Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

362: Crush With Strength And Equipment! How Can Master N Be Undefeated?

Geng Hui, commander of Division N, was a little confused.

The entire N Division has now entered the Zhuhe training ground, completed supplies, and is launching an attack on the position held by the combined regiment.

Unexpectedly, on the way, the reconnaissance force detected that the main force of the synthesis group was coming towards them.

What does it mean?

The combined group gave up the position they held and wanted to fight a tough battle with them?

Giving up the position you hold is equivalent to giving up your advantage.

In Geng Hui's view, the act of forming a group was quite stupid. It was really irrational to cut off one arm at the beginning of the exercise and give up one's own advantages.

"Send all the drones out for comprehensive reconnaissance to prevent the combined group from sneaking in from the side."

"Develop an assault formation immediately."

As the commander of N Division, Geng Hui still has personal command qualities and made arrangements immediately.

Uncharacteristically, the combined group gave up holding on to their position and sent out the main force, as if they were going to fight their N Division. The situation of hard steel made Geng Hui a little unsure.

According to the custom of the synthetic group, there is likely to be fraud involved, or it may be that the synthetic group has become a little inflated after winning four exercises through conspiracy.

If it's the former, Geng Hui is not afraid. He has deployed all his investigative power. Even if there is a scam, he can detect it in time and respond.

If it was the latter, Geng Hui would really laugh.

No matter how powerful the combined firepower is, it is still just a regiment, a mere regiment-level unit, and his main force is hard steel. It's really like an old man eating arsenic. I'm shit.

The N Division launched a formation assault. Even if the combined group wanted to hit a wave, the N Division could handle it, and it was true.

Once the heavy equipment launches an assault formation, there is nothing to fear, and there is no need to worry about 08 being caught off guard.

Just three minutes later~

The forward reconnaissance force reported that it was determined that the main force of the combined regiment was dispatched. The heavy-armed troops of the combined regiment had already formed an assault formation, intending to conduct an armored assault and a wave of tactics.

After receiving the report, Geng Hui was overjoyed and had a smile on his face.

"Since the synthesis team is so anxious to find shit, they can't blame me. The drones continue to survey the two wings. If he wants to fight hard, we will fight with him to see who is afraid of whom.

The synthesis group really floated, really floated.

I really thought that a mere regiment-level unit could defeat a main division.

It's no wonder that a new type of army was established not long ago and the leader is a young man. After winning four exercises, it is normal and understandable for him to drift away.

Young people are easy to get carried away and unstable.

Following the colonel's order, the entire N division had transformed into an assault formation, preparing to form a group directly for a frontal attack.

In the director’s department!

"Is the synthesis group crazy? They gave up their position and went straight to fight with the N Division?"

"It's unwise, very unwise, to give up its own advantages. The N Division is also a main division."

"Although the combined regiment is equipped with the latest Tiger 9, the number of armors and personnel are still far behind those of the N Division. This style of play is too radical."

"Is it stimulated by the N Division? Is the young leader of the synthesis group angry? Are you so anxious to prove yourself?"

Before the exercise began, everyone in the director's department knew that the commander of Division N protested in front of the General Staff boss and finally demanded that the combined group must strictly abide by the exercise regulations.

The N Division's protest, on the one hand, was also a questioning and disdain for the strength of the combined group.

He believes that the reason why the combined group was able to win the first four divisions was all due to conspiracy and tricks. It has no strength itself, and even if it has strength, it will be like that.

Obviously, the attitude of the N Division made the young leader of the combined group angry, and he wanted to prove himself in this battle with the N Division.

But in the eyes of everyone, this method of proof is too radical, too impatient, and belongs to the superiors.

Even if you want to prove it, you can't give up your position and your own advantages to fight like this with the N Division.

Moreover, the combined regiment itself is a regiment-level establishment, and the number of personnel and heavy equipment is much lower than that of the N division.

In the director's department, a group of military officers and staff members were discussing, but the chief of the general staff just watched silently and did not express any opinions.

It's a mule or a horse, pull it out and run around, this is the eternal truth.

Although four exercises have ended, and the combined regiment has defeated four main battle divisions, it has received the greatest doubts ever. If it wins this battle with the N Division, it can fully prove itself.

But if they lose, it will also be a huge blow to the synthetic group.

However, the head of the General Staff still has confidence in the Synthesis Group and Li Ran.

In the mind of the General Staff boss, based on his understanding of Li Ran, although the young leader of the synthesis group sometimes acts boldly, he is not a loser. He seems bold in doing things, but in fact he is very delicate and courageous. There is a plan.

Since he dared to make the entire regiment give up their position and advantage to fight the N Division like this, it showed that he was confident.

Fifteen minutes later.

On the frontal battlefield, the main forces of both sides met

When the armored units of both sides were one thousand meters away, the tank battalion of the combined regiment immediately began the first salvo of fire.

One thousand meters is the maximum effective direct shooting distance that the Tiger 6 cannot reach, but the Tiger 9 can achieve it. This is the advantage of advanced equipment.

Boom boom boom~

The roar of the King of Land War continued to sound, and shells poured towards the armored troops of the N Division.

Since both sides were in a mobile state, the accuracy of the tanks in the mobile state was difficult to describe, but the quantity could make up for the accuracy. The first round of artillery shells was fired, and the armored troops of the N Division suffered certain battle losses.

Eight hundred meters.

The armored troops on the N Division counterattacked and began a counterattack.

Boom boom boom~

On the battlefield, the land battle kings of both sides began a fierce battle.

In the air, the air forces of both sides are also constantly fighting each other. However, the Eighth Division of the Combined Regiment has always been at an advantage in the battle due to the Dragon 20 fighter jets.

From time to time, he can also assist the ground troops and conduct a wave of bombardments on the N Division's armor.

In mid-air, buzzing~

The Army Aviation Group of the N Division and the armed helicopter unit of the Combined Regiment also fought. With the assistance of each other's avant-garde missile teams on the ground, the air knights played a game.


The tactical missile units of both sides also launched salvos of firepower at almost the same time, performing a baptism of artillery fire coverage.

This battle is completely a head-on confrontation between the two forces. There is no hypocrisy or tactics at all. It is completely a battle of hard power.

The battle was very fierce, the battlefield was filled with smoke, and the smell of gunpowder and diesel was mixed together.

As soon as they met, the two sides were fighting back and forth, and there was no clue. But gradually, the situation started to change a little bit. "The advantage began to tilt towards Jin Chengtuan's side."

A true confrontation of hard power, with no fluff at all.

The officers and soldiers of the Combined Regiment became more courageous as the battle continued, while the officers and soldiers of the N Division gradually showed signs of decline as the battle continued.

"Six o'clock direction, 300 meters, angle 13, put it!"

In the cabin of a Tiger 9 tank, a third-stage noncommissioned officer gave orders to the commander, and the observer measured the distance and observed. The driver immediately adjusted the direction, and the tank shells were automatically loaded.

The next second, boom!

An artillery shell spun out from the barrel at high speed and successfully hit a Tiger 6 of the N Division.

After a successful hit, the three people in the cabin had no time to celebrate. Under the command of the commander, the driver immediately drove the Tiger 9 to change direction and look for the next target.

The observer hand observes at all times without daring to relax at all. Once the target is found, he immediately uses infrared rays to measure and aim.


At this time, the fire control sound in the vehicle indicated that it had been targeted by an anti-tank missile.

"Tactical evasion, quick."

The commander immediately gave the order, and the experienced driver immediately took tactical actions to avoid artillery fire.


An individual anti-tank missile passed by the Tiger 9. If it was delayed for one second, it would be hit.

The quality and cooperation between the three people in this Tiger 9 fully demonstrate what professionalism and excellence are.

On the other hand, the N Division was a little worse. They found that one Tiger 9 of the combined group could basically kill three of their Tiger 6s. If two or even more Tiger 9s were linked together, they would be even more invincible. potential.

At this moment, the tank crews of the N Division found that they were being crushed in front of the combined regiment.

Over time, the battle loss ratio went up, and the battle losses began to increase sharply.

Many N Division tank soldiers came out of the battle-damaged tanks. They had been judged to be battle-damaged. According to the exercise rules, they quickly exited the battlefield and couldn't help but said: "Damn, why is the Tiger 9 so awesome?"

The fact that the officers and soldiers of the N Division were crushed had little to do with the performance of the tanks, because the distance between the two sides was within the direct range of both sides, even if it had any impact.

Being crushed was entirely due to the disparity in the quality of the tank soldiers on both sides.

The daily training amount of the combined regiment is quite terrifying. If the combat effectiveness of the tank soldiers of the N Division is 1, the tank soldiers of the combined regiment are at least 3. In addition, coupled with the tacit cooperation between the officers and soldiers of the combined regiment, the combat effectiveness is not as simple as 3+3. , but increases geometrically, which is very powerful.

With strong qualities and advanced tanks, it's hard to be strong or not.

Before the start of the exercise, Li Ran had already mobilized the morale of the entire regiment and told the officers and soldiers of the combined regiment that the N Division looked down upon them and thought they were weak but weak and only capable of conspiracy.

From top to bottom, the synthesis group felt suffocated.

Hot Chicken N Division, do you know what kind of training they undergo every day? Do you know how they persevere in the inhumane training of their regiment leader?

How dare you call them idiots and scheming losers. If I didn't beat the crap out of you today, I would be sorry for the devilish training they go through every day.

Conspiracies and intrigues are the business of the leader, not theirs.

Under such circumstances, how can Division N remain undefeated?

(Please ask for everything, ask for everything, thank you!!).

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