Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

429: A First-Class Model! Still Want To Be Promoted

After receiving the order from the General Staff, Ren Fei took Li Ran to visit the 021 logistics factory.

As soon as he set foot in the nearby area, Li Ran felt acutely that he was being targeted. He had no doubt that if he took out a gun in public, bullets might be fired at him in the next second.

"The 021 Logistics Factory is a confidential area, and the surrounding area is controlled. Only within the five hundred meters outside, once a strange face appears, it will be locked. If it is suspicious, a special patrol team will control it and investigate... "While walking, Ren Fei continued to introduce some situations to Li Ran.

In addition to basic patrol personnel and 24-hour surveillance, Li Ran discovered no less than ten hidden sentries after just walking for a while.

After officially setting foot in the 021 logistics warehouse area, Li Ran said slowly: "There are 12 hidden sentries in the outer area alone. The alert level is indeed very high."

"How do you know?" Hearing this, Zai Feitian was surprised.

Secret sentry, secret sentry, a sentinel deployed in the dark without being discovered by others, cannot be discovered by ordinary people at all.

He was the director of the Intelligence Department of the Fourth Machinery Department, and one of the people with access rights. Even he didn't know how many secret posts there were, but Li Ran directly stated that there were 12, which shocked him.

"Director Ren, don't forget what I did before." Li Ran said with a normal smile.

Just kidding, he had been in the army for such a long time, from battalion commander to brigade commander. If he couldn't even be spotted by a mere secret sentry, he would be in vain as the chief officer of the unit.

You know, in terms of vigilance ability, there is no one with strong mechanical ability.

The quality of the sentries, the deployment of hidden sentries, and the sentries of the combined brigade are all top-notch players, all tempered by Li Ran.

Therefore, although the hidden sentries deployed in the peripheral areas are hidden and not easy to be discovered, in Li Ran's eyes, 990 is just a fake.

Hearing this, Ren Fei smiled bitterly and nodded.

Indeed, he had forgotten that Li Ran was a soldier in the army and dealt with these things all day long. It was not surprising to see this.

Ren Fei and Li Ran entered the core area of ​​the 21 Logistics Warehouse. From the outside, there was nothing particularly surprising about the core area. It was very ordinary.

But just because this area is the delivery address for all kinds of goodies purchased from that hacker Davarisi, it makes this place extraordinary.

The real core is in a temporary transit warehouse. To enter it, you need to verify it with fingerprints, pupils, passwords, etc., and you also need to have certain permissions.

"The most precious things here are actually not what you see. The hacker Davarisi I told you about will make deals with us from time to time, which is equivalent to giving us all kinds of good things for free. , after we receive it here, we will transfer it to the relevant departments as soon as possible." Speaking of this, Ren Fei said excitedly: "Until now, we are very curious about the identity of this hacker Davarisi and what kind of abilities he has. , not only can you get so many good things, but you can also deliver them quietly.

Hearing Ren Fei's comment, Li Ran was a little embarrassed.

He now knows that the hacker Davarixi mentioned by Tian Fei is actually him.

There is no extraordinary ability, it all depends on the cheating ability of the system.

Otherwise, let alone giving it away, you won’t be able to get those good things, such as the photolithography machine you gave away in the first place. Where did you get this thing?

Even if you get it, how do you send it back?

If the "gangster" knew that someone was going to bring this thing back, he would not stop him at all costs.

"That hacker Davarisi is so awesome, you haven't guessed what extraordinary abilities he has?" Ji Ran couldn't help but ask.

"Actually, we have also speculated in private. Some people said that he can do magic, some said that he has super powers, and some said that he is an alien. We did not discuss the reason, but no matter what, he is standing here anyway. On the other side." Ren Fei said carelessly.

Now he can say anything to Li Ran without any need to hide anything.

After the visit, Li Ran was very calm. After knowing that all this happened because of himself, Li Ran was not very interested in the so-called 021 logistics warehouse.

But there are various signs that his decision at that time was correct.

In this way, giving good things to your own people does have a great effect.

Otherwise, why has the field army's military industry and related technologies made a qualitative leap in the past year or so?

All of this is related.

It can be said that if it were not for low-key development and waiting for the right time to blind everyone's eyes, the rabbit would have overturned the table.

Just imagine, a few years from now.

When the "rogue" continues to go his own way, doesn't want Bilian, and likes to step on other people's heads, Rabbit feels that when the time comes, he can no longer tolerate it.

He directly lifted the table and said arrogantly in front of the "gangster" and everyone: "I won't pretend anymore, I am the strongest, I will show my cards."

Thinking of this, Li Ran felt a little excited because this was his goal and his mission.

When that day comes, it will be the time when the dream of great rejuvenation will be realized.

After the visit, according to normal procedures, Li Ran also needs to sign a lifetime confidentiality agreement.

"Deputy Director Li, why do I feel that you are not excited at all?" Ren Fei asked with great confusion.

From beginning to end, even if I deal with the 021 logistics warehouse from time to time, I will come here from time to time, and I will be very excited every time I come here.

But when Li Ran came here for the first time, he was very calm and not excited at all.

Don’t you know what this 021 logistics warehouse means to us?

"Excited, why aren't you excited?" Hearing this, Li Ran explained: "I'm not good at showing my emotions. The more excited I am, the calmer I feel. In fact, my heart is beating very fast now.

Thanks to the hacker Davarich. "

"Hahaha." Ren Feili was happy and said: "If one day I am lucky enough to meet this hacker Davarisi, I will definitely treat him to a drink. It's really awesome.

Li Ran was silent, thinking that the hacker Davarisi (aidh) in your heart is actually right in front of you.

Two days later.

The entire Intelligence Department and even the entire Fourth Machinery Department were in a state of shock.

The head of the General Staff came in person to award Li Ran the award in front of everyone.

"Comrade Li Ran was ordered by the General Staff Headquarters to be awarded the Level 10 Hero Model Medal for his outstanding military achievements and outstanding personal abilities.

In front of everyone, the head of the General Staff read out the order in person, and at the same time personally gave Li Ran the first-class hero model medal.

This scene immediately stunned everyone.

This is a first-class hero and model medal, a first-class hero and model medal. What a concept. You can't find many from the entire field army, no, even the whole country.

Compared to the ancient title of Feng Langjuxu, this is almost equivalent to the highest honor for a soldier, and even more impressive than first-class merit.

As a result, they were lucky enough to witness the birth of Level 10 Ronghua today.

This honor was awarded after careful consideration by the General Staff and after convening a meeting to discuss the decision.

The reason is very simple. In this mission alone, Li Ran took the most credit, and the contribution he made this time also has a different meaning. In addition to these, Li Ran's previous performance is also enough to merit merit.

But now that the merits have been accumulated, it was finally decided to award Li Ran the First Class Hero Model Medal, which represents the highest affirmation.

Moreover, the head of the General Staff personally presented Li Ran with the first-level hero model medal, which was equivalent to expressing his attitude in front of everyone.

He values ​​​​and appreciates Li Ran very much.

Bang bang bang bang~

Immediately, there was enthusiastic applause from everyone around, and everyone wanted to slap their hands and swell them off.

Although some people don't know what Li Ran did, but to be treated like this, with the General Staff boss personally awarding the first-class heroic model medal, it means that what Li Ran did is extraordinary.

It's just that some things need to be kept secret and cannot be leaked, so everyone understands.

"Damn it, it's really a comparison between first-class heroes and models."

"A first-class hero model is even more impressive than a first-class meritorious figure. He is truly a person of great ancestral status.

"If I get this first-class hero medal, it won't be too much to open a new page in my family tree."

"Don't talk about a first-class hero and model. If you get a first-class meritorious service, you can open a new page in your family tree."

"The future is limitless. Deputy Director Li is so young and he definitely looks like a general.

For a time, many people were talking about it.

"Work hard and don't be proud. The future belongs to you. I'm looking forward to what kind of surprises you can bring me." In front of everyone, the chief of the General Staff patted Li Ran on the shoulder with an appreciative look. Unabashedly.

"Thank you for the compliment, chief. I will definitely live up to your expectations." Li Ran said seriously, feeling a little excited in his heart.

He was also surprised by the first-class hero and model medal. The only regret he had was that he was not promoted to military rank.

If it had been anyone else, he would have been satisfied with getting a first-class honorary model medal this time, and he couldn't be happier.

But Li Ran was different. His military rank remained unchanged, which made him feel extremely uncomfortable.

"Chief, there's something I want to ask you." Li Ran found an opportunity to whisper with the general staff boss.

"If you have something to say, just say it."

"Chief, when will I be able to move here? I've been stuck for a long time. Logically speaking, if I am awarded a first-class hero model, I should be able to move this one. Li Ran pointed to the military rank on his shoulder, asked.

Li Ran, the boss of the General Staff, was speechless with these direct words.

Good guy, after so many years, Ji Ran was the first person who dared to ask him about his military rank promotion in person.

Only Li Ran had such courage. Apart from Li Ran, the entire field army could not find anyone else.

There is no way, because Li Ran is the treasure in the heart of the General Staff boss. He is reluctant to criticize and can only pamper her.

"Why are you so anxious? You will be promoted when the time comes. Don't push yourself too far." The chief of the General Staff said with a smile.

"Okay." Li Ran was a little disappointed with the answer of the general staff boss, but there was nothing he could do about it. He was promoted too quickly. The 19-year-old colonel had only been in the army for less than two years.

But this does not mean that Li Ran will give up.

There is still time to be promoted to major general at the end of the year. If there is time, there will be opportunities.

So, the next day, Li Ran came to the General Staff in person with a report.

(Please ask for everything, ask for everything, thank you!!!!).

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