn by Li Ran, they didn't expect that they would actually eat the pie drawn by Li Ran.

"Okay, let's stop talking nonsense. Although it is a happy thing to expand the combined camp into a group, it also means that we have more work and a heavier burden on our shoulders." Li Ran said.

In the past, it was only a battalion-level unit, but now it has been expanded into a regiment, and the workload has increased significantly. This is not the most critical thing.

The most critical issue is the issue of synthetic collaborative training. If there are more people, it will be more prone to errors, and collaborative training will be more difficult.

It can't be expanded, and the combat effectiveness of a battalion-level unit has dropped compared to the previous one. It can only become stronger, not decline, and it must be worthy of the combat effectiveness of a regiment-level organization.

In the past, the combat effectiveness of a combined battalion was compared to that of a combat regiment.

Now that it has been expanded into a combined regiment, it has to be compared with a combat division!

Hearing these words, the faces of all the unit chiefs present fell instantly, as if they had anticipated what would happen to them next.

Every day in the office, staying up late and working overtime, the hair that was not much in the first place is reduced at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The original joy in my heart was instantly diluted a lot.

"The synthetic battalion has been promoted to a regiment. Let's not talk about the follow-up work for now. We are facing a very important test before us." Li Ran changed his voice: "The establishment has been expanded, and there are still huge vacancies in terms of personnel and equipment. The General Staff still has it. Coordination documents, let us go to various units to coordinate, so you know how to do it."

Li Ran gave everyone present a knowing look.

As soon as these words came out, the chief officer of the map unit collapsed by another three points.

Forget about this, we have to start trapping people and equipment again. Phew, it’s about coordinating personnel and equipment. This is a very difficult task.

Seeing their leader looking at him, everyone turned their eyes back to Li Ran.

Everyone looked at Li Ran expectantly, hoping that their regiment commander could once again display the characteristics of the "worm" in the military region, take the initiative to stop this arduous task of poaching people, and single-handedly sweep through all units in the military region again.

After all, my team leader is already familiar with this kind of thing.

"Don't look at me. I'll leave this task of manpower and equipment gaps to everyone here." Li Ran said calmly.

As soon as these words came out, there was an instant uproar.

"Captain, this task is too difficult. Let alone poaching people, I can't even go back to my old unit now." Gu Quan, who had been promoted to the commander of the first battalion, looked confused.

When officers in other units leave their old unit and go to a new unit, although it is considered a job change, at least the old unit still treats the departed person as their family member, and the friendship is still there.

If you have time to visit your old unit during the holidays, the leaders and soldiers of the old unit will welcome you very much.

But the synthetic camp is different. Ever since they left their old units and joined the synthetic camp, they have completely embarked on a path of no return."

Due to the notorious reputation of his own regiment leader, the entire synthetic battalion was also notorious, and they were also implicated.

It can be said that as long as they are officers from the combined battalion, they will be looked down upon by dogs.

During the Chinese New Year, Gu Quan originally planned to go back to his old workplace for a visit, but he didn't even enter the door of his old workplace.

"First battalion commander, the task is not difficult. Why should I leave it to you? If your old unit doesn't welcome you, it's your problem, not mine." Li Ran said calmly.

Hearing this, Gu Quan was speechless for a moment.

If your team leader doesn't want Bilian, it's not your problem whether he returns to his old unit, but whose problem could it be?

"Commander, what the first battalion commander said makes sense. We really don't have that much face now. My old leader even called me and told me clearly that the relationship between my old unit and me was completely severed, and that I would have nothing to do with anything in the future. Don't go back." The second battalion commander said with an ugly expression.

One by one, the officers present will not be able to return to their old units anyway.

Not to mention the old units, as long as the units in the military region hear people from the combined battalion coming, who wouldn't be afraid?

Even if they don't give them a good look, they might even send military dogs out to bite them.

"This time for coordination of personnel and equipment, the scope assigned by the General Staff is all military regions. You have been thinking about picking up the wool of your old unit all day long. No wonder your old unit does not welcome you. You must take a long-term view and coordinate with other military regions. You do not know other military regions. You guys." Li Ran said.

After the combined battalion was expanded into a regiment, there was a huge gap in officers and equipment. It was impossible to just pluck wool from the three armies of the Northern Military Region as before. It would probably be necessary to plunder all three armies, which would not be enough.

In any case, other units also need officers, and it is impossible to dedicate all their officers to support the expansion of the combined battalion.

Of course, this has nothing to do with the fact that the units of the three armies have become extremely vigilant towards the combined battalion after learning bloody lessons.

Hearing this, everyone present's eyes lit up.

Yes, if you put your thoughts on other military regions, they still have a chance.

As for the seven major military regions, in addition to the Northern Military Region, there are six major military regions. Each military region has three armies. How many units are there?

"I don't care what method you use, whether it's to show your face and play the emotional card or to beg grandpa and grandma. I don't look at the process, only the results. I don't set quantitative quotas for each of you, but I will explain something to you first. Poaching people The quantity record is under assessment.”

After Li Ran finished speaking, everyone present was shocked.

Assessment? What assessment? They are the chief officers of the unit, what other assessments do they have?

Seeing the confused expressions on everyone's faces, Li Ran continued: "This is also the second thing I told you. From now on, not only the grassroots officers and soldiers will be assessed, but the unit chief officers will also be assessed.

After speaking, Li Ran looked at the first battalion commander Gu Quan and said: "For example, let's take you as the first battalion commander. If you do well in this position, you will continue to be the battalion commander. If you do not do well, I can give you some advice." You can take them down at any time, including me as the leader. Everyone has the opportunity to be a leader, whether they are capable or mediocre. So don’t think that everything will be fine if you are promoted. In the combined regiment, the mediocre can only be raised in the logistics farm. pig."

Everyone's expressions changed, and they all started to tremble.

In this way, there is a sharp sword hanging over their heads, which may fall at any time, reminding them that they cannot slack off in the slightest.

In particular, Gu Quan, commander of the first battalion, was branched out at this time.

He had a bad feeling. Could it be that his team leader was targeting him because he used him as an example? Or was it because he was dissatisfied with his previous speech? It was really scary.

"In a word, everyone, we don't want weak people in the synthetic group. Weak people are not worthy of being in the synthetic group. If you want to make progress, you have to use all your strength to fight for me. Do you understand me clearly?"

"Listen clearly."

"Meeting dismissed."

After the meeting ended, the notice reached the grassroots level. In an instant, the Synthetic Camp became a sensation...

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