Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

384: The Feedback Effect Explodes! Are You Going To Make A Military Tv Series?

The Synthetic Group's computer room now looks like an Internet cafe.

It's just that people who play games online are very special. A group of middle and high-ranking officers in the field army play games together. If word spreads about it, it will definitely shock everyone's attention.

On the surface, it looks like they are playing a game, but in fact, this group of people is participating in the early planning of the "Mission Revival" military game.

"Mission Revival" is a large-scale domestic military game integrating sea, land and air that is completely independently developed. Its rich game content and gameplay amazed everyone who participated.

They didn't expect that a game could reach this level.

As they continue to experience it, they find that this can no longer be called a game, but a training program that can train military literacy.

For example, when invited, the chief officer of the special forces of the Northern Military Region, a battalion captain, a chief of staff, and a squadron leader were all experiencing the game.

Three people, each with a character, formed a tactical team and were conducting a hostage rescue mission.

During the hostage rescue mission, they can make some tactical designs. The opponent can be an online player or a computer.

If the opponent is a computer, it is not a very simple man-machine confrontation. The computer NPCs that are matched have all the relevant data parameters entered into them.

These data parameters are data collected by the field army through actual combat cases of some foreign military special forces, and are used as relevant data judgments.

A hostage rescue mission can greatly restore the state of rescuing hostages in reality, different locations, different scenes, and possible emergencies.

During this period, there is also a special special commander mode, which deploys the tactical team under your command from the perspective of a commander and trains a commander's adaptability.

It can be said that the gameplay is diverse and rich, and it restores reality as much as possible. The content and methods of the game can have a training and teaching effect.

At this time, Qi Long, the commander of the heavy equipment division, was looking at the computer screen and racking his brains.

Continuously use what he has learned throughout his life and the experience accumulated from leading the troops for so many years to complete the confrontation in this large-scale battle.

Qi Long, who was originally invited to participate in the preliminary test, was not optimistic about the so-called military games Li Ran said, thinking that this kind of thing would definitely make people lose their focus.

After all, this was the first time he heard 270 say that playing computer games can train him.

Even if it’s a militarized game, so what?

After all, games are just games, can they be compared with real war?

But after playing it for a while, he discovered that he was wrong. The game's authenticity and realistic restoration exceeded his imagination.

Due to some technical and hardware limitations, the current "Mission Resurgence" game may not have as beautiful graphics, and it does not have the perfect details of game characters and graphics like later 3A masterpieces.

But the gameplay is realistic and restored to a very high degree of matching with reality.

This is enough in Qi Long's opinion.

As long as such a game can train a commander's tactical thinking and command abilities, it will be a masterpiece for soldiers and troops.

Why do you need such high-definition and exquisite graphics? Do you really think it is for playing games and relaxing for entertainment?

Do you understand how to exercise tactical awareness and thinking?

For example, Qi Long encountered a problem now. The battle he chose to simulate command was not low in difficulty. For a while, he, the commander of the heavy armored division, was forced to be helpless.

This made Qi Long a little incredible that a game could stump him, a professional soldier and a dignified commander of a heavy armor division.

On the side, technicians from the Electronic Countermeasures Group and the Military Game Office were around, responsible for collecting relevant data and collecting vulnerabilities. .

More than an hour later, the preliminary testing phase was temporarily over, and everyone stood up slowly, one or two of them were still a little unfinished.

"Captain Li, that's awesome. This is the first time I've seen someone use games to train."

"This game is really good, it's very playable, and the data is very realistic, which is helpful."

"Not bad, really good."

"When will this game be fully promoted in the army? I feel that the deployment of arms will be of great help to the advancement of officers.

"It will take some time. It is still in the testing stage. The next step is to continue to promote the test [technicians need to collect more data and feedback." Li Ran said.

"You guys are really unexpected. If you need someone to test, I, Division Z, can provide you with a place." Qi Long said.

He is really excited about this game now, and the command game of large-scale suits has given him some new insights and understanding.

The most (aiee) important thing is that the tank confrontation in this game is definitely of great help to the tank soldiers of their heavy armor division.

"I can do it here too."

“Our Air Force will also provide strong support.

The chief officers of the field army, sea, land and air units all expressed their opinions and were very optimistic about this game.

"Commander Li, don't forget our special forces." The senior colonel from the special forces of the Northern Military Region said quickly.

Special forces participate in actual combat a lot, and the soldiers usually train with high intensity. If you can use this game to conduct mission training in related scenarios when you have nothing to do, it will be of great help.

"Don't worry, everyone here has a role in promoting the test. During the test phase, the more people participating in the test, the better." Li Ran smiled.

Although in later generations, special military games were developed in the army, and the use of games for training became one of the daily routine training.

Even VR technology was gradually used later to give the soldiers a realistic and realistic experience as much as possible.

But for now, this "Mission Revival" game is definitely at the forefront. The game content and gameplay are not even comparable to Bald Eagle.

However, due to the limitations of the current related hardware, it is not yet possible to make the picture as beautiful as possible and the experience to be closer to reality. It can only be said that it can help train tactical thinking and stimulate innovation awareness.

For now, this game is enough.

It can be developed, and the computer hardware can still support such a large-scale military game, all thanks to the good things Li Ran got from the system and gave them out in various ways this year.

If we only develop according to conventional technology, it is simply impossible to develop such a game.

Even if it is developed, the current computer hardware is not enough to support its operation.

The existence of system cheats also gives Li Ran the confidence to make the Field Army the strongest existence. It is also the support for Li Ran to implement various ideas as much as possible.

After the experience was over, Li Ran left everyone to have a meal at the Synthetic Group and took him on a tour.

After all, so many people came all the way to show their respect to me [naturally, I had to say hello.

Qi Long is no stranger to Synthetic Group, but this is the first time for others to visit.

Especially the mid-level and senior officers of the navy and air force, this is really their first time here.

For officers of the navy and air force, it is not easy to come all the way. Take the navy for example.

In normal internal exercises of the field army, there is nothing involving the navy, and the number of exercises that can use the air force is very small. After all, when the air force can be used, it is a large-scale exercise.

A large-scale exercise requires a lot of manpower and material resources, and even a field army cannot hold it casually.

For a long time, officers from the navy and air force believed that their two units should be among the best in terms of advanced equipment.

Whether it is the navy or the air force, the advanced equipment they need has very high technical requirements.

The Army, a branch that relies on legs to run on the ground, needs nothing more than tanks, armored vehicles, and even more advanced radar reconnaissance vehicles.

But after visiting the group, they discovered they were wrong.

The Synthetic Group is simply ridiculously wealthy. Even they have never heard of some of the equipment. They are all the latest weapons and equipment.

In this way, the main battle tank equipped by a small regiment-level unit has the function of real-time sharing of information. In terms of firepower, it is even possible to equip the tank with anti-air missiles.

That's right, tanks are equipped with anti-aircraft missiles.

In the past, Iron King Ba, who was frustrated by their air force's defeat on the ground, actually had a dream. He wanted to carry anti-air missiles and have a certain threat to fighter jets.

This makes people feel quite outrageous and incredible.

You guys running on the ground can just keep your thoughts on the ground, but you are still thinking about air combat.

Do you want to equip your tanks with torpedoes in the future?

After all, amphibious tanks are capable of fighting on water. It would be outrageous to carry a torpedo.

It made the officers of the navy and air force drool, let alone the officers of the army unit.

Qi Long was somewhat mentally prepared because he had visited it, but the other officers looked greedy and had the urge to change jobs and join the regiment.

Sure enough, the Synthetic Regiment is worthy of being called a unit of the military region, not the son of the General Counselor. This support and care makes people jealous.

All the good stuff is given to the Synthetic Group, and the equipment they have is leftover from the game, and no one else can look down upon it.

Two days later.

Beijing, staff headquarters.

In the office of the General Staff Boss.

"The feedback on the game "Mission Revival" is good. According to the feedback from each unit, it is very helpful in improving tactical awareness, which is very good." The chief of the General Staff looked at the report submitted by the synthesis group and gave it affirmation.

"Thank you, chief, for your affirmation." Li Ran smiled.

"You probably didn't come here just to deliver a report this time, right?" asked the general staff boss.

For things like submitting a report, just ask someone to send it over directly. Li Ran, the leader of the synthetic group, doesn't have to make an extra trip.

"The chief is wise." Li Ran immediately flattered him.

"You idiot, don't say such nonsense in front of me. If you have something to say, just say it." The chief of the General Staff laughed and scolded.

"Chief, I think that with the establishment of the information system of each unit of the field army, there will be a huge gap in personnel, so I think it is necessary to increase some measures in recruiting troops. Li Ran said.

"Huh? What do you think?" Hearing this, the general staff boss was a little surprised. He didn't expect Li Ran to worry about this.

"Chief, on-campus recruitment of college students is of great significance. In terms of military resources in the future, highly educated and outstanding military personnel will account for a large part," Li Ran said.

Of course, it does not mean that people with higher academic qualifications will be better off as soldiers. We cannot generalize and beat them to death with a single stick.

Rather, the establishment of an information system creates a great demand for college students.

Because I have received systematic education and have a solid foundation in cultural quality, I can accept new things faster and be more innovative.

Of course, it is impossible and unrealistic to recruit all college students into the army. We can only say that we need to increase our efforts in this regard. From now on, we will attract as many college students as possible to serve as soldiers, which will speed up the construction of the information system.

"What you said makes sense. We have also thought about this." The head of the General Staff nodded and said slowly: "We can give preferential treatment to college students on some conditions for serving as soldiers, but in peacetime, after being admitted to university, let Young people come to endure hardship, no

It's so easy.

The words are crude but not crude. What the chief of the General Staff said is very realistic.

This is not a time of war, but a time of peace.

How happy it is for a family to have a college student. He can get into college, find a good job after graduation, marry a wife, have children, and the family can live a stable life.

Everyone knows that being a soldier is hard. As life gets higher and higher, college students are basically pampered and will not be willing to endure hardships in the army.

Don’t you want to enjoy college life? Do you have to come to the army to endure hardships?

Although there is a saying that goes well, if you join the army you will regret it for three years, now it is two years, but if you don’t join the army you will regret it for the rest of your life.

But many people only feel this way after they have passed the age of serving as soldiers.

"Chief, preferential treatment in terms of conditions is just a temporary solution, not the root cause." Li Ran analyzed: "Most people who are admitted to college have their own ideas, and conditions are not the key to attracting them.

The key is to let them have a longing and yearning for the army, so that they want to join the army. "

"What you said is simple. In previous years, all units worked hard to recruit troops, but the effect was just like that." The chief of the General Staff said helplessly.

Serving in the military can be a not-quite-a-way-out for some people.

Life is getting better and better than before. Many people will learn a trade even if they can't go to college.

"Chief, I have an idea." Li Ran said.

This is also the purpose of Li Ran coming in person this time.

"What can we do?" The chief of the General Staff became interested. He knew that Li Ran had many ideas and wanted to see if Li Ran had new ideas on conscription.

"Shooting a recruitment video," Li Ran said.

Hearing this, the general staff boss who was originally interested was a little disappointed.

It’s not that the army has never made recruitment videos, but the effect is just that.

"I've seen the promotional video of your combined regiment. It's pretty good. Do you want to use it as a recruitment promotional video?" asked the general staff boss.

"I have this idea, but it's not enough. I need a foundation." Li Ran said directly.


The general staff boss became more and more confused as he listened.

"We can shoot a military-themed TV series to arouse college students' longing and yearning for military life, and then play the promotional video of our combined group, which will be extremely effective.

to the explosion. Li Ran said confidently.

"What? Filming a TV series?"

Hearing this, the general staff boss was instantly stunned.

(I beg for all kinds of things, I beg for everything, thank you on my knees! ... There won’t be too many plots in the shooting, let the content of the article be richer)].

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