Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

040: Go To A Company With A Greater Chance Of Making Meritorious Deeds

"Everyone in our reconnaissance company is a master, and they have everything from grappling to shooting tactics."

"Almost all the top soldiers in the regiment are in our company. When the whole regiment mentions the reconnaissance company, who doesn't give a thumbs up?"

"Listen to me, there's nothing good about tanks. They're so heavy and bulky that they'll be gone as soon as an anti-tank missile hits them. Our company also has infantry fighting vehicles, so don't be envious."

"Let me tell you one more awesome thing. Have you ever heard of the Special Forces? The reconnaissance company has the title of the special forces reserve team. The special forces like to come to the reconnaissance company to recruit people."

"Coming to our reconnaissance company will definitely give you enough stage to perform."

Li Hu kept talking, while the third and sixth company commanders on the sidelines were reluctant.

"Lao Qi, you have gone too far. Just brag, don't belittle us."

Li Hu ignored the two people's dissatisfaction and focused on Li Ran. He spent so much time and had only one purpose: to let Li Ran choose the reconnaissance company.

After hearing what Li Hu said, Li Ran finally understood.

It turned out that the other two company commanders came because they wanted to go to the third or sixth company when they were in the next company.

Because he performed so well in the recruit company, he had the right to choose his own company when he was transferred to the company.

The tank is indeed handsome, and the infantry fighting vehicle is also handsome. Li Ran was really confused for a while.

But Li Ran is also a little interested in special forces.

"Company commander, will the special forces come to scout the company candidates?" Li Ran asked.

"Yes." Li Hu said: "Those who can join the special forces are all soldiers. Our reconnaissance company specializes in training soldiers."

Although Li Hu said so, he didn't think so in his heart.

Damn special forces. If it weren't for the purpose of attracting Li Ran, he wouldn't mention the special forces. The chief officer of the special forces is a bad person. He likes to poach other people's good soldiers. He will look down on them wherever he goes.

If Li Ran came to the reconnaissance company, such an excellent soldier, Li Hu would certainly not want to be taken away by the special forces, and all the hard work would be used to make a wedding dress for others.

But let’s get Li Ran to the reconnaissance company now, and do the ideological work later.

After hearing Li Hu's words, Li Ran fell into thinking for a while.

The third and sixth company commanders on the side were upset when they saw Li Ran like this. They forgot that the reconnaissance company had the title of reserve special forces.

Compared with tanks and infantry fighting vehicles, special forces are more mysterious and sound handsome. Young soldiers simply cannot resist such temptation.

"Company commander, I would like to ask which company has a greater chance of making meritorious service?" Li Ran asked the question in his mind.

As a new recruit who has just joined the army, Li Ran doesn't know which company is better to join.

But he knows one thing. With the help of the system, he is so good, so what is the difference between not wanting to make meritorious deeds and being a salted fish? How to shoulder the mission of great revival?

Therefore, he would go to whichever company had a greater chance of making meritorious deeds.

Li Ran's question made the three of them stunned for a moment. Then, the third company commander and the sixth company commander looked disappointed, while Li Hu was happy.

"Of course it's the reconnaissance company. Our reconnaissance company's training standards are high. If the requirements are high, it's easier to achieve results, and the chance of meritorious service is naturally higher." Li Hu said cheerfully.

Regarding what Li Hu said, the third company commander and the sixth company commander had no reason to refute for a while.

There is nothing wrong with what Li Hu said. The training standards of the reconnaissance company are indeed high and demanding, and it is easy to achieve results.

"I'll go to the reconnaissance company." Li Ran made his choice.

When he went to the reconnaissance company, he was not going to the special forces. He was just curious and interested in the special forces, but he didn't want to go.

Li Ran's goal is not to become a so-called soldier king, his goal is to become a commander! Commanding tanks.

Have you ever seen a special forces commander commanding a tank unit?

Therefore, Special Forces Li Ran will definitely not go. He will go to the reconnaissance company first and look for opportunities to make meritorious service and be promoted from soldier to officer.

"Okay, the reconnaissance company welcomes you."

Li Ran chose the reconnaissance company, and Li Hu was finally relieved. He had seen the right person. The young man was very discerning.

The third company commander and the sixth company commander were very disappointed. Li Ran chose the reconnaissance company. Now they really had no hope.


At night, in the dormitory.

Everyone in the third squad wiped the steel guns in their hands with towels, but because they saw the tanks and infantry fighting vehicles, the steel guns in their hands suddenly became less fragrant.

"The tank is really handsome, and how powerful is it with such a thick barrel."

"I asked the squad leader, and he said that the anti-aircraft machine guns mounted on the tanks have bullets with a larger caliber than the guns we have."

"Nonsense, one is a heavy machine gun, can our assault rifle compare?"

"I really want to drive a tank. It would be great if I could be assigned to a company that drives tanks."

"Stop talking nonsense, clean your guns, get some rest early, and be fully armed for off-roading tomorrow morning. I will teach you some tactical moves with guns." At this time, Wang Qiang came in and said.

"Fully armed? Squad leader, what do you mean?" Wang Erniu asked in confusion.

Others are also very confused. Although they run five kilometers cross-country every day when they come here, this is the first time they hear five kilometers in full gear. What is the difference?

"You'll know tomorrow."

The next day!

After everyone in the third squad was assembled, they finally understood what the squad leader meant by being fully armed for five kilometers?

Being fully armed means equipping an individual soldier with all the equipment he needs to bring.

7.6 magazines, a base, a backpack, weapon bar, mask, satchel, water bottle, personal shovel, combat vest, body armor, helmet, combat boots..., these things add up to about A load of around 24kg.

They had almost nothing on them for the five-kilometer run before. Suddenly they had an extra 24 kilograms of weight, and the feeling was suddenly different.

"This is too heavy."

"So this means being fully armed. You can't run away."

"I feel tired even standing still."

"Everyone is here, turn right, pack up for ten kilometers, and run." Wang Qiang gave the order, and everyone was dumbfounded.

Even if the whole server is armed, why does it become ten kilometers?

Running ten kilometers with such a heavy thing on your back shouldn't exhaust you to death, right?

(The fourth update is here. Please give me some free data. If you have the ability, you can give me a reward. If you don’t want to give anything, you can just send me a book review to support me. I beg for everything!)

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