Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

340: Crazy Logistical Medical Support! Shocked Everyone

In the office, the major general from the General Staff Supervision Department looked at Li Ran with complicated eyes.

I thought that what happened to the Synthetic Regiment had something to do with the leader, Li Ran, but I didn't expect that Li Ran's prestige among the grassroots officers and soldiers of the Synthetic Regiment would be so high, and his charisma would be so great.

He is indeed the most outstanding young officer in the history of the field army, and he truly deserves his reputation.

But from the perspective of someone who has experienced it, the major general believes that it is still necessary for him to say something to Li Ran.

"Captain Li, the grassroots officers and soldiers are convinced by you. It is a good thing that you have high prestige in their hearts. It is right for a unit to pursue strong combat effectiveness, but it must be noted that everyone has different physical limits." The major general said.

This was a kind reminder from the major general. With such high-intensity training in the combined regiment, the grassroots officers and soldiers would rather be overworked and faint than complain and protest. This shows the high prestige of Ji Ran, the regiment commander, in the hearts of the grassroots officers and soldiers.

Because of this, training intensity cannot be increased just because grassroots officers and soldiers can grit their teeth and resist.

Each soldier has different physical qualities and different limits. Now he just fainted due to overexertion and nothing serious happened, but who can guarantee that it will never happen?

"Chief, they are soldiers, a group of soldiers who are always prepared for war. Once the war starts one day, they will be the first batch of soldiers to step onto the battlefield. At this time, training harder is responsible for their lives. "Li Ran said directly.

These words also showed Li Ran's attitude.

The training intensity of the synthetic group is this and cannot be reduced.

"Commander Li, if someone has an accident because of this, what will you do at that time?" the major general asked again.

Although the combined regiment is a key unit, it does not have certain unexpected indicators during the training process like the special forces.

Once something happens to a soldier due to unscientific training, Li Ran, the regiment leader, will bear a great responsibility.

Hearing this, Li Ran said: "I can't guarantee that no one will have an accident during training, but if someone does have an accident, I am confident that I can save him.

The strong confidence in Li Ran's tone shocked the major general.

The major general was a little confused for a while, not sure where Li Ran's confidence came from.

As the leader of the regiment, Li Ran said these words in front of him, so he must be responsible for saying them.

At this moment, the office door suddenly opened.

"Captain, it's not good." Chief of Staff Qi Qiang walked in and said directly, regardless of the fact that the major general was still present: "A soldier suffered from appendicitis during training.

The training of the synthetic group is relatively compact, and sometimes there may be high-intensity training not long after eating.

It is possible to cause appendicitis under strenuous exercise.

Although appendicitis is not fatal and a minor operation is enough, if it is delayed for a long time and is serious, it is still very dangerous.

Hearing this, the major general's heart sank.

Look, what he said, what he said, what to do if an accident happened before, but now it has come true. Someone suffered from appendicitis during training.

If the training intensity hadn't been too intense, with the current physical fitness of these soldiers, how could this situation have happened.

The major general's eyes are on Li Ran. This is a synthetic group, and Li Ran is the group leader. Naturally, it is Li Ran who decides what to do.

Unexpectedly, after hearing Qi Qiang's words, Li Ran was very calm and asked: "Has the medical team passed?"

"It's passed." Qi Qiang said.

"I understand, then it's okay." After Li Ran finished speaking, he ignored Qi Qiang and looked at the major general and said, "Chief, if you have anything to say, continue talking."

The major general was stunned at first, and then became a little angry.

A grassroots soldier suddenly suffered from appendicitis. Li Ran, the leader of the regiment, didn't take it seriously at all. The best way to treat appendicitis is to surgically remove it. What's the use of sending a medical team there?

Li Ran's attitude as the regiment leader was also too casual, and he didn't care about the safety and health of the soldiers at all.

"Commander Li, a medical team may not be able to handle the sudden acute appendicitis. Isn't the best way now to send this soldier to a field hospital immediately?" the major general said directly.

Although the Major General is the head of the Supervision Department of the General Staff, when he was leading the troops, he was known to love his soldiers like his own son.

Li Ran's casual attitude made the major general a little angry.

"It's just appendicitis. As long as it's not cancer, the medical team can handle it," Li Ran said.

He didn't understand what the major general was fussing over. How could a mere appendicitis cause such fuss?

Want to send them to a field hospital? Just kidding, if such a trivial matter has to be sent to a field hospital, then the medical team formed by his combined regiment will be disbanded.

"Captain Li, acute appendicitis requires surgery. Can your regiment's medical team handle it?" Hearing this, the major general couldn't believe it.

"Chief, if you are not in a hurry, why not go and have a look together?" Li Ran said.

"I'm not in a hurry."

The major general was also excited. He really wanted to see how good the medical team of the combined regiment was.

Acute appendicitis doesn't even need to be sent to a field hospital. A medical team can handle it. Why doesn't he believe it so much?

Li Ran, who is very familiar with the current level of the medical unit of the Synthetic Regiment, is very confident. To put it bluntly, this soldier has memorized appendicitis and is just in time to test the level of the medical unit on the spot.

You know, Li Ran's efforts on the medical team are not as good as those of other units.

That also requires people to give people, and equipment to give people equipment.

Li Ran and the major general came to the infirmary of the Synthetic Regiment.

The soldier who suffered from acute appendicitis has been sent here. The door curtain is closed and the medical team is conducting a minor operation.

In the medical room, all the instruments and equipment needed for surgery are available. There is a dedicated small operating room, and the sterile environment is completely up to standard.

Li Ran and the Major General were outside watching a minor operation going on inside. The medical team members performed the operation slowly and skillfully, making people feel more at ease after watching it.

Li Ran was not surprised at all, but the major general was shocked.

Nima, is this called the infirmary?

This was the first time he saw a small operating room, a medical room that could perform surgeries. The equipment inside was so complete, and the medical room was so big that it was almost bigger than a department in the Field Army.

What kind of infirmary is this? It's a proper small field hospital.

"Captain Li, is this the infirmary where your regiment will be formed? The major general couldn't help but ask.

He even suspected that the Synthetic Regiment had reached a cooperation with the field military hospital, and the Field Military Hospital directly set up a small branch within the Synthetic Regiment.

0......Please give me flowers......

"Yes, the medical staff here are all members of the medical detachment of our combined regiment. On the battlefield, the medical detachment of our combined regiment can form a small field hospital as quickly as possible and have the ability to perform surgeries on the battlefield. ..”

In front of the major general, Li Ran directly explained the current functions of the medical team without hiding anything.

The major general who heard this was dumbfounded and extremely shocked. He looked shocked and looked like he had never seen the world.

In less than an hour, the operation was completed.

Yao Lan came out of the operating room and saw Li Ran, and said in surprise: "Captain, why are you here?"

"I'll bring the head of the General Staff Supervision Department over to take a look." Li Ran smiled.

"Hello, Chief." Yao Lan discovered the presence of the major general and immediately saluted and said hello.

"Is the operation completed? How was it?" the major general asked.

"It's just acute appendicitis. It's not a major surgery. It's no big deal." Yao Lan's relaxed tone shocked the major general again.

Are all the people in the syndicate so loud? They are almost modeled after Li Ran.

"Can you do any kind of surgery here?" the major general asked again.

"As long as it's not cancer or some long-term disease, it's basically no problem."

"Chief, with the current logistical and medical support of the Synthetic Regiment, as long as the soldiers still have breath, it won't be a big deal." Li Ran said: "This is the confidence that I dare to let go of training. w

So, ten minutes later, the somewhat autistic major general took the people away.

To be honest, the major general has never been hit like this before. He is really hit.

No wonder the Synthesis Group dares to train like this, and the emotional, logistical and medical support are ridiculously complete. It's simply enviable.

If he had such medical support when he led the troops, he would have dared to let go of training like this.

Just like that, another month later.

The coordination and cooperation of the whole group of the combined regiment has reached an astonishing level, and the combat effectiveness has been greatly improved. With military modeling, the overall combat effectiveness has increased by five times compared to the combined battalion.

Such achievements make the team leader Li Ran very pleased.

At the same time, after the current situation of the combined regiment was reported, it also caused a huge sensation among the senior officials of the Northern Military Region.

The commander of the Northern Military Region is happy and proud.

Who made the Synthetic Group so promising, so impressive, with new types of troops, self-exploration of development routes, and terrifyingly powerful key combat capabilities? Who wouldn't be happy to see it?

League headquarters, conference room.

A formal internal meeting of the Synthetic Group was held, and all the chief officers of each unit were present.

Before the meeting started, Li Ran, the leader of the group, said: "Since the expansion of the group, in more than three months, with the concerted efforts of everyone, the group has made great progress. These improvements have made me, the group leader, We all see it, and here, as a group leader, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to everyone for their support."

After saying that, Li Ran stood up in front of the chief officers of all the units present and bowed to everyone present, slowly and sincerely.

This behavior directly caused an uproar among the officials present.

Hiss, what happened to the leader today? He changed his gender? He actually knows how to be grateful?

But soon, Li Ran once again said exciting news...

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