Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

341: Second-Class Collective Merit! I'm Very Disappointed In You

The commanders of all units present in the synthesis group were dumbfounded.

My team leader must have taken the wrong medicine today. The team leader who always likes to fill cups all day long and treats the grassroots as livestock actually expressed his gratitude to them in public and said such disgusting words.

They even bowed and thanked them, and they even doubted whether the person in front of them was their leader.

But Li Ran's next words directly made everyone present excited.

"Gold always shines. Even if it is buried by daddy, it will still have its day. The leader is very satisfied with the training performance and training results of our combined group during this period. He is very pleased. In order to express his recognition for us, he gave We all received honorary fruits." After bowing to express his gratitude, Li Ran slowly sat down in his seat, looked at everyone, and said with a smile.

Li Ran's words sounded like a bolt from the blue in everyone's ears.

The military region actually issued honorary fruits to them again?

In times of peace, it is not easy for soldiers to enjoy honors and fruits. Do you think so?

Synthetic groups compete with each other, group leaders compete with each other, and they themselves compete with others.

The honors they received by staying in the combined group were much greater than what they had received in the old unit.

After Li Ran finished speaking, he glanced at the Chief of Staff "920". Chief of Staff Qi Qiang immediately met and took out the document issued by the military region and immediately said: "The Zi Military Region Headquarters ordered to commend all the officers and soldiers of the Synthetic Regiment for their hard work. For the strong will to endure hard work, not be afraid of training, and have the courage to train, all the officers and soldiers of the combined regiment are specially awarded a second-class collective merit."

After Chief of Staff Qi Qiang finished speaking, fierce applause erupted in the conference room, and everyone praised their leader.

"The group leader Niu Bi, the combined group Niu Bi."

"Second class collective merit, really good."

"As expected, I followed the group leader and became popular and drank spicy food."

"Brothers' hard work during this period has finally paid off. The military region chief is still paying attention to us.

The chief officers of all the units present were extremely excited, so emotional that they even had the urge to cry.

Although it is a second-class collective merit, it is also a second-class merit. It is the best recognition of them from their superiors. During this period, they are just like animals, enduring hardships and hardworking, especially the grassroots officers and soldiers, one or two gritting their teeth. Even if they were tired and fainted, they all carried it, no one flinched, no one acted like a coward.

The Synthesis Group is notorious, and usually the superiors are too lazy to inspect the Synthesis Group, but not inspecting does not mean they are not paying attention.

The training is so good that the military region can give a collective second-class performance. It is conceivable that the training of the combined regiment shocked the military region chiefs.

In fact, as everyone thought, when the top brass of the military region learned about the life-threatening training of the Synthetic Regiment, they were all moved by it. The intensity of the training made them feel numb.

The commander of the military region couldn't help but sigh with emotion after learning about the daily training of the combined regiment.

"The Synthetic Group is so damn cruel."

Li Ran is ruthless as the regiment leader, the chief officers of each unit are ruthless, and the grassroots officers and soldiers are also ruthless.

With such high-intensity training, even if the General Staff sent an inspection team to conduct inspections, no one acted like a coward and no one complained or protested.

Even after word spread about the training intensity of the Synthetic Regiment, several units in the military region were unconvinced and planned to give it a try according to the training standards of the Synthetic Regiment.

In the army, there is always dissatisfaction. Everyone carries one head on two shoulders. Although your regiment is equipped with better equipment, the essence of war is still human beings. I don’t believe that if you can withstand such training, they will. Can’t live?

As a result, at the end of the day, all the units that tried to combine the intensity of group training were dumbfounded from top to bottom.

The grassroots officers and soldiers were unable to get up for training, the infirmary was overcrowded, and they were even reprimanded by the head of the military region in the end.

A bunch of bastards, just blindly competing without looking at the logistics and medical support of the combined group. What are your standards?

Synthetic group, you drink glucose as water, can you compare?

How terrible is the logistics of the Synthetic Regiment? The director of the Military Region Logistics Department, a major general, changed his mind when he heard about the Synthetic Regiment. The director of the Military Region Field Hospital even expressed his dissatisfaction many times.

Every time the hospital replenishes a batch of glucose, it is all taken away by Synthetic Group before it is used.

The ability of all the officers and soldiers of the Synthetic Regiment to persevere under such high-intensity training is inseparable from such crazy support.

"I have seen everyone's progress in the past three months, but there is a saying that is good, it is a mule or a horse, it has to be pulled out." At this time, Li Ran spoke again.

Everyone's talking, laughing and talking suddenly stopped immediately, and the conference room returned to silence, except for Li Ran's voice.

"Our combined regiment is to become a field army grindstone unit and teach each unit how to fight. I think everyone here has not forgotten this original intention." Li Ran asked.

"Always remember."

Everyone answered in unison.

This is the foundation of the combined regiment, the whetstone force, and the nation's war.

This slogan had been blown out when it was still just a combined battalion. If it was abandoned halfway, the combined regiment would have no meaning in existence and would become the object of ridicule by all units in the military region.

"Very good, the military district order has been issued. In three days, we will have a drill with Z Division." Li Ran announced the news of the drill.

"Playing drills with Division Z?"

Everyone present was shocked when they heard the news.

The opponents in this exercise are formidable. Z Division, the 1st Heavy Division of the Field Army, has strong soldiers and horses [the current division commander is also the senior brother of his own regiment commander].

It can be said that Division Z is a strong division that requires both strength and strategy.

The Synthetic Group has just expanded and is about to fight Division Z. It would be false to say that everyone present is confident and not panicked at all.

Li Ran keenly observed the facial expressions of everyone present and said calmly: "In the next time, the combined group will not only fight against the Z Division, but also all the main ace divisions from all major military regions to test the combined group's combat strength. It also teaches them how to fight.”

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was shocked again.

I didn't expect that the combined group would be so busy in the coming time. There will be a steady stream of exercises one after another. This is really planning to challenge the entire army.

The main ace divisions in the military region all have two brushes with their own combat characteristics. Combining them into a regiment is equivalent to declaring war on the entire army.

"The exercise will be carried out on time in three days. The first opponent is Division Z. If you have any ideas, you can speak freely." Chief of Staff Qi Qiang added.

"Captain, will the director provide an exercise plan for this fight?" someone asked...

In previous exercises, when both sides engaged in combat exercises, the director would give out an exercise plan, and the final result was the same. The Red Army won the final victory, and the Blue Army became the loser, just to highlight the strength of the Red Army.

The exercise plan is very precise, even down to the minute. Both sides have clear plans for where the battle should proceed.

Every time, the blue side felt very frustrated and just went through a formality. No matter how they fought, the final result was loss.

Now that the group is combined, it is equivalent to declaring war on the entire military region. Some people are worried that it will return to the old way.

Unexpectedly, as soon as these words came out, Li Ran slammed the table and said in a very stern voice: "There is a ridiculous exercise plan. Exercises are actual combat. Who has the ability to plan the direction of an actual combat? If it remains the same as before, we will synthesize What is the name of the group called Blue Army? What is the meaning of our existence? Just disband. Remember, at any time, you must treat exercises as actual combat and fight according to the standards of actual combat. Do you understand me clearly?"


Regarding Li Ran's anger, no one present was afraid, but instead was excited.

This is the right thing to do. It means following the exercise plan. Only by treating the exercise as an actual battle can the true combat effectiveness of the combined group be brought into play and be worthy of the name of the Blue Army.

Therefore, in the following time, the chief officers of each unit began to speak freely and discuss how to fight this battle with the Z Division.

The Z Division is the first heavy armored division in the army. The amount of armor is frightening. The two tank regiments are even more inhumane. Although the firepower of the combined regiment is comparable to that of a division, compared with the Z Division, even if it is equipped with the latest The Tiger 9 information main battle tank is also the younger brother.

In a word, when it comes to the strength of heavy equipment, no one can compare with Master Z.

The heavy equipment of Division Z is the eldest brother of the entire army! No one can shake it.

"In fighting the Z Division, I think we should avoid the more important ones and focus on the maneuvering process of the Z Division."

"I agree, just like the previous annual exercises, we must destroy the heavy equipment of the Z Division as much as possible during the maneuver of the Z Division."

"With the logistics of Division Z, air combat is inevitable 5.8."

"Set up multiple blocking points to consume the Z Division's heavy equipment in batches."

As the unit chief of the combined regiment, everyone present has undoubted military qualities and has two skills.

At this moment, everyone spoke and expressed their thoughts.

The best opportunity to attack a heavily armed unit is to target it during maneuvers, which is when a heavily armed unit is at its weakest.

The entire large force of Division Z has a long way to go to the Zhuhe exercise ground, but the combined group does not need to consider mobility issues, so at this point, the combined group has the absolute upper hand.

Although this exercise is only a confrontation between the combined regiment and various master-level combat units, both sides have air force support. The air force is a very important arm and must be well commanded.

After everyone finished speaking, their eyes turned to Li Ran. It was ultimately up to Li Ran, the group leader, to decide how to fight.

But they are very confident. When it comes to tactics, their team leader has never lost.

Under the gaze of everyone, Li Ran slowly said: "I generally understand your thoughts, but I just want to say one thing, I am very disappointed in you."

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