Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

354: Li Ran Is The Illegitimate Son Of The General Staff Boss

The leader of the dignified synthesis regiment, a mid-level officer in the field army, and a commander.

Li Ran's current behavior instantly caused an uproar in the director's department.

Everyone in the director's department believed that Li Ran, the young field army lieutenant colonel, was acting recklessly, treating the exercise as a child's play, and had no sense of responsibility as a commander.

Sure enough, the leader of the Synthetic Regiment was still too arrogant. He was young and his military career had been too smooth. He didn't know his last name and had forgotten about it.

Isn't it nonsense for a person to single out a company with a hundred or so people in the reconnaissance battalion of Division P?

He obviously had the chance to escape before, but now he wants to be a hero.

You must know that there are two completely different concepts when a unit's headquarters is beheaded and when it is not.

Especially for a unit with such a tight command link, once the regimental commander is beheaded, it will be such a serious matter.

Each unit below is leaderless. Without its leader, the command will be chaotic, which will greatly affect the overall war situation.

This has a very bad impact on the collection of exercise data.

If your skills are inferior to others, there is nothing wrong with that, but the key point is that if you have to try to do something even though you have the opportunity to evade it, isn't it just a matter of relying on drills? Don't take drills as a serious matter at all.

Even the General Staff boss can't stand it anymore.

The lieutenant colonel's behavior this time was indeed too arrogant.

"Chief, Commander Li does not regard the exercise as a child's play. This is completely nonsense. I think Commander Li should be punished to improve his memory." At this time, a senior colonel couldn't stand it anymore and directly said.

Of course, it is not the style of a senior colonel to add insult to injury, but as a senior colonel who came out of the A Army, I witnessed with my own eyes not long ago that my old unit suffered such a bad hand from the combined group.

This opportunity now was too tempting for him to sit idly by and ignore it.


Hearing the words of the senior colonel, everyone present took a deep breath.

The senior colonel is so ruthless and courageous. Who here doesn’t know that the lieutenant colonel is known as the illegitimate son of the commander of the Northern Military Region. The boss of the General Staff has not expressed his position yet. Your impatience has reached the ears of the commander of the northern military region. It’s hard not to think that He is deliberately adding insult to injury.

Feeling the eyes around him, the senior colonel was not afraid of anything.

I am well-founded and not afraid. Since the Synthetic Group can do all kinds of dirty tricks in the name of doing good for the brother units, then he hopes that the head of the General Staff will punish the lieutenant colonel at this time, and it is also from the perspective of doing good for the lieutenant colonel.

Young people's pace is too fast. If they don't knock, they will drift like they are now, which is not good.

After hearing what the colonel said, the chief of the General Staff fell silent and did not express his attitude immediately.

I thought that the General Staff boss couldn't bear to deal with Li Ran. In order to give him a step down, a colonel whispered: "Chief, the punishment is a bit harsh. Let's just give him a warning after the exercise. After all, Commander Li is known as Commander Ding." If Commander Li is punished like this for his illegitimate son, Commander Ding will probably have objections."

Unexpectedly, the general staff boss who had remained silent at first became furious after hearing this.


After being scolded by the head of the General Staff, the senior colonel, who originally planned to help the leader solve problems, was shocked.

It's over, he said something wrong. Has the commander already made up his mind to punish Captain Li?

If you were careless, you would not have said anything if you knew it earlier. You would rather do nothing than make a mistake.

Unexpectedly, the boss of the General Staff said dissatisfied: "Who said he was Commander Ding's illegitimate son? It's nonsense. We must prevent the spread of such rumors in the future. If you say too much, it will be easy for people to take it seriously. You know have no idea?"

"Yes!" the colonel said quickly. Unexpectedly, this was the point where the chief was angry.

After the chief of the General Staff finished speaking, he silently added in his heart that Commander Ding's illegitimate son was obviously his illegitimate son.

That's right, Li Ran is so good that the General Staff boss thinks that Li Ran is his illegitimate son. Although Li Ran's identity as an illegitimate son has no conditions to support its establishment, is that important?

"As a dignified leader, this move is indeed a bit frivolous and not prudent at all. After the exercise is over, we should..." In front of so many people, the general staff boss just pretended not to have seen it. He just thought As a token of appreciation, give me a small punishment after the exercise.

Who knows, at this time.

"Holy crap, is it really true?"

"No way, this is simply impossible."

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, I must be dazzled."

"Oh, you cheated, you must have cheated."

"There are definitely other members of the synthesis group ambushing around. It is impossible for one person to do it."

In the director's department, there were endless exclamations. Everyone present was dumbfounded and couldn't believe what they were seeing.

He was interrupted before he finished speaking. The general staff boss was a little unhappy at first, but when he saw the picture on the screen, he was shocked.


One of them couldn't hold back any more and directly exposed a foul language.

At this time, the battlefield trends on Li Ran's side were being played on a large LCD screen in the director's department.

There is no doubt that a dignified regiment leader wants to single out a company, which is very interesting.

The director's staff who were sent to the synthesis team also knew that they could control the drone to synchronize the footage on Li Ran's side in real time.

He wanted to see what kind of confidence this young leader had in wanting to challenge hundreds of people by himself.

But soon, when the thirty or so people from the reconnaissance platoon sent by Division P were defeated by Li Ran without even taking a single round, the director's staff was immediately confused. .

Damn it, this skill is so damn scary.

Even the king of soldiers in the special forces doesn't have such skills. This is a reconnaissance platoon. They are all good soldiers, not those who are not in the society.

Everyone was fully armed and possessed extremely powerful reconnaissance and counter-reconnaissance capabilities. However, Li Ran killed them all by himself like a chicken. Who would have dared to believe it if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes?

the other side.

Standing at the headquarters of the synthesis regiment, Qian He felt very proud and was still waiting for a row of people to report the good news.

In his opinion, it would be best to capture the leader of the synthesis group alive, then he would really vent his anger.

This young leader of the synthetic regiment has now become a target in the field army and is regarded as an enemy.

Before the exercise began, the slogan they shouted was, capture Li Ran alive and liberate Zhu He.

Such a goal was achieved in his hands. He had already expected that after the exercise, he would become the pride of the military region, the pride of the military region chief, and enter the sight of the general staff boss.

Thinking of this, Qian He's saliva is about to flow out. It has already begun to float. It is difficult not to float.

Who knows.

"Company Commander, we encountered an ambush, please support us. Please support us."

A long line of voices suddenly came from the high-frequency intercom. The voices were very urgent and full of fear, as if they had seen a ghost.

"Platoon leader, what's going on? How many people did the other party ambush?" Qian He asked quickly, his heart sinking.

Sure enough, the major who formed the group before was so cooperative, and there was indeed something deceitful about it.

He just said, how could the people of the combined group be so kind and take the initiative to tell him the whereabouts of their leader, the conspiracy, it was all a conspiracy.

He was deceived. If it weren't for the rule of treating prisoners well, he would have wanted to slap the major twice. He was despicable and shameless.

"Company Commander, there is only one person, please support."


The intercom was interrupted and contact was lost.

Obviously, the platoon leader who spoke also encountered evil hands.

"Are you stupid? Alone? You thirty or so people were ambushed by one person? Is this called an ambush? Are you willing to die?"

After hearing this, Qian He was shocked.

Are you kidding me? There is one person ambushing more than 30 people? How can someone with cerebral palsy do such a thing?

The thirty or so people in the platoon he sent over were all good soldiers. How could they be ambushed by one person?

Not far away, the major of the Synthetic Regiment, who was already a prisoner, was also shocked.

He knew very well that there was only his regiment leader there, and the combined regiment had no extra support from the people's law.

On the intercom, what the second lieutenant said was actually correct. The group of about thirty people was ambushed by just one person and killed by their regimental leader alone.

Are team fights so awesome?

One person killed more than thirty scouts? He killed an entire scout platoon.

"Captain, he is right, our regiment leader is indeed the only one there." The major said silently.


Upon hearing this, Qian He sneered.

Only a ghost can believe it, and I want to deceive him again. There may not be many people ambush there, but they will definitely not be too few. At least there should be a platoon.

"Major, I said something once but it doesn't work the second time. Do you think I will trust you again?" Qian He said disdainfully.

"What I'm telling you is the truth, it's up to you to believe it or not." The major said, very plainly, no need for further explanation.

"Leave three people to watch them. If anyone makes any small moves, kill them on the spot. The others will follow me." Qian He gave the order and planned to lead the team in person to hunt down Li Ran.

If Li Ran, the leader of the synthesis group, is not beheaded, his beheading operation will be meaningless.

Therefore, he must lead the team to set off in person. Even if all of them are lost in battle, he must behead the leader of the combined group. This must be done, and this is the significance of this beheading operation.

While the front line is now, P Division is still holding on. If the main force of the combined group is freed up to support, there will be no hope.

In this exercise, Division P was able to save face, all thanks to this key move.

Thinking of this, Qian He suddenly felt that the pressure on his shoulders became very heavy, and at the same time, he couldn't help but feel a huge sense of pride in his heart.

I, Qian He, am now a man who carries the hope of a division on my shoulders! So handsome!

(Please ask for all kinds of data support, please ask for everything, please ask for all kinds of data, thank you!).

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