Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

348: Defeat The Combined Group Using Human Sea Tactics

Division T, there was a lot of discussion in the conference room of the division headquarters.

The Z Division was defeated by the combined group. The tragic incident that happened to the Z Division is worthy of their T Division's deep thought and attention. If the same mistakes as the Z Division happened, the military region chief would never spare them.

At this moment, the alert level of all the main regiments of the T Division has been raised to wartime standards. The defenses are so tight that not even a fly can get in.

After there were no problems with the security alert before the start of the exercise, T Division Commander Ge Tieshan also relaxed and focused on combat deployment.

"Everyone, our opponent in this exercise is a synthetic regiment with the title of the General Staff's son's unit. Don't be fooled by his so-called regiment-level appearance. This exercise is against

We must not be careless. Division Z has been defeated by the Synthesis Group. It is said that after the exercise, the commander of Division Z was even more angry and wanted to sever the relationship with Li Ran, the commander of the Synthesis Group. Our T Division is a division of justice. Division Z is our brother unit, and it is our duty to help our brother units clean up their affairs. "

In front of everyone, the teacher Ge Tieshan spoke loudly.

The field army is a division of justice. Even if they are engaged in exercises, they must be well-known. If the T division fights with the synthetic map, then their T division must be under the banner of justice to help the brother divisions clean up the family. This banner is justice enough!

The chief officers of each unit of the T Division who were present strongly agreed with their commander's statement.

"That's right, we are helping our brothers clean up the family."

"The abominable Synthetic Group, together with Senior Brother Men's units, have done such dirty tricks. They are so vicious and should be punished."

"We are the army of justice and should eliminate harm to the field army."

"The Synthetic Regiment, relying on the favor of the General Staff boss, is arrogant and defiant, and challenges the exercise regulations. We will never tolerate it.

Everyone present was filled with indignation and passion, and the denunciation of the Synthesis Group was full of momentum.

Ge Tieshan nodded slightly, very satisfied. Now that he was energetic and energetic, it was time to discuss combat arrangements.

"Although the combined regiment's methods are dirty, it is undeniable that they have strength. They are all third-generation information-based main battle tanks. The number of armors is no less than that of our division. Strategically, they despise the enemy and tactically attach importance to the enemy. What do you have? Ideas can be expressed freely.”

The colonel's voice fell, and the conference room fell into silence.

Many people present looked solemn.

No matter how harshly they scolded the combined group, the strength of the combined group was undeniable. A perverted unit disguised as a regiment-level organization, its firepower configuration was not inferior to that of a division.

The number of armors in the entire regiment is not much less than that of the T Division. The tanks in the combined regiment are all third-generation information-based main battle tanks with advanced performance.

The T Division is a strategic quick-reaction division. Its advantage is not the number of armors, but its tactical style is characterized by rapidity and fierceness.

How to fight with synthetic groups needs to be carefully considered.

"Why are you not talking?" Seeing that no one spoke, Ge Tieshan said coldly: "Our T Division is an old unit with a glorious title. Now facing a new unit, we can only pay lip service. ?”

Hearing this, everyone present looked ashamed.

To be honest, they really didn't have any confidence in forming a group, and they didn't even look at who the leader of the group was.

The youngest lieutenant colonel in the field army, he was the winner of the honorary title of God of War in the annual exercise. The endless tactical methods are unpredictable and impossible to guard against.

In that exercise, had it not been for this young lieutenant colonel, their T Division [A Group Army] would not have lost so miserably.

Nowadays, the captain back then has become the commander of the lieutenant colonel. Although the combined regiment is a new type of force, its information combat system and firepower configuration are all comparable to the Bald Eagle.

In terms of equipment, the T Division is much inferior to the combined group. In terms of command, compared with the young lieutenant colonel, no one has the confidence to compete with the young lieutenant colonel in tactics.

Therefore, the current situation is very embarrassing.

How to fight as a group? How can we fight? Or should we fight? They are really not sure.

The atmosphere in the conference room was very awkward. When they criticized the syndicate, everyone was so impassioned that they seemed like they couldn't finish their words.

Now I have nothing to say, which is very embarrassing and embarrassing.

Seeing the reactions of everyone present, Ge Tieshan's heart sank. Is the pressure from the Synthetic Group so great?

"Teacher, I have an idea."

At this moment, the colonel of the 602nd Regiment suddenly spoke, breaking the somewhat embarrassing situation.

"If you have any ideas, just tell me directly." Xia Tieshan said immediately.

Everyone else present looked at the colonel with expectation in their eyes. Colonel, you must work hard and come up with good tactics. You can't be looked down upon by the combined group.

"The combined regiment is now strong and strong. When it comes to equipment, the new information-based main battle tanks, and the advanced individual combat equipment, to put it bluntly, our T Division cannot compare." The colonel said directly.

As soon as these words came out, many people nodded secretly.

Indeed, when it comes to equipment, who can beat the Synthetic Group?

Who in the field army doesn't know now that once any new equipment is developed, it can be used by the combined regiment first. After all, the claim to be the benchmark for the Bald Eagle Information Technology Force is "no joke."

"In terms of command, division commander, I may be a bit direct. Commander Li of the combined regiment is a fierce man with the honorary title of God of War. He has endless tactical methods. Even you and all of us here together can't defeat him." Colonel. He said bluntly.


As soon as these words came out, other people present looked strange and took a breath of air.

The colonel must be crazy. He actually said in public that the division commander is not as good as the commander of the combined regiment. He is still here to enhance other people's ambition and destroy his own prestige.

As expected, when he heard this, the colonel's face darkened. It was too much. In front of so many people, he didn't give any face to him, and even said that he [a dignified senior colonel's tactical skills cannot match that of a young lieutenant colonel].

Although that's true, it's a bit too direct.

He, the dignified senior colonel, and the commander of Division T, don’t want to lose face?

"Captain Liu, if you have an idea, just say it directly. Don't beat around the bush here. Although the young commander of the combined regiment is excellent, the officers and staff of our T Division are not vegetarians." Ge Tieshan said in a deep voice to save some face.

"The division commander is right. Commander Li is indeed excellent, but we are not bad either."

"Captain Liu, if you have something to say, say it directly and don't beat around the bush."

"What's the point of being here all the time to build up other people's ambitions and destroy your own prestige?"

"Captain Liu, it's almost done, don't be too pretentious."

Others also spoke at this time. They also wanted to save face. It was enough to know some things in their hearts, but it would be pointless to say them out.

Regarding the dissatisfaction expressed in everyone's words, the colonel smiled slightly and did not panic at all.

The foreshadowing is almost complete, and the atmosphere is almost in place. If we don't first establish a strong pattern of the combined group and make some comparisons, how can we show the brilliance of his ideas and his own superiority?

"Everyone is right. Although the synthetic group is strong, our T Division is not an ordinary person." The colonel changed the topic and said: "In my opinion, it is not wise to fight against the synthetic group. We need to target the synthetic group." Target the group's weak points. "

"Weak point?" Ge Tieshan was a little confused.

Are there any weak points in the synthetic group?

"Yes, the weak point." The colonel affirmed: "Although the combined regiment has strong troops, in my opinion, they have a fatal flaw, that is, they have few people. Although the firepower is comparable to the division level, the number of personnel is the same as that of a division level. The number of personnel is far behind. As long as we break the troops into parts and attack in multiple batches, the combined group will never be able to cope with that number of people."

As soon as the colonel said these words, everyone present's eyes lit up.

It is indeed a good idea to break the entire division into parts and attack in multiple batches.

Why did they ignore the shortcoming of the syndicate's small number of people?

Before, they had been deceived by the powerful firepower, advanced equipment, and the commander of the combined group, thinking that the combined group was powerful and had no weaknesses.

Now that the colonel said this, the small number of people is indeed a huge weakness of the combined group.

"It's a good idea. How can we break it down into parts?" Ge Tieshan looked at the colonel with admiration and asked again.

"Division Commander, in this exercise and confrontation, our T Division is organized at the company level and maneuvers. Our T Division's combat style is inherently fast and violent. If the entire division is dispersed into a company-level organization for maneuvers, the speed will be faster. With the few manpower of the combined regiment, , faced with our combat method, we can only watch (Zhao Qian's) helplessly, and we are not busy at all." The colonel said very confidently.

The colonel has been studying the synthetic group, and finally he discovered the weak point of the synthetic group.

Although the command efficiency will increase due to the streamlined personnel of the combined regiment, it has advantages but also has a disadvantage, that is, personnel are very precious. If a large number of personnel suffer battle losses, it will have a great impact on the command.

Although the combat effectiveness is strong, it is really better than the human sea tactic. The conventional combat division really does not take the number of people in the combined group seriously.

Everyone present heard what the colonel said and nodded repeatedly. The analysis and field division made sense.

"Captain Liu has a good idea, I agree with it."

"The combined team is indeed awesome, with awesome firepower and awesome equipment, but the number of people is still a bit small."

"Compared with the number of people, our T Division can drown them with just a spit of spit, so we will use the human wave tactic with them."

"The T Division operates in a company formation. It can be divided into at least seventy companies. The seventy companies can launch attacks from multiple directions. Can the combined group cope with it?"

"Captain Liu, your idea is indeed good. Dispersing it into companies can maximize the combat characteristics of our T Division." Ge Tieshan said: "If this move is effective, it will definitely be credited to you."

As soon as these words came out, others looked envious.


(Ask for everything, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!).

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