Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

041: The Tradition Of The Five Border Defense Regiments! 100 Kilometers Of Outdoor Training

The third class was running a ten-kilometer cross-country run in full gear. The sudden increase in weight made them unable to bear it for a while. This was a huge test for everyone's physical strength.

At this time, the 81 bars in everyone's hands no longer taste good at all.

After all, an 81 bar weighs more than three kilograms. At this time, they wanted to lighten the weight as much as possible.

"Hurry up and keep up." Wang Qiang kept urging.

A sudden ten-kilometer cross-country trip in full gear is not an impromptu undertaking. For the recruit company of the Fifth Border Defense Regiment, there will be a special training program before the recruits are about to finish.

The Fifth Border Defense Regiment is stationed on the Tibetan Plateau with a defense line of more than 200 kilometers and multiple outposts established along the defense line.

For the soldiers of the Fifth Border Defense Regiment, their cross-country ability is a very big test.

It can be said that none of the soldiers who persevere on the plateau can't run, but there is also a disadvantage. Year-round bad weather, coupled with high altitude and low oxygen, will cause some diseases to the body.

In addition to the harsh weather that places high demands on the physical fitness of the soldiers of the Fifth Border Defense Regiment, potential enemies are also a great threat.

"Oh my god, I'm so tired."

"Now I don't like guns at all. I really want to lose some weight."

"Stop talking and save some energy. It's still early for ten kilometers."

Although there is an extra 20 kilograms of weight and the distance is 10 kilometers, it is still nothing to Li Ran.

"Everyone, cheer up, talk less, conserve your energy, and believe in yourself. Think about the fact that our revolutionary ancestors have traveled 50,000 miles, but we can't run only ten kilometers?" Li Ran cheered everyone up.

I have to say that Li Ran's prestige in Class 3 is indeed very high now.

The words of encouragement really had an effect, and everyone in Class Three gritted their teeth and cheered.

Finally, an hour and a half later, everyone in the third class finally completed the full ten kilometers. Everyone's physical fitness has been squeezed out and they can no longer run.

For everyone in Class Three, this is pretty good.

You know, when I first came here, I couldn't even run five kilometers. Now I gritted my teeth and ran ten kilometers with full gear. It's just that the time is a little slower.

"Everyone should stand up and move around a little. Don't lie still immediately, as this can easily cause leg cramps." Wang Qiang reminded.

As soon as he finished speaking, Wang Erniu shouted.

"I can't, I can't, my legs are cramped, my legs are cramped."



Everyone in the third class conducted some basic tactical movement training.

Creeping forward, crawling forward in a low posture, crawling forward in a side posture, overcoming obstacles...

There was barbed wire above the head, and everyone's elbows, arms, and calves rubbed against the ground. After several rounds of training, they were all stained, scarred, and very miserable.

More than two months have passed since the recruit training, and it is getting closer and closer to the end. Instead of relaxing the training for everyone, the training intensity has been increased to a certain extent.

Fortunately, everyone had persisted in the previous two months of training and had some foundation. Although the sudden increase in training was tiring, they could persevere even though they gritted their teeth.

Human physical fitness can always break through the limits under constant pressure.

Finally, with only one week left before the end of recruit training, early this morning, the emergency assembly whistle sounded again.

All classes immediately became commotion.

"Emergency gathering, quick, quick."

"Gather urgently, be fully armed and ready, hurry."

Under the urging of the squad leader, the soldiers of each squad immediately got dressed and got up. Not only did they have to pack their backpacks, but this time they also needed to be fully armed and bring all the equipment they should bring.

New recruits from each class gather at the door!

At the door, Li Hu and the platoon leaders of three platoons were already waiting at the door. As the soldiers from each class were assembled, all the recruits from the company were present.

What surprised the recruits was that unlike the previous emergency gathering, the platoon leader and even the company commander were fully armed. This was their first time seeing them.

"All of them."

"Stand at attention and report the number."





Everyone counted the numbers loudly and quickly. At this moment, everyone already had the prototype of a qualified soldier.

After the roll call was completed, platoon leader Chen Hai trotted up to Li Hu and gave a standard salute.

"Reporting to the company commander, the entire recruit company has been assembled. There should be eighty-one people, but there are actually eighty-one people. Please give instructions."

"Take a break."

"There is only one last week left before the end of your recruit training. According to the tradition of our Fifth Border Guard Regiment, in the last week of recruit training, you will undergo a special training subject."

"The outdoor training project lasts for three days and three nights and covers a distance of 112 kilometers. During this period, each of you, including me, will eat, drink, and defecate in the wild. This will test your will and your strength. Survivability, test your teamwork ability, do you have confidence?"


"Do you have any confidence?"

"Yes!" everyone roared.

At this time, the logistics staff brought a box with some compressed biscuits inside.

"One for each person, this will be your next ration."

After Li Hu finished speaking, the logistics veteran began to distribute rations to everyone, one for each person. Although the compressed biscuits were anti-hungry, they did not taste very good and were difficult to swallow.

But it’s normal to eat these in the army, and it’s already pretty good.

After the distribution was completed, under the leadership of each class platoon leader, everyone officially set off.

"I didn't expect that there would be outdoor training. It seemed very fun."

"It's more than 100 kilometers. It's nice to see beautiful scenery along the way."

"Are we going to camp in the wild? I've never slept outside before. It feels quite exciting."

"Will you encounter a wolf?"

"Wolf? There are so many of us afraid of wolves? One of us can drown it with just a drop of spit."

In the queue, many people were discussing enthusiastically, looking forward to the three days and three nights of outdoor training.

After being locked up in the recruit training base for nearly three months, I finally had the opportunity to come out and see the beautiful scenery of Tibet. As everyone knows, the outdoor training of the Fifth Border Defense Regiment is notoriously cruel...

(The fifth update is sent here. I ask for all kinds of data support. I ask for everything. I ask for everything. Thank you! Thank you very much! Thank you!!!)

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