Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

347: Shocked The Whole Army! Division Z Was Defeated

seeing is believing.

Even though they saw the Dragon 20, a fifth-generation fighter jet, with their own eyes, many officers in the director's department still couldn't believe it for a while.

The main reason is that these fifth-generation machines came out too fast, and they came out as soon as they were announced, leaving people with no psychological preparation at all.

With this thing, the bald eagle seems to be just like that.

"Chief, is this really our fifth-generation aircraft, Dragon 20?" A senior colonel next to the general staff boss couldn't help but ask.

"Yes, this is the fifth-generation fighter jet we independently developed. The Dragon 20 with stealth function is still in the testing stage." The chief of the General Staff said with a calm expression.


After receiving confirmation again from the head of the General Staff, everyone present could not help but gasp.

Really, really, this is the real Dragon 20, a fifth-generation fighter jet with stealth capabilities.

Although it is still in the testing stage, judging from the combat performance of the Dragon 20 just now, this performance is so good that it completely beats the Dragon 10 fighter jet.

"The Sixth Air Force Division did not lose unfairly. The combat effectiveness of the 20 fighter jets was terrifying."

"The fifth-generation aircraft came out like this? It's so sudden."

"By the way, these fifth-generation aircraft don't need to be inferior to Bald Eagle."

"The fifth-generation aircraft are really strong. I feel that one versus three is no problem at all. If we form a formation, what kind of combat effectiveness will we get?"

"The Z Division may be in trouble this time. Everything is crushed by the combined group. This tactic of air-dropping anti-tank mines and laying out minefields is high, really high."

Everyone in the director department was amazed.

After all the ammunition they carried was used up, the 8th Air Force Division finally returned for supplies. The 102nd Regiment suffered heavy battle losses. Facing the powerful offensive of the 8th Air Force Division, half of the 102nd Regiment's armor was directly damaged in battle.

Half of a mighty tank regiment was lost in battle before it even arrived at the exercise venue, which was very heavy.

The colonel's face was ashen, he was careless, he was still careless.

If we had known earlier, we should have dispersed the units in advance. At that time, there was still the control of the Sixth Air Division, and the 102nd Regiment would still have the opportunity and time to respond, and the current situation would not have occurred.

Half of the entire regiment was lost in the battle. This battle was too frustrating.

The exercise is not over yet and must continue.

After the colonel gathered his troops, he continued to maneuver towards the Zhuhe training ground.

the other side.

In a carriage that was temporarily transformed to serve as a headquarters, Qi Long also received information about the battle damage of the 102nd Regiment.

"More than half of the battle was damaged, more than half of the battle was lost. How was this battle fought? Two-thirds of the division's anti-aircraft artillery was assigned to the 102nd Regiment. Even if the Air Force 6th Division retreated in the end, it would not have been like this. In normal times, the whole division would not have fought like this. How does the regiment do its anti-aircraft camouflage operation?" Weilong, the commander of Division B, said angrily.

In his opinion, even if the Air Force Sixth Division was no match for the Air Force Eighth Division, in order to preserve the power of the Air Force, the Air Force Sixth Division retreated early, but it also bought a lot of time for the 102nd Regiment.

We have already bought time, why can we still lose more than half of them?

Is it possible that the entire 102nd Regiment is nestled there, and can a missile from the Eighth Air Division destroy a whole piece of it?

"Commander, more than half of the 102nd Regiment was lost in the battle, and our heavy equipment suffered heavy losses. If we follow the original plan, a wave of attacks may not be feasible." The staff major on the side said.

Before the exercise even started, one of the two tank regiments became an organic battle loss.

Not long after the exercise started, more than half of the 102nd Regiment was lost before they even arrived at the exercise venue. There was still one 103rd Regiment left, but its armor strength was less than one-third compared to the Z Division in its heyday, and it suffered heavy losses.

"Order, the 102nd Regiment enters the periphery of the exercise site to resupply, go to coordinates 145,36, and occupy favorable terrain."

Qi Long is also very aware of the current situation of Division Z. The heavy equipment strength is less than one-third of what it was in its heyday. At this time, it would be sheer cerebral palsy to continue to fight a wave of troops according to the original plan.

Compared with the combined group, the heavy equipment they can use now has no advantage.

What's more, the combined regiment is also equipped with the most advanced Tiger 9 information-based main battle tank. From now on, the heavy division will have to be more flexible.

That's it, two hours later.

The battle officially started at the Zhuhe training ground.

Qi Long made a desperate move and pushed all the remaining main forces forward. He would not fight in one wave, but would decide the outcome in one wave. As the commander of a heavy armored division, Qi Long never lacked courage.

But here, facing the strong attack of the Z Division, the synthesis group chose frontal hard steel.

The Tiger 6 main battle tank and the Tiger 9 information main battle tank collided at the Zhuhe exercise venue!

This encounter directly brought out the advantages of advanced equipment.

As an information-based main battle tank, the Tiger 9 is very suitable for the combat system of the combined regiment, and its combat effectiveness is fully exerted. The morale of the entire regiment is very high.

As for the Z Division, before the exercise even started, it was defeated by the combined group. After the exercise started, the rhythm of the battlefield was always controlled by Li Ran.

Therefore, with the cooperation of the Air Force, the combined regiment and the remaining Z Division fought fiercely.

But on the Z division side, the more they fight, the more tired and weaker they become, while on the other hand, the combined group becomes more and more courageous as they fight.

Finally, after an hour of continuous fighting, the fierce battle ended.

It was almost an overwhelming victory. The Air Force, with the addition of Dragon 20 fighter jets, the Air Force 8 Division completely defeated the Air Force 6 Division. On the ground, in front of the efficient information command system of the combined regiment, the Z Division was beaten miserably. In the end, all The army was wiped out, but the combined battle losses were less than 20%.

With such a battle loss ratio, the combined group won a complete victory, while the Z Division suffered a disastrous defeat.

When the director's staff announced the result, Qi Long, the commander of the heavy equipment division, had to admit the result even though he was very aggrieved.

The first heavy armored division of the field army and the unparalleled powerful Z Division was defeated by the combined group.

He, the commander of the heavy armor division, was defeated at the hands of his fellow disciple.

At the end of the exercise, the morale of the officers and soldiers of Division Z suffered a huge blow. The entire division gathered its troops and began to return to the station.

For many years, Division Z has never suffered such a defeat. It is embarrassing, really embarrassing.

Although the exercise was successful, the entire regiment, from the chief officer to the grassroots, did not get carried away. On the contrary, they were very steady and focused on what they should do after returning to the station.

The outstanding qualities of Sheng Bujiao are clearly demonstrated to every audience.

Within the director's department.

Everyone was shocked by the results of the exercise.

"Z Division actually lost. I never thought that Division Z would lose."

"This is such a miserable loss. I think the best result for the combined team is a tie between the two sides.

"The combined group is really awesome. From the war situation and combat effectiveness, the combined group has been a crushing force from the beginning."

"Although it does have a certain advantage in equipment, there is no doubt about the combat effectiveness of the combined group.

"The synthesis group really taught Master Z a good lesson this time."

"Whose turn is it next? The T Division of Group A of the Beijing Military Region, right?"

"I don't know how T Division will fight. I hope we won't make the same mistake as Z Division."

Although the drill confrontation between the combined group and Z Division is over, it does not mean that it is all over.

This exercise was arranged for the synthesis regiment and the ace main divisions of the seven military regions to each have a fight. There were seven games in total, and this was the only fight.

The second opponent is the T Division, the main division of the A Army in the Beijing Military Region, which is known as the Long Live Army.

The T Division is also a very powerful combat division. During the annual exercises, the T Division and the Z Division often fought against each other, and the battles were very exciting.

But in this first battle, the performance of the combined team was truly amazing.

Division Z was defeated and returned to the military area in despair. As soon as the news came out, the whole army was shocked.

Everyone couldn't believe that the Z Division was defeated, defeated by the combined group, and defeated so miserably.

"It's horrifying, the synthesis team actually defeated Division Z."

"I heard that the synthesis group cheated and violated the drill regulations."

"Is that a violation of the exercise regulations? The General Staff bosses approved it."

"The synthetic group is stronger than I expected [I originally thought that the synthetic inner master could not withstand one round." 393

"It's really shocking. Who would have thought it would be this result."

Everyone who knew that Division Z suffered a disastrous defeat at the hands of the Synthetic Group was not shocked.

Z Division, which is the number one heavy armored division in the army, was the first combat division to fight against the combined group, and was defeated like this. Who dares to believe it?

The exercise with Division Z was over, and the combined regiment was temporarily taking a break. At the same time, Division T also received a notice from the director.

Eight hours later, the exercise officially began.

The T Division will serve as the second opponent and conduct a drill confrontation with the combined group at the Zhuhe training ground.

After receiving the notice from the director's department, T Division Commander Ge Tieshan did not dare to neglect at all and immediately held an emergency combat meeting to discuss tactics.

Division T headquarters, conference room.

The chief officers of the division headquarters attended the meeting on site, and the chief officers of each battalion and regiment participated in the meeting via video link.

"I believe everyone knows that Division Z was defeated and lost to the combined group. I didn't expect this result. I don't think everyone here expected it either." Division Commander Ge Tieshan said with a solemn expression.

The conference room was silent.

Everyone's expressions were very serious. Indeed, they really didn't expect it and didn't dare to think about it.

Who would have thought that Z Division, the number one heavy armored division in the army, could be defeated by a new regiment-level unit?

"The disastrous defeat of Division Z also gave us a good warning. We must not be careless about the combined regiment, and we must learn from the experience and lessons of the disastrous defeat of Division Z." After speaking, Ge Tieshan asked directly: "The alert and preparation work of each unit How did you do? At this time, you must not be careless at all. This is where the Z Division suffered. Before the exercise even started, a tank regiment was attacked by others."

After hearing Ge Tieshan's words, the leaders of the three main regiments of T Division immediately reported. They all said that the vigilance and preparedness of each regiment had been upgraded to wartime standards, and the defenses were so tight that not even a fly could fly in.

As everyone knows, for the synthetic group, T Division has no airtight wall...

(Ask for everything, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!).

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