Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

349: Appalling! The Exercise Ended As Soon As It Started

Others present looked at the colonel with envy.

The leader of the 602nd Regiment really showed off his face this time. When everyone was unable to come up with suitable tactics when facing the combined regiment, the colonel stood up and not only gave a well-founded analysis, but also came up with something like this A wonderful tactic, really excellent!

What is talent? This is talent.

In the workplace, those who can share the worries of superiors at critical moments and come up with timely solutions to problems are called talents. Promotions and salary increases are just around the corner.

In the army, a commander who is brave and fearless when facing a powerful opponent and can come up with countermeasures is definitely of great use.

Feeling the eyes of others, the principal felt proud.

What is strength? This is strength.

He, the leader of the dignified 602nd Regiment, had been silent for many years. At this moment, he finally proved his name again.

The colonel was a little excited, and the blood flowing in his body seemed to boil again at this moment, as if he had returned to his youth.

"In this exercise, our division chose the tactics of breaking up into parts. Starting from the maneuvering stage, each unit organized into a company and acted in batches..." Ge Tieshan made the final summary.

"Everyone must go all out in this exercise and confrontation. I believe that with the strength of T Division, we will be able to defeat the combined group in one fell swoop, clean up the door for Z Division, capture Li Ran alive, and liberate Zhu He!

Everyone's emotions were also aroused.

At this moment, they are no longer afraid of the synthetic group, because they have found the weakness of the synthetic group.

This victory must belong to Division T!

After the meeting, all the chief officers of each unit began to prepare for the exercise. They waited for the moment when the exercise was announced and headed towards Zhu He's exercise ground.

Time passed little by little.

Just like that, it's time for the exercise to begin.

Just as all the grassroots officers and soldiers in each unit were gearing up, waiting for the emergency assembly whistle to sound, they went to Zhuhe's 320 training ground to sharpen their knives and prepare for the formation of the regiment.

Unexpectedly, the director department issued a notice.

The exercise ended. In this exercise, the T Division was defeated.

As soon as the news came out, the entire division was shocked, and the grassroots officers and soldiers were in an uproar. Look at me, I look at you, dumbfounded, and have no idea what happened.

The exercise ended before it even started?

Division T was defeated? What happened?

They didn't fire a single cannon, didn't fire a single shot, and the exercise ended? Isn't this nonsense?

"What happened? Why did the exercise end?"

"Yeah, what happened."

"Where is the company commander? Go ask the company commander what happened."

"I asked the company commander. He is also confused now and is calling the regiment headquarters."

At this time, similar scenes appeared in all units of T Division.

The platoon leader looked for the company commander, but found that the company commander was calling to ask what happened at the regiment headquarters.

The regiment headquarters was also at a loss, and they were all contacting the division headquarters. What was going on? Why did the exercise end after everything was going well?

At this time, the division headquarters was also in chaos.

In the division commander's office.

Ge Tieshan, the commander of T Division, is asking the director's department what happened. It's so good, but why is it judged that his T Division was defeated? What happened?

"What? All the chief officers of each unit were beheaded? I was also beheaded? How is it possible? What on earth happened?"

"Poisoned? We were poisoned?"

"Someone in our T Division has rebelled? Huh?"

Ge Tieshan was shocked after learning about the situation from the director's department. The entire T Division was damaged in the battle, someone in the T Division rebelled, and the synthesis team asked the "rebellious" people in the T Division to poison the food.

Everyone ate poisonous food, and everything was damaged from top to bottom.

Ge Tieshan couldn't speak to himself for a long time after hearing the news, and was somewhat unable to accept this fact.

The facts are in the exercise. The director department has already made a judgment. The overall situation has been decided and it is irreversible. The school hung up the phone helplessly.

"Commander, what's going on?" The chief of staff asked from the side.

"We were all killed and poisoned."

"Poisoned to death? When was the synthesis group poisoned?"

Hearing this sentence, the chief of staff was puzzled. You know, in order to prevent the tragedy that happened to Z Division from falling on T Division.

When they received a notice from the director's department that they would be the next unit to participate in the exercise, they immediately asked all units to increase their vigilance to prevent sneak attacks by the combined group and personnel infiltration.

The vigilance of all units has been raised to wartime levels. With such precautions, how could the Synthetic Group send people to infiltrate and poison them?

You know, the director's judgment was that everyone in the division was poisoned, even the military dogs were not spared.

How could the Synthetic Group possibly poison everyone in Division T in such a short period of time?

"They are not from the Synthetic Group, but from our T Division. Someone in our T Division "rebelled" and was bribed by the Synthetic Group before the exercise began." Ge Tieshan said, very angry

Angry and very humiliated at the same time.

It's hard to say if it's poison from the synthetic group.

But it turns out that the poison was administered by one of their own people, Master T. What does this mean?

There was a "rebellion" within the dignified field army. Even if it was an exercise, he couldn't bear the shame, the huge shame.

If it weren't for the regulations of the director's department that the "rebellious" person was not allowed to be found and held accountable, no matter what Ge Tieshan said, even if he dug three feet deep, he would still be found by this "rebellious" person within the T Division.

"Our people "rebeled"? How is this possible?" Similarly, the chief of staff was also stunned.

This is a big deal. Someone within the field army has "rebelled" and defected to the combined group. Although this is an exercise, what if it is a war? This is simply a big deal.

After learning the news, the official of Division T rushed over immediately and said immediately: "No matter what method we use, we must find this "traitor"."

As the official committee member of T Division and the chief officer responsible for the ideological work of the entire division, such a thing happened within T Division, which was like a merciless slap on his face. (aieb)

If we don't find this person, how can he continue to do his job?

"The director's department has said that no one is allowed to search or be held accountable." Ge Tieshan said solemnly: "And he gave us a very stern warning. The soldiers are not strong-willed and the problem lies with us.

Hearing this, the legislator was so aggrieved that he died.

During the exercise, some of our own personnel "rebeled" to the combined group. Such a thing has never happened in previous exercises.

This time, Master T was really embarrassed.

Fortunately, it was an exercise. If it were a war, the consequences would be disastrous. It would be a shame and a great humiliation for a main division to be damaged in such a way.

What makes them even more puzzled is why someone in T Division rebelled? Who would rebel? And for what purpose?

This is an exercise, and you actually "rebellion" during the exercise. What on earth is this?

Time goes back to before the exercise started.

On the T Division side, a phone call came to a major in the T Division.

"Master? Is it really you?" The major was very excited. He didn't expect that the former master of the Lu Academy, now the leader of the Synthetic Regiment, and an influential figure in the field army would actually call him personally, mainly because he still remembered him.

"It's me, Ma Shuai. Farewell, Lu Yuan. Long time no see. How are you at Division T?" Li Ran greeted him very considerately on the phone.

"It's okay. I just regret not joining the corps after graduation. Master, do I still have a chance to join the corps?" the major asked. After graduation, he originally wanted to join the corps.

However, the old leader played the emotional card and asked him to come back.

On one side is the unit of your dreams, able to fight side by side with your idol, the master.

On one side is the old work unit, where is the old leader who once took care of him and single-handedly promoted him.

The palms and backs of his hands were full of flesh, which made it difficult for him to handle.

There was no other way, but the major finally chose to return to his old unit.

"Of course there are opportunities. Our team is very happy to welcome outstanding talents like you.

Hearing this, the major flew up happily. With Li Ran's words, it was safe for him to join the regiment.

"Master, why did you call me?" the major asked.

At this time, the current leader of the synthesis group suddenly called him, and there must be something wrong.

"It's not really a big deal. Actually, I just want you to do me a favor."

"Master, you said, as long as I can help, I will definitely help."

There are very few opportunities for a master to ask for help in person, and it is not easy to ask a master to accept a favor.

"What? Master, you actually asked me to poison the brothers in my old unit? No, no, this is absolutely not okay, even if it is fake."

The major was stunned at this moment. He had no idea that Li Ran would ask him to help poison the canteen of T Division Headquarters.

Even though it's fake, it doesn't work either.

Master T, that was his old unit, the place where he was trained. How could he do such a thing?

Once you do this, wouldn't it be tantamount to "rebellion?"

"This is not poisoning, this is tempering. Ma Shuai, I know that you have deep feelings for your old unit, and it is indeed difficult for you to do such a thing. But if you think about it from another angle, poison them now. A lesson, let them remember it longer, it is better than having a war in the future and being poisoned by the enemy when they find an opportunity. It is fake now, but it will be real at that time. All this is for your old unit Okay, I have already spoken in person. Don’t you want to help me even with this help? Do you not want to help me? Or do you not want your old company to grow?

As soon as Li Ran used this two-pronged method, the major was suddenly helpless.

After a while, he finally agreed and gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, but Master, if I'm found out, I'll probably get beaten up."

"Don't worry, I promise, no one will be held accountable for this matter. This is just a way to temper Master T. Good medicine tastes bitter, you have to understand."

After successfully persuading the major, who was a fan of his in the Lu Academy back then, Li Ran looked at the stunned chief officers of each unit of the synthesis regiment and said lightly: "Have you learned it?"

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