Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

364: The Synthetic Group’S New Poisoning Trick

Division L, in the underground air raid shelter of the division headquarters.

After hearing what their teacher said, everyone present had a wry smile on their faces.

The confrontation with the synthetic group is really stressful.

Unexpectedly, their majestic main battle division would be forced to do this. Before the exercise began, the division headquarters operational meeting would be held in this dark, damp air-raid shelter.

Fortunately, for some reasons, their L Division headquarters had an air raid shelter.

Otherwise, they would have to think of another way to avoid the tactical bombing of the combined regiment. Over the years, no one in the division has been forced to do this in an exercise.

I think back then, when they were conducting exercises with the Z Division of the First Heavy Armor Division of the Field Army, it was not like it is now.

"Teacher, we all understand that special times require special responses."

"The synthesis group is too crazy. Who knows what conspiracy methods they will use."

"The fate of the first five divisions was more miserable than the last. Our L Division must avoid making the same mistakes this time."

"Even if the composite map plots one plot after another, we don't need to be afraid. They are originally targeting foreign armies | As long as we show the same momentum as our predecessors against foreign armies, we will be able to match them."

"That's right. When the seniors carried the speed machines made in Hanyang, they didn't look at them the same way."

Hearing the speeches of everyone present, Hu Songlin, commander of Division L, nodded, very pleased.

Although the pressure is great and the situation is not optimistic, everyone has a good mentality, which is good.

"The notice has been sent to all units, right?" Hu Songlin asked.

"It has been issued. At present, all units in the division have been divided into parts and dispersed in company formation. They have already set off." The chief of staff said aside.

After learning from the experience, Teacher L became 183 smarter this time.

[The three main regiments of the division were broken into parts, organized into companies, and moved in advance towards the Zhuhe exercise ground.

There are many maneuver routes planned just to the Zhuhe exercise ground, and the L Division's current purpose is to get the combat units moving first, to move first, and to form regiments first.

As for the specific follow-up route, there is no need to report it to the division headquarters. You can figure it out yourself and report it again when you wait at the exercise venue.

This is to prevent their communications from being monitored by the Synthetic Corps.

The division is not connected with the regiment, the regiment is not connected with the battalion, and the battalion is not connected with the company. Yes, it is the tactics used by the older generation.

Even if the division headquarters meeting is held now, it will only be attended by some officers and staff from the division headquarters. Other than that, there is no electronic communication facility.

Everything was to prevent being eavesdropped. They had seen the terrifying electronic countermeasures technology of the combined group from the unlucky main battle division in front.

"Everyone has seen the combat effectiveness of the combined group. Their hard power is not inferior to that of a main combat division. Therefore, we must not be careless in this exercise. We must prepare for the Z division that year. Moreover, the combined group is full of tricks. You don’t know what kind of spoilers you might get on the road, so be careful..."

Every time Hu Songlin said something, the pressure on everyone present increased.

The pressure is huge. Facing an opponent with both cunning and strength, if you are careless or make any omissions, the outcome will be very tragic, and you may very well suffer a fatal blow.

In the underground air raid shelter, the division headquarters combat meeting was being held.

Just then, boom boom~

A cylinder similar to a can rolled in front of everyone's eyes. It rolled on the ground and made a crisp sound, instantly attracting everyone's attention.

"what sound?"

"What it is?"

"Damn, not good."


A dazzling white light flashed in front of everyone's eyes, causing everyone present to fall into temporary blindness.

The thing rolling on the ground in front of everyone was a flash bomb. In this almost airtight and dark space, the lethality of the flash bomb was overwhelming.

Everyone in Division L was stunned, and many people's eyes were so irritated that they shed tears. When they regained their vision and could see the scene in front of them, they saw that several guns were pointed at them.

Standing in front of them were fully armed soldiers. Each soldier was armed from head to toe. They were more special forces than special forces. They were so handsome.

"Who are you?" someone asked upon seeing this.

"Chief, we are from the Synthetic Regiment. You have been captured by us. Please cooperate." The leader of the special operations brigade of the Synthetic Regiment said calmly.


Hearing this, everyone in Master L couldn't help but take a breath of air.

Synthetic group people?

Why did the people from the Synthesis Group appear here? You know, the Synthesis Group is hundreds of kilometers away from the L Division headquarters. Not only that, the L Division's guard battalion and division reconnaissance battalion have been mobilized to protect the division headquarters.

How did the people from the Synthetic Group infiltrate in quietly?

There was no gunshot, which meant that the people on guard outside the division headquarters had not noticed it yet.

A group of idiots, who are usually trained and have no sense of vigilance. During the rehearsal of the battle, they were able to be stolen by the combined group. It was simply embarrassing.

"How did you get in?" After all, the division commander was someone who had seen big scenes. Even though he was captured now, he remained calm and asked.

His purpose is to delay time and look for opportunities.

In any case, they can't just sit back and wait to be captured.

"Chief, don't say anything about delaying time, just come with us." The leader of the team said, seeing through the colonel's intention at a glance.

"Okay, I'll go with you." Seeing this, Hu Songlin nodded and said nothing more.

Just when he walked to the team leader, he secretly made a gesture to the person behind him.

That gesture was familiar to everyone present at Division L.

Suddenly, a major struggled violently while a member of the special operations team was tying him up. With quick eyes and quick hands, he took out a pistol from the waist of the special operations team member.

But the moment he took the pistol, the special forces team member immediately opened fire, directly damaging him.

White smoke billowed out of the major's body.

Although he was damaged in the battle, a smile appeared on the major's face. His goal had been achieved. The gunfire rang out, and the security personnel of Division L outside could definitely hear it.

"You guys give up. There are no prisoners in L Division. Even if you damage us, you can't escape. When the gunfire rings out, our L Division guards will immediately surround this place." Hu Songlin said with a determined expression.

Division L only has division commanders who died in battle, not captured division commanders.

I originally thought that after he said these words, the people in the combined group would throw caution to the wind and panic. With this few manpower, no matter how strong they were, it was impossible to safely withdraw E from the division headquarters.

But who would have expected that after listening to the colonel's words, the captain of the special operations team said very calmly: "Chief, stop struggling. Our combined regiment treats prisoners preferentially."

The captain of the team looked calm, as if he didn't feel the threat from the outside at all.

"Hmph, capture me, do you think you can get out of here?" the colonel sneered.

After saying that, he took the pistol directly from the hands of the fallen major and "committed suicide" directly.

After a loud gunshot, white smoke billowed out of his body. The division commander was injured in the battle.

When the others saw this, they all resisted, including the division commander. Of course, they couldn't be captured. It would be nicer to take the initiative to take damage in battle, and it would also give them some face.

The captain of the special operations team on the side quickly stepped forward to control these people.

"Captain, what should I do?"

"Forget it, the commander's order didn't say anything about life or death. They were all destroyed in the battle."

After that, bang bang bang

Gunshots continued to ring out, and all the people present at the L Division headquarters and some officers and staff were lost in battle.

At this point, the exercise has not yet begun, and the chief officers of the L Division Division Headquarters are equivalent to being beheaded, and no one is left.

"What's going on? Why hasn't anyone come in yet?"

The commander of Normal University L, who had been damaged in the battle, suddenly realized something was wrong, because gunfire kept ringing out, and people outside should have heard it. It had been a while, and someone should have been sent in to see what was going on. Why now? No one came.

"Chief, are you still waiting for reinforcements?" Upon seeing this, the captain of the special operations team said with a hint of amusement on his face.

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is that there will be no reinforcements here. The people outside have been dealt with long ago, otherwise how could we come in so arrogantly."

"All solved? This is impossible."

Hearing this, Hu Songlin and others were all stunned, with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

Can these people in front of the combined group take care of everyone in the guard battalion at the L Division Headquarters?

Unless another tactical weapon is deployed before the exercise begins, it is absolutely impossible.

"If you don't believe it, just go out and take a look now and you will know." The team leader said calmly.

Under the leadership of the special operations team, the colonel and others walked out of the air-raid shelter. Then, the scene in front of them shocked them.

On the empty ground of the division headquarters, an elimination area has been temporarily divided by the director's department. These people have not yet stepped into the exercise venue, so it is easy to divide the elimination area.

I saw many officers and soldiers of the division sitting there in the elimination area, which also meant that they had been damaged in the battle.

"The director's department reported that the L Division headquarters was beheaded and all the guard battalions were killed." The staff of the director's department told Hu Songlin.

"How is this possible? How is this possible? Are you pigs? How come these many people were killed by just a few people from the Synthesis Group?" Hu Songlin roared, and he was confused.

Even if they are pigs, it will take a lot of effort for the people in the synthesis group to kill so many pigs one by one.

Why were they all killed in battle so quietly?

"Division Commander, the combined regiment was poisoned." The division guard battalion commander said desperately.

"Poisoning? Didn't you let you eat the individual soldier rations you brought? Who told you to gather together to eat?" Hu Songlin said angrily.

In order to avoid being poisoned, the moment I received the notice of the exercise, I was notified not to eat in the canteen, but to distribute dry rations to individual soldiers.

"Commander, we weren't poisoned by what we ate, they put poisonous gas."


(Please ask for everything, ask for everything, thank you!!).

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