Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

383: Good News Sent Home! Revival Mission Preliminary Test

Qi Long is very angry now. Li Ran is too courageous. Even if he is ordered by his superiors to carry out a sneak attack mission, he cannot take action against the military expenses in Division Z's account.

That was over ten million, the Z Division's military expenses, which almost scared him to death.

Such a large amount of money is gone, even if he is sold, it is not worth so much money.

"What's a gift? Don't interrupt me. I was almost scared to death by losing so much money. Even if you sell me, it's not worth so much money. You kid, hurry up and have someone transfer the money back." "Qi Long said.

"Senior brother, calm down. It's only a thousand or ten thousand dollars. Why are you so excited about this small amount of money?" Li Ran said calmly.

"Ten thousand or ten thousand is small money?"

Hearing this, Qi Long almost died of anger.

Then I thought about it, Li Ran is so inhumane and his family has a lot of property, so these tens of thousands are really nothing to Li Ran.

"You are a rich man, but I, a poor man, can't compare with you. Please return the money as soon as possible." Qi Long urged.

"Don't worry, senior brother, the account will be received soon." Li Ran smiled.

After Li Ran finished speaking, the phone rang.

Qi Long quickly picked up the phone, and the voice of the director of the logistics department rang on the phone.

"Teacher, the money in the account suddenly came back."

"Is the number correct?"

"Yes, exactly."


After hanging up the phone, Qi Long felt relieved, but he was still a little frightened and determined to ask what the people in the security department did for food.

The security of military expenditures in military accounts is not guaranteed, which is simply ridiculous.

"Brother, don't be angry. This is a task assigned by superiors to test the war awareness and alertness of each unit. Division Z has done exercises, and I know that I must be prepared, so I started from other aspects." Li Ran explained with a smile. road.

"Then we can't attack military expenditures." Qi Long was still a little dissatisfied.

"Brother, this is wrong. Network security defense is also the key point. The electronic countermeasures department of our combined group can quietly penetrate the Z Division network and transfer the military expenses from the Z Division account. If there is an enemy invasion, their hackers will also have Such strength." Li Ran said.

Hearing this, Qi Long fell silent.

Although Li Ran's move was bold, I have to say that what he said does make sense.

"Didn't you say you had a gift for me? What gift?" Qi Long asked, changing the subject.

He is a soldier and does not understand technical matters. Such matters can only be reported and handed over to specialized technical personnel to strengthen security defense.

"Brother, the people from the electronic countermeasures department of our combined group are here. They will help the Z Division to strengthen network security defense." Li Ran said.

"Go, go, I thought they were some good things. They are all field troops. Shouldn't you combine the technical personnel of the regiment to help?" Qi Long scolded with a smile.

"Don't worry, senior brother, I haven't finished speaking yet."

"If you fart, hurry up."

"Are you interested in participating in the preliminary testing of the military game developed by our group?" Li Ran said with a smile: "I will have someone get a special internal beta account for you.

"Military game? What military game?" Qi Long looked curious.

"The name is Fuxing Mission. It is a large-scale domestic integrated sea, land and air military game completely independently developed by our field army's internal technical staff. The game content is very rich, such as special operations mode, command campaign mode, etc. The game has almost been developed at present. It needs Start preliminary testing, collect feedback, and further optimize." Li Ran explained.

"Your Synthetic Group's business is really extensive. You can even develop military games. What are you doing developing this stuff? Teaching people to play games? Relaxing and entertaining?" Qi Long Nuoyu said.

"Brother, you are wrong. This Renaissance Mission, which has been developed with so much effort and thought, is not just for you to play games and relax." Li Ran said: "This game can cultivate the command of officers and soldiers. Awareness and combat awareness are equivalent to a kind of training."

"Are you lying to me?" Qi Long looked unbelieving: "Playing games is just playing games, can it be called training?"

"Brother, is it useful? I said it's useless. You said it's useless. You'll know if you try it. Come or not?" Li Ran asked with a smile.

"Okay, I'll take part in the so-called preliminary test of the game. I want to see if this game is as magical as you said." Qi Long agreed.

If he had heard someone tell him before that playing games could be considered a form of training, Qi Long would have definitely given him a big showdown on the spot.

Are you fooling a ghost here, treating him like a three-year-old child?

But this is what Li Ran said. Even if he doesn't believe it, he has to experience it himself before he can judge.

Moreover, Qi Long discovered from Li Ran the importance of following the times and not falling behind in terms of thought and consciousness.

After Li Ran left Division Z, he led the synthesis group to continue the whetstone mission.

In the Northern Military Region, there are three group armies, one group army and three main battle divisions. This is just one group army that has just been inspected, and there are still two left.

Ever since~

In just three days, the entire Northern Military Region was in mourning.

"The Synthesis Group goes too far, is crazy and has no moral ethics."

"I've never seen a unit that doesn't want Bilian so much. The drill has passed, why are you still doing this?"

"It's too much, it's really too much."

“It was late at night, I was going to the toilet, and an explosion almost frightened me so much that I fell into the toilet.

"That's better for you. Have you ever experienced the feeling of cutting off your pants abruptly and lifting up your pants to go out?"

Army Group H was the first to suffer, and the first to know the cause and start the unethical sneak attack.

Although they expressed strong condemnation of the shameless behavior of the combined group, the condemnation was a condemnation. The people of Army Group H did not notify the other two armies.

What's the notice? They can't be the only group that's unlucky.

We agreed to share weal and woe, and if we were to suffer misfortune together, we would be together even if we were criticized. It would be better than being alone.

In this way, the other two group armies did not receive any news and were also caught off guard.

This also has something to do with the rapid action of the synthetic group, which does not give Daxie time to react.

After the combined regiment completed the raid mission codenamed "Whetstone", the Northern Military District Headquarters immediately held a meeting.

Under the auspices of the general commander, all military officers above the level of the three group armies and main battle regiments and divisions were present.

In the conference room of Nuoda, the admiral looked angry and banged the table.

"After the last exercise, what did the chief of the General Staff say? After coming back, how did the headquarters issue the notice? You just perfunctory like this? Do you think everything we said is fart? Are we really kidding you? Is it just a show? Or are some of you holding out luck that it won’t happen to you for the time being?..."

In front of everyone, the general compared the commanders of the three armies to a bloody battle.

Whether it is issuing orders or rewarding criticism, one level after another, and criticism at higher levels will basically not occur.

However, the chief officers of the three group armies and each main battle division unit also knew very well that after their own army commander was criticized so badly, they would not get any good results after returning.

The army commander criticizes the division commander, and the division commander criticizes the regiment commander, one level after another.

It is true that many people are just taking luck and think it is just for show, and do not take it seriously.

Take H Group Army as an example. After the last exercise, the Z Division should be under the greatest pressure, and it should be the Z Division that needs to be changed. After all, Z Division is the main division of H Army.

Therefore, the military region chief's eyes should be on Division Z and not see them.

Unexpectedly, this time they did not follow the routine, and the combined group actually attacked them indiscriminately.

In this case, they are still the unlucky ones. The Z Division that participated in the exercise did not even suffer a sneak attack from the synthetic group, but was electronically invaded by the synthetic group. The military expenses on the account were transferred away, and then returned. It was a scare. For a moment.

But when it comes to it, you can't blame Master Z. That's a matter for the technical department.

After the meeting, many people had a premonition that a big storm was coming.

This time is really different from the past. Judging from the attitude of the military commander, this is not a joke. It is really not a joke.

What's more, if this happens again next time, he will be directly held accountable, and the punishment will only be light. In serious cases, he will be kicked out on the spot and demoted.

Everyone felt the admiral's firm attitude, and they did not doubt its authenticity at all. He was not simply trying to scare them.

After all, during the last exercise, there was a senior colonel who was promoted to general after the exercise.


Inside the small western-style building.

Li Jun was lying on the sofa in the lobby of the villa, enjoying the rare quietness comfortably.

During this period, every weekend has become his most comfortable time. He will give himself a simple vacation and rest during these two days.

Since listening to his son's ideas and expanding some industries, he has worked more than before.

Opening a new company, expanding overseas markets, all big and small things need to be taken care of by him.

Fortunately, it was quite difficult at the beginning, but gradually he got on the right track. People in the company were able to handle some things, and he was able to gradually let go.

Who doesn't want to be a boss who can't do anything, just sitting around at home all day long and enjoying the happiness?

This is one of the important reasons why he wants Li Ran to return from the army as soon as possible and inherit the family property.

But what made Li Jun happiest was the last time the leader of the military region came to his home and told him that he had canceled the agreement he had made with Ji Ran.

Although he was persuaded and agreed to void the agreement, this behavior of the military region leader gave Li Jun a real sense of sure victory for the first time.

Thinking of this, Li Jun was in a good mood and couldn't help humming a ditty.

"What makes you so happy?" From the side, Zhiqin came over with a plate of fruit and asked.

*`"My son is coming back to inherit the property soon. "Li Jun said.

"Soon? Didn't we agree last time to postpone it for three years? Why is it so soon?" Xia Qin asked in confusion.

"You can't just look at the surface of everything. When this was mentioned, Li Jun became more energetic and analyzed: "You think about it, Li Ran promised me before that he would be promoted to major general by the end of the year, or he would be discharged if he failed. At that time, I knew that he would never be able to do it. Yeah, because this thing is simply impossible, and I also know that my condition is very harsh, and I didn't expect that this guy dared to agree to it. "

"So?" Xia Qin didn't quite understand what her husband wanted to express for a while.

"I was sure that if he later found out that he couldn't do it, he might bargain with me or even cheat. I had already made preparations to give him a little more time, and now it was just right.

He found it too difficult, and even persuaded the leaders of the military region to come to my place to do the work. It was just what I wanted, so I gave him another three years. I guess it was about the same. If he still couldn't do it after three years, he would not be able to do it now. There is absolutely no reason to bargain with me. "Li Jun said proudly.

"Why are you so sure that if you give him another three years, he won't meet the requirements?" Xia Qin asked.

"Give him another three years? To be promoted from colonel to major general? It's not certain to give him another ten years. Even if he is promoted quickly, can he be promoted to major general casually? Are there major generals in their twenties in the army? The youngest They are both in their forties. Promotion is related to strength, but it is also related to seniority.

Relationships and qualifications have to be gained bit by bit over time. If you want to be promoted to major general, you can't do it without qualifications. "Li Jun said confidently.

"I don't know much about things in the army. Anyway, until now, I have never seen you defeat my son."

Hearing this, Li Jun blushed.

Indeed, since Li Ran joined the army, things have been out of control, completely beyond his expectations and control.

at this time.

Outside, the sound of Luo's drumming sounded.

The two of them followed the sound and saw a familiar scene and a familiar team again.

"Look, you just finished saying that your son has made meritorious service in the army again, and the Ministry (Nuo Zhaohao) team has returned with good news."

"Is it now easier to perform meritorious service in the army? If it is possible, I would like to enlist in the army a second time and go to the army to have a look again."

Li Jun can only think about this idea. Secondary enlistment is very strict. Regardless of Li Jun's physical fitness or age, it has long been impossible for him to enlist twice.

A week later.

Synthetic group.

In the electronic countermeasures brigade, the computer room of Nuo University was full of people sitting in front of the computers.

Look carefully at the military ranks on the shoulders of the people in front of the computer. The lowest is lieutenant colonel, and there are even senior colonels.

Not only are their military ranks high, but some people's military uniforms are also of different colors, and there are also navy and air force officers here.

In Nuoda's computer room, there are all officers from the three branches of the field army, sea, land and air force.

The picture displayed on the computer screen is the game picture.

Senior officers in the field army gathered together to play games. If word of this spread, I'm afraid it would cause heated discussions.

Depraved, absolutely depraved. I didn’t expect that senior officers in the field army would be addicted to computer games.

But in fact, this is not the case.

These people were all invited by Li Ran to come to the Synthesis Group to participate in the preliminary testing of the military game "Mission Revival".

This large-scale domestic militarized game that integrates sea, land and air officially enters the preliminary testing phase today. During this phase, feedback from testers will be collected and some leaks will be corrected.

Holes and deficiencies are better improved.

Because there is a special operations mode in this game, the chief officer of the special forces was also invited.

"Left, left, quick."

"Shoot him, don't be dazed."

"Point B needs support, hurry up."

In the computer room, the sounds of reporting points and giving instructions during the game can be heard endlessly....

(Please ask for everything, ask for everything, thank you!!!).

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