Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

342: Use Bilian’S Tactical Style! Play Dirty Tricks On Division Z

The words "I'm very disappointed in you" made the hot hearts of everyone present instantly turn cold.

Whenever their captain said this to them, they must have said the wrong thing and did not mean what their captain meant.

It makes no sense. They have all received good professional military training. No matter what situation they face, they can give reasonable explanations based on their own learning and experience.

As for how the Synthesis Group fought this exercise with Division Z, they spoke freely and the methods they proposed were quite rational and very reasonable.

Isn't this how we should fight against heavily armed forces? How else can we fight against them?

"Most of you here are old people from the combined camp. What is the tactical style of our combined group?" Li Ran asked the crowd.

"tactical style?"

Everyone was stunned at first, and then thought for a moment.



"Stick to the end?"

Hearing everyone's answers, Li Ran shook his head again.

"Don't want Bilian?" Gu Quan, the commander of the first battalion, seemed to have thought of something and said again.

"That's right." Gu Quan's answer was affirmed by Li Ran.

"What you expressed is correct, but your wording is a bit inappropriate." Li Ran said seriously: "The tactical style of our combined group is not to say no to Bilian, but to use whatever means necessary."

"Remember, we are a grindstone force, a force that completely imitates foreign armies and improves the combat effectiveness of field armies. We are benchmarked against bald eagles. You know the virtues of bald eagles, right? 08 Don't be shameless, despicable, and unscrupulous. As long as the goal can be achieved, moral integrity is not necessary. In order to better teach our brother units a lesson and let them understand the dangers of the human heart, we must carry forward the bald eagle's fighting style."

Li Ran's words made everyone present nodded.

"That's what the leader said."

"What you said is absolutely true. He is worthy of being the leader and a role model for our generation."

"Compared with the group leader, our experience is still insufficient."

"Exercises are actual combat. Is there any saying that Bilian is not needed in war? This is called tactical means."

"Captain, if you have any advice, please give me some advice."

Everyone looked at Li Ran expectantly. They all knew that their leader was full of bad ideas and had countless conspiracies. The two tricks he casually came up with were enough to make the heavy armorer drink a pot.

In the conference room, Li Ran guided and helped everyone open their minds, and tried his best to plan and implement some bold tactical ideas on Division Z, in order to teach Division Z a good lesson.

Division Z.

Division Headquarters!

In the conference room.

"stand up."

As the division commander Qi Long and the chief of staff entered the conference room, the officers and staff of the division headquarters stood up immediately.

"sit down."

"Connect the video conference." Qi Long gave the order, and the screen quickly appeared on the big screen in the conference room.

All battalions and regiments of Division Z communicated with the division headquarters through video calls to participate in this meeting.

After the communication test was all normal, Qi Long said in a deep voice: "The exercise notice has been issued. Our Z Division will send the entire division to the Zhuhe exercise ground to conduct a drill and confrontation with the combined group. Everyone knows the firepower of the combined group. I won't talk too much. What I want to remind you here is that you should not be careless in this exercise. They are equipped with third-generation information-based main battle tanks. The Tiger 9 tank's range, speed and firepower are all superior to those we currently have. Tiger 6 in service."

Hearing this, everyone had a look of envy in their eyes. They were very greedy for the third generation information-based main battle tank Tiger 9.

Division Z is the first heavy armor division of the field army, with the largest amount of armor among division-level units in the entire army.

To them, a tank is more important than a wife. Who doesn’t want the new third-generation information-based main battle tank?

These performance parameters make people drool after hearing them.

"This battle with the Synthetic Regiment will be of great significance to the heads of the military regions and the chief of the General Staff, so we must show 100% of our strength, fight well and give full play to our advantages."

Qi Long's words made everyone present nod.

This exercise is indeed very important. The heads of the military regions and the General Staff are paying attention. For their Z Division, it is what they should do if they fight well. The name of the first heavy armor division of the entire army is not for nothing.

The combined regiment was very popular when it was just a battalion. At that time, the establishment of a battalion was comparable to a regiment. Now that it has been expanded into a regiment, it has actually begun to compete with division-level units.

It's a pity that the synthesis group's opponent this time is their heavy armor division. In the face of the steel torrent of the heavy armor division, a mere synthesis group will be ruthlessly crushed.

"Regiment 101, starting with you, let me first report on the recent situation of your regiment." Qi Long said.


On the screen, the colonel commander of the 10th Regiment immediately began to report.

The colonel's report was just halfway through when suddenly, booming explosions continued to sound.

The sudden explosion startled everyone. Qi Long was also shocked. When he heard carefully, the sound came from the screen.

"What's going on?" Qi Long asked directly: "Where did the explosion occur?"

The colonel of the 101st Regiment was frightened by the sudden explosion, because the explosion seemed to be ringing in his ears and coming from outside the window.

There was an explosion around the headquarters of his 101st regiment.

"Report, the explosion happened here." The colonel said with an ugly face.

"what happened?"

"I don't know either. Let's investigate immediately."

"Investigate quickly.


The colonel immediately sent someone out to investigate what was going on.

Why is there such an explosion sound? Could it be that there was an accident somewhere in the group that caused the explosion? There was a gas leak?

Boom boom boom~

While the colonel was guessing, the explosions continued to ring in his ears.

After a while, the phone in the colonel's office rang. After the colonel answered the phone, his expression suddenly changed and became very ugly.

"The Blue Army sent people to attack?"

"The ammunition depot was destroyed? The tanks and armor were destroyed?"

"What's going on? What do the guards do for a living?"

Even though the division commander was watching via video phone, the colonel couldn't help but feel angry at this time.

He didn't expect that before the exercise even started, the Blue Army and the regiment sent people to sneak attack their 101st regiment, destroying their 101st regiment's ammunition depot, armor and tanks and causing heavy losses.

The explosion just now was caused by this, and the Blue Army sent people to infiltrate.

After hanging up the phone, the colonel immediately said to Qi Long: "Commander, the Blue Army violated the rules. The exercise has not even started yet. They actually sent people to infiltrate our 101st Regiment, detonated our 101st Regiment's ammunition depot, and destroyed our Tanks and armor of the 101st Regiment."

As soon as the colonel said this, everyone was in an uproar.

What's going on? The exercise hasn't even started yet, so why do the Blue Army start sending people over to start a fight?

This is a complete violation. Although the sneak attack is somewhat unethical, it cannot be said to be a violation. If the sneak attack is not carried out within the time specified in the exercise, it is a violation.

"Commander, the Blue Army has gone too far. The exercise hasn't even started yet."

"It's just that the drill hasn't started yet. What's the point of him coming here?"

"We must report it to the director's department and accuse him of not following the rules. This is chaos."

"Aren't you being a rogue? No matter what, you can't act like this."

After learning about the situation of the 101st Regiment, everyone was filled with indignation and fought against it.

In their opinion, the exercise was not conducted like this. The Blue Army Combined Group seriously violated the exercise regulations and did not play cards according to common sense. Everything they did should be judged invalid.

After hearing what everyone said, Qi Long took a deep breath and his face darkened.

Even though Li Ran was his fellow junior, this approach seemed to him to be too much.

The exercise has not started yet, and a sneak attack without even saying hello is what?

Do you want to defeat their Z division by resorting to rogue and violating rules?

"Contact the director department immediately." Qi Long said, this matter is to be reported to the director department. Li Ran is his fellow 060 junior, but one code has become the other code, and now the two of them have a hostile relationship.

"Commander, the director's phone call is connected," the chief of staff said.

Qi Long took the phone and reported the situation immediately.

"The combined regiment seriously violated the exercise regulations and failed to launch an attack on the 101st Regiment of our division within the exercise time. I applied to cancel the combined group's sneak attack and warned them...

After all, the two were brothers in the same discipline. Even if the synthesis group used such methods, Weilong would only apply for the director's department to give the synthesis group a warning.

Unexpectedly, the feedback from the director's department made Qi Long dumbfounded.

"Commander Qi, the director's department has determined that the sneak attack of the combined regiment is effective. The entire 101st regiment has suffered 80% battle damage and has lost its combat effectiveness. It has withdrawn from this exercise.

"Why? The synthesis group is just fooling around. The exercise hasn't even started yet."

This judgment made by the director's department was unacceptable to Qi Long. The drill did not start a surprise attack on them, and it was also judged that one of his main tank regiments would withdraw from the drill. Who could accept this?

"Commander Qi, this is the judgment given by the commander. The exercise is actual combat. Starting from this exercise, all conventions are broken. There is no exercise plan. The exercise time is stipulated, but there is no stipulation that no attack can be launched outside the exercise time. The combined group can If you attack, you can also fight back.

The phone hangs up.

Qi Long's face was very ugly.

"Commander, what did the director say?" the chief of staff asked.

Everyone present looked at Qi Long, and everyone had a bad feeling in their hearts.

The combined group violated the drill regulations and launched a sneak attack outside the prescribed time of the exercise. It couldn't be like this. The director didn't deal with the combined group, right? There weren't even ten small warnings?

At least it should be judged that this sneak attack by the synthetic group does not count.

"The director's department determined that the sneak attack of the synthetic group was effective, the 101st regiment lost its combat effectiveness, and the entire regiment withdrew from the exercise." Qi Long said with a heavy voice.


Hearing this, everyone was dumbfounded.

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