Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

355: One Against A Hundred! The Most Awesome Lieutenant Colonel In History

Of course, Qian He is the only one who thinks so about the current situation.

For the director's department, they have a God's perspective and know very well what happened before.

Li Ran, alone, defeated a platoon of people in the captain's hands with three moves, five moves and two moves. The move was clean and neat, and the process was very easy and stress-free.

Qian He took the remaining people to arrest Li Ran, being very careful and careful in the process.

As the distance got closer and closer, Qian He became more vigilant and was extremely cautious in every move he made.

"Everyone pay attention, we are getting closer and closer to the Blue Army, so keep your spirits up and be careful not to get dumped by others.

"We can sacrifice, but the sacrifice must be valuable. Behead the captain of the Blue Army at all costs. Do you hear me clearly?"

"Listen clearly."


At the last moment, Qian He emphasized the purpose of this operation to his subordinates.

That is to behead Li Ran, the leader of the synthesis group, at all costs. Only if Li Ran is successfully beheaded can their beheading operation be considered effectively completed.

As a reconnaissance force, there is nothing wrong with having a high degree of vigilance, but Qianhe is actually competing with himself now, and there are no large number of combined combatants ambushing him in front.

There is only Li Ran, the leader of the synthetic group.

Within the director's department.

All the officers and staff were staring at the picture on the big screen, always paying attention to Li Ran's developments.

At first, they thought Li Ran was messing around and trying to challenge a company by himself, but now, their attitude has changed.

Although it is indeed too much and unrealistic for one person to challenge a company, at least Li Ran has easily eliminated a platoon, and Qian He currently only has two platoons of manpower brought over.

If Li Ran can do it as easily as before, he can really defeat a company by himself.

But it will be very difficult.

"Captain Qian has already brought someone to escort him there. Is he really not going to run away?"

"It's so bold, this is the strength of two platoons.

"If it is discovered, it will be bitten instantly and it will be impossible to run away."

"This young Captain Li is really a lunatic. Only a lunatic would behave in such a crazy way."

"The people in Division P's reconnaissance camp were scared, thinking that the combined group was ambushing them here. In fact, there was only one person ambushing them."

Some people were shocked, some were amazed, and some were very much looking forward to what kind of sparks the next confrontation between the two sides would produce.

"The movements are really too slow. If this speed continues, the exercise will almost come to an end."

Li Ran muttered dissatisfiedly as he watched the people from Division P's reconnaissance camp gradually appear in his field of vision.

It had been a long time since he had dealt with the people from the chasing platoon, but the remaining P Division people were moving so slowly.

He didn't even know what the rest of the people were afraid of. He was the only one. How could he be so cowardly?

Before coming, Li Ran specifically told the major that after he was captured, he should truthfully report his movements to the people of Division P and let the people of Division P come to arrest him. The people of Division P were a little too cowardly, and dozens of people were arrested. He is the only one, and he behaves like a yellow-flowered girl, unable to do anything.

"Forget it, just go ahead and get it done."

After reading, Li Ran started to take action. As the target of an ambush, he planned to take the initiative this time. He would kill the remaining dozens of people in one go.

So, under the watchful eyes of everyone in the director's department, Li Ran launched an active attack.


Everyone in the director's department gasped and their jaws dropped in shock.

"It's crazy. He doesn't dare to attack."

"You are absolutely crazy. Taking the initiative to attack is exposing yourself."

"Idiot's tactics, can't you just tolerate it a little longer?"

"He doesn't really think that he has dozens of people surrounded by him."

"It's really awesome. This is the first time I've seen one person actively attack dozens of scouts."

In front of everyone in the director's department, Li Ran showed off a wonderful single-soldier combat behind the scenes.

On this endless grassland, Li Ran massacred two platoons of the P Division's reconnaissance battalion with one man's strength.

The massacre was completely one-sided. Everyone thought that the P Division had an absolute advantage in terms of strength and would be able to resolve the battle quickly. Unexpectedly, everyone was led by Li Ran alone and was very passive.

Under Li Ran's active attack, the men brought by Qian He fought very fast, and someone was killed by Li Ran almost every second.

Da da da~

The scattered gunshots were the last signs of stubbornness from the P division's reconnaissance battalion and others. They had really given in and were going to shut themselves down.

So many people were beaten by one person and were unable to fight back. Some people were constantly injured in the battle. The opponent was very fast and struck very cleanly. When they found out, the smoke alarm devices on their bodies had already been triggered. It means they were damaged in battle.

It was as if there was a top killer beside them, like a ghost in the night. In front of this killer, they were as fragile as a piece of paper, with no fighting power at all.

"Company Commander, how do we fight this? Why don't we retreat?"

"That is, there are constant attrition, and half of them have been lost in battle."

"If you don't think of a way, brothers will all have to answer here."

Qian He's face looked very ugly at this time. He didn't expect that things would develop to this situation. They came here to arrest the captain of the Blue Army, but now, they are the ones who have suffered heavy losses.

Until this moment, Qian He believed that what the major said was right, and that one of his platoon leaders on the intercom was also right. Only Li Ran, the leader of the synthetic group, was ambushing him.

Because Commander Li has been conducting guerrilla attacks, assassinations, and blockades with them, he has defeated them all by himself, and now they are somewhat defeated and in danger.

Another reason why it was determined that there was only one person ambushing around was that if the synthesis group had ambushed many people, based on their current situation, the synthesis group could completely surround them in one go.

But no, the enemy they are currently facing is only one person.

Thinking of this, the captain felt uncomfortable in every way.

A reconnaissance company in a division's reconnaissance battalion, consisting of more than a hundred people, was beaten to such a degree by one person. If word spread, they will become a laughing stock.

But if you don't experience it for yourself, you won't know how terrifying the personal strength of the leader of the Synthesis Group is.

Thinking about it, the captain became depressed.

Why do you, a regiment leader, a mid-level officer, and a commander, have such strong military qualities?

With such strong individual combat qualities, why not join the special forces? Wouldn't it be cool to be a soldier king or something like that in the special forces?

"Let everyone gather together, at least in pairs, and don't spread out too much. Once you discover the enemy's movements, report them immediately." Qian He made the deployment.


0…………Please give me flowers…………

At this time, according to the previous method of dispersing and expanding the encirclement, Li Ran will continue to defeat them one by one, and eventually the entire army will be annihilated.

Under such battle losses, the previously deployed encirclement plan lost its meaning.

All they can do now is to find ways to ensure that the battle damage is controlled.

Work in groups of two or three, so that they can take care of each other. Even if Li Ran wants to attack, he won't succeed so easily.

However, in Li Ran's eyes, there is no difference between a group of two or three people or a group of one person.

It's like, is there any difference between crushing one ant to death and crushing several ants to death? Of course there is no difference, it's just a matter of convenience.

That's it, five minutes later.

"Is this the only one left?"

Seeing that there were only eight people left in front of him, including himself, Qian He couldn't believe it.

"Company Commander, we are all here, the other brothers have long been lost in battle.

"Company Commander, shall we continue?" someone asked.

They have now been beaten to the point of being completely autistic, doubting their lives. The strength of both sides is not at the same level at all. They were tortured from beginning to end, and they were still confused.

"Brothers, don't give up. We still have a chance. Believe in yourself. Although Qian He doesn't believe it, he has no choice. At this time, he cannot collapse.


As a company commander, if he collapses, he really collapses.

After saying that, Qian He picked up the gun and said again: "Brothers, come with me, Doctor Tian."


Under the leadership of the company commander Qian He, the last few poor people cheered up a little and followed the charge.

The identities between them and Li Ran have long been interchanged. Before, they were hunters and Li Ran was the prey, but later they discovered that they were the prey.

They are like ants in front of Li Ran's strong personal military qualities.

Two minutes later, Qian He slumped on the ground with white smoke coming out of his body, completely autistic.

"Why, why, why can't my entire company defeat him? Why on earth is this? Monster, he must be a monster." Qian He couldn't accept the situation.

After they were all injured in the battle, Li Ran appeared in front of them all by himself, as if he was a normal person, which really made him autistic.

Li Ran even said something in front of him.

"At this level, it's all gone just after the warm-up. It's boring."

The captain suffered a huge blow in his heart. He has never been so aggrieved in his life. A company was provoked by one person. From now on, they will become the laughing stock of the P division reconnaissance camp.

"Captain Li, may I ask, how did you manage to overthrow my entire company by one person?" Qian He couldn't help but ask. He really couldn't understand why one person could defeat his entire company. Get rid of it.

"Want to learn? Come and form a group, I'll teach you." Seeing this, Li Ran said calmly.

"Captain Li, I was born as a member of Division P, and I will die as a result of Division P. If you say this, you are violating my principles." Qian He said solemnly.

On the side, the other members of P Division who were damaged in the battle were calling their company commander Niubi in their hearts.

After hearing this, Li Ran stopped talking and prepared to leave.

Unexpectedly, just as he was about to leave, the company commander of P Division secretly took Li Ran to a corner and said eagerly: "Captain Li, there were so many people just now, I am embarrassed. Look, I want to join the regiment. Is there any hope?"

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