Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

363: The General Staff Boss Is Furious! Degrade Military Rank, Demote Position

The decline of the N Division became more and more obvious, coupled with the fierce attacks by the officers and soldiers of the combined regiment.

Gradually, one hole in the N Division's formation was torn open, two holes, three holes, and in an instant, the N Division's formation was destroyed.

The powerful offensive of the synthetic group was like a flood, pouring in directly.

The defeat of the N Division was already evident. The defeat was overwhelming and could not be stopped at all. The battle losses increased sharply and the speed increased so fast that Geng Hui, the commander of the N Division, was dumbfounded.

Why? Why exactly?

In a head-on confrontation, when both sides had no reinforcements [N Division was actually no match for the combined group.

Under the strong attack of the synthetic group, N was beaten back steadily, and it became difficult to even parry.

"Commander, the combined attack is too fierce, please retreat."

Inside the division headquarters, a staff officer said quickly.

"Withdraw? Where to retreat? Is it possible that our NS Division withdrew outside Zhu He and the entire division, including me, the division commander, became deserters?" Geng Hui retorted angrily.

Upon hearing this, the lieutenant colonel's staff was stunned and smiled helplessly.

Indeed, where can the N Division retreat now?

Not long after the whole division entered the combined group, they started fighting with the combined group. They didn't even enter the hinterland of the Zhuhe training ground. Now they were withdrawing. Apart from withdrawing from the Zhuhe training ground, they didn't know where they could go. .

Withdrawing from Zhuhe's training ground would be tantamount to deserting.

No one expected that the synthesis group would be so violent, so violent that it was unpredictable and unimaginable.

A frontal tough N division, a main battle division, is this the combat effectiveness of a regiment-level organization?

"The synthesis group is too powerful."

Regarding the current situation, a major couldn't help but sigh.

Hearing this, Geng Hui's expression became even more ugly, and then he said: "Let all units launch a counterattack at all costs, even if the entire army is annihilated, it will not make the combined group feel comfortable.


Geng Hui is in a very bad mood now. He originally thought he could pinch the synthetic group with his hands, but now it seems that is not the case at all.

If N Division is defeated by the combined regiment, N Division will lose all face this time. He, the commander of N Division, will be nailed to the rack of shame. From now on, he will not be able to hold his head up in front of the General Staff boss.

You know, before the exercise started, he protested against the synthesis group's use of intrigues in front of the general staff boss, and took the initiative to go to the synthesis group to conduct the exercise in accordance with the exercise regulations, and also stated that he could defeat the synthesis group.

If he loses, it means that the synthetic group will directly slap him in the face, and he will lose his face.

Do you know how much damage a big bidou can do to a main battle division commander?

Geng Hui gave an order, and all units on the front line of the N Division launched a counterattack at all costs. However, in the eyes of Hesheng, such a counterattack was just a final struggle.

Twenty minutes later.

After the battle, the director gave a judgment on the exercise.

During this exercise, the entire N Division was wiped out, while the combined regiment suffered only 40% battle losses.

Forty percent, part of it was due to the N Division's desperate counterattack in the end and the plan to replace one with one that caused such battle losses.

It is worth mentioning that Li Ran, the leader of the synthetic group, did not use any tactics in this confrontation.

The confrontation between the combined regiment and the N Division is a collision of the combat systems and military qualities of the officers and soldiers of both sides in a complete sense, and it is a real hard power.

In such a collision of pure hard power, with the N Division losing so miserably, can it be considered that the combined regiment is better than the N Division in terms of combat system and the military quality of its officers and soldiers?

The answer is yes.

Within the director's department.

The officers and staff who watched this exercise were dumbfounded. Some people who originally had doubts about the combined group immediately shut up and no longer had any doubts.

This confrontation between the Synthetic Group and the N Division has proved that the Synthetic Group has become a leader.

If Li Ran, the leader of the combined regiment, had used tactics in battlefield exercises, everyone would have even suspected that the combined regiment would be very likely to complete the annihilation of the N Division with no casualties or even negligible casualties.

The combined group is too strong. This strength is really too strong. It's terrifying to be able to challenge a division.

"This is a real confrontation of hard power. Teacher N's ​​skills are inferior to others."

"In a fair confrontation, Division N should be convinced that it lost this time.

"The strength of the combined group is so unexpected. What kind of training does it take to have such combat effectiveness?"

All the officers and staff in the director's department couldn't help but express their emotions and comments at this moment.

"Does anyone still doubt the strength of the Synthetic Group?"

At this time, in the director's hall, the voice of the chief of the general staff sounded, and his eyes slowly swept over everyone.

Everyone present looked at me and you. At this time, no one said anything, and no one doubted the strength of the synthesis group.

"Since no one questions, I will say a few words." After the chief of the General Staff finished speaking, he slammed the table and stood up in the next second.

The crisp sound startled everyone present.

"Synthetic regiment, a regiment-level unit can actually defeat a main battle division like this. One is a main battle division with an old designation, and the other is a new type of unit that was created less than a year ago. There is such a huge gap. What is the reason? Have you ever thought about it?" the general staff boss said coldly.

In the director's hall, the atmosphere changed instantly, and the temperature seemed to drop to freezing point in an instant.

Seeing that the general staff boss was angry, everyone was trembling and did not dare to answer the question.

"If a dignified division commander demands that this or that not be allowed during an exercise, what does the exercise mean to him? Playing house? Do you have to follow the rules? When war comes, will the enemy follow the rules?"

"The combined regiment has followed the drill regulations completely. As a result, a majestic main combat division was beaten like this. Do you still have any shame?"

Do you know what the daily training of the Synthetic Group is like? Does anyone know about it carefully? "

Taking advantage of the opportunity of the combined group to defeat the N Division, the general staff boss got angry at everyone, intimidating everyone into not daring to refute.

"There are only the last two exercises left. From now on, if anyone else says that this cannot be done during the exercises, that cannot be done, and their thoughts are still stuck in the days when there were plans for the previous exercises, get out of here."

As soon as the chief of the General Staff said these words, everyone present was wet with sweat behind their backs.

The attitude of the boss of the General Staff is very clear. Anyone who dares to quibble about some of the tactical actions of the combined group and ask for this will be slapped.

"Go ahead, let me know. The commander of N Division will be demoted to a lower level. What kind of bullshit is he fighting? He has such little strength and dares to ask for this or that." The chief of the General Staff faced Geng Hui, the commander of N Division, in front of everyone. processed.

The military rank was reduced by one level, and the commander of the N Division was changed from a senior colonel to a colonel. It also meant that the senior colonel was about to step down from the position of commander of the N Division.

This is the first case in these years that a senior officer with the rank of general was killed due to poor command.

From senior colonel to colonel, if there is no outstanding performance in the future, he is probably not far away from retirement.

The boss of the General Staff was angry, and no one dared to neglect him. The news was quickly sent directly from the General Staff to the N Division.

Geng Hui, commander of N Division, was dumbfounded after receiving the notice from the General Staff.

After a failed exercise, the head of the General Staff actually demoted him. In addition, he had to step down from the position of commander of N Division and temporarily serve as deputy division commander. This was really a stain on his military career.

In this regard, although Geng Hui was in a very bad mood, he could not do anything.

What can be done? This is an order given by the head of the General Staff in person in front of many people. Who dares to refute? Who dares to bargain?

Is this what happened the last time he protested in front of the General Staff?

What is meant by self-inflicted suffering? This is called self-inflicted suffering!

At the end of the fifth exercise, the combined regiment went head-on with the N Division. After the news of defeating the N Division came out, all units of the field army were shocked again.

This time, the Synthesis Group allowed everyone to see their true strength, proved themselves, and silenced all those who doubted it.

Moreover, the punishment of the commander of the N Division by the boss of the General Staff shocked many people, especially the two commanders of the main battle division who were waiting to participate in the exercise and were trembling.

Scary, so scary.

Commander of N Division, his position and rank were wiped out in a drill. It's really outrageous.

After the fifth exercise ended, the General Staff also issued the notice for the sixth exercise to the L Division, the sixth opponent of the combined group.

Division, in the underground air raid shelter of the division headquarters.

The underground air-raid shelter located at the L Division headquarters was excavated in the last century for some reasons. Its safety level is enough to withstand the bombing of large-scale weapons, and it can be said to be very strong.

(Zhao Qianhao) Due to the age and lack of repairs, the air-raid shelter is very dilapidated, but the basic facilities are still functioning.

Under the dim light, all the chief officers of the division headquarters, including the division commander, were present, and everyone gathered in the underground air raid shelter to hold a meeting.

"`"Everyone is here. Hu Songlin, commander of Division L, asked.

"Everyone is here."

"Then let's have a meeting. It's an extraordinary period and it's a meeting under such circumstances. Please forgive me." Hu Songlin explained in front of everyone.

The reason why the colonel chose to hold the meeting in the underground air-raid shelter of the division headquarters was to avoid the possible large-scale bombing of L Division by the combined regiment.

The combined group has played five games, and all five exercises have ended, leaving only the last two. As the sixth division, L Division has learned a lot of experience from the previous five divisions.

Starting from Division L, it has returned to the stage where no matter what means the synthetic group uses, it is reasonable and normal.

The Synthetic Regiment's requirement to conduct drills strictly in accordance with drill regulations has disappeared again. As for the protest?

The commander of Division N, who was the last one to protest, was demoted in rank and position after a disastrous defeat. Who dares to protest?

After realizing that the Synthetic Group was an opponent with both strength and conspiracy, the commander of Division L was under great pressure!

(Please support me with various data, please give me everything, thank you!!).

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